The Wario series is a series that is a spin off series of the Mario games that stars Wario taken on villians that have a lot of money or stole his money from him. It is the first series that Nintendo created to feature a anti hero.
The Wario series started following Wario's first appearance in the Game Boy video game Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins as his role was the main villian. Its sequel was called Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 where Wario was this time the anti hero when he found himself on Kitchen Island to find a statue of Princess Peach. He finally realizes that it was Captain Syrup and her Sugar Brown Pirates that stole the statue. After defeating Syrup Wario got the statue of Princess Peach only to get it stolen by Mario at the end of the game. Wario also got his castle.
Another Wario Land game was released called Virtual Boy Wario Land for the Virtual Boy system