List of Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story quotes

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This is a list of quotes from the game Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. For quotes from the remake, see here.


  • "Nintendo!" (also said by Mario and Luigi)
  • "GWAHAHA!"
  • "Did somebody page the king of awesome?"
  • "PEACH!"
  • "So I'm an outcast, huh?! What'd I do to deserve this?!"
  • "Gee, PARDON ME! Guess what? I live here, Your Royal Genius!"
  • "I've got as much right to be in this meeting as anyone!"
  • "I mean, right? Help me out here! Toadsworth! Back me up!"
  • "Crud!"
  • "MAAARIO!"
  • "Are you seriously trying to start with me again?!"
  • "I hear about this big meeting, and I'm all ready to act nice..."
  • "But man, the second I see your face, Mr. Nice Bowser is GONE."
  • "Yeah, forget your dumb meeting! I'll pummel you and grab Peach!"
  • "Outta the way!"
  • "Shut up!"
  • "I'll burn you too, Blabby!"
  • "What...happened..."
  • "Where are my skills? That was not my "A" game..."
  • "I mean, I've lost before, but not THAT easily..."
  • "Whuh... What?"
  • "Those guys make me so MAD! Gah! It does NOT end like this!"
  • "I'm going back to that castle and kidnapping Peach for real!"
  • "Just thinking about it makes me RAGE!"
  • "I'll chill nothing! I'm going to Peach's Castle right now!"
  • "Wait, where am I, anyway?"
  • "What? Win what?!"
  • "A Lucky Shroom?"
  • "I didn't even buy anything!"
  • "What's this about jackpotting?!"
  • "Beat Mario?! Seriously?!"
  • "What, didn't you hear him? It'll help me beat Mario! Duh!"
  • "You! Weirdo! Gimme that Lucky Shroom!"
  • "Hurf! BUUURF?!"
  • "HAAARGH!"
  • "GWAHAHA!"
  • "Gwa ha ha...ah ha haaf..."
  • "WOWCH!"
  • "Whoa, what did I eat?!"
  • "That's some serious pain going on down here!"
  • "What the–– HEY! Is somebody there?!"
  • "Who is that?! Where am I?!"
  • "You gotta be kidding! It's in my BODY?!"
  • "Peach's Castle?"
  • "Mario pounded me at Peach's..."
  • "I got chucked into a forest..."
  • "I don't remember the rest..."
  • "Wait––I ate a weird mushroom from some weirdo in the forest..."
  • "Weird forest mushrooms... From some weirdo..."
  • "I DON'T GET IT!"
  • "I don't get what happened to me at ALL! This is stupid!"
  • "And you, partying in my body like you own it. How dare you?!"
  • "Whoa, hold it! Long? I hate boring stories..."
  • "Hey, wait! You! You in my bod! I've heard your voice before..."
  • "Oh, yeah! Right! Where am I?"
  • "Kind of a dim, dank cave."
  • "What in the world am I doing in a dim, dank cave?!"
  • "Hrmph! I was gonna do that anyway, genius!"
  • "What?"
  • "What's going on in there? What are you babbling about?!"
  • "Let's go already!"
  • "Hey, what did you... How dare you!"
  • "Hrmph! Let's go!"
  • "Look at this flimsy thing! Time for some burnage!"
  • "Wait, what happened? HEY! Why did no flames come out?!"
  • "Hey! You in my belly! Wake up! You hear me?!"
  • "I'll tell you what's wrong! My flames aren't working!"
  • "You probably messed something up in there!"
  • "Hey, jerky, I never had any trouble until you got in there!"
  • "I was a burning MACHINE! And now you broke me!"
  • "Do I need any logic? Listen, I NEED to breathe fire!"
  • "Hey! HEY!"
  • "This is complete garbage! I gotta get my fire back!"
  • "Someday I'll get that punk!"
  • "Hey! Hold up! Quit hovering!"
  • "Wait, I know you!"
  • "You're the weirdo who tricked me into eating that mushroom!"
  • "WHAAAAT?!"
  • "What's your problem, pal? What's your beef with me?"
  • "You're nuts!"
  • "Whoa, hold up, champ! What about my castle?!"
  • "Pffffft. Please! Get over yourself!"
  • "My castle's gonna be just fine, pal."
  • "Hey! HEY! COME BACK! I'm not done with you!"
  • "Taste defeat? You're going to taste my fist, you little piglet!"
  • "That doesn't even make sense!"
  • "What is WRONG with you?! Nothing you say makes sense!"
  • "And now you made me mad!"
  • "And once I get mad, I need to punch something! C'MERE!"
  • "Haah... Gaah... Gaaah..."
  • "That weird mushroom is making me feel cruddy..."
  • "Can't win like this..."
  • "What... How..."
  • "Hey! You in the gut! Are you listening?!"
  • "I'm heading for my castle!"
  • "What am I, a taxi? Want a coffee too? Maybe a massage?"
  • "Look, my castle's in danger!"
  • "We gotta head there right now! That weirdo can't have it!"
  • "What? What is this?"
  • "Stop talking!"
  • "GAH! SHUT UP!"
  • "Teach me what? Hurry up!"
  • "Hey buddy? You make NO SENSE! Enough with the crazy talk!"
  • "Hey! I was JUST HERE!"
  • "Quit messing with me! Take me back NOW!"
  • "Not too shabby!"
  • "Brain guy! Take me to Bowser Castle, and make it snappy!"
  • "Not that I care, but who are you really?"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Huh? What language is that? And what are you doing there?"
  • "BAH HA HA!"
  • "Whatever you're smelling isn't me, pal! I don't do charity!"
  • "I'm too busy for this!"
  • "Enough with the yelling! Why would I help you?"
  • "What? Gratitudes?"
  • "What is wrong with you... It's just a stupid block!"
  • "Hmmm... Surprises, huh..."
  • "Fine... What do I do?"
  • "Pbbth! Just pull on the rope? Gimme a challenge, pal!"
  • "Have a taste of Bowser power!"
  • "Whoa! Feels like I just got a power boost!"
  • "Haah... Haah..."
  • "Enough blabbing, buddy! Make with the surprise block!"
  • "This is just a normal block! No surprise! What gives?!"
  • "Whoa, whoa, INHALE an enemy?! I can do that in battle?"
  • "What's this?"
  • "Hey!"
  • "What's this thing?"
  • "It's some weird statue!"
  • "The Sea Pipe Statue? Sounds dumb. What is it?"
  • "Ah, a hero, huh? So that means..."
  • "I'm the model!"
  • "HEY!"
  • "IT'S UGLY!"
  • "Hmph!"
  • "My eyes are much more manly than that!"
  • "Whoa! It's moving!"
  • "Hey! What's the story with this crazy statue? It's going nuts!"
  • "That voice!"
  • "OH, YES I AM!"
  • "Look, pal, I can tell you wanna fight, but I'm in no mood."
  • "Take me to my castle right now!"
  • "Aw, I was all fired up to let Fawful have it!"
  • "I'll take you instead!"
  • "He seriously thought he could stop Bowser with this toy?"
  • "Bah!"
  • "Again?!"
  • "What's with this water?"
  • "...Actually, I am kinda thirsty."
  • "Bloooooooorg... I feel all...sloshy."
  • "I think I drank too much..."
  • "What?"
  • "What? No! Why?"
  • "What? Filth? CRUST?!"
  • "And you... You think you can fix me up in there?"
  • "You can get my flame back?!"
  • "You can make me better than Mario?!"
  • "It's a deal! If you're for real, I'll drink as much as you want!"
  • "Whoa, what happened? My flame is back!"
  • "What?! Really?!"
  • "Not too shabby!"
  • "I might have to make you an honorary minion!"
  • "Hmph! Well, forget I offered. No one needs to know."
  • "What's your name, anyway?"
  • "Yeah. Your name. Give me it."
  • "Chippy? Weird name..."
  • "Wait, hang on, Chippy!"
  • "Did you just say "we"?"
  • "Who else is in there?"
  • "Well, whatever."
  • "The only thing that matters is Captain Flame is back, baby!"
  • "He's got a fiery temper, but MAN is he a fun dude!"
  • "Just a little touch of Y Button, and FWAAAARGH!"
  • "Anybody standing in the way gets done medium rare!"
  • "Maybe I'd better shake the rust off by burning these trees!"
  • "You again?! You must love this place, huh, blockface?"
  • "Man, you are priceless. That thing is your pet?"
  • "Pfft! No prob, buddy! It'll take about one punch!"
  • "What now, blockface? Got something for me?"
  • "Look, I'm too busy for this! Just spit it out already!"
  • "Hey! You slackers! What are you doing?!"
  • "Some nutjob's after my castle!"
  • "And you guys are hanging out playing Cram-in-the-Cage?!"
  • "Chucked you?! Goombas don't get chucked, pal!"
  • ""Marching straight ahead into the enemy's feet!""
  • "Didn't you memorize that in Goomba boot camp?"
  • "Pathetic... So what about the rest of my military?"
  • "Did the other corps get spanked as bad as you?"
  • "I TOLD you to train harder! No wonder Mario crushes you!"
  • "Well, I'll train you chumps up nice! Follow me!"
  • "I'll build a bridge or something! BECAUSE I GET THINGS DONE."
  • "Yeah, instead of crying all the time, I make things happen!"
  • "Y'know, I really oughta help those idiot Goombas..."
  • "Maybe this thing will work as a bridge..."
  • "Almost...there..."
  • "Right! And now we take back my castle!"
  • "Shut up! And don't mess with my minions!"
  • "Only I do that!"
  • "This... STINKS!"
  • "GOOMBAS! GO!"
  • "Hey! Minions!"
  • "So... My castle got taken over, huh?"
  • "That Fawful weirdo wasn't joking, then..."
  • "GWAHAHA!"
  • "Good stuff! And don't worry! We'll get my castle back!"
  • "So... What was the plan with the cannon, huh, guys?"
  • "Niiiice! Not a bad idea for a bunch of minions!"
  • "I'm on board with it! Launch away!"
  • "IDIOTS!"
  • "Wow, why am I not surprised?! Look, chumps, if we don't have a Banzai Bill, go find one!"
  • "We must have launched hundreds of 'em at Mario over the years. There must be one around!"
  • "IDIOTS!"
  • "I told you to find one because I don't know where they are!"
  • "What?!"
  • "Hey! Backseat minion manager! I was GONNA look, OK?"
  • "What is this stuff? These look like crops!"
  • "Who the heck FARMS in this kingdom?"
  • "Hey. Bug. Do I look like I care about vegetables?"
  • "So listen up. You seen a Banzai Bill around here?"
  • "SHUT UP!"
  • "Vegetables are GROSS! Don't you have any meat?!"
  • "GWAHAA!"
  • "Talk about a huge veggie!"
  • "Not bad! If this is all we got, then veggie ammo it is!"
  • "HOOORG!"
  • "C'MON! HNNGH!"
  • "Whoa, that is really big. Might not fit in the cannon..."
  • "Hey, giant talking bug!"
  • "You see a Banzai Bill around here anywhere?"
  • "What?! Awesome!"
  • "Yes! Gimme!"
  • "Responsibility?!"
  • "Eat THAT?! It's huge!"
  • "Hmmph... OK, fine! Got any hot sauce?"
  • "WHAT?! That's...really fast! Lemme taste it first!"
  • "I hate veggies! What if I scarf this down and get a bellyache?"
  • "I'm not signing on for that!"
  • "Here goes! Chow time!"
  • "No carrot defeats me!"
  • "Hey! I took responsibility! Gimme my Banzai Bill!"
  • "It's all good! Banzai Bill me!"
  • "Don't start, pal! We had a deal!"
  • "You TOLD me to eat it, you idiot!"
  • "Bah! You like compost? I'll compost your FACE!"
  • "GWAHAAA!"
  • "We can use the cannon now!"
  • "Ooof! Hrrrgh?"
  • "OWWWW!"
  • "Ouch! Owwwww! What the--YOWCH!"
  • "GRROWCH!"
  • "Listen! Ch-Chippy! Do something!"
  • "I can't take this! Now! Make it better!"
  • "Quick... Now... Gut... Pain..."
  • "Ow! OWWW! Chippy! I'm going nuts up here!"
  • "What are you doing?! Do something now!"
  • "My belly starts feeling better, and now my ARM hurts?! C'mon!"
  • "Hey! You in there! What are you doing to my bod?!"
  • "What's that? Punch while moving?"
  • "You don't say! Guess I'll try it! I'm feeling better now anyway. A solid punching will feel good!"
  • "GAH HA HA!"
  • "Oh baby, you're GOOD!"
  • "Chippy! You get it done! That's it, you're my new minion! You can thank me later!"
  • "GAH HA HA!"
  • "Hey, don't be shy, now! I know you're fired up! Go ahead, bask in it!"
  • "...All right! Time to use that Banzai Bill!"
  • "Back to the cannon!"
  • "You're useless! Now move it! Load up the Banzai Bill!"
  • "About time! I'll just give it the old flame treatment!"
  • "Watch carefully, minions! This is how you get it done!"
  • "WHAAT?!"
  • "Huh? It's dark out! Bedtime already?"
  • "...Huh. So what's this about my castle?"
  • "That's an order!"
  • "Leave it to me!"
  • "Instead of crying, why not get not big, too?!"
  • "Wow... Whoa! What was that all about?!"
  • "Really?! Well, it was awesome! Do it again, and I'll be able to crush Fawful like a bug!"
  • "Really? Well... Weak."
  • "Whatever. Even at this size, I can still take anyone!"
  • "We'll be at my castle soon! And then it's payback time!"
  • "All right! C'mon, you guys!"
  • "Hey! What's with all the chatter?"
  • "The chatter! Quit it!"
  • "Move it!"
  • "Whatcha got now, huh?"
  • "Not that it matters much! I WILL have my revenge!"
  • "Learn to speak already! And then bring it on, chump!"
  • "GOOOOOH!"
  • "HOOORGH!"
  • "Hmph!"
  • "Like that, chump?"
  • "But..."
  • "My castle..."
  • "It will be mine again!"
  • "Uh... Guest?"
  • "Fuh... Fawful Theater?!"
  • "Don't joke with me! This is my castle!"
  • "HEY! IDIOTS! You KNOW me! Knock it off!"
  • "Crud!"
  • "Great. Not only did this guy take over my castle, but now he's all up in my minions, too!"
  • "Stupid Fawful! That guy is gonna PAY!"
  • "There are NO seats left?!"
  • "Man, not a seat in the house!"
  • "Where do I lodge a complaint?!"
  • "HEY!"
  • "I have no seat!"
  • "There are NO open seats! Do something now!"
  • "Both of you, zip it! I AM KING BOWSER!"
  • "I'm not a guest! I AM KING BOWSER!"
  • "Oh, yeah? Really? The VIP treatment?"
  • "Bingo! Just perfect!"
  • "That seat is pure Bowser!"
  • "YOU! FAWFUL!"
  • "Really!"
  • "You lugged yourself up onstage, huh? Nice!"
  • "Now I can give these folks a REAL show!"
  • "That's right! Lemme hear it! Keep those cheers coming!"
  • "You remember me now, I bet! The unbeatable King Bowser!"
  • "SHUT IT!"
  • "You think I forgot my castle?! Old pink was just a warm-up! Now I punt you outta here!"
  • "Celebrate?"
  • "Hmph! Seems suspicious, but you're going to such trouble..."
  • "Whoa!"
  • "Nice spread!"
  • "So many greasy, succulent, very unhealthy dishes! I've been craving this stuff like crazy!"
  • "I'm gonna eat it all!"
  • "Uuuuurp... Oh, man... Getting kinda full..."
  • "Nah, I'm sick of eating!"
  • "Huurk! Did I just...put on a few pounds?"
  • "Hey! Look at me! This isn't normal!"
  • "Stop! You with the ham! No more! I can't take it!"
  • "There's no denying it now! I'm not as svelte as I used to be! I'm chubby!"
  • "Hey! You jerks!"
  • "You knew all along that I'd get like this, and you kept cramming me with food!"
  • "Haah... Haah... Haah..."
  • "Huh-Hey! Chippy! Can you hear me?"
  • "Sh-shut up!"
  • "And after you shut up, turn me back to my usual trim self!"
  • "I fell into the FLOOR, genius! I'm stuck! YOU do something!"
  • "Burn off all this blubber!"
  • "Hey! I'm serious! Do something!"
  • "Heff heff haah..."
  • "Some king I am..."
  • "Stuck in my own floor..."
  • "Struggling like a baby..."
  • "Hey! What's that?"
  • "I'm all tickly! Feels weird..."
  • "That voice... Fawful!"
  • "What're you doing down there?"
  • "Plan?!"
  • "What?! The princess?!"
  • "I inhaled her too?!"
  • "Are you insane?!"
  • "You mean she is INSIDE MY BODY?!"
  • "Gaah... Haah... Haaah..."
  • "WHAAAAAT! This guy, I swear!"
  • "She's mine! Put her back!"
  • "GRAARGH!"
  • "Whuh?!"
  • "Huff... Whuff... What in the-- Legs running by themselves!"
  • "Slow down!"
  • "Too faaaaaaast!"
  • "Noo-WHOOAA!"
  • "Really feeling the burn! Smelling the burn too!"
  • "Wait, is that ME?! Am I on FIRE?!"
  • "Whoa! My chub layer! It's all burning up! I'm a MACHINE!"
  • "BWAHAHAHAHA! Best workout ever!"
  • "Hey, now that I think about it, what room is this?"
  • "What's this thing say..."
  • "...Crud."
  • " this?"
  • "Hey! What's going on?!"
  • "Secret tunnel?! First I heard of it!"
  • "Hmm, I guess I remember something like that."
  • "But you guys don't rule squat! I was just watching you chumps, and you're getting nowhere!"
  • "You're total slackers!"
  • "Wait, we can connect to Toad Town through here?!"
  • "Nice! Then get on it! Make with the digging!"
  • "Oh, WAAH! Some minions you are! Fine, I'll do it myself!"
  • "Bwahahahahahahaha! Got a little carried away!"
  • "So is this Toad Town?!"
  • "Hey! Pipe down!"
  • "MWAHAHA!"
  • "Somebody page me?"
  • "A pox? You're a pox!"
  • "Mario! And Green 'Stache!"
  • "So you two dolts wanna get the Dark Star, huh?"
  • "AND you're trying to retake Peach's Castle?"
  • "No way! Both the Dark Star and Peach's Castle should be mine!"
  • "Stupid little pests! Time to get burned!"
  • "Still..don't game..."
  • "So...very...weak..."
  • "MWAHAHA!"
  • "That's all I needed to hear, baby!"
  • "So I just need to grab three Star Cures?!"
  • "Aw, cry more, you big baby! You're just ticking me off!"
  • "You're about as annoying as that Chippy thing in my gut!"
  • "Well, whatever. OK, chumps! Mario! Green 'Stache! Nice guys finish last!"
  • "I'm getting those three cures and taking Peach's Castle!"
  • "Little tickle in the old schoz... Probably Chippy or something!"
  • "Hmph! Time to get that Star Cure before Mario!"
  • "Which way to Dimble Wood?"
  • "Kidnapping Peach? Oh, that is so completely my move!"
  • "GWAHAHA! You figure out who's tougher yet, Mr. Ice Cube?"
  • "It felt good, punching out that weirdo!"
  • "Now, I'll help myself to the Dark Star and the world!"
  • "Like that's my problem! I'm done with you, pal!"
  • "Please! Try again in about a hundred years, you weird little babbling nerd!"
  • "Don't lump me with Mario!"
  • "GWAHAHA! Great dark hurricane! Seriously, perfect backdrop for an awesome final battle! You really sweat the details! Listen up! You're saying the kingdom will vanish? NOT TODAY! THIS KINGDOM IS ALL MINE! SO YOU VANISH!"
  • "GAAAAH!"
  • "What's the matter with you? Your color is...weird! But, whatever. I'm still gonna win this fight, no prob! And for the finale, one KO punch!"
  • "HERE I GO!"
  • "Hey... You just ACTED like me. That doesn't mean you ARE me. You're no match for the real deal, original Bowser..."
  • "Right... You...LOST."
  • "Yeah. Pretty tough dude, all around."
  • "Oh yeah! I forgot! Now I can kidnap her!"
  • "Gowch! Hurts... Really hurts! NGGWAAARF!"
  • "Wait... YOU! That voice... CHIPPY!? You're telling me YOU'RE Chippy?!"
  • "Having yourself some kind of hoedown in my body! MY BODY! I've never been so disgusted! No WAY do I stand for this! So THIS time, I'm taking your precious princess!"
  • "CHARGE!!!"

Bowser Memory M and Bowser Memory L[edit]

  • "Affirmative. Correct."


  • "BROOF!"
  • "BROOF!"

Broque Madame[edit]

  • "Oh! Please tell me... a masseur arrives..."

Broque Monsieur[edit]

  • "Allô!"
  • "Ah! Allô over zere! Monsieur Turtle Bits!"
  • "Ah, sweet monsieur! 'Elp me! I need 'elp! Helpez-moi, s'il vous plaît!"
  • "Ah! Bonjour! Why are you... Non! I am too rude!"
  • "I am Broque Monsieur! I ask zat you look upon zis! I was cleaning zee collection, but..."
  • "Disaster, it struck moi! Zee bridge to zee beach, it fell into zee water!"
  • "Monsieur! You 'ave zee odor of a gentleman! Ah, oui! It wafts!"
  • "And a gentleman 'elps zee needy! Surely you 'ave zis credo, oui?"
  • "STOP, I AM BEGGING YOU! Good monsieur Turtle Bits! You who I am not smelling!"
  • "But 'ow can you say zis thing? You 'ave very much to gain! I will give you zee gratitudes!"
  • "Ah! Your interest, it piques? Zis is wonderful! Marvelous!"
  • "Oui, a hot block spirit dwells in you, Monsieur Turtle Bits!"
  • "A blazing, fiery block spirit... Oui. You 'ave zee power..."
  • "Look upon zis!"
  • "How is zis for gratitudes, honh? I give you zis glorious thing!"
  • "Zee hot block spirit cries out from your belly, and it cries for zis block! It is born for you!"
  • "Ah. Your tongue, bite upon it! Zis block is magnifique! Do not utter one ill word to zis block!"
  • "Zee block collectors, zey pay one million coins for zis, honh? It is so very rare, oui!"
  • "You will know zis if you hit it! Oui, you will be in for zee big surprises, Monsieur Turtle Bits!"
  • "Ah! Thank you! Merci!"
  • "You are a gentleman, après all!"
  • "Look upon zis! Zis petit island, it is floating in zee ocean. A surprise to you, non?"
  • "You see zis rope on zee beach? If you are to pull on zis, you will movez zee entire island!"
  • "Hmmmm, strange... Zis world, it appears to be upside down..."
  • "You 'elped me, and for zis I salute you!"
  • "Ah, but of course! Zee block! From moi! Such a fine block! We sing the song of block!"
  • "Pour vous!"
  • "Your tongue, bite upon it! Non! Zat LOOKS like a normal block!"
  • "Zat is what is so devious about my little block. So devious!"
  • "Zis is actually a Vacuum Block. You hit zis block, and you inhale whatever lies before you!"
  • "Say you use zis in battle, honh? Ah! What is zis?! You inhale zee enemy with bravado! Très bien!"
  • "Ah, but of course, it is simple! Come, let us try zis out!"
  • "You! You will submit to zee power of zis magnificent block, and you will do so NOW!"
  • "We begin right zis second! Zis is showtime, oui!"
  • "Now, if you use zat Vacuum Block, you inhale zee small monsters!"
  • "Oui, when you attempt to inhale, zee Vacuum Block reacts so very intensely!"
  • "Now you choose zee Vacuum right zis instant!"
  • "It... it is..."
  • "Oui, zis is zee power of zee amazing Vacuum Block!"
  • "Press zee X Button over and over and inhale moi!"
  • "Zut alors, zis is a surprise! Messieurs inside zee monsieur..."
  • "How are you, honh?"
  • "I cannot pass zee time, for I am training zee big monsieur about zee block tricks, oui?"
  • "Allow moi to go back outside. Do not bother, s'il vous plaît!"
  • "Monsieur Turtle Bits, you inhale like zee tornado..."
  • "What a vacuum..."
  • "Oh honh! I have forgotten zis crucial thing..."
  • "When you inhale like you just did, you inhale zee monsters and zee items."
  • "And zee monsters who float in zee air on zee top screen get sucked to zee bottom!"
  • "Some monsters who resist zee inhalation can get inhaled by pressing zee button fast."
  • "If you inhale like zis, zee hard battles, zey become easy...maybe."
  • "Please remember to watch zat Vacuum Block during zee battles, honh?"
  • "Also, one more thing..."
  • "Zis unbelievable, surprising thing that brings smiles to zee world is called a Retry Clock!"
  • "If you have a Retry Clock when your HP reaches 0 in battle..."
  • "Time rolls back to zee battle's start! It is, how you say?"
  • "ZEE DO-OVER!"
  • "Oui, for zee battle's start! With all your items back, honh?"
  • "HP and SP are also restored fully. Zat is très bien, oui?"
  • "But zere is only a limited number of zee Retry Clocks, so do not use zem too much!"
  • "Oui, plan your usage of zem very carefully, s'il vous plaît. Keep zat one as zee souvenier."
  • "Now zen... Your block tricks are almost parfait, honh?"
  • "Let us continue!"
  • "Un!"
  • "Deux!"
  • "Trois!"
  • "You have zee mastery of zee block tricks, oui."
  • "Zis battle is OVER!"
  • "Ah, how was zis? Nice, honh? Zee magnificent Vacuum Block! Zee color! Zee gloss! Zee feel!"
  • "We are not worthy of zis block! Who dares say zis is not so?"
  • "And you, Monsieur Turtle Bits, you became a block collector after seeing zis block, oui?"
  • "Alors, let us meet again, honh? Until zen, good-byes to you!"
  • "Oh, Monsieur Turtle Bits... Why is poor moi here, he asks... Well... I have zee troubles."
  • "My petit pet block, he is lost to moi..."
  • "MON CHERÍ! Petit Broggy! You returnez!"
  • "Come to moi, honh? Give us zee petite hug you like so well!"
  • "Oh! Crazy Broggy! Why do you do zis?"
  • "Oui, although it seems today he is not his usual self, honh?"
  • I can do nothing when he is like zis. Could you teach him zee manners, s'il vous plaît?"
  • "Oh! I would not say zis thing, non! Très dangerous!"
  • "Broggy, he grows angry, oui. And zen he cannot be bested!"
  • "Your petit punches, I believe zey will not work!"
  • "Ah! Monsieur!"
  • "Broggy, he jumps up on people, sometimes. He is naughty, oui!"
  • "And he ignores zee punches as well!"
  • "So, if he jumps on you, zat is when you use zat fine shell!"
  • "Oui, if you hold down Y Button, you will use zee shell defense!"
  • "You want zee lecture?"
  • "So zen, watch zee way Broggy moves carefully..."
  • "NOW!"
  • "Hold down Y Button and you will duck!"
  • "Broggy, he does not give up yet, non!"
  • "He will jump from zee rear! Duck, or zis will be très bad for vous!"
  • "NOW!"
  • "Hold down Y Button and duck!"
  • "Ah! Un moment!"
  • "You are craving zee punching now, honh?"
  • "I told you, non! Non!"
  • "Broggy, he laughs at your petit punches!"
  • "But he is very much disliking zee fire."
  • "A flame attack is zee best choice!"
  • "Monsieur, you look good at using flame..."
  • "Shall I lecture, honh?"
  • "Alors, choose Flame, s'il vous plaît."
  • "Listen, Monsieur Turtle Bits! You should build up flame power like you do with zee punch!"
  • "If you build up zee power to zee last second, your damage will be tremendous, honh?"
  • "Now take zee deep breath..."
  • "NOW!"
  • "Hold down X Button and breathe fire!"
  • "Zis is wonderful! Zis is a thing of beauty! I have nothing to say!"
  • "Broggy, he is now at your mercy, honh? Naughty little Broggy!"
  • "You practice zese moves you have just learned, oui?"
  • "Ah, one more thing... Flame targets all zee foes before you!"
  • "And if you hold down X Button to spit fire longer, you deal more damage!"
  • "If you see many foes, use zat flame! Zat is basic, honh?"
  • "Alors! Let us restart battle!"
  • "Teach Broggy what happens when one is naughty, honh?"
  • "Ah! So very cute, even as he runs away from moi!"
  • "I am missing him already! Wait! Petit Broggy!"'
  • "You will scare off zee guest, honh?"
  • "Ah! Monsieur Turtle Bits! We meet again, do we not? Oui. And zat is called fate."
  • "You wonder why I am here, oui? Well zen, you wonder no more. I am what you call zee bigwig."
  • "Ah oui! I 'ave promoted myself to manager of a shop to pay for Broggy's ravenous 'unger!"
  • "Well zen, Monsieur Turtle Bits... Do not let your eyes shop only! Buy somezing, s'il vous plaît!"
  • "Oh, and if it is acceptable, give Broggy many coins, honh? Zey are 'is favorite food!"
  • "Oh, Broggy! You love zem, oui? Give enough, and he trades for some nice gear! Maybe."
  • "You need zee help!"
  • "Oh, Monsieur Turtle Bits! Your horns, zey are looking very much finer today!"
  • "I must give zee dapper monsieur a present to reward zis style, honh?"
  • "Do you need moi to explain zee scratch cards?"
  • "Oui, let us begin, honh?"
  • "Zis is a scratch card."
  • "You get zis when you buy things from me, oui?
  • "Scratch zee scratch card..."
  • "Oh! You get zee hit!"
  • "And in zis happy system, you get back some of zee coins you 'ave spent!"
  • "So how was zis, honh? Do you understand zee scratch cards?"
  • "Zen shop, monsieur! And enjoy zee wonder of zee scratch cards!"
  • "Many thanks, monsieur! Come back again, oui?"
  • "Ah, Monsieur Turtle Bits expects a gift, honh? Non, I am sorry."
  • "Instead, a favor for moi!"
  • "Oh! Very busy, oui! Very brief, zat is moi!"
  • "Now, you know zat I am a block collector. Oui, you know zis."
  • "Other collectors, zey all know moi. Oui, I am zat famous."
  • "And yet, something still eludes zee great Broque Monsieur!"
  • "It is a living block called a..."
  • "BLITTY!"
  • "Blitties, zey look just like zis!"
  • "Zis one is a fake made by moi..."
  • "Zey are cute. Très, très cute. Nothing is so cute, non."
  • "And I must have zis thing! I NEED ZEE BLITTY!"
  • "Imagine, petit Blitties running about as zee shop mascots!"
  • "You hear zis, snooty Broggy?! Zee future, it is Blitties!"
  • "I crave zis future! I lie awake craving zee petit Blitties!"
  • "...So perhaps I ave gone off zee deep end a bit, but I beg you to find me zee Blitty."
  • "Ah, oui, many Blitties! For moi! You do zis! You will, I feel it!"
  • "Do you wish for zee details?"
  • "You, Monsieur Turtle Bits, are zee maker of dreams."
  • "Without more ado, I tell of zee Blitties I so crave!"
  • "Blitties are zee rarest of zee rare, when it comes to blocks."
  • "Zey are cute! Zey are adorable! Zey are wanted by moi!"
  • "And zere are 15 of zem hiding in zis Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • "But where are zey? Surprise! Zey are inside monsters!"
  • "Zee life of a block collector, it is très dangerous, honh?"
  • "I want zese Blitties very much, but I do not fight, non!"
  • "Zee Blitty is in zee monster! Why is zis? He is crazy!"
  • "Crazy or no, how to get him? Oui! Vacuum! Correct!"
  • "In battle, use Vacuum! Zat is zee way!"
  • "Oui, by inhaling, you save zee Blitties from monsters..."
  • "Zis is a good deed only one with a Vacuum Block can do!"
  • "And you do zis deed for moi! You bring moi zee Blitties."
  • "Of course, I give zee gratitudes! Zis promise I make to vous!"
  • "My gratitudes, zey will be rare gear not sold in zee shop!"
  • "Ah, and more! Zere is more!"
  • "Say you collect zem all, honh? I will lend you my Broggy!"
  • "Oui! I will let you take my cute Broggy out for zee nice walk!"
  • "He is so very savage, honh? Oui! He will bonk zee foes!"
  • "Zee strength, so formidable! Zee barking, so very scary!"
  • "Zis cute fellow, he will fight for Monsieur Turtle Bits!"
  • "Monsieur! I await!"
  • "Ah! What is zis I see? Blitty, ma cherie!"
  • "Thank you! Merci! Come to me, Blitty!"
  • "Zis store, it is lively now, honh?"
  • "And so here is zee petit present!"
  • "Many thanks, monsieur! Come back again, oui?"
  • "Anytime you find zis magnificent beast, you return to zis shop! Zere will be good things for you if you do, I promise you zis!"
  • "I could talk about zee cuteness of Blitties forever and ever!"
  • "Big! Oui, so big!"
  • "Ah! Monsieur Turtle Bits! Zis block called to you, honh?"
  • "What is zis block, you think. I must know! What is it? Well, it is a shop block!"
  • "Oui, with zis magnifique block, you can enjoy zee pleasures of shopping while traveling!"
  • "I set zee blocks in many places while I was searching for my naughty little Broggy, oui."
  • "And with zem, you can be face-to-face with Broque Monsieur in an instant. How nice, eh?"
  • "So tell me, Monsieur Turtle Bits. What is it you want, honh?"
  • "If you desire, I can provide zee fresh negative-ion treatment!"
  • "When your HP and SP are low, zis is the thing you must do!"
  • "Become utterly refreshed with zee negative ions? It is a mere 10 coins!"
  • "Order please, s'il vous plaît!"
  • "Oh! Monsieur Turtle Bits! Your horns, zey are even more savage than before!"
  • "Allô, Monsieur Turtle Bits! You are vacuuming, oui? You are collecting zee Blitties, oui?"
  • "Ah! Such a surprise! Monsieur Mario, oui? We have met somewhere... Oui? I cannot remember... But let us forget about zis... Let us talk about VOUS! You are zis famous block collector, I have 'eard! Oui, you hit zee blocks and turn zem all brown... Zis is madness! You do not feel zee block spirit! When you hit zee block, what? Zee value becomes nothing! 'Ow do I make zee profits with zee likes of you around? Leave and do not return to moi! Sorry for zee rudeness."


  • "A great beast slouches by..."
  • "It is you, who is he."
  • "Ah. Search not, for I am not there."
  • "How would one describe me? I am...the voice within."
  • "I am your consciousness..."
  • "I am above, and all around. I am all that is you."
  • "A consciousness bound to you, as you are to me."
  • "Shall we travel together?"
  • "Ah. So very unenlightened. Anger will get you nowhere."
  • "It matters not where you go, for I will speak my piece."
  • "I bear you no ill will."
  • "Our minds have bonded. This is a rare thing."
  • "So rare that I will teach you."
  • "Smash that boulder to see. Use your inner strength."
  • "And so it springs to life. This is called a Chakroad."
  • "A conduit for energy waves that bond earth to space."
  • "Fret not about the details. Just touch that Chakroad..."
  • "Be still in body and mind. Be one with immobility."
  • "This place is nice..."
  • "Now we travel..."
  • "With our MIIINDS!"
  • "Wondrous. Thrilling. Yes. Powers of earth and space."
  • "Our journey took us to a place etched in your mind."
  • "Do you understand? No. For you are unenlightened."
  • "Anger benefits you not."
  • "Touch the Chakroad again..."
  • "Choose your former spot. Travel there with X Button."
  • "You exist there now."
  • "Now we travel..."
  • "With our MIIINDS!"
  • "How amusing. Yes... You are surprised."
  • "This is beyond even me."
  • "One can only travel to Chakroads one has found."
  • "If an area's Chakroad is hidden, you go there not."
  • "It is the way of mind."
  • "When you find a Chakroad, your mind bonds to it."
  • "Then you can travel."
  • "You are unenlightened."
  • "When you find Chakroads on your travels, touch them."
  • "You cannot find Chakroads by merely walking around."
  • "They hide their waves, their energy, their very essence."
  • "Break things to find them."
  • "Who am I..."
  • "I exist somewhere in this kingdom. And that is all."
  • "And now I go."
  • "The mists of consciousness part, and two figures emerge."
  • "In this place, Chakron meditates on the nature of all. It is Chakron's special place. And outsiders who disturb the mental peace are not welcome."
  • "You are unenlightened. That is why you are in a cosmic pickle."
  • "This pose absorbs waves from the deep parts of outer space. The waves crash upon my mind's shore. I am a mental beach. With the power of outer space upon me, I can do anything. Of late, large waves have rolled in, and wisdom surfs upon them. My brain hangs ten. And how long have I surfed? A thousand years. A thousand."
  • "Nothing! I feel nothing! Not even close. Not a wiggle. Not a single astral shimmy. Unless you have an attack that shakes the ground, give it up."
  • "Time for you to perambulate."
  • "This new pose displeases me... And gluing all those posts back together will be very tiresome."
  • "And now a thousand-year pose has fallen into the past's void."
  • "But I am already over my saddened state. I am at peace."
  • "I offer you this!"
  • "Oh. This new pose pleases me greatly. Waves of energy flow up from the earth to me. I shall now assume this pose for a hundred years."
  • "The power of outer space... I mean, the earth, is mighty. A short time ago I launched a large, angry being. Do you dare? Will you try it?"
  • "Your journey begins by gazing into outer space. Do not watch me. It is no fun if you know my secret."
  • "You have done well... I have watched you..."
  • "I will show you... your ranks..."
  • "I am less than amazed... but you can try again... Reach higher ranks... and good things await..."
  • "At these ranks, you... bested the Dark Star... That is amazing... You have done well... Reach higher ranks... and good things await..."
  • "Everyone grew super strong... You are amazing! Very well done! I rarely give praise to the unenlightened... But you truly are absolutely amazing!"

Corporal Paraplonk[edit]

  • "I bet they're hurting bad. I mean, you guys were there. That scene was GNARLY."
  • "Yeah... I bet we are... Boy... That was just plain mean!"
  • "Who plans an attack for when Bowser's not there?"
  • "Uh-huh, we were doing a, uh, tactical retreat, and we grabbed this cannon to maybe use..."
  • "Oh! We were, uh, gonna aim it at your castle, and y'know... Launch it! And then...bonk!"
  • "Yeah, lemme just jump in here and add that I forgot to add the Banzai Bill for the cannon."
  • "Yikes! Right away, boss! We'll find one! Be right back!"
  • "Great... As always, a Bowser plan goes totally off the rails..."
  • "Selfish..."
  • "Bowser always comes through!"
  • "Just light that fuse and BOOM! ZOOM! BONK!"
  • "Uh, what? Call me crazy, but looks like Bowser Castle is heading this way!"
  • "ABOVE YOU!"
  • "King Bowser!"
  • "You got really big all of a sudden. Did it like...hurt?"
  • "Need me to explain how to fight when you're all giant?"
  • "OK then, here goes!"
  • "Nice! Perfect!"
  • "Let's practice punching with this airship!"
  • "Touch the Punch button."
  • "When you wind up a punch, an arrow appears over there."
  • "When it does, use the stylus to slide to the right quickly!"
  • "Slide forward fast! The longer the slide, the better!"
  • "One more time?"
  • "Whoa, hey, lots of little dudes!"
  • "Take these things down with fire!"
  • "Touch the Flame button."
  • "When you inhale, the flame icon will appear on screen."
  • "Blow into the DS mic like FOOOOOOO!"
  • "That's our Bowser! Perfect flame!"
  • "One more time?"
  • "Whoa, it's closing in! Better practice our punch defense!"
  • "Slide quickly left to right with the stylus!"
  • "That's our Bowser! Perfect!"
  • "One more time?"
  • "Whoa, a bunch of little enemy targets!"
  • "Clean 'em all up with fireballs!"
  • "Just touch the directions you want to spit fireballs!"
  • "Spit too much fire..."
  • "And the fireballs will get all tiny..."
  • "So aim well before you spit 'em, OK?"
  • "One more time?"

Dark Bowser[edit]

  • "Your body, I have copied... Your power, I have copied..."
  • "Not enough... Not enough...power..."
  • "Not enough dark power... Power has been drained... I am not complete..."
  • "Who... Who will give...the dark power... Her... No..."
  • "That voice... ! Yes... I know that voice... That is the being who drained me of my power..."
  • "Where... Dark power... Being who drains... Where... Where..."
  • "There... FWAHAHAHA! Awake at last! The dark power is complete!"
  • "I have copied all that is you. You are no longer necessary."
  • "The dark power slept so long, and now it wakes... It must be freed... BEHOLD!"
  • "Still here? Has the dark power not crushed your puny hopes? Soon this kingdom will vanish along with all who dwell within. And you, too, will sleep eternally in the dark power's embrace!"
  • "Huuh huuh huuh...Haah haah haargh...I have fallen...To come so lose..."
  • "Dark...Even with the dark power completed...The unthinkable happened..." (Dark Bowser's last words after Bowser defeats him and the Dark Star explodes in the sky and returns to normal)

Dr. Toadley[edit]

  • "Do these two men have an incredibly grave illness? Yes."
  • "Will there be catastrophic results if we do not cure their ills? There certainly will."
  • "Silence! You men harbor a virus most deadly."
  • "Is it gradually emerging? It most certainly is."
  • "Yes... Do I see it? I do. And did it emerge? It did."
  • "A most deadly virus that will surely spell your doom..."
  • "It is...called..."
  • "Indeed! A virus most vile shows itself at last!"
  • "And is this the virus that plagues you men?"
  • "It is. And is it a pox on body and soul? It is."
  • "I must be frank with you. Bowseritis is powerful."
  • "Recovering from it takes quite a bit of time."
  • "I'm prescribing ten days' worth of antibiotics."
  • "Take these three times a day. With food, preferably."
  • "I see. So that is the reason you have come to me."
  • "If nothing is done, will the Mushroom Kingdom fall? It will."
  • "Hahahaha!"
  • "Heeheehee!"
  • "Whoahohohoho! Hohohohohoho!"
  • "Is there anything I don't know? No. The answer to that is no."
  • "However! All my skills and magic powers are for naught in the face of certain realities..."
  • "These barriers are absolutely, TOTALLY un-knock-downable..."
  • "Because of whose power? The Dark Star! The Dark Star!"
  • "Is it too early to give up? It indubitably is."
  • "I lack the power to break the blockade, that is true."
  • "But does the crystal hold another message. It does."
  • "Star...Star Cures..."
  • "Three Star Cures..."
  • "Three sages hold three Star Cures..."
  • "They'll cure all the world's ills..."
  • "Silence. First, the blorbs that assail the Mushroom Kingdom..."
  • "The Star Cures are the only means to stopping the blorbs."
  • "And with the three Star Cures, surely you will have power..."
  • "The power to break the castle blockade? I believe so."
  • "Will they help you destroy the Dark Star? I do not know."
  • "But one thing is crystal clear. You must get the Star Cures."
  • "There are three sages. There are three cures. Each holds one."
  • "A vision emerges! One is likely in a forest!"
  • "Hmm... Yes, indeed..."
  • "That would take a lot of explaining..."
  • "Wait! It emerges!"
  • "An image emerges!"
  • "Look! Is this the first sage? It most certainly is!"
  • "Has this crystal ever been wrong? It certainly has not."
  • "The bug is indeed one of the sages, of that I am sure."
  • "How sure am I that it has one of the cures? 100% sure."
  • "Are you an expert in crystal reading? You are not. Are you out of your league? You are."
  • "Was the bug in the forest? It was. And that means the crystal speaks the truth."
  • "Moreover, now that you know the sage's true location, you will beat Bowser to the punch!"
  • "Is it annoying that I got mixed up in this? It is."

Dr. Toadley's intern[edit]

  • "The medical staff did what we could to ease the swelling..."
  • "But as far as we can tell, we can't reverse the effects..."
  • "Thanks for the news flash! Obviously we want to help!"
  • "Well, I have many patients, so you'll have to excuse me."
  • "Well, Dr. Toadley would like to keep an eye on it, so pop back in for a checkup next week."
  • "OK! Next patient!"
  • "Oh, what's this? Luigi and Mario!"
  • "Is something ailing you today?"
  • "The doctor can only see one patient at a time."
  • "I'm afraid you'll have to come in one by one."
  • "What? You want to consult the doctor at the same time?"
  • "We really shouldn't... For that, you really need an appointment..."
  • "If you don't mind me asking, what ails you, Mario?"
  • "Your mustache has a fine sheen... You seem quite healthy."
  • "And Luigi seems to be jumping with vigor..."
  • "Sore throat! That could be an early symptom of the blorbs!"
  • "No! Chest pains?!"
  • "This is an emergency! If you two get blorbed, the kingdom's doomed!"
  • "You two must see the doctor immediately! Come with me!"
  • "Doctor, your next patients are here."
  • "Uh... Doctor?"
  • "This crystal imaging is how the doctor diagnoses patients."
  • "Watch carefully."
  • "Good luck, Mario Bros.!"


  • "A WINNER IS YOU!" (Fawful's first words)
  • "The customer has luck!"
  • "And with luckiness comes a tasty Lucky Shroom!"
  • "Do not have worries for details! No, do not have the worries!"
  • "Have the wonderful Lucky Shroom of tastiness instead!"
  • "Scoff this down and your luck will power up to super luck!"
  • "Luck enough to beat Mario!"
  • "I say to you YES!"
  • "With every attack, lucky hits will shower in a happy waterfall!"
  • "You will have such fury!"
  • "Your strongest enemies will fold like napkins who are crying!"
  • "Oh, yes, of course! ENJOY THE EATING!"
  • "Such easiness! So easy it gives me the gleeful chortles!"
  • "I have such strategy! And now for the leaving."
  • "You are having a date with Peach's Castle!"
  • "I HAVE VICTORY! Easy as bread sandwiches!"
  • "And now for the proceeding with the plan I have planned!"
  • "Midbus! Come!"
  • "Fawful calls you!"
  • "What is your surprise face? Was there forgetting about me?"
  • "You are the one who is correct! Wasn't it full of delicious?!"
  • "Such a special treat called a Vacuum Shroom!"
  • "I, Fawful, invented it to make you inhale everything you see!"
  • "And I, Fawful, am betting that you remember nothing."
  • "You inhaled like a hungry syrup pig at the free pancake buffet."
  • "And then you had the napping. And then I put you in the cave!"
  • "Beef? I am lacking in beef. Fawful is beefless."
  • "But I am having a goal!"
  • "Mushroom Kingdom..."
  • "WILL BE MINE!!!"
  • "All of Mushroom Kingdom spread for Fawful like power brunch!"
  • "First, the appetizer of making Toads round with blorbs!"
  • "Then, the side order of using Vacuum-Shroomed Bowser!"
  • "Fawful is gorging on his plan of win! And still he has hunger!"
  • "No hunger for nuts. Just to conquer Mushroom Kingdom..."
  • "First, the emptying of the castle of Peach!"
  • "AND THEN!"
  • "Andthenandthenandthenandthenandthen!"
  • "The castle of Bowser for me!"
  • "I will be powering it up into the castle of Fawful!"
  • "Hmm... We will be seeing..."
  • "Anyway, I thought you would be sleeping long, like a lazy bear."
  • "And I am thinking you should be sleeping more!"
  • "Midbus!"
  • "He is having a big punch!"
  • "Midbus! Have readiness!"
  • "The longer he is holding back his punch, the bigger the hurting to your face!"
  • "If you are snacking on a punch held to the very last second..."
  • "I have the brain pain just with the thinking of it!"
  • "BADNESS!"
  • "If you are holding back your punch to the last second by pressing X Button, that is BADNESS!"
  • "The worst kind of bad badness! Do not have naughtiness and press X Button at that timing!"
  • "Built-up power punching is very full of naughty badness, yes..."
  • "But building up too much power and failing, that is full of yum..."
  • "Punches built up to the last second are full of the risk."
  • "Midbus! Now is the time for striking!"
  • "NAUGHTY!"
  • "That is danger! Do not press X Button!"
  • "That punch is like a danger sandwich..."
  • "Not tasty, Bowser... You are the handful."
  • "But my Midbus eats danger sandwiches like they were fun hoagies!"
  • "Midbus! Action time! Destroy him and we go to home!"
  • "It is I who added the nuts to the statue!"
  • "Your plan that I laugh at now makes for more laughing! You are wanting your castle?"
  • "You are not getting there!"
  • "You have the impatience... You must stop and sample the sprinklies in life's salad bar."
  • "I say no to your rushing! Time instead for some playing with a Fawfulized statue!"
  • "I have the weeping! Such a reunion of sobs!"
  • "You have moved Fawful with the family drama."
  • "But now I have chortle time! Fawful scattered your minions like litter from a sad, ugly cat."
  • "Do you want to hear them? For they are on the TV show. The TV show of your tears!"
  • "I HAVE CHORTLES! And soon, I have your castle! Fawful will love it there!"
  • "You will visit, perhaps! Fawful will reserve the Crying Room for the crying of your minions."
  • "And the crying will be a like a savory soda for my soul!"
  • "Some fighting will be slowing you!"
  • "Excited crowd! You feel it?"
  • "Fawful is also feeling it!"
  • "I am needing to feel it even more, though!"
  • "MORE!"
  • "MOOORE!"
  • "Oh, I am feeling the power! It high-fives Fawful's face!"
  • "And now I will use that power to call our most special guest, who you will be cheering!"
  • "Today's special guest..."
  • "The famous KOOPA KING!"
  • "BOWSER!"
  • "It is an entrance of amazement! Like only a special guest does!"
  • "Now a Midbus battle will unfold like an angry dip of many layers on the chips of wildest hopes!"
  • "It is the time! The Heavyweight Cage War of All Destruction!"
  • "Midbus! Crush this spiky snack, and we will have more chortles!"
  • "And the winning is for..."
  • "Such a fight of fury!"
  • "Oh, Fawful is leaving!"
  • "But first!"
  • "You had victory! Now the celebrate!"
  • "Yes, at the magic feast of honor!"
  • "COME! BOOS!"
  • "His belly cries out for the magic feast of honor!"
  • "First, your beating of Midbus! And then, the chubbening with the special dishes of tastiness!"
  • "All in my master planning!"
  • "Oh, I have such chortles! There was a slight changing to my perfect plan!"
  • "Yes, Fawful said "plan.""
  • "A plan of Bowser inhaling Peach, sending the Mushroom Kingdom into the hands of Fawful!"
  • "But now for the changing. I am needing the princess!"
  • "Fawful tells you yes."
  • "But now I am needing her right this instant!"
  • "Come out for the playing! Come to Fawful!"
  • "Such ruh-rounded chubbening on your buh-body, Bowser!"
  • "Buh-but Fawful gave you the Puh-Princess Peach diet!"
  • "Huh-heavy..."
  • "And nuh-now! All preparations have cuh-completion!"
  • "At the long last, we buh-begin the fuh-furious Age of Fawful!"
  • "Buh-Bowser! You are needing to huh-hit the gym!"
  • "Huh-heavy..."
  • "Muh-Midbus! Help!"
  • "Midbus! Come!"
  • "MIDBUS!"
  • "I have chortles!"
  • "The beauty hurts my teeth! Such power of darkness!"
  • "My spine has the tingle!"
  • "Time for the crying! Too badness for you!"
  • "For the Dark Star is snuggled with Fawful!"
  • "Are you wanting to see it? Fawful's new Dark Star?"
  • "You look! Such badness! Such pitch-black power!"
  • "Fawful sings a song of bad!♪ Mushroom Kingdom is so sad!♪"
  • "All of it is for Fawful!♪ And the...rhyme with...that.♪"
  • "It is Fawful day! Joys! Be trembling before me!"
  • "All who resist will be beat like naughty little eggs!"
  • "Such excitement, like a pie made of wow!"
  • "The Dark Star's dark power is building!"
  • "Do not tell Fawful that. That gives Fawful stress!"
  • "We are just at the starting. The power of the Dark Star is still sleepy like a dull baby."
  • "It is taking time for the Dark Star to draw out the power of Princess Peach!"
  • "Bad noise!"
  • "I have many chortles at such stupidity!"
  • "We are snug as bugs snuggling in a comfy rug. The Dark Star's blockade laughs at intruders!"
  • "Again the tears are flowing! But not on the face of Fawful!"
  • "Fawful is on the cozy couch, sipping tea that laughs at you!"
  • "And he is watching the seal on the Dark Star as it breaks..."
  • "When it does, all the kingdom will be dark as darkness!"
  • "But until then...maybe Fawful will have some shopping."
  • "AND I HAVE EXCITEMENT! At last, the Dark Star awakes like a naughty napping baby!"
  • "Fawful hates your timing! A nuisance barge barging in at the critical time for us!"
  • "I have uneasiness... Bowser keeps appearing like an ugly rabbit from the hat of a magician who stinks! So, Fawful will fight to help Midbus have victory! But Midbus has pride... So Fawful leaves him to you! MIDBUS! POWER UP!"
  • "It it it it it it it..."
  • "IT WAKES!"
  • "It has awakeness at last! Fawful has waited so long!"
  • "With this, I am taking the Dark Star's power!"
  • "I...have..."
  • "DARKNESS!!"
  • "So very darkness!"
  • "The dark power builds like a skyscraper of evil!"
  • "With the dark power in me, the world... The world..."
  • "IS FOR FAWFUL!!!"
  • "Where is the Dark Star?! Fawful has more suction for the rest of the dark power!"
  • "Dark Star! Dark Star! Fawful is wanting you! !"
  • "It is you who are the pain to me! I am needing more power!"
  • "Your meddling has made Fawful have a fury large as the world! Bowser! It is time for meeting and greeting with your doom! For now it is the end of the final act of the finale's closing last encore! I am having this castle! And now I am thinking... It needs Fawfulization! Time for the remodeling!"
  • "Fawfully-doo!♪ Where are you?!♪ Dark Star, needing you!♪ Dark power, yoo-hoo!♪ WHERE TO FIND YOU...♪"
  • "I have shock at you! You are surviving? Fawful hates you!"
  • "But I am Lord Fawful! I am ruling the world!"
  • "I have chortles... You are underestimating Fawful, who has the suction machine for draining the dark power! Fawful only got half the power, but I am thinking it is enough to KO you, the king of stupid! You have gotten in Fawful's way at each of the turns... Just like the red and green mustaches who I hate... Fawful hates your faces..."
  • "But... Now... Fawful says farewell to all your fink-rat faces forever!"
  • "Bowser! Meet..."
  • "I have fury? Fury?"
  • "Why... The failing..."
  • "You...mustaches...with...why...fury...whenever... Fawful...just wanted...some kingdom conquering... Fawful tried... Fawful gave the 110 percents... Fawful worked the overtime... Fawful was the team player... Fawful put in the hours... Fawful got the hands dirty... But every time... Always... The mustaches...arrive... Always in Fawful's way... Alwaysalwaysalways..."
  • "I have remorse... Fawful understands... Fawful gives up... Fawful will disappear with no troubles..."
  • "Here Fawful goes, the disappearing..forever disappearing..."
  • "WITH YOU!" (Fawful's last words before exploding the entire characters out of Bowser)

Goombas from Fawful Theater[edit]

  • "Welcome!"
  • "A guest arrives."
  • "Guest."
  • "Welcome to Fawful Theater!"
  • "Please wait in the lobby! Soon the show will start."
  • "Hurry up! It's starting!"
  • "Start."
  • "So this big galoot here, right? He's all like, I have no seeeat! No seeat! And he won't shut up! But he won't stop, and we're all, we just can't do it buddy, OK? So we have no idea what to do. And this lug's getting surlier. He's not going away. And he has no seat! Nothing! Not a chance! So we do some solid thinking and totally fail. No big seats! I mean, we got small seats! We can do a small seat, sure, but this guy's huge, so he's not gonna fit into a small one! Please! And it's kinda bugging me, 'cause I'm on my feet all day! I mean, I'd LOVE to sit in ANY seat. It's like, hey, pal, how about you try our job just once, y'know? It'd break him in two seconds! I work hard, Boss! Really hard! And this dude just sits through life?! So spoiled! It makes me ill! All the suffering in the world, and this guy's seating problem is urgent? Nooooooo! Ooooo!"[1]

NOTE: During gameplay, the above dialogue appears too quickly for the player to read every word.


  • "Hey! Hey! Wake up!"
  • "That oughta fix you up."
  • "Unless...Mario's there, in which case he'll once again kick--"
  • "Whoa... chill out..."
  • "Your Surliness!"
  • "There's a ton of boulders scattered around here."
  • "Use X Button to shatter them, and you can find a way through."
  • "Your Grouchiness!"
  • "This is a pretty dense forest. You oughta be able to use Y Button to burn these trees with your fire."
  • "Careful, though. If you breath flames for too long, you'll get all tuckered out."
  • "Your Burliness! What's going on?!"
  • "Your Beefiness! Dude is WEIRD. Don't eat that thing, seriously."
  • "What's wrong?! Your Queasiness!"
  • "I told you not to snack on that thing!"
  • "Hey! You creepy little weasel! What did you feed Bowser?!"

Koopa Paratroopa Trio[edit]

  • "HEY!"
  • "HEY!"
  • "HEY HEY!"
  • "You lot hit that big block that were just floatin' about 'round here, hey?"
  • "Ya did!"
  • "I saw ya!"
  • "See whatcha did!"
  • "There used to be a right lot o' shells stuffed into that there block, hey?"
  • "And ya... I still just can't believe you lot done it... Ya knocked 'em out?!"
  • "See that out there, boyos? Lotsa shell blocks all over the Mushroom Kingdom, hey?"
  • "And you twits ain't got a clue as to the right and proper owners o' them shells, do ya?"
  • "Give 'em here!"
  • "Give 'em here!"
  • "Give 'em here!"
  • "Shut it! Shut it!"
  • "We ain't gonna be petty and ask for 'em back, hey?"
  • "And now that I look at ya... I'm impressed wif the 'stache."
  • "You lot... Have ya ever worn a shell?"
  • "See, the thing about shells... They're right heavy, hey?"
  • "They're...ya know, dense... Really... Really, dense..."
  • "Get me?"
  • "How's about ya wipe that cheeky look off your mug, hey?"
  • "Guess there's nuffing for it."
  • "Only one real option here, hey? You lot get to play a game!"
  • "The weight o' the shell be mighty, but right glorious, too!"
  • "And if you lot win the game, that weight goes away, hey?"
  • "HEY!"
  • "HEY!"
  • "HEY!"
  • "Oh me, lookee here! It be one o' the blocks ya scattered!"
  • "Now hit it right quick!"
  • "Gor... That suits ya rather well, don't it!"
  • "Right! Simple rules, hey!"
  • "Dash out here and hit us wif your shell! Easy-peasy!"
  • "Aw, can't move wif that heavy old shell on ya?"
  • "Heh!"
  • "Heh!"
  • "Gor... Nimble little zipper, ain't ya..."
  • "Right! You lot think ya can gimme a wee smack, then go on and try, hey?"
  • "I'm quick as a wink! Think ya can get me?"
  • "Go!"
  • "Go!"
  • "Go go!"
  • "Oh me! Hey!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "You lot mean business! Now try...a little o' THIS!"
  • "Gor! It's like double the trouble, hey?"
  • "Hey!"
  • "You lot are the real deal!"
  • "That shell weight ain't nuffing!"
  • "Been a while since I met me a shell-worthy sort. Good on ya!"
  • "You lot got the raw skills to become masters o' the shell!"
  • "If ya see a shell block... Give it a whack for me, hey?"
  • "And whack this too!"
  • "HEY!"
  • "HEY!"
  • "HEY!"
  • "Take these with ya!"
  • "I'm sure you lot will find some use for 'em, hey!"
  • "And don't think about carrying that heavy shell for life..."
  • "Thinking like that can put a right scare into amateurs, hey?"
  • "Whazzat? Ya want to know how to take the shell off?"
  • "You lot want to take it off... Already..."
  • "Well, my money says a jump might knock that shell off..."
  • "You lot... Can you jump wif that shell on your back?"
  • "Why'd ya go and do that, hey?"
  • "Aw well... Anyway, right nice, innit?"
  • "Whenever you lot get to wanting to wear a shell, ya just hit a shell block..."
  • "Well, I'm off!"
  • "Me too."
  • "See ya."


  • "You're what? Oh. Me. I'm Kuzzle."
  • "Who, me? I just told you! I'm Kuzzle. Did I say that? My ears aren't s'good. You can't tell by lookin', I bet, but I used to be called a sage."
  • "Who's on the puzzle what? Oh, you came for a puzzle! Boy, I am fond of the puzzles. Young folks today, they can't be bothered to use their heads, but when I was a tot... Puzzles were the hippest of the hip! You'd try to solve a puzzle faster'n anyone, you would! Speakin' of trendy tots... Young folks today, they can't be bothered to use their heads, but when I was a tot... Puzzles were the hippest of the hip! You'd try to solve a puzzle faster'n anyone, you would! Speakin' of trendy tots... Young folks today, they can't be bothered to use their heads, but when I was a tot... Puzzles were the hippest of the hip! You'd try to solve a puzzle faster'n anyone, you would! Speakin' of trendy tots..."
  • "What? I what? What was it?"
  • "Right, I was talkin' puzzle. Wonder if you guys can do it... Y'see, me, I make the puzzles the old-fashioned way... And them trendy Attack Pieces? I tried puzzlin' 'em up, but... Thing is, if I make me a puzzle, I can't never seem to finish it."
  • "You tots've done a jigsaw puzzle before, ain't you? You just take all these broken pieces here and stick 'em in the right places."
  • "What, now? It sounded like a "no." That's too bad..."
  • "Mmmm... let 'er rip."
  • "Ooooh! You did it! She's done!"
  • "Yep, my puzzles turn real when completed... Ain't that a wonder? I told you, I'm a mite shrivelly now, but I was once a sage. Well... I guess you tots need them Attack Pieces more'n me. For me, just seein' that there puzzle done is reward enough."
  • "Well, I'm sure you young tots are busy and all, but gosh... Any want to hang around with this old coot? Thing is, I ain't got nothin' here but an empty old house... yep, just a bit ago, there was what you call an "incident." Since then, I try to keep the place pretty empty, y'see... But the urge to splurge is strong in me, tots! Get me a little plush furniture, y'know? Problem is, all my furniture turned into puzzle pieces and scattered on the beach. The thing about 'em is... They're not sealed away, exactly, but they are hidden... Yep, all over Plack Beach... Lots of them puzzle sacks... Complete them puzzles, tots, and this house'll be a wonder! How 'bout it? Don't sound so difficult now, do it? I got a reward, 'course. Sure! I'll fork over some of these beans I got here. You know 'em? They're precious! Beans up HP, SP, and POW. But I'm getting' ahead of things. You go get them puzzle sacks. Don't you tots worry... I'll wait just as long as I have to."
  • "Oh... You want to know where them sacks are? I only know the general areas, to tell the truth..."
  • "Definitely here... Maybe here... Maybe here... Probably might be over here..."
  • "You tots go look for 'em... If you need to hear them locations again, just ask. Well, your move, tots..."
  • "Ready for a little puzzlin'? Or do you want to hear this old coot ramble for a tick or two?"
  • "Well, I'm a bit older and more shrivelly now, but I used to be a sage, and a popular one, too! Tots today, they just care about their looks, but not ol' Kuzzle! I didn't give a toot about 'em! Me, I took pride in usin' the ol' bean to solve me a quiz or a humdinger of a puzzle. "Wow, excellent job, Kuzzle!" "Absolutely brilliant, Kuzzle!" "You're really hip, Kuzzle!" Oh yep, I was hip all right. I can still picture myself as I was then. Hip. Really hip. This house was a party pad back then. Luxurious décor, catering, bands, the works. But that were a while ago... Anyway, just t'other day... I was enjoyin' me a fine puzzle, as is my custom, when I had me a doozy of a pickle. I was about to put in the final piece, and at that moment... Yep... At that exact moment... He arrived... Oh, you tots know the fella... That big ol' galoot, Bowser... He came in pure angry... I tried to have him do a puzzle, but within thirty seconds he got way too peeved! He said... "I DON'T GET IT!" So he started raisin' him a ruckus and messed up all the furniture in the room. On top of that, the galoot ran off with the Star Cure, which is a sage's charge. Oh, it's a tough ol' tale, yep. That big galoot was actin' like a big ol' baby... And ever since then, well, ain't nothing much has gone on around here. I mean, if he stormed in here again, there ain't exactly anythin' for him to steal... And that's the tale, tots. Now this ol' coot would like to enjoy a peaceful puzzle. Anytime you're lookin' to do the same, you come by and visit old Kuzzle..."
  • "Oh, got yourself a puzzle, eh? How's about I hang onto that. You tots feel the urge to jump into that puzzle right away? You can also retry ones you've already solved, of course. It's a challenge, tryin' to solve them puzzles quick as you can. Me, in my heyday, I'd always get a perfect score of 100."
  • "Can't wait to have me a nap on that."
  • "Yep, now that there is what I call hip design."
  • "Yep... Hip..."
  • "Hm... Gazin' out of this reminds me of the first lady of my life. Mysterious and strange, just like memory itself, young tots."
  • "That's some puzzlin' skill. Here. Beans up HP, SP, and POW. Fill out the décor in my place, and I'll get you tots more."
  • "Ooooh! Ah, yep! That's pleasant! Awful pleasant, tots! All them old memories come floodin' back!"
  • "You two are good folk for indulgin' the request of... This old coot... You deserve a fine reward. Yep, I'm talkin' beans. By now, you know beans up your HP, SP, and whatnot."
  • "Anytime you feel like puzzlin', you tots just come on over. Challenge yourself to some timed puzzle runs, y'know? You can chase down my perfect 100-point score."


  • "Okey dokey!" (when starting a battle)
  • "Nintendo!" (with Mario; also said by Bowser)
  • "Mario!"
  • "MAARIOOO!" (when reuniting with Mario or if Mario is KO'd)
  • "No!"
  • "Mamma mia!" (when starting a battle without Mario)
  • "Mamma mia..." (when fainting)
  • "Oh yeah!"
  • "OK!"
  • "Yahoo!" (when leveling up)


  • "Mamma mia!"
  • "Mamma mia..." (when fainting)
  • "Let's-a-go!"
  • "LUIIGIII!" (when Luigi is KO'd)
  • "Hmmmm…"
  • "Luigi!"
  • "Wahoo!" (after using a level-up bonus)
  • "NOO!"
  • "Oh yeah!"
  • "Nintendo!" (with Luigi; also said by Bowser)
  • "Waaaaaaaaaaahhh!"
  • "I got it!" (when leveling up)


  • "Of course... Lord Fawful..." (Midbus' first words before he and Fawful toss Bowser into Cavi Cape)
  • "HRRRGH!"
  • "You. No longer needed. Here, you taste defeat."
  • "Taste your fist? Ha ha. I think not."
  • "Sense is for the weak!"
  • "You listen. Peach, gone. Lord Fawful, new ruler."
  • "Now, no need of you. Lord Fawful says sleep."
  • "Muh muh muh."
  • "You are weak. Most weak."
  • "It does not end here. Work on your skills."
  • "What? Will it hit the castle?"
  • "In that case... Do the thing!"
  • "MUH MUH MUH!"
  • "Make for the forest. Now!"
  • "What? What is this?!"
  • "Whuh-what is THAT?!"
  • "Looks like Bowser... But far too big..."
  • "You will deploy now. Identify that...thing."
  • "What's taking so long?!"
  • "Get within range. Observe closely."
  • "WHAAAT?!"
  • "Typical."
  • "He is stubborn. Launch full assault."
  • "You have grown giant. As has your cheating!"
  • "You are a coward! Return to normal size! Only then do I fight!"
  • "MUH MUH!"
  • "The clock strikes payback hour."
  • "Do plan two. To your posts!"
  • "MUH MUH MUH!"
  • "He crawls up like a Koopa. Such is Bowser's courage."
  • "I DID NOT!"
  • "Bowser! Next time, I punch your thigh bone, your eye bone, and your dry bone!"
  • "NO!"
  • "Bowser! Next time goes a different way than this way went."
  • "Hmph. I scoff. I scoff at you. You bluff."
  • "It is time. The special weapon of Lord Fawful. I will release it."
  • "You have come. As I expected."
  • "Now it is time. Now we will fight!"
  • "Then you will lose! And you will cry!"
  • "Muh muh muh! He is very round. I am amused!"
  • "Lord Fawful... With this, the world..."
  • "...Will be ours!"
  • "Someone attempts to breach the castle."
  • "You amuse me. I have fought Bowser. You are much smaller."
  • "You speak rudely. And I permit it just this once... Soon Dark Star awakes. And soon means later! Try to interfere with it, and taste my wrath!"
  • "He is of trash. And you are. You, trash. I call you trash. Go be trashy in this trash hole with this trash robot forever! Go! Super Ultra Great Mega Trashy Monster Junker Bot!"
  • "What?! Nothing?!"
  • "Move! MOVE! Stupid junk!"
  • "No one pressed "dance"! You are broken!"
  • "Oh. Well, good. Now you work."
  • "Trash these trashmen!"
  • "Lord Fawful!"
  • "Lord Fawful. Leave him to me."
  • "Now you face hot wrath. The hot wrath of my freezing blizzard attack!"
  • "Here your long journey ends!" (Blizzard Midbus before battling Bowser for the final time)
  • "Muh muh muh... Muh muh... Muh..."
  • "Though I fall here... None beat Lord Fawful..."
  • "Now he will FINISH YOU!" (Midbus' last words before freezing over after Bowser defeated him)

Monty Bros.[edit]

  • "C'mon, bro! We've made ZERO progress in forever!"
  • "Beef up that drill power again, will ya?"
  • "I'm maxing it out right now, broski!"
  • "Keep at it, broham! Gotta get it done!"
  • "We're a force of nature handpicked by Bowser!"
  • "Bros do NOT get defeated by some stupid dirt wall!"
  • "Buh-Bowser?!"
  • "Buh-bros! Take five!"
  • "Yeah, so our secret tunnel mission is going super smooth!"
  • "Remember, bro--I mean, Bowser? You wanted an escape tunnel for kidnapping Peach?"
  • "The big tunnel project... You named it Project K!"
  • "And you handed it off to us, the Monty Bros., because we rule dirt!"
  • "I-I-I... Look, sorry, brogurt!"
  • "We're all lined up to connect to Toad Town if we go straight through here, but..."
  • "Broyo, this dirt is crazy hard! It's a dead end, I kid you not!"
  • "Yeah, broham! Straight through there!"
  • "But, bro, the dirt's so hard..."
  • "You, uh... You sure about this, bro?"
  • "Bros."
  • "What was that?"
  • "He activated the drill battery. Runs for 1 minute 30 seconds."
  • "If it runs out, he's gotta head back and get a new one..."
  • "They're pricey too, brodeo-- 50 coins a pop!"
  • "Looks like Bowser's taking care of business for us."
  • "Well... As long as he makes it to Toad Town within 1 minute 30 seconds!"


  • "Mushroom Kingdom Marred by Mystery Malady! The Blorbs!"
  • "It comes without warning! First, you balloon to blimp size! Then the rolling! You roll away! Oh, the horror of the blorbs!"
  • "As of press time, the cause and cure are unknown..."
  • "Day by day, the number of blorbed Toads swells..."
  • "Seeing how grave the situation is, Princess Peach convenes an emergency meeting at her castle..."

Princess Lipid[edit]

  • "Be not alarmed."
  • "We are Princess Lipid. We rule o'er yon mucus membranes."
  • "Thou hast dropped something in yon mucus pool, methinks."
  • "What hast thou dropped in our mucus pool? Mayhap 'twas this treasure of e'erlasting wonder?"
  • "Or mayhap thou hast dropped this shabby green mustachioed man?"
  • "We shall now ask for thy formal answer."
  • "What hast thou dropped in yon mucus pool?"
  • "So! Thine claim layeth upon this treasure of e'erlasting wonder? 'Twas an impulsive choice?"
  • "Lies!"
  • "Temptation surfaced upon thy face at the mere mention of the treasure of e'erlasting wonder!"
  • "Ah... The shabby green man is thy brother, and better than a treasure of e'erlasting wonder?"
  • "...Tee hee! Very well."
  • "We shall say that the shabby green man is what thou dropped."
  • "Hark! A landing to be lauded! Thine shabby brother is nimble!"
  • "To shabby, nimble green man and his loyal brother, we giveth the treasure of e'erlasting wonder!"
  • "Honesty begets fortune..."
  • "If ever thou findst our words to be true, remember us!"
  • "Fare thee well!"
  • "Tee hee!"
  • "We almost forgot."
  • "The badges on thy persons will lead thee to fortune..."
  • "But to do so, thou shalt built thy meter to fullness..."
  • "Hmm... Thou art most dedicated."
  • "For thy honesty, we shall give help..."
  • "Ah! Such impudence! Thou ask for thine meter to be filled completely?"
  • "Hmm."
  • "If thou get it all at once, thou will ne'er learn."
  • "An honest man works for his meter, didst thou not know?"
  • "Thou shalt build up what remains with thy successful attacks."
  • "I abide..."

Princess Peach[edit]

  • "Yes... We've sent word to the Star Sprites for help, but..."
  • "We've gotten no response."
  • "Both of you... Calm down."
  • "Oh dear! A mushroom?"
  • "You mean to tell me that a mushroom causes the blorbs?"
  • "What are you doing here?!"
  • "We're in an important meeting! The kingdom's in danger!"
  • "You saved me once again. Thank you!"
  • "Well, that's one way to break up a meeting..."
  • "Absolutely. The blorbs are more pressing than Bowser."
  • "The meeting must go on!"
  • "MARIO!"
  • "LUIGI!"
  • "So Bowser inhaled you two as well!"
  • "Starlow! You too?"
  • "I haven't the slightest idea! I was looking for the exit, and this thing attacked me..."
  • "EEEK!"
  • "What in the world..."
  • "...Ah!"
  • "You all saved me! Thank you so much!"
  • "Mario! Luigi! Thank you!"
  • "I knew you'd save me."
  • "Well, in that case, we must find a way for all of us to escape."
  • "Hmm? You think we might not be able to get back outside?"
  • "Well... What to do..."
  • "Mario, Luigi, good luck."
  • "Starlow and I will debate what to do next."
  • "Well, that was a short debate. We decided it would be prudent just to explore the area."
  • "Nothing but dead ends here... Not an exit to be seen."
  • "...I think I may know. Fawful may be looking for the Dark Star..."
  • "Long, long ago, a star sleeping deep below the Mushroom Kingdom was dug up..."
  • "It was not benevolent. It was a frightful star that hid a great evil..."
  • "The Dark Star."
  • "It was said that if an evil entity found the Dark Star, the world would plunge into darkness..."
  • "That evil-hearted entity would rule the world..."
  • "Fearing that, the Star Sprites that watch over us sacrificed much over many years..."
  • "They sealed the Dark Star deep under the earth the Toad Town..."
  • "No one can break the seal on the Dark Star sleeping beneath Toad Town..."
  • "Except me!"
  • "Sorry for following you. We were just too worried."
  • "Starlow! Everyone's...OK! How wonderful!"
  • "Everyone... Thank you... You've saved our dear Mushroom Kingdom."
  • "Mario! Luigi!"
  • "Mario!"
  • "Luigi!"
  • "...Good luck!"

Private Goomp[edit]

  • "Hoff... Haff... Hfuhruhurr... It's... It's no good, guys... My back... I tweaked it..."
  • "I wonder what everyone else is doing right now..."
  • "Think we're the only ones who escaped?"
  • "Bowser, man... Where are you? And what are you doing?"
  • "Yeah... It... Well, this weird duo just showed up and went nuts."
  • "Huge attack, and just like that, they had the castle..."
  • "Uh... But... We... That..."
  • "We can't...launch now."
  • "You got it, Boss! We'll find a Banzai Bill right away!"
  • "So, uh... So where are they at, again?"
  • "Yikes! Right away, boss! We'll find one! Be right back!"
  • "Nothing!"
  • "No way there's a Banzai Bill in the forest..."
  • "He's stubborn..."
  • "Bowser always comes through!"
  • "OK, Bowser! The Banzai Bill is loaded up!"
  • "ABOVE YOU!"
  • "What a blast!"
  • "Don't lose, Bowser!"

Sergeant Guy[edit]

  • "Get it together, Private Goomp! Let's scout the area, at least."
  • "Ugh... If only Bowser were here, he'd know what to do..."
  • "Yes, sir! Shoo-rah!"'
  • "Sir, the bonking to which he refers is on the enemy heads!"
  • "To be frank, sir, we appear to be lacking ammunition..."
  • "Yikes! Right away, boss! We'll find one! Be right back!"
  • "Find anything?"
  • "He does lack strategy..."
  • "Possibly unfit for duty. Huge head, tiny brain..."
  • "Bowser always comes through!"
  • "All systems go for launch!"
  • "ABOVE YOU!"
  • "Impressive!"
  • "Fight, sir!"


  • "Careful! Don't you know?"
  • "Wiggler Family Farm has raised vegetables for generations."
  • "Banzai Bill? Not here."
  • "Violence isn't farm fresh, no. Here we just have fine organic vegetables free from pesticides."
  • "Peach has a standing order. You should try them. Free-range carrots are absolutely divine."
  • "Full of vitamins and minerals. Wonderful for a lustrous mane. Aids beauty and dietary health."
  • "Also good for burning fat, healing joints, firming muscles, supplying nutrition to muscles..."
  • "Meat? Oh, absolutely not. A healthy body craves no meat."
  • "And those who make fun of vegetables will one day pay."


  • "PARDON ME!"
  • "Sorry I'm late! This castle's huge!"
  • "Nice to meet you! I'm Starlow!"
  • "Peach sent word of trouble in the Mushroom Kingdom..."
  • "So, as a representative of the Star Sprites, here I am!"
  • "Oh... Uh... Well..."
  • "Well, I did some research on similar afflictions, but..."
  • "The blorbs is in a class of its own. It seems to be incurable..."
  • "If we could just find a cause, we'd have a place to start..."
  • "Psst... Who is that over there?"
  • "Dr. Toadley?"
  • "Look, I'm really sorry, OK?"
  • "There are some things that even a Star Sprite can't do!"
  • "I guess we just give up, huh?"
  • "Well... Whoever he is, he's our only lead."
  • "So it's decided! Let's go find him!"
  • "Don't be ridiculous! You have no right to be here! Get out!"
  • "Yes! It was my star power and Peach's wish power!"
  • "It weakened you, didn't it?!"
  • "All right! Peach!"
  • "Let's clean up this mess!"
  • "HEY! LEMME GO!"
  • "RRRGH!"
  • "NOT how you treat a lady!"
  • "YAH! QUIT IT! That...tickles!"
  • "QUIT IT!"
  • "NOW!"
  • "Mario! You saved me!"
  • "Watch out! Here it comes!"
  • "Mario!"
  • "I was watching that monster attack and noticed something..."
  • "I think you can deal a counterattack to that thing!"
  • "Know how to counterattack?"
  • "So, first of all, study your foe's movements!"
  • "NOW!"
  • "Press A Button to jump now!"
  • "Yeah! That's it, just like that! You can counterattack most foes' physical attacks!"
  • "Study their approach well, and time that counterattack as best as you can!"
  • "Next, I'd better explain the numbers next to this heart mark over here."
  • "This HP represents your physical health."
  • "When you take damage from a monster, this number goes down."
  • "When your HP hits 0, you pass out and can no longer attack."
  • "When your HP gets low, select Item from the command blocks, OK?"
  • "In this case, you have a Mushroom in your Item area to restore that HP!"
  • "Oh yeah, I forgot this part! You can also run from battle!"
  • "When you want to run away, choose Flee from the command blocks above you."
  • "Don't flee too often, though, as you tend to drop coins as you flee the battle!"
  • "Oh, and if you press A Button over and over, you'll flee faster. Remember that."
  • "Thank you so much for saving me, Mario."
  • "Hmmm..."
  • "I'm pretty sure we're inside Bowser's body."
  • "After Bowser inhaled me, I woke up and wandered around..."
  • "And then that amoeba thing grabbed me out of the blue."
  • "Hm? The others?"
  • "I don't know..."
  • "I didn't even really understand I'd been inhaled until I realized I might be inside Bowser."
  • "I bet everyone else is in here somewhere, but..."
  • "Right now I have no clue where anyone is..."
  • "Yeah, definitely inside Bowser..."
  • "Who knows how in the world THAT happened, but one thing's for sure..."
  • "If we don't find the others soon, we'll all be in BIG trouble!"
  • "Yeah, you're right."
  • "We'd better just press on. Someone might be nearby!"
  • "Hey! Luigi, why are you goofing off up there?!"
  • "What to do..."
  • "Mario, we have to help."
  • "Jump up and grab his legs so we can pull him down."
  • "Mario!"
  • "Jump and stomp 'em!"
  • "If you stomp on a monster to begin battle like just now, you deal instant damage!"
  • "This gives you the upper hand, so use it often!"
  • "Y'know..."
  • "You guys'll need to work together to get far."
  • "Hey, by the way, Luigi... You remember how to attack?"
  • "I'm sure you do, of course. You attack with B Button."
  • "Mario uses A Button and Luigi uses B Button. Make sure not to confuse those two, guys!"
  • "Wait a minute!"
  • "Yeah! These monsters telegraph their attacks!"
  • "Want to hear about it?"
  • "Watch carefully as the monster moves to attack."
  • "THERE!"
  • "HERE!"
  • "This monster lifts a leg before an attack, see?"
  • "When it attacks Mario, it lifts its right leg, and when it goes for Luigi, it lifts its left!"
  • "Looks like right now it's aiming for Luigi."
  • "Let's do a stomp counterattack."
  • "Before every monster attacks, it gives a sign like you saw just now."
  • "Where it's aiming, how it'll attack... These all have different signs you understand?"
  • "This is pretty much true of all monsters, so definitely remember this rule of thumb."
  • "Ah."
  • "I forgot to mention, Luigi, you also use B Button when you defend yourself."
  • "You use B Button when you counterattack, use items, everything. Use it well!"
  • "YES! HERE!"
  • "Call me pushy but this is crucial, so I'm jumping in."
  • "So can you guess where this monster is aiming?"
  • "Perfect!"
  • "The sign before an attack is different for each monster."
  • "When you come across a tough foe, start by looking for its sign, OK?"
  • "Phew..."
  • "Even inside Bowser's body there are enemies to fight."
  • "Hey, Luigi!"
  • "Have you seen Princess Peach anywhere?"
  • "Hm... Not you either, huh..."
  • "Looks like she'll be tough to track down..."
  • "Oh! Right!"
  • "Good thing I planned ahead and gave you guys access to the star menu!"
  • "Oh yeah, the star menu lets you track all kinds of useful information."
  • "Wanna hear about it?"
  • "OK then, open the star menu by pressing START."
  • "OK, so this is the star menu."
  • "In here, you can use items you've found..."
  • "Change gear..."
  • "Or check out your info in detail."
  • "You can also take a look at the coins you've collected."
  • "You can even see how much time you've spent adventuring."
  • "Your basic info appears up on the top screen, so you can take a look whenever you want."
  • "It's smart to open the star menu to check in now and then."
  • "For instance, Luigi..."
  • "Did you get dinged up in that last fight? Or did you just trip? Either way, your health's down."
  • "See right there!"
  • "So next, you should brush up on using items, right?"
  • "I found a mushroom a while back... Let's use it to illustrate my point."
  • "Use +Control Pad to select the Items icon and then press A Button to check your item inventory."
  • "OK, so these are all the items you're carrying."
  • "Select the mushroom and press A Button to choose it."
  • "Next, use +Control Pad to select who's going to use the item."
  • "In this case, align the mushroom over Luigi and press A Button."
  • "There, all restored!"
  • "Okay, ready to press B Button to return to the main menu?"
  • "So that's my spiel on the star menu..."
  • "Use B Button or START to close the menu."
  • "OK! Great!"
  • "Oh, and you can see where you are with SELECT."
  • "Need an explanation?"
  • "OK, press SELECT to see what's what."
  • "This is a map."
  • "This shows the layout of the region you're in."
  • "See your faces? They show your current location."
  • "If you see arrows on the map's borders, you can move the screen around with +Control Pad."
  • "Try moving it around!"
  • "That's it! Just like that!"
  • "You can also move the screen with the stylus, if you're into that..."
  • "Areas you haven't seen yet will remain obscured..."
  • "So if you're ever stuck on how to proceed..."
  • "You should definitely check out areas you haven't been to, and maybe you'll find something..."
  • "So if you're lost, open that map with SELECT!"
  • "Remember that!"
  • "OK, let's back out with SELECT or B Button."
  • "OK then, let's go look for Princess Peach!"
  • "Wow, looks like Bowser inhaled all kinds of junk, huh?"
  • "Let's hope some of it turns out to be stuff we can use!"
  • "Maybe in this wooden crate... If we could break it open..."
  • "Ooh, is that an Attack Piece?!"
  • "So Bowser swallowed some of those as well..."
  • "Hm? You don't know about them? Attack Pieces are fragments that form Special Attacks."
  • "If you collect all 10 of the Attack Pieces, you'll be able to use that Special Attack."
  • "What's a Special Attack? Well... I'll tell you later."
  • "If there's one Attack Piece here, I'm willing to bet that there are others nearby..."
  • "Let's find them!"
  • "You got all the Attack Pieces!"
  • "Awesome! Now you can use a Special Attack!"
  • "Special Attacks are powerful offensive battle moves!"
  • "If you get good at using them, you'll dominate battles!"
  • "You can now use <plural name of Special Attack>!"
  • "Huh?"
  • "Hey, check this out!"
  • "Out of this menu, you can practice your Special Attacks..."
  • "You can watch demos, too! Practice and watch all you like!"
  • "You want to watch a quick demo before you try it in battle?"
  • "Perfect timing!"
  • "All right, you two! Give 'em a taste of that Special Attack!"
  • "Mario! Luigi!"
  • "Now you can use the Special Attack formed by those Attack Pieces!"
  • "Want me to explain how to use that Special Attack?"
  • "All right then, first off choose the Special Attack command block."
  • "From here, choose which Special Attack you want to use."
  • "So you just got Green Shell, right?"
  • "With this one, you guys kick a shell back and forth!"
  • "Mario kicks with A Button and Luigi with B Button."
  • "The trick is to press A ButtonB ButtonA ButtonB Button in a good rhythm."
  • "You'll always have a simple explanation on the top screen, so check it if you forget."
  • "Let's get to it!"
  • "STOP!"
  • "Luigi, you can kick the shell back with B Button!"
  • "NOW! STOP!"
  • "This time, Mario kicks it back with A Button!"
  • "You can deal a ton of damage to your foes by kicking back and forth."
  • "Of course, if you mess up the timing of your kick, you'll fail, so stay alert."
  • "Oh, and also, when you use a Special Attack..."
  • "You'll use up the number next to the attack. That's the SP cost."
  • "If you don't have SP right then, you can't use that Special Attack!"
  • "Also, if one of you gets KO'd, you can't use Special Attacks either, so be careful!"
  • "Just this once, if your HP or SP gets too low, I'll restore it for you, so relax!"
  • "So what do you say we take care of these monsters?"
  • "You can practice your Special Attacks or watch demos whenever you want."
  • "Just choose Demo from your star menu, OK? Try it later on!"
  • "I bet you could break all kinds of things with those hammers!"
  • "First, you switch the action icon to your hammer with R Button..."
  • "And then if you press A Button, you'll swing the hammer!"
  • "You just KNOW that'll be useful all over the place!"
  • "Try it out!"
  • "Mario."
  • "If you stomp on this guy's spikes, it'll hurt."
  • "I'm serious; jumping on it would be very bad."
  • "Instead, what you ought to do is use the hammer."
  • "Want to hear how to use it?"
  • "Swing the hammer back and hold to build your power."
  • "The longer you hold it, the more damage you do."
  • "Hold back the hammer until the last second if you can!"
  • "OK, first choose the hammer!"
  • "HERE!"
  • "As you just saw, building power is vital for hammer attacks."
  • "If you hold it for too long, though, you'll fail, so time it well."
  • "Oh, and of course, Mario uses A Button and Luigi uses B Button, just the same as always."
  • "Mario!"
  • "Same deal on defense! You can't stomp on the spikes to counterattack!"
  • "You need to defend with the hammer."
  • "Should I explain?"
  • "When you defend with the hammer, you have to prepare the hammer in advance."
  • "It's not like a jump. You can't just dodge instantaneously."
  • "Also, you're going to need to hold down the button to pull off a hammer defense."
  • "It's kind of tough since you have to prepare in advance, so don't lose your focus!"
  • "OK! Here it comes!"
  • "When an enemy draws near, hold down A Button to prep that hammer!"
  • "NOW!"
  • "Hold down A Button to prep the hammer!"
  • "Now release A Button!"
  • "Yeah, that's it! Remember that timing!"
  • "When defending with the hammer, you really need to study your foe's attack."
  • "It may be tough at first, but you'll be just fine."
  • "Luigi, just watch how Mario does it, and you'll be OK!"
  • "Looks like we finally made it out of that messed-up area..."
  • "Hmph..."
  • "We may be able to access some other areas of Bowser's body..."
  • "The circles represent areas we can probably reach."
  • "Just follow the paths to get to where you want to go."
  • "Move with +Control Pad, of course."
  • "Or you can just touch the circle you want to access."
  • "I wonder if there's a place where we can get ready..."
  • "For what lies ahead..."
  • "This place..."
  • "Will you wait a moment?"
  • "What the..."
  • "This can't be..."
  • "Yeah! It must be!"
  • "Sorry for the wait."
  • "I found something up ahead that bugs me."
  • "It's faster to show you than to bother explaining."
  • "Head in there!"
  • "This! This is the thing! That sticking-out part..."
  • "It seems to be connected to Bowser's major nerve..."
  • "If we can stimulate this thing, something'll happen."
  • "That got him up."
  • "HEY! HEAR ME?"
  • "Don't bother looking!"
  • "I'm actually down here! Inside your body!"
  • "You don't remember? At Peach's Castle...?"
  • "Oh... You don't?"
  • "This is really lucky. Let's not tell him yet that he inhaled us."
  • "Maybe I should explain who I am later..."
  • "It's a long story..."
  • "Oh... Uh, really? Weird."
  • "Listen, to change the subject, uh, where are you right now?"
  • "A cave?"
  • "This is just weird..."
  • "He doesn't remember inhaling us at all!"
  • "He doesn't know where he is right now..."
  • "What happened up there?"
  • "Hey, up there! First, shouldn't you find a way out of that cave?"
  • "Let's let Bowser do his thing for a while."
  • "WAIT!"
  • "Mario, Luigi, listen up."
  • "I forgot something important."
  • "Right now, Bowser is moving with +Control Pad, right?"
  • "Well, if you press A Button or B Button, Mario and co. will move again."
  • "When Mario and co. want to move, use A Button or B Button."
  • "If you want to move Bowser, press X Button or Y Button again."
  • "Whoever's screen is lit up is who you're currently moving."
  • "Let's give it a shot."
  • "Try pressing A Button or B Button."
  • "And tah-dah! We're down here! Try moving with +Control Pad!"
  • "OK, let's try changing back to Bowser."
  • "Now! Just press X Button or Y Button!"
  • "OK! Move!"
  • "Enough! Stop!"
  • "By using +Control Pad, you can move Bowser around."
  • "When you want to move the bros again..."
  • "Press A Button or B Button. Keep it in mind!"
  • "Now let's get this big lug out of the cave."
  • "What's wrong?!"
  • "I didn't touch anything! Don't blame me for this!"
  • "Now, just hang on a sec!"
  • "What would I have to gain by disabling your flame system?"
  • "I'm sure you do. And I'm also sure I didn't disable your flame system!"
  • "So have a good time trying to fight without your fire and all."
  • "I hear you!"
  • "Sounds like Fawful is taking over!"
  • "Huh? No, that's no good! Go to Peach's Castle!"
  • "We HAVE to go to Peach's Castle!"
  • "...OK, I understand. Do as you must."
  • "Nothing we can do right now...but Bowser's in bad shape."
  • "It's possible some changes will take place in his body..."
  • "Something's happening to Bowser's arm!"
  • "This is Bowser's arm muscle..."
  • "It's reacting somehow!"
  • "He must be carrying something or trying to pull something..."
  • "Some kind of switch, huh?"
  • "Mario, look out!"
  • "What? What happened?"
  • "I think that stimulated Bowser's muscles! They're getting huge!"
  • "Hey! Try hitting some more of those light balls!"
  • "I get it now... If we stimulate Bowser's body like just now..."
  • "He appears to manifest some sort of extreme strength..."
  • "A weird statue on the beach... Might be the Sea Pipe Statue."
  • "A statue honoring a hero of the sea."
  • "Wait! Wait! No violence!"
  • "What?! It's moving? That's not possible!"
  • "Looks like we have no choice. Let's deal with that statue!"
  • "Look! That area over there..."
  • "Something happened in his body! Let's go check it out!"
  • "Look! Over there!"
  • "The wall that blocked the way! The water made it float up!"
  • "Let's swim over and look!"
  • "Oh, right!"
  • "To swim, use A Button and B Button."
  • "If you synchronize yourselves by pressing A Button and B Button at the same time, you can swim way up high!"
  • "Give it a try!"
  • "...Oh, I get it."
  • "When Bowser drinks, the water flows down into his belly..."
  • "But when he stops, the water level drops back down."
  • "Huh? You think Princess Peach might be up ahead?"
  • "...You may be right. Let's press on and keep our eyes peeled."
  • "Of course, to do that, we'll need Bowser's cooperation!"
  • "HEY!"
  • "Can you drink some more water for me?"
  • "Uh... Um..."
  • "Your body's in rough shape. There's like...filth and crust! Water might wash it out?"
  • "Oh yeah!"
  • "Of course!"
  • "Definitely!"
  • "Totally! Or not..."
  • "Phew..."
  • "All right! Let's move on!"
  • "Hey! Where's Princess Peach? Isn't she with you?"
  • "Yes... Bowser got everyone. Ugh, we're in a real fix."
  • "Even Toadsworth doesn't know where the princess is..."
  • "Huh? Oh, yeah, right. We need to get Toadsworth out of here. He's lost it."
  • "The thing is, this barrier looks tough. I doubt even a hammer would dent it..."
  • "Huh? Something's over there?"
  • "Looks like the gap's too narrow for your body size. You'll never get through..."
  • "What? You have an idea?"
  • "So you're saying what? Use R Button to switch the action icon to the hammer..."
  • "And then Luigi swings with B Button to make Mario small?"
  • "Genius! When he's that size, he can fit through narrow passages!"
  • "That... Wow, you guys must really trust each other. Getting bonked with a hammer on purpose..."
  • "Wait, hang on!"
  • "Making Mario tiny is great, but how do you make him normal?"
  • "Oh, right.. Hit Mini-Mario one more time to normalize him."
  • "Head into that passage! No time to lose!"
  • "Oh boy. I've seen those bugs. They live in Dimble Wood."
  • "Bowser must have inhaled it with whatever else he ate."
  • "But to have gotten this big... What's it been eating?"
  • "Of course! That thing is blocking Bowser's flame pipe! No wonder he can't spit fire!"
  • "EEEYERP!"
  • "Hoo boy! Shouldn't have let my guard down..."
  • "I owe you guys one!"
  • "You had a bug problem! You sucked one up, and it plugged your flame pipe!"
  • "We already took care of it! Calm down, will you?"
  • " thanks!"
  • " name?"
  • "Uh... Ummmm... My name is... Uh..."
  • "CHIPPY!"
  • "Yeah, a little weird... Look, it doesn't matter!"
  • "Huh? Uh... Did I... Did I say that?"
  • "Well, looks like Princess Peach isn't around here, huh?"
  • "Nothing we can do... I guess we might as well let Bowser do his thing."
  • "Maybe he'll create some more changes in his body environment..."
  • "Hey! Why don't YOU go look for one?"
  • "Those guys didn't seem too reliable."
  • "The shape seems different than before somehow..."
  • "I bet the balls of light will be different too! Careful!"
  • "Look! There's a reaction in Bowser's stomach!"
  • "What if we break up these big pieces..."
  • "I wonder if this will make Bowser be able to eat a ton."
  • "Keep tapping to break up those big pieces!"
  • "Tapping all those pieces Bowser ate sure isn't easy..."
  • "I wish there were an easier way to break them all up..."
  • "Did you hear that?!"
  • "When Bowser's mouth flashes, some enzyme thingy goes active inside one of the pieces!"
  • "It's red right now! It can digest all of the pieces at once!"
  • "Remember where that piece is!"
  • "You remember where that piece is? Break it up!"
  • "Found it!"
  • "Using that helps Bowser digest really fast, huh?"
  • "Let's tap and see!"
  • "Remember the enzyme that falls when Bowser's mouth flashes..."
  • "Find that enzyme inside one of those pieces, and activate it right away!"
  • "Huh?!"
  • "That thing we just heard was a tiny enzyme!"
  • "Let's tap and see!"
  • "What? What is it?! What's wrong?"
  • "What is it, do you think? You ate too much carrot?"
  • "But the kingdom's in danger!"
  • "If we delay, we may never get your castle back!"
  • "I guess we have to deal with it. Bowser, don't move, OK?"
  • "I'll go find out what's causing all this pain!"
  • "Oh, wow! Are you a friend of the bug from the farm?"
  • "Don't talk much, huh? You must have been in that carrot Bowser ate!"
  • "Wow, you got huge. I wonder why? And why are you...uh, sidling?"
  • "Yikes! It's been eating those white things! They made it big!"
  • "Mario, what should we do?"
  • "True... If we don't get Bowser moving, we're in trouble."
  • "Sorry, bug. It seems wrong, but we must...uh, exterminate you."
  • "Hmm... This passage is blocked!"
  • "Did you get attacked by those white soldier things, too?"
  • "First we need a way out..."
  • "His arm?"
  • "Hey, up there! It looks like your punch power increased! Try punching while moving!"
  • "Yeah, try it! If it works, you'll be able to break stuff you couldn't before, right?"
  • "Uh, well, I'm not sure I can accept..."
  • "Hey! Everything OK up there?"
  • "Uh-oh, he's not answering. This is not good."
  • "We'd better go check out that area that's reacting."
  • "OK, so how do we ford this adrenaline channel, anyway?"
  • "OK, yeah, that's adrenaline!"
  • "Because it's red adrenaline, Mario, you have to blast it!"
  • "Use that beam to blast the adrenaline as it flies at you."
  • "The next one's green, Luigi!"
  • "Fire from the left!"
  • "When you blast adrenaline, it fills that adrenameter!"
  • "When the adrenameter gets completely filled..."
  • "Maybe Bowser's energy gets revived by adrenaline!"
  • "Mario, hit the red! Luigi, hit the green! Don't mix it up!"
  • "What's THAT?!"
  • "I think a single shot won't repel that adrenaline..."
  • "Mario! Luigi! Blast this one together, OK?"
  • "Press and hold both buttons, and keep blasting that thing!"
  • "His energy sparked!"
  • "His energy spiked!"
  • "Bowser's moving again!"
  • "Well, I was just trying to do something to revive your body and..."
  • "Whatever I did made your body get huge."
  • "Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I can. Apparently it only works in dire situations..."
  • "Oh, boy. Looks like trouble up there."
  • "They won't listen to you."
  • "Fawful controls them now. They've been brainwashed."
  • "For now, I think you ought to go in and have a look around."
  • "Yes, yes. I hear you."
  • "Looks like Fawful tricked you easy as you please."
  • "Ahahahahahahaha!"
  • "Sounds to me like you should go on a diet!"
  • "Hmmmm... What to do... What to do..."
  • "I guess I'll do something when I feel like it!"
  • "Well, his sudden weight gain must have produced some changes in his body..."
  • "Sounds like a perfect time to look for Princess Peach!"
  • "Hi, Princess!"
  • "We've been looking for you high and low!"
  • "What in the world happened? And what's that thing there?"
  • "Those blobby things got her! We have to save the princess!"
  • "After them!"
  • "What was that treasure of whatever wonder you got?"
  • "WOW!"
  • "If you wear those badges in battle, you'll see some special effects!"
  • "Oh yeah! Those things can turn the tide in battle!"
  • "Something else in there?"
  • "The meter builds when you guys perform a successful attack."
  • "Mario! Luigi! First make the meter get full!"
  • "The meter's full! Now we can use the badge's effect!"
  • "You can use the badge's effect once you have access to command blocks!"
  • "Use it now, before you choose a command block!"
  • "Right! Go ahead and touch the pulsing part of the meter!"
  • "This badge restores both of your guys' HP at the same time, so it's helpful in a pinch."
  • "Oh yeah, but when you use your badge, the meter drains completely."
  • "Leave the meter full to use your badges when you're in a bind..."
  • "Or constantly build it up and use it when it's full..."
  • "Really, the way you use badges is up to you!"
  • "You should know, there are a ton of different badges out there..."
  • "It's probably best if I teach you how to swap your badges now."
  • "Want to hear me explain how to swap badges?"
  • "OK then, choose the Change Badge block!"
  • "That's right, choose this Change Badge block!"
  • "This is the screen where you swap badges."
  • "When you swap Mario's badge, use R Button, and when you swap Luigi's, use L Button."
  • "Right now you only have one badge each, so nothing will change, but..."
  • "When you find other ones, try swapping around to see what the results are!"
  • "OK, we're done for now. Press B Button to go back!"
  • "Badges have various effects depending on their combination."
  • "Try switching around your badges in various combinations to see what you find!"
  • "Hey... This whirlwind..."
  • "Think you can use it?"
  • "Well, I mean, what if you just jumped into the middle of it?"
  • "Get any good ideas?"
  • "OK, so you'll switch to the Spin Jump icon with R Button..."
  • "Then Mario hops onto Luigi? Oh, right, by pressing A Button."
  • "And then in that position, you press A Button again..."
  • "Got it!"
  • "You two twirl around in a Spin Jump!"
  • "So you can use that Spin Jump to fly across wide gaps!"
  • "Huh? You think that'll work inside a whirlwind?"
  • "Oh, right!"
  • "If you combine your spin power with the whirlwind's..."
  • "You can fly even farther, right?"
  • "That's amazing! Try that Spin Jump in the whirlwind!"
  • "There they are! Up there!"
  • "Princess Peach is trapped inside! Save her!"
  • "Listen, guys... Be careful!"
  • "I don't think hammering or jumping will shake them off..."
  • "We have to think of some other way to get rid of them..."
  • "Mario! Luigi!"
  • "OK, guys! You stop them!"
  • "I'll guard the princess!"
  • "What? Luigi, YOU want to guard the princess?"
  • "You mean Mario and I should fight those guys?"
  • "Listen, Princess Peach... Bowser inhaled everyone. They're all inside his body..."
  • "Gosh... Up to now, all I was thinking about was finding Princess Peach..."
  • "But now we really need to find a way out of here..."
  • "Hey, look! There's another room up ahead."
  • "Maybe just through here! It could be the exit..."
  • "Tell you what... I'll guard Princess Peach here."
  • "You two go ahead and see if there's an exit, OK?"
  • "So, did you look around? See an exit anywhere?"
  • "Oh..."
  • "Well, again we play the waiting game for some bodily change..."
  • "...Now he needs the princess? What could that mean?"
  • "Dark Star?"
  • "Aha! No wonder those guys are trying to find the Dark Star!"
  • "But why would they need you, Princess Peach?"
  • "Whoa! What was that loud noise?"
  • "It came from the room next door!"
  • "Got it! You guys check it out!"
  • "I'll guard the princess!"
  • "What's this light?"
  • "OH NO!"
  • "PEACH!"
  • "Going the brute force route again, I see..."
  • "Let's stimulate Bowser's muscles to fire him up!"
  • "Just jumping's not enough to get these muscles going..."
  • "When you land, press the button to stomp really hard!"
  • "OK, now Luigi!"
  • "Looks like you need to press the button of the bro on the bottom."
  • "If you alternate stomps left and right, you jump higher and stimulate the muscles more."
  • "Time your button presses to keep the jumps going, OK?"
  • "Ah!"
  • "Looks like you keep stomping by holding the button down..."
  • "Maybe you should press and hold those buttons a bit?"
  • "What is it now?"
  • "Hey! You OK?"
  • "I wonder what happened..."
  • "We'd better walk around a bit and see what's what."
  • "I think we may have finally got out of Bowser's body..."
  • "I wonder where we are? Somewhere underground..."
  • "Oh? These are the Toad Town Caves?"
  • "Really? You think? OK, if you say so."
  • "Wait, that reminds me! Peach's story!"
  • "The Dark Star is beneath Toad Town!"
  • "You guys hear that?"
  • "Fawful's nearby!"
  • "Talk about a dilemma! Fawful has Peach..."
  • "But he's also looking for the Dark Star!"
  • "We have to find that Dark Star before Fawful!"
  • "By the way, if you get lost, just confirm where you are on the map."
  • "Let's go!"
  • "Bowser...right?"
  • "Wow, and we were just inside his body... Weird."
  • "I wonder what happened that made him faint..."
  • "Security system, huh..."
  • "If we try to go through here, we'll get toasted like Bowser."
  • "We'd better go see if we can find a different route!"
  • "Seriously, it is NOT a good idea to go that way."
  • "Let's find another route."
  • "Yeah, the Dark Star, right?! Listen! Did Fawful pass by?"
  • "Something's off... Isn't it odd for you guys to be down here?"
  • "No! Too late! It's Fawful!"
  • "Peach has been captured... The Dark Star is freed..."
  • "If this keeps up, the Mushroom Kingdom is done for!"
  • "Yeah! We must return the Dark Star before its seal breaks!"
  • "No!"
  • "The Dark Star... Its power has begun to awaken..."
  • "We have to get past this blockade..."
  • "Good idea... Let's head to Toad Town and come up with a strategy."
  • "That sounds bad!"
  • "You two guys have to jump and grab me!"
  • "When you latch on to me, hold down the button."
  • "If you let the button fall, you'll let go, so be careful!"
  • "Great! Get it?"
  • "We heard word that you know all there is to know about the Mushroom Kingdom."
  • "We were hoping that you might know how to break down the barriers at Peach's Castle..."
  • "Boy... Way to put a gloomy spin on things..."
  • "The way things stand, we can't get anywhere near the castle..."
  • "And the fate of the kingdom teeters on the brink..."
  • "It does?"
  • "Star Cures?"
  • "So all we have to do is find these three cures?!"
  • "Can the cures destroy the Dark Star, as well?"
  • "They'll cure the blorbs?! We've gotta get them!"
  • "So where? Where are the Star Cures?"
  • "OK, right! Gotcha! Where are the sages?"
  • "A forest... Dimble Wood!"
  • "What? YOU can't find them!"
  • "You know Mario and Luigi will find all three!"
  • "Hey! What sort of person is the first sage, anyway?"
  • "You're right. Let's just head to Dimble Wood."
  • "What? That's the...creature we battled inside Bowser's body?"
  • "Oh... Really? Huh... OK, yeah! I remember!"
  • "It ran off after we beat it, didn't it?"
  • "That thing is a sage?"
  • "But it's not in the forest at all! It's inside Bowser's body!"
  • "Bowser ate it in Dimble Wood and it's inside Bowser's body!"
  • "That crystal of yours is totally off the mark!"
  • "Oh yeah... I guess that's true. It's pretty lucky the first sage is inside Bowser's body!"
  • "We can just head back inside and grab the Star Cure from that bug-sage thing!"
  • "Huh? Hey, look at this pipe... It's like the one in Bowser!"
  • "How lucky! We can move on!"
  • "Seems as though Bowser is headed for Dimble Wood..."
  • "He has no idea the sage with the Star Cure is inside him."
  • "Well, let's go in!"
  • "WAIT!"
  • "You're the first sage, right? We need to talk to you!"
  • "WAIT!"
  • "Mario! Luigi! Get it together!"
  • "Follow that bug!"
  • "Aw, it got away..."
  • "There's gotta be a way past this barrier..."
  • "But it's beyond us now."
  • "Until Dr. Toadley finds out the location of the other sages, we should stick around this area."
  • "There's no way Bowser can get the Star Cure first anyway..."
  • "The Dark Star...It's finally gone!"
  • "And the princess? Is she all right?"
  • "Oops. I said too much."
  • "What? You're still at it?"
  • "Look, give up already. Seriously, get over it. You're done with evil."
  • "Sounds good. No more evil, OK?"
  • "Luigi! Wake up! Everyone's out!"
  • "Yes! We made it out of Bowser's body!"
  • "Looks like Fawful's final ploy failed at the last..."
  • "His last-ditch explosion rescued us all!"
  • "Listen, I'd advise not thinking about it too deeply, OK?"
  • "It's all in the past, and what you don't know won't hurt you!"
  • "Yup. Your minion."


  • "Yeah, what's wrong with you, Toadsworth?!"
  • "There IS someone we can count on, by boogity!"
  • "So uh... What's up? They're not here yet? The bros..."
  • "Now then, going on what little information we've unearthed..."
  • "The cause MAY be a mushroom sold by a local merchant."
  • "Well, yeah, we interviewed all the blorbed Toads we could..."
  • "And they all said they'd bought Blorb Mushrooms."'
  • "Well, according to one witness, it was a fellow in a cape..."
  • "All signs point to the suspect not being from this kingdom."
  • "Seems like it's pretty much adjourned, by boogity..."
  • "Should we cancel it?"
  • "I know that voice, by boogity..."
  • "Is Mario in here?"
  • "Wow, it IS Mario!"
  • "It's me, Toadbert!"
  • "Yeah, Bowser inhaled me too. With almost the whole castle."
  • "I'm so happy we met up! Well, I'm not happy we're here, but..."
  • "Oh yeah, I sure did."
  • "I guess it's just their job. They attack anything foreign that gets into Bowser's body."
  • "Anyway, gotta say, it's pretty interesting in here, by boogity!"
  • "There's all kinds of weird stuff! I feel like a gut spelunker!"
  • "Hmm? Princess Peach?"
  • "Oh yeah, it makes sense that she would've been inhaled too..."
  • "Unfortunately, I haven't seen her around here anywhere..."
  • "She's gotta be in his body somewhere, though..."
  • "I guess you just gotta keep trudging around, huh?"
  • "Hm! It looks like that had some sort of effect on Bowser's arm."
  • "Yeah, I've been poking around... This whole area is a pressure point for Bowser's arm..."
  • "It's just a theory, but I think if he punches while moving, he'll punch much harder than before!"
  • "Well, looks like you guys have this under control. I'm gonna go scout some other areas."
  • "If I find anything, I'll holler. See you later, by boogity!"
  • "Mario! By boogity!"
  • "That last shock opened up deeper byways in Bowser's body!"
  • "Check this out!"
  • "All the pipes Bowser inhaled piled up in this room!"
  • "That's right!"
  • "These pipes should take us to the Mushroom Kingdom."
  • "If we use these, we can get out, by boogity!"
  • "Hurry! Get in this pipe!"
  • "Mario! You guys found your way here too, by boogity!"
  • "So I've been investigating this area, and I discovered that this region controls the body slam!"
  • "Yes, by boogity! Body slam! If my calculations are correct, the body slam somehow doubles Bowser's weight while airborne. With that doubled weight, Bowser can slam into the ground with incredible force! You see those three pressure points? If you stimulate them, you'll awaken the body slam... But right now pressure points aren't active... Stimulating them right now wouldn't have any effect. Something somewhere in this area must activate those pressure points, by boogity! Mario! Luigi! See if you can find something! "
  • "The pressure points are active! Well done, by boogity! All right! Try stimulating those three pressure points, and we'll see what happens! "
  • "Body slam, by boogity! I guarantee you he can do body slams now!"
  • "That went well, by boogity!"
  • "Right, well, I'll keep poking around to see what I can find. Bob-ombs AWAAAAAY!"
  • "Yuh... You guys! Good luck!"
  • "Toadsworth, by boogity! I was looking for you!"
  • "Really? That sounds fascinating, by boogity! You mind if I watch as it sloooowly works its magic?"
  • "Ahhhh! Toadsworth, your tea never fails to calm me down. Teatime is so restful..."
  • "Yes, take it slooow..."
  • "Mr. Mario! Mr. Luigi! I suspect that Bowser has learned the spike ball move!"
  • "Yes, by boogity! By stimulating this spot, we've made his muscle loose and incredibly limber!"'


  • "Mom, I'm home!"
  • "Well, hi there, sweetie! Home early today, huh?"
  • "Ms. Ingletoad just wouldn't stop talking. Blah blah blaaaaaah!"
  • "So I snuck out and came home!"
  • "You naughty little scamp!"
  • "You'll never grow up into a fine Toad with such bad behavior!"
  • "Fiiiiiiiine, Mom, whatever."
  • "So, is dinner ready yet?"
  • "Yes, dear, it is."
  • "But call your dad before we eat."
  • "DAAAAAAD! Dinner's ready!"
  • "Dad?"
  • "YEEEEEK!"
  • "What is it, dear?!"
  • "It's Dad! He's..."
  • "Soon the entire Mushroom Kingdom will get the blorbs..."
  • "We've gotta find the cause and get this place back to normal!"
  • "Yeah, obviously, but we've never dealt with something like this!"
  • "I have absolutely no idea what to do! I suggest we panic!"
  • "Pull yourself together, man! We have to do SOMETHING!"
  • "My son... He's also... He's also got the blorbs!"
  • "Wah!"
  • "You docs gotta do SOMETHING! This is a national emergency!"
  • "Dr. Toadley's intern."
  • "He's a really famous doctor! He knows EVERYTHING!"
  • "He couldn't make it to today's meeting, so his intern is here."
  • "Hey! Mario! Hurry! Hurry!"
  • "It's a meeting! Big meeting! You've gotta hurry, please!"
  • "Everyone's waiting, Mario! In the conference hall!"
  • "...Oh. Luigi came too. Super."
  • "Look, the conference hall is in back. Please hurry!"
  • "...Oh, but before you do, do you need an action-icon refresher?"
  • "OK then, keep your peepers on the lower right of the screen."
  • "Those things are action icons. They represent the actions that you guys can perform."
  • "The ones you see right now show Luigi's and your jumps."
  • "But the thing is, those icons... When Mario--that's you--gets near stuff, those icons change."
  • "Like, say Mario approaches someone her wants to talk to... Well, the icon changes talk this!"
  • "Then you press A Button to get talking. Simple, right?"
  • "So say Mario nears something a little sketchy. In that case, the icon changes to this!"
  • "If you press A Button at that point, you'll take a closer look."
  • "Watch for that icon to change! Then make good use of A Button! Always remember that!"
  • Cool... What else... Oh, numbers under the icons. That's HP for you two. Y'know, your health."
  • "When that number gets too low, you're in big trouble, so both of you be careful, OK?"
  • "...Need to hear that again?"
  • "Whoa, you're old pros, huh? Cool--get to it, then!"
  • "Hey there! The conference hall is just up ahead."
  • "Yup, everyone's in there, and I'm sure they're eager to see you!"
  • Of course, there are many Toads working the grounds here too."
  • "If you want to chat with anyone, you know the drill--press A Button.
  • "You'll probably hear some juicy tidbits! Or maybe not."
  • "Like gossip? Then get chatty with folks by pressing A Button!"
  • "Ooooog. Mario!"
  • "Phew! You'll fix me up, won't you?!"
  • "I can't wait, seriously. Not a fan of the blorbs."
  • "Whoa, hey, Luigi! Long time, no see!"
  • "What are you doing out and about today?"
  • "Mario! How's the jump holding up these days? Knees OK?"
  • "Remember, use A Button for Mario and B Button for Luigi!
  • "This is Peach's Castle! ...But you knew that."
  • "That intern that just passed by here..."
  • "Man, she was cute..."
  • "Ooog, not the conference hall."
  • "Conference hall is over there!"
  • "See this? Yeah. Save block. You see one, jump to hit it."
  • "Trust me, save whenever you can. Gives you peace of mind."
  • ""Save often, save your sanity.""
  • "My uncle used to say that all the time. A wild one, my uncle."
  • "Anyway, it's OK for Luigi to hit blocks too!"
  • "Save often! It's crucial!"


  • "Oh! How absolutely wretched..."
  • "Such a thing has never happened in the history of the kingdom!"
  • "Princess! We still await..."
  • "Ah, glorious! I daresay our Star Sprite has arrived!"
  • "Princess... This thing is...what?"
  • "Mercy! Such pep! Such verve! Such unswerving confidence!"
  • "So you'll be able to simply cure the blorbs, then! Correct?"
  • "Hrm... If this is even beyond the power of a Star Sprite..."
  • "Blast... Doctors are stumped... The Star Sprite is helpless..."
  • "To whom might we turn?"
  • "Hmph! How insolent!"
  • "Oh! Quite right!"
  • "Hope endures!"
  • "Ah! Master Mario! And Master Luigi!"
  • "We've awaited your arrival! Let us resume the meeting."
  • "Blorb Mushrooms?"
  • "Perplexing... Not a local variety, of that I'm quite sure."
  • "What sort of rapscallion would sell such a thing?"
  • "Master Mario! Master Luigi! Your hour is at hand!"
  • "Go forth and stomp this fellow as if he were Bowser!"
  • "That... Erm... That's... Well..."
  • "Master Mario!"
  • "Your first battle in some time!"
  • "Shall I refresh you on attacks?"
  • "Ahem... Now then, choose the jump command block to attack."
  • "HALT!"
  • "Press A Button here!"
  • "Press the button with exact timing as you just did to increase the damage!"
  • "Remember this above all else! Press the button just prior to stomping!"
  • "I must mention one vital bit. When you attack with a jump..."
  • "You can stomp your foe twice! Shall I explain that?"
  • "Now then attack with a jump just as you did a moment ago."
  • "HAAALT!"
  • "Press A Button here! This impact is only the first one!"
  • "HALT!"
  • "Press A Button one more time, if you will!"
  • "Master Mario!"
  • "Shall I explain attacks one more time for you?"
  • "Very well, then. No need to repeat myself, is there?"
  • "Master Mario, when you attack with a jump..."
  • "Press the button twice with good timing! Don't forget!"
  • "Master Mario!"
  • "Oh, this is crucial! You can dodge Bowser's attacks!"
  • "Care to hear about attack evasion?"
  • "Now, Master Bowser, attack, if you will please!"
  • "HAAALT!"
  • "Press A Button here!"
  • "If you jump and dodge a foe's attack as you just did, you'll escape damage!"
  • "Time your jump well with a foe's attack! Remember this!"
  • "Master Mario!"
  • "If you jump and dodge a foe's attack as you just did, you'll escape damage!"
  • "When avoiding a foe's attack with a jump..."
  • "Time the jump well with the foe's attack! Don't ever forget!"
  • "Hrm... Young man, we're facing a national emergency."
  • "If we cancel the meeting, nothing will get solved."
  • "Mercy! You ARE the princess!"
  • "Take heed, gentlemen and star! That's how one does things!"
  • "But we surely can't use this ravaged room anymore..."
  • "Shall we continue someplace a touch less demolished?"
  • "Masters Mario and Luigi! You're hale and hearty!"
  • "After that great lout inhaled me, I awoke a bit addlepated..."
  • "I've walked hither and sthither, and now I've become quite stuck!"
  • "WHAT?! The princess?! Don't tell me she was inhaled as well!"
  • "Horrors... The princess... It rends the heart!"
  • "All alone within Bowser's body..."
  • "On her own amidst such filth..."
  • "The shame..."
  • "Huzzah! Sweet freedom! Master Mario! Master Luigi! My deepest thanks!"
  • "I daresay Master Mario and co. will now seek the princess, hm?"
  • "Marvelous. Simply marvelous! The princess must be made safe at all costs!"
  • "Speaking of which..."
  • "I should tell you, as I made my way here, I spotted a huge, flat bug by some sort of door."
  • "It was wretched, to be sure! I shudder to think of it, but if it attacked the princess..."
  • "Righto! With that large, foul bug in the hands of Masters Mario and Luigi, I shall be off!"
  • "I believe it would behoove us all if I were to find the other Toads and glean what I can."
  • "Help the princess! I count upon you!"
  • "Have at you! I'll thrash you! I'll... Ah. Could we be..."
  • "Princess. OH, PRINCESS! Such joy... You are safe! I'm simply awash with relief!"
  • "Good gracious! No... Not again! Princess! Flee!"
  • "Worry not! Masters Mario and Luigi are sure to trounce him!"
  • "Have at him!"


  • "STOP, THIEF!"
  • "The great giga-carrot! Raised by Wigglers for generations!"
  • "That giga-carrot was grown by my grandfather's grandfather's..."
  • "grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's..."
  • "grandfather's generation and every single one since!"
  • "And you yanked it!"
  • "...You don't care about the story of the Wigglers at all, huh?"
  • "So, a Banzai Bill? I have one."
  • "Yes, a long time ago, a Banzai Bill fell into the pasture..."
  • "I have secretly cared for it, telling no one where it lies."
  • "Do you want it?"
  • "Oh, of course, I would, but... You really need to learn a lesson or two about honor."
  • "So first of all, you need to take responsibility for yanking out this giga-carrot."
  • "Then we can talk Banzai Bill."
  • "You heard me! The Wiggler family has been growing this for ages! Growing this huge giga-carrot!"
  • "Now take responsibility..."
  • "AND EAT IT!"
  • "When you yank a vegetable out, be responsible and eat it all."
  • "That's been Wiggler law since time out of mind. Waste not!"
  • "Fine, don't. But no Banzai Bill."
  • "By the way, there's a time limit."
  • "You have one minute to eat it. All of it."
  • "Think of it as a sort of challenge."
  • "I'm afraid not."
  • "I suppose that's fair. You may have a taste."
  • "But just a little one."
  • "Ready?"
  • "Go, face-stuff challenge!"
  • "Ah."
  • "This giga-carrot includes a super-digestive enzyme that quickly digests food."
  • "When you eat a piece of carrot that holds that enzyme, it flashes briefly."
  • "A mouth flash means pay close attention to the swallowed bit."
  • "For inside that piece hides the digestive enzyme."
  • "Use it while it is red, and all eaten food will be digested at once."
  • "As time passes, the enzyme fades to blue and grows ever weaker..."
  • "Ah, these tiny enzymes hide within other pieces as well..."
  • "This is what tiny super-digestive enzymes look like."
  • "Yes, yes, yes. Practice is over..."
  • "That's a bit too much practice eating, no?"
  • "Well, then..."
  • "Sponsored by the Wiggler family! Promoted by the Wiggler family! Authorized by the very same!"
  • "We bring to you, live, the game of Giga-carrot, which nourishes nature, body, and soul!"
  • "Well then, time's up."
  • "I'm awful sorry. Will you give up?"
  • "Or perhaps take the challenge once more."
  • "I'll provide giga-portion of normal carrots."
  • "Don't you worry. We have plenty of delicious carrots."
  • "Take the challenge?"
  • "A Wiggler will await here until you're ready."
  • "I can't believe it! An eating record!"
  • "And what a time! Just <number of seconds> seconds!"
  • "How very splendid."
  • "Let's have a round of applause for Bowser."
  • "...Not that anyone saw all that."
  • "Well, just calm down. Don't panic, don't panic."
  • "First, you should save. Take a deep breath."
  • "Want to go save?"
  • "Save to be on the safe side. Yes, go slow and steady."
  • "Don't rush. Breathe deep."
  • "What? What do you mean? What were we talking about?"
  • "You invade our peaceful farm and contaminate it!"
  • "You yank our giga-carrot! And then you EAT it!"
  • "Now face Wiggler's wrath!"
  • "I must avenge the Wigglers whose legacy you sullied."
  • "You must be removed from our farm like compost!"
  • "Ouchouchouchouch..."
  • "I can't bear it if you damage the rest of our organic crops..."
  • "Please, just take this and leave our property!"


  • "ENOUGH! Persistent men, aren't youuu? What is it you want with meee?"
  • "Hmm? The Dark Staaaar? Princess Peach captuuured? Mushroom Kingdom overrunnn?"
  • "Ahhhh... Traaaagic. Truly traaaagic. My sympathiesss."
  • "You want me, a sage, to give you, a nobody, the Star Cuure?"
  • "I don't know about thaaat... What physical proof do you have that your story is truuuue? Why should I believe youuuu?"
  • "This Star Cure was entrusted to the sole care of me, Wisdurm! Why would I hand it over to men who lack any credibiiiiility?!"
  • "Hmmmmmmmmm... You're quite persistennnnt. This troubles meeeee. You chase me without flaaagging. You demand the Star Cuuuure... Rather brazen, methiiiiiiinks..."
  • " Tut tut! Lost our temperrrrr? Somewhat childish, nooooo? And yet amuuusing! Regrettably..."
  • "Very wellll... If you are so insistent that I gave you the cure, we will battle for iiiiit."
  • "A battle with Wisdurrrrrm... The winner will own the Star Cuuuuuure. Yes? Then we beginnnnn. Wisdurm battle sequence STAAAAAAAAAAART!"
  • "Guh... Bluh... Gack... Haff..."
  • "Heh heh heh heh... So you have bested me on the field of baaaaattle. That victory has earned you the right to see me in my true forrrrrrm. Wellll? Not too bad looking, hmmmm? Heh heh heh heh..."
  • "Now thennnn... I am one of the guardians of the Star Cuuures. We sages knew the day of the Dark Star awakening would come, and so awaited the heeeeroes..."
  • "We have met many times, as you two well rememberrrr... The day Bowser ate me along with the giga-carrot was the day our fates crosssssed... heh heh heh heh... it is clear we are connected by a fate that is beyond our poor comprehensionnnn..."
  • "Of coursssssse... Here, take iiiit."
  • "And so my role here comes to an ennnnnd... Now, please stop following me around. It's creeeeepy... I wish you luck finding the other two Star Cuuuuures... Flapflapflap..."


  1. ^ NintendoMovies (July 23, 2015). Mario & Luigi - Bowser's Inside Story - Episode 12 - Fawful Theatre. YouTube. Retrieved November 10, 2016.