Red & Blue Goomba Bros.

Revision as of 22:58, January 19, 2007 by Paper Jorge (talk | contribs)

Blue and Red Goomba. Red and Blue Goomba, also called the Notorious Goomba Brothers, are two goombas who serve the Goomba King, under King Bowser's orders to stop Mario and Goombario from getting to Toad Town in Paper Mario. After Mario gets the Hammer and Goombario joins his team, he can move ahead to Goomba Road. At the end is the Red and Blue Goomba's, who Mario must fight. Afterwards he can go to the Goomba Kings Castle. Fighting the R&B Goombas the second time with the king is easy if Mario hits the Goomnut Tree, causing a huge nut to fall and defeat the R&B goombas in one move.

The Goomba Bros. eventually befriend Goombario later in Paper Mario.

Note that a species of Blue Goombas appear in Super Mario Bros. in underground levels, however this may just be because it's dark down in the underground making enemies look blue.

Red Goomba's Stats and Tattle Information

  • HP: 7
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 0
  • Location: Goomba Road
  • Tattle: This is Red Goomba. He's the older of the two notorious Goomba Bros. The Goomba King ordered him to try to stop you. You can take this guy, no prob. He has just a little more HP than an ordinary Goomba.

Blue Goomba's Stats and Tattle Information

  • HP: 6
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 0
  • Location: Goomba Road
  • Tattle: This is Blue Goomba. He's the younger of the two notorious Goomba Bros. As you heard in his little speech, he's one of the Goomba King's men. He doesn't look that healthy. He's weaker than his brother.
