User talk:Baby Mario Bloops/Archive II
Who's online: ArthurEngine, Dine2017, Apikachu68, CasperTheGhost19, Yoshiabel55555, SilverBros1983, Mariuigi Khed, Hi. So, how are you guys, Remembered Old Buddy, Ak114514, Jdtendo, Back Alley Guy
RulesTheses are the rules expected on my User Talk Page...
It's a me, McQueenMario!LOL, I don't work for Nintendo! I got that image from Nintendo. Yes, it's awesome. Wana come to Fantendo? There's a link on my user page. It's where you make fake Nintendo games. Okay, we can be friends here. Do you have Mario Kart Wii? My friend codes are on my user page if ya wanna be friends!
Re: HOW!?!Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt! ProtectionTo your talk archive was done successfully!
THANK YOU:)!THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME ON Mario And Luigi Partners In Time!GUESS WHAT I'M ON NOW..........I'M ON THWOMPS VOLCANO!I KEEP TYPING IF I NEED MORE HELP OK:)Your Friend Mario7727 (talk) Um...Was It You???Was It You Who Was Talking To Me???Because I'm Talking To Booman And You And Electrobomber and I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHO TALKING TO ME...WANNA TALK ABOUT YOUR FILE ON YOUR MARIO AND LUIGI PARTNERS IN TIME???YOUR FRIEND Mario7727 (talk) UM...CAN WE PLEASE TALK???PLEASE! Before That...Before I Help You Can You Help Me Pass Commander Shroob On Mario And Luigi Partners In Time PLEASE!I NEED TO GET OFF BUT MY DAD SAID I CAN WAIT FOR YOUR MESSAGE SO HURRY!Your Friend Mario7727 (talk)P.S:HURRY! ...UM...I SUPPORTED THE YOSHI ARTICALE!UM...AND I SUCK AT COPY FLOWERS...I USE TRAMPOLINES OVER AND OVER WHAT'S AFTER YOU BEAT COMMANDER SHROOB??? HELP!I'M STUCK FIGHTING ELDER SHROOBIOD AT THE STAR TEMPLE PLEASE HELP ME:).Your Friend Mario7727 (talk) OH...UM I HAVE TO GO OK:) THANKS FOR THE HELP:)!BYE!:).YOUR FRIEND Mario7727 (talk)P.S:I MAY TALK TO YOU FROM THE SCHOOL'S COMPUTER LAB OK BYE:). Guess What?I'm Talking To You From The School's Computer Lab!What's Up?Your friend Mario7727 (talk) Bye!:) She isShe is in it,but I forgot to send her a Userbox! -Booman It's okayIt's okay that you didn't notice. -Booman Some random Spammer...Did you see the recent Changes??some spammer is crazy! -Booman HeyHey Baby Mario Bloops,you should ask Zero777 about his Fake Brawl. -Booman SorryI can't,They will remove the vote.We can at least edit it.. -Booman HelloooooooooooHi, Baby Mario Bloops sorry i didn't respond earlier I haven't been on in awhile. So hows everything going? Okay, General Bob-Omb! - Baby Mario Bloops Red Alert!Super Mario Bloops! This is an urgent message! The Yoshi article will be unfeatured! we only have Until the Yoshi article is Unfeatured! Tell anyone that can help to help! Dun Dun DUN!I'm sorry to say the Super Mario Bloops *sob* we might have lost. I'll try to do any thing I can until the timer runs out. Though I need two N-gang comic sections and we have no info on mario wiki about Yoshi being in them or any where else on the web. You're welcome to check but...we have about 22 hours left from 21:13, 16 September 2009 (EDT) and I'm stumped. Hurray!Forget what I said up there WE WON!!!! The Yoshi article was saved! check the article here: Yoshi. You will see the star in the upper right-hand corner and the red deletion box gone! It was nice working with you; you are a great editor and freind. :)Of course I got a new game too, Wii sports resort. It is so fun especialy sword play Im on level 4. Something's wrong...I think the people counter on your main page is broken... there are 13 users on right now, not 6.
Wait a sec, I though it was a userbox shop! But then again, we don't have user coins to pay here... Well, for the ones I make for my friends, I make them special. I want to spread the word about it. That's awesome! We don't have chairs, (yet), we just line up in order of class (Tim and the sophmores are first). We had chairs at my old school, though. When our new band teacher came, she started the chair system, and I got first chair every year (first year, there were 5 flutes, second year there were 3). I was the one who had taken the most lessons. Our first marching competition is next week, Saturday.
I NEED MORE HELP!(SORRY FOR BUGGING)Sorry But I Need More Help! Ever Since I Wrote To You About Elder Shrooboid(Which By The Way Thanks For Helping Me:)I Am Now On...Wait For It........PRINCESS SHROOB!UM...OH YEAH HELP ME ON PRINCESS SHROOB!PLEASE OK:).Your Friend Mario7727 (talk) Can You Do Me A Favor About This User?Hi Baby Mario Bloops Can You Do You Me A Favor Can You Be Friends With Mario64fanatic (talk)?Your Friend Mario7727 (talk) Yep, I amHayz! I'm happy you like them.Hi! I'm Skawo93, known as Skawo90 on Youtube. I love Mario games, especially RPGS. So far, I was doing small contributions. Add image here, rename something there...
HelloI like your userpages. And I like your username too. Mind if we become friends? Yoshiaga (talk) 15:30, 22 September 2009 (EDT) HelloHi, I am kinda lonely here. I don;t have very many friends. So I was wondering if we could become friends? Anyway, I like your Ideas for the new games. - Monteyaga (talk)
That was my fault! I am so Sorry! Do you mind if we become friends? Here is my userbox if you want it. |- |
May I have you userbox? If you want to be friends that is. Yoshiaga (talk) 17:17, 28 September 2009 (EDT) Show MusicWe are learning Last Train to Clarksville now. It's okay, but it's fast. Memorization isn't as hard as I thought it would be. If you want to get a sample of Crazy Train, I'll be putting up a video in a few minutes on my page.
User BrawlI am Zero! Hey Baby Mario Bloops, I decided that you should be in this issue of User Brawl, now I need a full good description on all your special moves and final smash, try to be exact so I don't guess, get confuse, or cut corners, and add anything else you think I should know. What is your KO Potential and Weight Class, you can compare yourself to another SSB character. How high is your jump, you can compare your jump to another SSB character, and what is your advance strategy and the strategy of fighting against you, like a weak point. Answer the following sections on a scale of 1 - 10 (and be realistic):
Let's say you win this issue, what would be your victory theme song at the victory ceremony at the end of the brawl, and what will you do during and/or after the song is playing? Answer these as soon as possible, thank you. Zero signing out.Zero777 (talk) HelloI haven't talked because there's nothing to talk about.I'm using the computer and I am Okay with playing MKW(if I can) DeletionsThank you for cutting back on your sub-pages: the server thanks you ^_^ Next time, instead of just blanking the pages, try marking them for deletion too, since it makes it easier for us to find and delete them. Thanks! - Walkazo 22:34, 25 September 2009 (EDT)
Just heard!Yea, you won the battle of the Yoshi Article! Dimenshi Knight is happy to help (even though it was not that much). If you need more help, he will always help you by your side, no matter what! Dimenshi Knight User BrawlI am Zero! It's great what you sent me, but I need a full description on your final smash also. Oh yea, one more thing what stage do you want next issue of User Brawl to take place on (it can be a real one or one you made up, if made up tell me what music play in the background.). Zero signing out. Zero777 (talk) HI:)Let's Talk About M And L P I T OK:)Your Friend Mario7727 (talk) (Mario And Luigi Partners In Time!)I'm On PRNICESS SHROOB! User Brawl 1.2I am Zero! Oh yea one more thing, what rules do you want the battle to be in this issue of User Brawl, and what item(s) do you want to be on the battle, and on what level (none, low, med, and high)? Zero signing out. Zero777 (talk) CompetitionHey! Our score is on my page. The Competition was AWESOME!! All the bands were incredible. We saw the biggest band EVER, Forest Hills Central. "Introducing the Forest Hills Central Rangers Marching Band, with two hundred and sixty two musicians." WOW. It was SUHWEET!!!!
New ProposalI am Zero! Hey Baby Mario Bloops, I made a new proposal, check it out, it deals with the main page. Zero signing out. Zero777 (talk) Wiki AdventureSorry if you sent this a long time ago but 20 users were supposed to be in it. I'm switching it around and putting more. The 20th User was PorpleMontage. I don't see any real picture so I did'nt add it. Hi:)Hi Baby Mario Bloops Want To Talk?We Haven't Talk In A Long While So Let's Talk Ok:)Your Friend Mario7727 (talk) Re: Hey...Well...Well, how fun and enjoyable would I am if I would reject your offer? Of course we can be friends ;3. And thank you for acknowledging my edits on your articles. I was worried that you might take them offending or something like that, but you don't. That's a good attitude. Remember, we are a great team here, there to help out each other ;3 - ShroomPM -- Hi, Baby Mario Bloops!This is BabyLuigiOnFire speaking, how do you do? I really like your ideas, but the only reason being is because Baby Luigi is involved in most in them!! Anyway, I'm feeling lonely (not to mention bored) and I think we should be friends. Please? I'm not usually going out there and talking to others, but the reason I talk to you is because I think Baby Mario is superbly awesome! No, I'm not lying. Baby Mario is so awesome, he's like awesomeness on a cake. Except more awesome! But I do think otherwise on your opinions on Yoshi, however, but I'll accept that since no two people think exactly the same. (Your nomination on the FA page was pretty clever, but it got passed down. Did you know it got nominated already?) PS Do you think I'm overexcited just a LITTLE bit? Because I think I am!!! BabyLuigiOnFire (talk) (Just wait till I get a WAAAY prettier signature) ...Well, i do not like co-operative sections very much, but its OK if you 2 agree -- PLEASE!PLEASE TALK TO ME BABY MARIO BLOOPS PLEASE TALK TO ME OK:)YOUR FRIEND Mario7727 (talk) SureTo answer most of those ?'s:
Yeah, the saxophone is a great instrument, and I have the most awesome tutor ever. Oh yeah, and I forgot to put the W in the test stuff, so it's actually the IOWA tests, my bad. €lectrobomber QuestionsYour question on uploading images. I can help. You go to the boxes on the left of the wiki. (The one with the familiar Random Page and Recent Changes.) You go under the search box and go to the box that is titled toolbox. There is a link that says Upload File. Click that then browse around your computer for the image you want to upload. Hope this helps. Sure I don't mind. X| NOW?DO YOU WANT TO TALK NOW?PLEASE:)YOUR FRIEND Mario7727 (talk) Respond Quickly!!!I am Zero! Hey Baby Mario Bloops, if you read it, remember that one section on the first edition of User Brawl with a small title saying "Here are the brawlers short bios:", well I forgot to ask, what is your short bio, and respond as fast as possible! Zero signing out. Zero777 (talk) GodzillaDo you like Godzilla? are you kidding me.. I love him! He is basicly a big fire breathing Yoshi! P.S. Calling me random is what I call a complament. PLEASE:)COME ON BABY MARIO BLOOPS PLEASE TALK TO ME PLEASE WE ARE FRIENDS:)YOUR FRIEND Mario7727 (talk)P.S:PLEASE TALK TO ME:) RE: Hey! Just by chance!I'd like to be of help. I hope I will be able to help you, though. - Hi aginHow are you? I don't mind your yelling, Yelling is fun :D... I love yelling... CAN WE TALK???BABY MARIO BLOOPS WE HAVEN'T TALK IN A LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG TIME OK.CAN WE JUST PLEASE TALK?PLEASE:)Your Friend Mario7727 (talk) The Ans. To Your QuestionNo,I don't feel like a old user(I'm telling the truth)I don't ever think i'll feel like a old user because...I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!(NOTE:CAPS ON BECAUSE I GOT WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY OVER EXICITED!)I do feel like a old user on because i have been on Roblox for TWO YEARS!(CAPS EQUAL WAY TO EXCITED). Ok hers's a question for you:Do You Go To Poptropica Or Roblox?Your Friend Mario7727 (talk) ...Sorry I didin't read the question right you don't get on a lot but.....(Fine I Will Tell You The Truth!)NO!YOU DON'T SEEM LIKE A OLD USER TO ME OR THE WIKI!(I'm Not Mad Or Yelling I'm Just Telling The Truth In Caps.)But no you DON'T seem old to me or the wiki.Want Me To Tell You About Roblox??? BETWWEN YOU AND SEEM I MENT TO PUT YOU DON'T SEEM OLD TO ME OR THE WIKI OK:) Your voteYou know your vote on my proposal? Ever since you changed it up getting rid of all reason, it has been pretty invalid. I'm not saying that you made a mistake it's just, if you want to remove your vote then please actually remove it. The way I'm looking at it, that vote would go perfect into the support side of the proposal! Anyhow, yours truly Marioguy1 (talk)
Long time no talkWhat's up, Bloops? We haven't talked in a while. We had sectionals today, and we split up into groups, and I was with Kelli (Trombone section leader) Kyle (Trumpet, Junior) and Bob (The most AWESOME Sousa in the sucks that he's a senior). It was fun. Marching Season ends in a couple of weeks, then we switch to Symphony Band. --
Well, you yelled at me and called me a..what was it?...oh, now I remember, "CHANGER!"
Yes, I did see all the new stuff on the Shroom. Tucayo hasn't put my section up yet, I wonder why.
FriendsCan we be friends?
Re: Proposal VoteHey, don't think I'm being mean to you...I'm just trying to get my proposal to pass. Honestly, you're one of my best friends on the wiki and I would never do anything that might upset you. If I did something wrong or said something mean, I'm sorry but don't be angry at me for making a mistake! Tell me I did and I'll try to fix it. Marioguy1 (talk)
Sent inI am Zero! Alright the new edition of User Brawl has been sent in, I'm not sure when it will be out but when it is give me your feedback. Zero signing out. Zero777 (talk)
|- |That's what I got. Every time you win in User Brawl in the future, you change the data on the userbox making it say won two, three, four,and so on. Zero signing out. Zero777 (talk)
Your WelcomeYour welcome... Hey did you come up with the Galaxy Tour thing... also you were great and by the way it is not my fault i bit you on the head Zero777 was the one coming up with all our doings. Congrats!Hey, Baby Mario Bloops! Just wanted to congratulate you (even though Zero777 decided 100% of what happened) on your User Brawl win. ThanksWell... my break wasn't very long. Although I feel like I accidentally made enemies with some of the 'sops. Oops D: €lectrobomber Epic