User:Bowser Jr And Tom The Atum

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Stayin' on CP. I feel shunned here!

I am Tom The Atum. A boring dull 54,160,977 year old child from America. I like Mario Kart Wii and Mini Land Mayhem, but I don't really play video games.

What I do

  • Plan the days I will attempt to kill myself
  • Play Monopoly with a smelly wet dog
  • Plan an attack on Bowser
  • Wait for a membership card for Blue King5
  • Try[but fail] to fix articles
  • Be alive
  • Exist
  • Play Club Penguin
  • Edit this wiki


A pic of Tom

Club Penguin

Yes, you probably figured out I am on Club Penguin[and getting too old]. I have five usernames. Johnny 115[my main and member one], Johnny 116, Horatio IV[in game Horatio Iv], and the rare penguins I use Blueyca and Blue King5. Johnny always wears blond hair and the color red, no matter what. I had also used Monti, but it got banned forever for no apparent reason! >:<


  • SuperYoshiBros[of course!]
  • Mario kid[again, of course!]
  • Awesome335[the name says it clearly]
  • Lm34gt45[of course!]
  • Phoenix[for welcoming me]
  • Yoshidude99[for being a CP player. why not!]

I will make a friend template soon. It will come. I may just give it to people who I think are good!