List of WarioWare: Get It Together! quotes

This article is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible.

This is a list of quotes pertaining to WarioWare: Get It Together!



  • "So sweet!" (spoken)



  • "HEEEELP!"
  • "My skateboard... it's..."
  • "Rad! Did you see that? That was so scary... and SO AWESOME!"
  • "Huh? What's wrong with my level? Is it broken?"
  • "OK then, let's go get 'em. Nobody messes with my games!"
  • "Quiet!"
  • "She's coming!"
  • "Haha! Talk about a KO!"


Winning a microgame

  • "Haha!"
  • "BAM!"
  • "So cool!"
  • "Rad!"
  • "Look at me!"
  • "Haha!" - Within microgame
  • "Yay!" - Within microgame
  • "Sweet!" - Within microgame
  • "So easy!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "No big!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Aced it!" - Completing IQ/Choice-based microgame
  • "I knew it!" - Completing IQ/Choice-based microgame
  • "Duh." - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "Nifty!" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit
  • "Epic ride!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "I got this." - One life left

Losing a microgame

  • "Awww..."
  • "(frustrated groan)"
  • "Got an F!"
  • "Not cool..."
  • "(cries)"
  • "(cries)" - Within microgame
  • "(whimpers)" - Within microgame
  • "(frustrated groan)" - Within microgame
  • "Come on!" - Losing IQ/Choice-based microgame
  • "Huh!?" - Losing IQ/Choice-based microgame
  • "It wasn't me!" - Losing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "So what?" - Losing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit
  • "My lives!" - One life left


  • "Press Play!" - Game start
  • "My turn!" - Ready
  • "Let's go!" - Ready
  • "I'm up!" - Ready
  • "Haha, faster!" - Speed up
  • "Yes! Boss battle!" - Boss stage
  • "Oh... that was epic!" - Story complete
  • "Game over..." - Game over
  • "Agh... good game." - Game over
  • "Top that score!" - New high score
  • "Ugh... I'm not tired..." - Quit



  • "Check it! I'm here too!"
  • "And get this... I can throw this disc on my head as many times as I want!"
  • "And know what's even better? I don't have to move!"
  • "Hmm... I bet that was a game bug. They make games act all glitchy."
  • "Hey, I could get used to this!"
  • "Yikes! 9-Volt?!"
  • "Totally! There's these bugs in the game, and they're chewing it all up!"


Winning a microgame

  • "Yeah, yeah!"
  • "Check it!"
  • "Ta-daaa!"
  • "I did it!"
  • "Boom!"
  • "Right on!" - Within microgame
  • "Hehe!" - Within microgame
  • "Whoo!" - Within microgame
  • "Too easy!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "No sweat!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "I got it!!" - Completing IQ/Choice-based microgame
  • "Alright!" -Completing IQ/Choice-based microgame
  • "That's my jam!" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "Wowza!" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit
  • "Like a pro!" - (Multiple of 10) microgames won in a row

Losing a microgame

  • "Aw, shucks!"
  • "No way!" - Losing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "My bad." - Losing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit
  • "(Disappointed groan)" - Within microgame
  • "Uh-oh!" - One life left


  • "This is it!" - Game start
  • "Aw, yeah!" - Ready
  • "Fire it up!" - Ready
  • "On it!" - Ready
  • "Turn it up!" - Speed up
  • "Gettin' faster!" - Speed up
  • "Boss time!" - Boss stage
  • "Earned that!" - 1-up
  • "Making money!" - Bonus stage

Dr. Crygor


  • "Hrmm... am I swimming? Am I flying? Paddle, paddle, paddle! Look at my flippers go!"
  • "Indeed, what the gallium is going on around here?"
  • "I don't recall my level looking like this at all."
  • "Ah! You're here too? Extraordinary!"
  • "My part of the game... something's gone awry! Do you know what it might be?"
  • "Game bugs? Glitches? Wonderful! I shall be sure to study them in my laboratory!"
  • "They work!" (spoken)
  • "Precisely!" (spoken)
  • "Not again!"
  • "You see! I AM a genius!"


Winning a microgame

  • "Marvelous!"
  • "I see!"
  • "Indeed!"
  • "Superb!"
  • "Remarkable!"
  • "Hah!" - Within microgame
  • "He-hee!" - Within microgame
  • "Perfection!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "'Twas nothing!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Correct!" - Completing IQ/Choice-based microgame
  • "Precisely!" -Completing IQ/Choice-based microgame

Losing a microgame


  • "Let's begin!" - Game start
  • "For science!" - Ready
  • "Of course!" - Ready
  • "I'm honored!" - Ready
  • "Faster! Chop-chop!" - Speed up
  • "Steady, now!" - Boss stage
  • "A successful experiment!" - Story complete



  • "Wario! We've been lookin' for you!"
  • "We took a look around. There are messes like this all over the place!"
  • "Let's go exterminate some bugs then!"
  • "We'll show you the stars!" (spoken)


Winning a microgame

  • "That's it!"
  • "Nice!"
  • "Nailed it!"
  • "How 'bout that?"
  • "What'cha expect?"
  • "Ooh!" - Within microgame
  • "Booyah!" - Within microgame
  • "Ha-ha!" - Within microgame

Losing a microgame


  • "Let's go!" - Game start
  • "Okay, okay." - Ready
  • "Vroom, vroom!" - Ready
  • "You bet!" - Ready
  • "Hit the gas!" - Speed up
  • "Here I go!" - Boss stage
  • "We did good!" - Story complete

Jimmy T.


  • "Yo, hurry up and show us!"



  • "Ooh, it's all done?"
  • "What's wrong with it?"


Winning a microgame

  • "Ninja-riffic!"
  • "I win!"
  • "Ha!" - Within microgame
  • "Kid stuff!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Simple!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Cool." - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "I did it..." - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit

Losing a microgame

  • "Watch out..." - One life left


  • "Ready!" - Ready
  • "Leave it to me." - Ready
  • "Ninja speed!" - Speed up
  • "Faster it is!" - Speed up
  • "Fiend..." - Boss stage




Winning a microgame

  • "In tune."
  • "Sing it!"
  • "(hums)"
  • "High-five!"
  • "Approval."
  • "Yay." - Within microgame
  • "Good!" - Within microgame
  • "Mm-hmm!" - Within microgame
  • "Pah." - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Pitch perfect!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "That computes." - Completing IQ/choice-based game
  • "Logical." - Completing IQ/choice-based game
  • "MIKE DROP!" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "Superior." - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit
  • "I rock." - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "Stay calm." - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Sad robot."
  • "Angry..."
  • "Womp womp."
  • "Oh..."
  • "Tech support!"
  • "Oops..." - Losing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "My bad." - Losing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit
  • "Warning!" - One life left


  • "Initiating." - Game start
  • "Activated." - Ready
  • "(scatting first six notes of Mario Ground theme)" - Ready
  • "Go time!" - Ready
  • "Gladness!" - 1-up
  • "Time to clean up." - Bonus stage
  • "That is all." - Game over
  • "High score! Yes!" - New high score
  • "Powering dooooooown..." - Quit



  • "All our hard work!"
  • "Hello! Wario, is that you?"
  • "AHHHH! My scooter! It won't stop!"
  • "What a mess! My level looks awful!"
  • "Bugs... inside the game... did THIS? Unacceptable! Let's go!"
  • "Be good!"
  • "I'm home!" (spoken)
  • "Oh no!"
  • "What a mess!" (spoken)
  • "Behave!"
  • "Really?!" (spoken)
  • "All tidied up. Good work, everyone!"
  • "Look at all of this corruption. It's just awful."
  • "Ugh! Wario! How could you say that?"
  • "The game bugs must have corrupted the entire game."
  • "Hello! Dr. Crygor!"
  • "Gah! Dr. Crygor! Down here!"


Winning a microgame

  • "Cool!"
  • "(Giggles)"
  • "Looking good!"
  • "With style!"
  • "Impressed?"
  • "Yay!" - Within microgame
  • "Yeah!" - Within microgame
  • "Walk in the park!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Hm!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Thought so!" - Completing IQ/Choice-based game
  • "Smart." - Completing IQ/Choice-based game
  • "That's right!" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "...Neato!" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit
  • "So exciting!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life

Losing a microgame

  • "No good..."
  • "Oh phooey..."
  • "Oh dear." - Losing microgame when considered to be a Very Bad fit


  • "Let's ride!" - Game start
  • "Ready!" - Ready
  • "Beep, beep!" - Ready
  • "Ciao!" - Ready
  • "Rev it up!" - Speed up
  • "Beep, beep! Faster!" - Speed up
  • "Challenge accepted!" - Boss stage
  • "And that's how it's done!" - Story complete



  • "C'mon, hop aboard!" (spoken)
  • "Ha HA! Now that's more like it!"



  • "My game! It's finished!"
  • "Yes! This is it! My best one yet!"
  • "Huh?"
  • "Gaaah!"
  • "Huh? What's this?"
  • "No wonder I feel like flying. I AM flying!"
  • "Is it because I'm inside the game? Bah, who cares! This is going to come in handy!"
  • "Is this... It is! It's the level I made!"
  • "Huh?"
  • "Eh?!"
  • "That thing! It messed up everything it touched!"
  • "This is bad. It's going to ruin my level!"
  • "GAH! WAIT!"
  • "Start! Start! Start!"
  • "There you are! You can't hide from Wario!"
  • "OK! Time to smash some bugs!"
  • "Get a load of this place. The bugs really did a number on it, eh?"
  • "Meh. I'm starting to think it isn't so bad after all."
  • "Hey! Crygor!"
  • "I think this guy has some glitches of his own, if you know what I mean."


Winning a microgame

  • "Oh yeah!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "I win!"
  • "Ho-ho!"
  • "Take that!"
  • "Nailed it!"
  • "Ha-ha!" - Within microgame
  • "Yes!" - Within microgame
  • "Hah!" - Within microgame
  • "Piece of cake!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Easy peasy!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Of course!" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "Not bad..!" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit

Losing a microgame

  • "Oh, boo."
  • "Gaahh..."
  • "Drat!"
  • "Rats!"
  • "Not nice!"
  • "Oh, pfffft."
  • "Awrwrwrwrwr..."
  • "No way!" -Losing microgame when considered a Very Good Fit
  • "Eh, whatever." - Losing microgame when considered a Very Bad Fit
  • "Last chance." One life left
  • "Ow!" - Damaged within microgame
  • "D-oh!" - Damaged within microgame


  • "Wario time!" - Game start
  • "It's-a me!" - Ready
  • "Haha-haa!" - Ready
  • "Why not?" - Ready
  • "Faster! FASTER!" - Speed up
  • "Wah! Keep up!" - Speed up
  • "Bring it on!" - Boss stage
  • "Heh, heh, heh. Pretty good, eh?" - Story complete
  • "Needed that!" - 1-up
  • "Cha-ching!" - Bonus stage
  • "No match for me!" - Level up

Young Cricket


  • "Mr. Wario! There you are!"
  • "Time to join forces. It's the only way! C'mon, let's tag team our foe!"
  • "Whoa! The corruption... It's disappearing!"
  • "I see. So, if we get rid of the bugs... everything will go back to normal?"
  • "This is no time to rest. We must keep going!"
  • "Yes! Game bugs have taken over. They're causing these... glitches."
  • "All of this pushing IS good for my training, but can't you walk just a little bit?"


Winning a microgame

  • "Impressive!"
  • "Wow!"
  • "Great!"
  • "Ho-ahh!"
  • "Take that!"
  • "Good!" - Within microgame
  • "Indeed!" - Within microgame
  • "Nice!" - Within microgame
  • "Simple." - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Done!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "I knew it!" - Completing IQ/Choice-based microgame
  • "On target!" -Completing IQ/Choice-based microgame
  • "Naturally." - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Good Fit
  • "(Astonished laugh)" - Completing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit
  • "Perfect!" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "No pressure!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life

Losing a microgame

  • "Fumbling..."
  • "Lost focus..."
  • "Off balance..."
  • "I've failed..."
  • "Next time." - Losing microgame when considered as a Very Bad Fit
  • "(Disappointed groan)" - Within microgame
  • "Last chance..." - One life left


  • "Let's begin!" - Game start
  • "I'm ready!" - Ready
  • "On it!" - Ready
  • "Hyah!" - Ready
  • "Prepare for speed!" - Speed up
  • "Kick it up!" - Speed up
  • "Formidable..." - Boss stage
  • "Phew!" - 1-up
  • "Time to focus!" - Level up
  • "So it ends here..." - Game over
  • "Yes! New high score!" - New high score
  • "We rest... for now." - Quit