Uploads by Spinmaster

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
14:08, November 19, 2023 Garage door opener.png (file) 5 KB {{aboutfile |1=an illustration of a garage door opener from doors to doom, this file may be unused, but there is an unmade page for it and might be used soon |2=inside a nintendo game book }} Category:doors to doom
14:04, November 19, 2023 Doorstodoom-KEY.png (file) 7 KB {{aboutfile |1=an illustration of a key. |2=nintendo adventure book - doors to doom }} Category:doors to doom
13:49, November 19, 2023 Monstermixup-Goldenpen.png (file) 10 KB {{aboutfile |1=an illustration of a gold pen from monster mix up |2=inside a nintendo game book }} Category:Monster Mix-Up
14:19, November 5, 2023 Spinmastersignature.png (file) 398 KB {{aboutfile }} Category:signature
10:00, November 5, 2023 NSMB2-WEB-render.png (file) 216 KB {{aboutfile |1=a web. |2=Renderedrenderering }} Category:New Super Mario Bros. 2 images
13:13, November 4, 2023 GoldMiniGoomba-nsmb2-render.png (file) 134 KB {{aboutfile |1=A render of a gold mini goomba from nsmb2 |2=in the files, rendered it myself }} {{uncategorized}} Category:New Super Mario Bros. 2 images
12:06, November 4, 2023 Moon coin Render.png (file) 149 KB {{aboutfile |1=A render of a moon coin from nsmb2 |2=rendered it myself }} Category:New Super Mario Bros. 2 images
17:03, November 3, 2023 Iceballrender-nsmb2.png (file) 256 KB {{aboutfile |1=ice ice baby, ice ball maybe |2=inside my dumped nsmb2 files, after importing the bcres files into ctr tool and then taking a render screenshot into my downloads folder. }} Category:New Super Mario Bros. 2 images
10:30, November 3, 2023 Toad balloon.png (file) 173 KB {{aboutfile |1=A toad balloon render |2=rendered it myself }} Category:New Super Mario Bros. Wii images
21:22, November 2, 2023 NSMBW Huge Icicle.png (file) 240 KB {{aboutfile |1=a phat boi icicle |2=NSMBW rendered meeself }} Category:New Super Mario Bros. Wii images
21:18, November 2, 2023 Icecyclesmall1.png (file) 126 KB {{aboutfile |1=a skinny boi icicle |2=NSMBW rendered meeself }} Category:New Super Mario Bros. Wii images
21:16, November 2, 2023 IceSpikeLongNSMBW.png (file) 5 KB you know what? screw new file version...always gotta upload shit manually or everything breaks....
20:55, November 2, 2023 Lightblockon.png (file) 81 KB decreased main block size in favor of having a full view of the light emittion
20:50, November 2, 2023 Lightblockoff.png (file) 66 KB {{aboutfile |1=a light block that is oohooohoooofff |2=rendered it meeself }} {{uncategorized}} Category:New Super Mario Bros. Wii images
18:21, November 2, 2023 NSMBW Ice Snake.png (file) 35 KB holy shit that looks nice.
17:50, November 2, 2023 NSMBW Volcanic Debris Screenshot.png (file) 208 KB Rendered for higher quality instead
11:49, November 2, 2023 Chainball up.png (file) 13 KB Reverted to version as of 12:46, September 5, 2010 (EDT), it was screwing some shit up, reverting the image thingy
19:02, November 1, 2023 Nsmbw-Small-cog-render.png (file) 255 KB {{aboutfile |1=A 3d render of a small cog from nsmbw |2=rendered it myself }} Category:New Super Mario Bros. Wii images
19:02, November 1, 2023 Nsmbw-Large-cog-render.png (file) 294 KB {{aboutfile |1=A 3d render of a large cog from nsmbw |2=rendered it myself }} Category:New Super Mario Bros. Wii images
18:17, November 1, 2023 Nsmbw-hammer-lift-render.png (file) 54 KB {{aboutfile |1=A render of a hammer pendulum from nsmbw |2=rendered it myself from game files }} Category:New Super Mario Bros. Wii objects
18:42, October 20, 2023 LM2Unidentifiedfigure.gif (file) 8.35 MB {{aboutfile |1=A gif version of a previous image uploaded to the preunused page |2=disneyfanbeckers on yt |3=edited by me for optimal viewing }} Category:Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon images
15:13, October 20, 2023 NSMB2-Gold Big Piranha Plant.png (file) 169 KB {{aboutfile |1=A rare golden Big boi in his natural habitat. (aka, A big golden piranha plant in world 1-A) |2=Screenshot from Citra emulator, World 1-A. |3=Nintendo }} {{uncategorized}} Category:New Super Mario Bros. 2 enemies
11:52, October 18, 2023 Gif again.gif (file) 6.39 MB {{aboutfile |1=A looping gif of an unused object in luigis mansion 2 |2=disneyfanbeckers on yt |3=nintendo }} {{uncategorized}} Category:Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon media files
11:42, October 18, 2023 UnfinishedE.Gadd3.png (file) 1.02 MB {{aboutfile |1=The unused safe line. |2=disneyfanbeckers on youtube |3=nintendo }} Category:Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon images
11:19, October 18, 2023 UnidentifiedWindowFigure.png (file) 1.23 MB {{aboutfile |1=A blurry Unused Figure in the window of the cargo room |2=Disneyfanbeckers on youtube |3=nintendo }} {{uncategorized}} Category:Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon images
10:56, October 18, 2023 UnfinishedE.Gadd2.png (file) 1.4 MB {{aboutfile |1=A second unused E. Gadd line. |2=Disneyfanbecker on youtube. }} Category:Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon images
18:15, October 15, 2023 MGSR Balmy Dunes Hole 4 overview.jpg (file) 14 KB {{aboutfile |1=mario golf hole |2=switch screeny |3=nintendo |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} Category:super rush
18:07, October 15, 2023 MGSR Balmy Dunes Hole 3 overview.jpg (file) 17 KB {{aboutfile |1=mario golf hole |2=switch screeny |3=nintendo |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} Category:super rush
18:01, October 15, 2023 MGSR Balmy Dunes Hole 2 overview.jpg (file) 15 KB {{aboutfile |1=mario golf hole |2=switch screeny |3=nintendo |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} Category:super rush
17:56, October 15, 2023 MGSR Balmy Dunes Hole 1 overview.jpg (file) 125 KB {{aboutfile |1=mario golf hole |2=switch screeny |3=nintendo |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} Category:super rush
16:53, October 15, 2023 Keykoopa.png (file) 119 KB {{aboutfile |1=koopa capers 4 key |2=page 120 of koopa capers 4 |3=unknown |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} Category:koopa capers
16:38, October 15, 2023 Screenshot (394).png (file) 89 KB {{aboutfile |1=koopa capers 4 recipe |2=page 120 of koopa capers 4 |3=unknown |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} Category:koopa capers
16:34, October 15, 2023 Boomboomsock.png (file) 216 KB {{aboutfile |1=koopa capers 4 boom boom socks |2=page 120 of koopa capers 4 |3=unknown |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} Category:koopa capers
16:13, October 15, 2023 Longnoteblocktour.png (file) 448 KB {{aboutfile |1=long noteblocks from mariokart tour |2=in game |3=nintendo |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} Category:Mario Kart Tour images
16:06, October 15, 2023 Mariokart7Noteblock.png (file) 143 KB {{aboutfile |1=a noteblock in mario kart 7 |2=in the game. |3=nintendo |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} Category:Mario Kart 8 images Category:Mario Kart 7 images
16:03, October 15, 2023 Mariokart8noteblock.png (file) 94 KB {{aboutfile |1=a noteblock in mario kart 8 music park |2=in the game. |3=nintendo |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} Category:Mario Kart 8 images
14:17, October 15, 2023 Screenshot (387).png (file) 2.47 MB {{aboutfile |1=ooooh very scary labcoat stuck in gears. unused photo with red thingy |2=Disneyfanbecker on youtube |3=none |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} Category:Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon images
14:14, October 15, 2023 Creepylabcoat.png (file) 2.33 MB {{aboutfile |1=ooooh very scary labcoat stuck in gears. unused photo |2=Disneyfanbecker on youtube |3=none |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} Category:Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon images
14:12, October 15, 2023 Egadhorrific.png (file) 1.35 MB {{aboutfile |1=Unused Egad line |2=Disneyfanbecker on youtube |3=none |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} Category:Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon images
14:10, October 15, 2023 Unfinishedegad1.png (file) 1.38 MB {{aboutfile |1=Unfinished egad line for old clockworks |2=oddheader on youtube |3=no artists, but the footage was by disneyfanbecker |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} {{uncategorized}} Category:luigis mansion
12:18, October 14, 2023 NSMB-GiantFirePiranhaplant.png (file) 4 KB {{aboutfile |1=unused giant pirahna plant |2=cutting room floor |3=nintendo |4=none |5=none }} {{uncategorized}} Category:New Super Mario Bros. objects
12:16, October 14, 2023 NSMB-Unused Spinning log.png (file) 525 bytes {{aboutfile |1=A rotating log platform. |2=The cutting room floor. |3=nintendo |4=none |5=none }} Category:New Super Mario Bros. objects
10:59, October 14, 2023 Side Viewdonut.png (file) 7 KB {{aboutfile |1=more 🍩 |2=Where you found the image |3=Artist |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} {{uncategorized}} Category:epic camera angles
10:58, October 14, 2023 3D donut blockfront.png (file) 4 KB {{aboutfile |1=🍩 |2=Where you found the image |3=Artist |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} {{uncategorized}} Category:unused
10:36, October 14, 2023 Seesaw.png (file) 789 bytes {{aboutfile |1=seesaw |2=Where you found the image |3=Artist |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} {{uncategorized}}
10:34, October 14, 2023 4thcoursepack.png (file) 2 KB {{aboutfile |1=leave |2=Where you found the image |3=Artist |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} {{uncategorized}}
10:33, October 14, 2023 Placeholdermii.png (file) 4 KB {{aboutfile |1=a placeholder mii. |2=Where you found the image |3=Artist |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} {{uncategorized}}
10:31, October 14, 2023 Tempmooncoin.png (file) 951 bytes {{aboutfile |1=MOOOOOOON |2=up your mario around the cutting room floor corner |3=nintendo |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} Category:u n u s e d
10:29, October 14, 2023 Temp coin Blue.png (file) 819 bytes {{aboutfile |1=this is so annoying. ITS A BLUE COIN PLACEHOLDER :) |2=TCRF |3=NEEEEEEEEEENTENDO |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} Category:unused
10:27, October 14, 2023 Temp Coin.png (file) 772 bytes {{aboutfile |1=placeholder coin |2=crf |3=nintendo |4=Describe edits, if any |5=Other versions (use file link) }} {{uncategorized}} Category:placeholders
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