World 0-1

Revision as of 07:24, December 1, 2021 by (talk) (Fixed typo again)


World 0-1 is the first board of World 0 in Mario Party: Star Rush. The board is a feature-less plain with only some coins found throughout it, as well as some rocks serving as barriers cannot break as Wario or Waluigi to reveal hidden Coins (maybe). The board serves as a tutorial to first-time players, with messages guiding players on how to play the game. This board has the least amount of Boss Battles, with only two Boss Battle minigames. After the first boss fight is completed, four ally characters pop up on the left and right bottom corners of the board. The game also teaches players on how ally characters work in this board.

When players complete any board in World 0, they do not get bonus coin rewards when results are tallied, including the Lucky Ally bonus coins.

Level description

  • "A simple plain that's perfect for practice."

Template:MPSR Levels