List of WarioWare: Move It! quotes

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Revision as of 19:17, November 5, 2023 by TomZhao (talk | contribs) (→‎Story)
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This article is about a game that has just been released on November 3, 2023. Major changes should be made by a contributor who has a reliable source. This notice should be removed after a month has passed since the game was first released.

This section is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible.

This is a list of quotes pertaining to WarioWare: Move It! They are organized by character followed by dialogue of cutscenes.



Winning a microgame

  • "Elementary!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "What's your secret?" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Great job!" - Tag-in succeeded
  • "Success!" - Tag-in succeeded
  • "You've done it!" - Tag-in succeeded

Losing a microgame

  • "Commence tag-in!" - Tag-in challenge
  • "Good luck!" - Tag-in challenge
  • "Confound it!" - Tag-in failed


  • "Shall we begin?" - Game start
  • "Ha ha ha ha, incredible!" - Story complete



Winning a microgame

  • "You got this!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "No problem!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking


  • "Let's go!" - Game start
  • "Break time!" - A Short Break
  • "Let's take five." - A Short Break
  • "A job well done!" - Story complete


Copycat Mirror

Winning a microgame

  • "Great job!"
  • "Amazing!"
  • "You're good at this!"
  • "Success!"
  • "Not bad!"

Losing a microgame

  • "We failed!"
  • "Last chance!" - One life left


  • "Let's go!" - Game start
  • "It's getting harder!" - Level up
  • "I guess that's it!" - Game over



Winning a microgame

  • "Woah!"
  • "Next."
  • "Alright!"
  • "Good!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Okay!"
  • "Yes!"
  • "Not bad!"
  • "Ho-ho!"
  • "Excellent!"
  • "No mistakes?" - Completing 10 microgames without losing a life
  • "Watch out!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
  • "Hang in there!" - Completing 5 microgames with only one life
  • "Wa-ha-ha! Close!" - Completing a microgame right before time runs out
  • "You did it!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking
  • "Easy!" - Completing long microgame before bomb starts ticking

Losing a microgame

  • "Wah?!"
  • "No way!"
  • "Oh, no!"
  • "Really?!"
  • "Come on!"
  • "Last chance!" - One life left
  • "Watch out!" - One life left
  • "Oh, what'd you do?" - Losing 3 microgames in a row


  • "Let's-a go!" - Game start
  • "Here we go!" - Speed up
  • "Keep up!" - Speed up
  • "Get ready!" - Boss stage
  • "Tough enough?" - Boss stage with only one life
  • "Wah! Got it!" - 1-up
  • "Lucky!" - 1-up after only one life
  • "Take a load off!" - A Short Break
  • "Eh, so tired!" - A Short Break
  • "Tougher now!" - Level up
  • "No more for you!" - Game over
  • "Wah! All over!" - Game over
  • "ew high score!" - New high score
  • "Amazing!" - Completing at least 3 boss stages
  • "Not bad..." - Completing at least 2 boss stages
  • "Winner, winner!" - Story complete
  • "Thanks for playing!" - Quit



Narrator: "Long ago...a powerful deity bestowed mysterious stones upon humanity. According to legend, dancing with the stones could calm any evil at hand..."
Caresaway Island advertisement: "With its rich history and exotic wildlife, Caresaway Island is the ideal vacation spot! This luxury resort is full of fun activities for guests of all ages! You could win a group getaway with the purchase of a garlic burger! Good luck!"
Wario: "Hmm? Oh yeah! So yummy! Gimmeee...50 garlic burgers. Now!"
Vendor: "Fifty?! Then you get 50 chances to win!"
Wario: "Alright!"
Vendor: "You pulled the grand-prize getaway voucher! Congratulations, mister! You and 20 friends are going on a dream trip to Caresaway Island!"
Wario: "Twenty WHAT?! Nooo!"
Mona: "Teehee! That's enough to bring everyone along!"
Jimmy T: "Don't forget us!"
9-Volt: "I wanna go! Pretty please?!"
Wario: "Gah. Fine, fine, fine! A trip with these chumps doesn't feel like a prize! Waaah! Just don't expect me to do any work. Ahahahahaaa!"

Stone-Cold Welcome

All: "Hey, we're here!"
Wario: "Me first! Me first! Outta the way, chumps!"
Tourist: "Greetings! Welcome to the island! Please take these precious stones as a hello gift!"
Wario: "Oh! Diamonds?! Gimme, gimme!"
Tourist: "Actually, they're Form Stones! Moving around with these in your hands can bring you good luck!"
Wario: "Stupid rocks! I don't want 'em!"
Parrot: "Screee!"
Female tourist: "Aaah!"
Elephant: "Awooomph!"
Wario: "Bwaaah! Hrngh...Oof! Ah! "
Parrot: "Caw! Caw! Caw!"
Wario: "Huh? Where am I..."
Woods Watchers: "Those who dare to approach the shrine...Will be punished...GET OUT, TRESPASSER!"
Wario: "Waaaaaah!"

Stone-Cold Welcome - Ending

Wario: "Lucky! These rocks rock! Heh! Get it? Wahahaha! Ahahahaaaa!"

Mermaid Meet and Greet

Mona: "Swim with dolphins and rays...Wait! And mermaids too?! Heya, Joe! I need a favor!"
Joe: "You ready, Mona? We're almost to the drop point!"
Mona: "Mermaids, here I cooome!"

Mermaid Meet and Greet - Ending

Mona: "She's in trouble! Hold on, Lulu! I'll save you!"

A Curious Case of Cave Art

Penny: "Says here these were drawn by a real caveman!"
Crygor: "Yes! I've got it! Behold my latest invention...The Time Obliterator 5.0! We'll use it to observe the creation of this masterpiece."
Penny: "It worked! You're amazing!"
Mike: "Look!"
Penny: "What a charming little creature!"
Caresawayan: "It's just so meh. If only there was something new I could draw...Oh! CREATIVE INSPIRATION! You, stand there! Just like that! Perfect! Yes. YES! I have created...the future of art!"

A Curious Case of Cave Art - Ending

Caresawayan: "Hraaagh!"
Crygor, Mike, Penny: "Ooo!"
Wario: "Waaaaaah?"

Caveat Imptor

Red: "Hmm? Heeey! Devilishly delicious! Ashley! Heeelp! Down here! I'm all tiny! Get me back to normal already!"
Ashley: "OK. Enormo-size! Status quo ante!"
Red: "Just make me ME again!"
Ashley: "Berry-ka-zam! Here, Red. Eat this. It should help."
Red: "OK..."

Caveat Imptor - Ending

Red: "Yeah, it's working! It's working, Ashley! I'm back and good as new! Guh! Aaaaaah! What did you do to meee?!"

Sweet Dreams, Sweeter Fruit

Orbulon: "Ahhh! Earth food is so tasty! Waaaaaah! Guh? Yaaaaaah! Where am I? Unknown. Who am I?! Also unknown...Awesome! I am a god! Keep worshipping me!"

Sweet Dreams, Sweeter Fruit - Ending

Orbulon: "Orbulon is sorry! How could he possibly forget— Oof! Where am I? Unknown. Who am I?! Also unknown..."

Not-So-Relaxing Rapids

All: "Oh no!"
Penny: "This isn't good!"
Red: "Waterfall straight ahead!"
All: "Aaah!"
Mona: "Huh? We landed on a..."
All: "Tour bus! Hooraaay!"

The Grand Parfait Adventure

Kat: "A Caresaway Parfait!"
Leo: "Thanks for the map, guys! See ya!"
Kat & Ana: "Wait!"
Ana: "Where'd he go?"
Kat: "Up there!"
Leo: "Lay off, will ya?"
Kat: "Oh no!"
Kat & Ana: "Let's go!"

The Grand Parfait Adventure - Ending

Kat & Ana: "Hyah!"
Ana: "Yay, it worked!"
Kat: "No time to waste!"
Waiter: "Here you are, ladies! One Caresaway Parfait!"
Kat & Ana: "Time for sweets!"
Leo: "But I'm still salty!"

Battle on Flashfreeze Cape!

Cricket: "Hyah! Master! Will this do?"
Mantis: "We shall know soon enough..."
Cricket: "Understood."
Cricket: "Where did this snow come from?."
Mantis: "Hmm..."
Head Penguin: "You're pretty quick on your feet to have dodged that. I challenge you to microcombat!"
Cricket: "Challenge accepted!"

Battle on Flashfreeze Cape! - Ending

Head Penguin: "I...I'm impressed."
Cicada: "Guess you got me! Just like a fellow disciple should. I'll just have to train harder now. Till next time!"
Cricket: "Who WAS that?."
Mantis: "It will come to me..."

Surfin' Surprise

Jimmy: "Oooh."
Jimmy: "Whoa... This board BITES! Comin' through!"

Surfin' Surprise - Ending

Jimmy: "Groovy."

Makin' Waves

Spitz: "Ahhh, this is the life, Dribble, my friend...Wake up, buddy! We've got trouble!"
Dribble: "Ungh?"
Spitz: "Look at where we are!"
Ken: "Great! with this final entry, we're ready to race!"
Dribble: "How'd we even get in here?"
Ken: "And now, the Caresaway Grand Prix... is about to begin!"
Spitz: "I...I guess we're racing now?!"
Dribble: "I'm on it!"
Ken: "Three... Two... One... GOOO!"

Makin' Waves - Ending

Spitz: "Left! Nah, your other left, Dribble!"
Dribble: "Copy that, Spitz!"
Ken: "What a FINISH! The winner of the Caresaway Grand Prix is... The power-paddlin', turbo-tubin'... High-Octane Hippo!"
Dribble: "GRRRAAAH! Any minute now! I can smell that finish line!"

Quest in the Dark

5-Volt: "OK, everyone! I'll see you back here at five-o'clock sharp."
18-Volt: "Yo, 9-Volt! Come on, man!"
9-Volt: "Just gotta save real quick!"
18-Volt: "Good call, but hurry it up!"
5-Volt: "AAAAAAH!"
18-Volt, 13-Amp: "AAAAAAH!"
9-Volt: "Hey, guys! Where'd ya go? Wait a sec! That's 18-Volt's... He's THERE, is he?"

Quest in the Dark - Ending

9-Volt: "It's OK! I'm here to save everyone! AAAAAAH!"
Shopkeeper Polario: "Welcome to my shop!"
9-Volt: "Look at all these video games!"
Shopkeeper Polario: "Are you gonna buy anything? Or just..."

Pool-Party Panic

Kat & Ana: "Haaa!"
Kat: "The ball's stuck!"
5-Volt: "Maybe if we all pull together!"
Dribble: "I'm on it!"
All: "And...pull! And...pull!"
Spitz: "Hnnngh! Gah!"
Poolopus: "Ouchopuuus!"
Jimmy: "Harsh vibes, man!"
Cricket: "What a stroke of luck! We landed on a tour bus!"
All: "Let's gooo! Yeaaah!"

Pool-Party Panic - Ending

9-Volt: "That was awesome, Poolopus!"
Ana: "Can you throw us all again?!"

Lava at First Sight

Wario: "Wahaha! I knew it! Gimme all the gold! Gimme, gimme, gimme! I'll just start with the biggest one...FIRST... AAAH! What's happeniiing?! WAH!"
Elder Woods Watcher: "So...the seal has been broken."
Tourists: "Elder!"
Elder Woods Watcher: "To lift the curse and calm the mountain...we must all... dance"
Mona: "Did you say..."dance"?"
Jimmy: "Jimmy's gotcha covered on the movin' and groovin'!"
Kat: "Let's help him out!"
Ana: "Yeah, this'll be great, everyone!"
Everyone: "Let's... dance!"

Lava at First Sight - Ending

Wario: "Wahahaaa! Hrrrngh... Huh?! Who are you? What's all this?! HRRRGH! I'm trapped! Heeelp! I'm trapped! Hnnngh!"
Narrator: "With the curse lifted and the mountain appeased...all lived on happily ever after!"
Wario: "Waaah! Not ME! Worst vacation ever!"