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My Dearest Mario,<br>
My Dearest Mario,<br>
I send this letter in the hope that it reaches you safely. I am being held against my will in some strange place. Though I do not know where I am, I remain unharmed and in relative comfort. Those who have captured me seem to be after the map I sent you earlier. They may be hoping to use it to find objects called "Crystal Stars". I do not know what they are planning, but I have a feeling it is not anything positive. Mario, please collect these Crystal Stars before they do. You must! They are already aware that you have the map, so please be very careful. And please...don't worry about me.<br>
I send this letter in the hope that it reaches you safely. I am being held against my will in some strange place. Though I do not know where I am, I remain unharmed and in relative comfort. Those who have captured me seem to be after the map I sent you earlier. They may be hoping to use it to find objects called "Crystal Stars". I do not know what they are planning, but I have a feeling it is not anything positive.  
Mario, please collect these Crystal Stars before they do. You must! They are already aware that you have the map, so please be very careful. (GCN)<br> They may be aware that you have the map, so please be very careful. (Switch)
And please...don't worry about me.<br>
-Princess Peach-
-Princess Peach-

Revision as of 19:10, July 6, 2024

Mailbox SP
Mailbox SP TTYD.png
"A device for receiving e-mail! Press A Button to check your mail." (GCN)
"A device for receiving email! Press A Button to check your mail." (Switch)
First appearance Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (2004)
Latest appearance Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch) (2024)
“That's a new Mailbox SP, isn't it? Wow, neat! Did you get some mail?”
Koops, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

The Mailbox SP is a device Mario has in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. It is available from the beginning of the game as one of Mario's Important Things. The Mailbox SP visually resembles a Game Boy Advance SP and is used to receive emails. Mario receives emails from Jolene, Princess Peach, and various other people throughout the game, mostly from people whom Mario has helped in the Trouble Center, as well as the RDM.

Whenever Mario receives emails from somebody, the Mailbox SP rings, usually with the theme from Super Mario World that plays during the cutscene where Mario destroys a castle after defeating one of the Koopalings. If Mario receives an email from Peach, it rings with the Title theme from Super Mario World. Whenever an email to Mario comes from an anonymous sender, such as Jolene (who signs her emails as "X") or Grubba (who anonymously sends Mario threatening emails), the ringtone is the Ice Land theme from Super Mario Bros. 3.

List of emails


Frankly: E-mail (GCN) / About email (Switch)

This email is received when Mario passes Petalburg after visiting Kroop in Chapter 1. It is received along with the RDM Registration email.

An attached image of Professor Frankly from the Mailbox SP in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
Attached image (GCN)
One of the images attached with an email in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)
Attached image (Switch)

Hello Mario! Working hard? Professor Frankly here, in e-form! (GCN)
Hello, Mario! Working hard? Professor Frankly here, in e-form! (Switch)

It’s highly likely you’ll receive emails like this one while you’re on your journey, so check your mail often!

I actually have nothing more to say than that so I hope all goes well for you, and I look forward to getting more information on those Crystal Stars! (GCN)
I actually have nothing more to say than that, so I hope all goes well for you, and I look forward to getting more information on those Crystal Stars! (Switch)

Professor Frankly (GCN)
-Professor Frankly (Switch)

Frankly: Useful Buttons

This email is exclusive to the remake. It is received after Koops joins Mario's party in Chapter 1.

Hello, Mario! Still working hard? Professor Frankly here, in e-form! Again! I do have more to say, as it turns out.

Goombella was eager to join your side, and she won't be the last! I'm sure you'll gain a bunch of additional partners as you explore the world and progress through your harrowing adventure.

If you do, there's a quick way to swap which partner is walking alongside you. Just hold down L Button to access a doodad called the Partner Ring!

Say you find yourself stuck in a rut, unable to progress, aimless and panic-stricken. First, calm down. Then swap pals with the Partner Ring, explore a bit more, and see if anything clicks into place in that noble noggin o' yours.

One other thing! I'm betting you usually pop into the menu by pressing Minus Button or Plus Button, but did you know you can open it to specific tabs by pressing Up ButtonLeft ButtonRight ButtonDown Button?

Up Button for Gear
Left Button for Partner
Right Button for Badges
Down Button for Journal

Convenient, right? Keep that in mind to save yourself some precious time.

Stay safe...and good luck out there!

-Professor Frankly

Toad Bros.: Your order is ready!

This email is exclusive to the remake. It is received after holding the Diamond Star in front of The Thousand-Year Door and the order for the Contact Lens has been placed at the Toad Bros. Bazaar.

Dear Mario,

Thank you for shopping at the Toad Bros. Bazaar. We're writing to let you know that the Contact Lens you ordered is now available to pick up at our shop.

Assuming you can still see well enough to read this email, please stop by at your earliest convenience.

-Toad Bros. Bazaar

Frankly: A must-have badge

This email is exclusive to the remake. It is received after speaking with Frankly about getting the Blimp Ticket from Don Pianta and leaving the east side of Rogueport.

Hello, Mario! Still working hard? Professor Frankly here, in e-form again!

There's something I forgot to tell you! I highly recommend that you look into obtaining a certain badge.

It's called First Attack. If you have that badge equipped, you can take care of weak foes with a First Strike instead of fully battling it out!

The badge shop in Rogueport has it available for purchase. You can get there by exiting the second floor of the inn. So...stop reading this and go get yourself a First Attack badge!

From, Professor Frankly

Koopley: How's life?

In the original game, this email is received on Mario's way to the station in Rogueport after getting the Blimp Ticket between Chapters 2 and 3. In the remake, it is received shortly after Mario leaves Frankly's house after using the Emerald Star.

An attached image of Koopley from the Mailbox SP in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
Attached image (GCN)
One of the images attached with an email in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)
Attached image (Switch)

Mario! Koops! How are you boys doing?

I'm just amazed...I had no idea a machine like this could be used to send messages! Technology! Wow!

I'm doing great, drinking fresh springwater, picking wildflowers, polishing my shell...this town seemed so boring ten years ago, but I see the world differently now. I bet you'll like Petalburg more than you used to once you get back from YOUR adventure, Koops! (GCN)
I'm doing great, drinking fresh spring water, picking wildflowers, polishing my shell... This town seemed so boring 10 years ago, but I see the world differently now. I bet you'll like Petalburg more than you used to once you get back from YOUR adventure, Koops! (Switch)

So, where are you headed next? I want you to see the wide world, son; it'll be good for you! But don't go TOO far past that front door! Aah ha ha ha! (GCN)
So, where are you headed next? I want you to see the wide world, Son—it’ll be good for you! You’ll grow! But don’t grow too much, else you might be too tall to fit through the front door! Aah ha ha ha! (Switch)

From, Koopley

Anonymous: No title (GCN) / No subject (Switch) 1

As part of Chapter 3's storyline, after Mario reaches rank 10 in the Glitz Pit, Jolene sends a series of anonymous emails to Mario, hoping to enlist his help to defeat Grubba. She uses capital and small letters alternatively in words and ends her emails with "FrOm X". Her emails usually instruct Mario to discover what is happening around the Glitz Pit, which includes Grubba's atrocities. Grubba also sends two threatening emails to Mario, warning him not to snoop around. These emails have normal lettercases and are not signed.

In the Japanese version of the game, Jolene's emails are instead written in katakana alone and ends with "Xヨリ" (which translates to "FROM X").

iF yOu WaNt ThE cRyStAl StAr, HeEd My InStRuCtIoNs.

FrOm X

Anonymous: No title (GCN) / No subject (Switch) 2

gO tO tHe WaTeRiNg HoLe OuTsIdE ThE gLiTz PiT

FrOm X

Anonymous: No title (GCN) / No subject (Switch) 3

SmAsH tHe BlOcKaDe In ThE mInOr-LeAgUe LoCkEr RoOm. (GCN)

SmAsH tHe BlOcKaDe In ThE LoCkEr RoOm. (Switch)

FrOm X

Anonymous: No title (GCN) / No subject (Switch) 4

Keep sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong and you are D-E-A-D M-E-A-T.

Anonymous: No title (GCN) / No subject (Switch) 5

gO tO tHe TeLePhOnE bOoTh OuT oN tHe PaViLiOn. (GCN)

gO tO tHe TeLePhOnE bOoTh OuT iN gLiTzViLLe’S mAiN PaViLiOn. (Switch)

FrOm X

Anonymous: No title (GCN) / No subject (Switch) 6

gO tO tHe StOrAgE rOoM nExT tO gRuBbA's OfFiCe.

FrOm X

Anonymous: No title (GCN) / No subject (Switch) 7

fInD tHe StAiRcAsE sWiTcH tO rEaCh ThE aTtIc. (GCN)

fInD tHe sWiTcH tO rEaCh ThE aTtIc. (Switch)

FrOm X

Anonymous: No title (GCN) / No subject (Switch) 8

This is your last warning! Stop snooping around about the Crystal Star!

If you don't, you'll suffer the same fate as the others who have gone missing...

Anonymous: No title (GCN) / No subject (Switch) 9

rEmOvE tHe GrEaT gOnZaLeS pOsTeRs In ThE lObBy.

FrOm X

Anonymous: No title (GCN) / No subject (Switch) 10

gO tO tHe SeCoNd FlOoR oF tHe StOrAgE rOoM.

FrOm X

Anonymous: No title (GCN) / No subject (Switch) 11

fInD tHe GhOsT iN tHe ChAmP's RoOm. (GCN)

DiScOvEr tHe tRuE nAtUrE oF ThE gHoSt. (Switch)

FrOm X

Koopie Koo: Miss you!

This email is received shortly after Mario leaves Frankly's house after using the Gold Star.

An attached image of Koopie Koo from the Mailbox SP in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
Attached image (GCN)
One of the images attached with an email in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)
Attached image (Switch)

Dear Mario and Koops,
I hope you two are doing OK. I have to admit, with Koops gone, I haven't been doing very well.

I get lonely, and I go into Koops's house, and I smell that Koops smell. I guess it's your cologne or whatever, but it makes me so sad...

I'd gotten used to your smell, Koops...Oh! And the thing is, your dad, Koopley, has his own smell, and it's...weird. I think maybe it's the smell of Hooktail's gut. That's...disgusting. (GCN)
Lately, the place is starting to smell more like your dad, Koopley. He has his own smell, and it’s...weird. I think maybe it’s the smell of Hooktail’s gut. It’s...disgusting. (Switch)

Now I grossed myself out. Oh, and since he's gonna be my dad, too, someday, I'd better get used to that smell, huh? ...Oh! What am I writing? I'm so embarrassed...but I'm sending this anyway! Hee hee hee!

Love, Koopie Koo

Petuni: Yoo hoo!

This email is received when Mario heads for the harbor in Rogueport after showing the Old Letter to Admiral Bobbery.

An attached image of Petuni from the Mailbox SP in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
Attached image (GCN)
One of the images attached with an email in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)
Attached image (Switch)

Hi, Mario!
How are you? I'm, uh...good. No, VERY good! No!!! GREAT!!! (GCN)
How are you? I'm, uh...good. No, VERY good! No! GREAT! (Switch)

Lots of stuff has changed here. Oh, but not the elder being mad at my brother. That's still the same.

I do wish you'd come back to play sometime. Are you really busy? Are you going someplace far away? Like, a place nobody's ever been? Wow! That'd be FUN! I'm jealous!

Well, if you ever have time to come back here, come play with me, OK? You have to PROMISE!

From, Petuni

Boo: Mail?

This email is received after Mario gets the Train Ticket and heads for the station in Rogueport.

An attached image of Boo from the Mailbox SP in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
Attached image (GCN)
One of the images attached with an email in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)
Attached image (Switch)

Are you Mario? Did this email...did you get this email? Look, technology freaks me out, so if you're not Mario, please destroy this email, OK? (GCN)
Are you Mario? Did this email... Did you get this email? Look, technology freaks me out, so if you're not Mario, please destroy this email, OK? (Switch)

But if you are, thanks for saving my captured friends. I figured I'd share a hot tip with you as thanks, so here it is: there's still lots of treasures in Creepy Steeple! (GCN)
But if you are, thanks for saving my captured friends. I figured I'd share a hot tip with you as thanks, so here it is— there's still lots of treasures in Creepy Steeple! (Switch)

Of course, knowing you, you've probably already found it all...ugh...I'm so useless... (GCN)
Of course, knowing you, you've probably already found it all... Ugh. I'm so useless... (Switch)

Well, enjoy your not-so-useless adventure.

The Creepy Steeple Boo (GCN)
-The Creepy Steeple Boo (Switch)

King K: 'Sup, dog? (GCN) / 'Sup, Gonzales? (Switch)

This email is received when Mario clears Riverside Station and is ready to take the Excess Express.

An attached image of King K from the Mailbox SP in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
Attached image (GCN)
One of the images attached with an email in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)
Attached image (Switch)

Yo, G-money! It's me, King K! Your homey from the Glitz Pit! (GCN)

Yo, G-money! It's me, King K! Your bud from the Glitz Pit! (Switch)

I KNOW you remember me, dog! How you doin'? What, you off KO'in fools lef an' right somewhere else? (GCN)
I KNOW you remember me! How you doin'? What, you off KO'ing fools left and right somewhere else? (Switch)

I'm still livin' large in the minor league, but I'm keepin' busy, you know how it is. I gotta thank you again for convincin' me to stay, dog. You fired me up good! (GCN)
I'm still livin' large in the minor league, but I'm keepin' busy. You know how it is. I gotta thank you again for convincin' me to stay. You fired me up good! (Switch)

So, are we ever gonna chill again, or what? Or are we just gonna meet in the ring? Careful, dog: next time you front on the King K, I'm gonna be way, way, way, way, way, way, way, WAYYYY BETTER! (GCN)
So, are we ever gonna chill again or what? Or are we just gonna meet in the ring? Careful—next time you front on the King K, I'm gonna be way, way, way, way, way, way, way, WAYYYY BETTER! (Switch)

Keep it real, King K (GCN) / Keep it real,

-King K (Switch)

Pa-Patch: Oy, you!

This email is received on day 3 of the Excess Express when Mario leaves his room. In versions outside of Japan, it is received to the right of Mario's room. In the Japanese version, it is received in the dining car.

An attached image of Pa-Patch from the Mailbox SP in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
Attached image (GCN)
One of the images attached with an email in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)
Attached image (Switch)

Oy, Mario, 'ow's yer 'stache? Life on the island feels great! When the sun rises, I wakey-wakey, and when it sets, I tuck in fer snoozer-time! Perfect fer a simple bloke like me, right?

Every now an' then that cretin Flavio spits out some bit o' seizin' life, but I just tune 'im out. (GCN)
Every now an’ then, that louse Flavio stops by and spits out some bit o’ drivel about treadin’ water instead o’ seizin’ life, but I just tune ‘im out. (Switch)

So, you off on another adventure? I think that suits you best. Give them 'ooligans what for an' save your princess!

From, Pa-Patch

The Real Zip Toad: ! (GCN) /
Zip Toad (verified): What's up! (Switch)

This email is received after Mario leaves Frankly's house after using the Garnet Star. Jr. Troopa makes a cameo in the photo attached to this email.

An attached image of Zip Toad (with a Jr. Troopa in the background) from the Mailbox SP in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
Attached image (GCN)
One of the images attached with an email in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)
Attached image (Switch)

What's up, super-sleuth! (GCN)
What's up, super sleuth! (Switch)

I heard you uncovered my impostor! You're the best, man, seriously!

See, when you get to be as big a star as Zip Toad, these sorts of things happen all the time. It's the biz.

But, man alive! For a no-name like you to brave danger and find my impostor! Reminds me of a younger, yet less successful, me.

Yeah, so as for me, I'm headed to Toad Town to film my next leading role: The soon-to-be hit film On Golden Toad 2. It'll be huge. (GCN)
Yeah, so as for me, I'm headed to Toad Town to film my next leading role—the soon-to-be hit film "On Golden Toad 2." It'll be huge. (Switch)

I hear you're on an adventure or something, so I'll leave you with a line from my last flick, The Toad Warrior: "You're cool, baby...but I'm cooler!" (GCN)
I hear you're on an adventure or something, so I'll leave you with a line from my last flick, "The Toad Warrior." "You're cool, baby...but I'm cooler!" (Switch)

Best of luck, kid!

The Super Star (GCN)
The Super Star, (Switch)
The Real Zip Toad

Rawk Hawk: YOU!!! (GCN) / YOU! (Switch)

This email is received when Mario returns to Fahr Outpost after asking about General White in Twilight Town in Chapter 7.

An attached image of Rawk Hawk from the Mailbox SP in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
Attached image (GCN)
One of the images attached with an email in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)
Attached image (Switch)

Is this the so-called Great Gonzales? Unh! Well, it's me, your worst nightmare! The new and improved Rawk Hawk! Don't think I forgot you, punk!

I'm reborn, you coward! My training regimen would blow your mind! I'm on the fast track back to the top, and ain't NOBODY gonna get in my way! Rawk!

And still...on rainy days, I feel the bruises your hammer of shame left on this bod, and I feel the RAAAAAAGE again!

If you EVER show your face in the ring again, I'll beat you so bad your momma won't even recognize you! Remember the RAAAWK!

Number 1 (GCN)
Number 1, (Switch)

Rawk Hawk

Ghost T.: Hellooooooo

This email is received when Mario comes out of the Teleporter in Rogueport Underground after Chapter 7 is cleared.

An attached image of Ghost T. from the Mailbox SP in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
Attached image (GCN)
One of the images attached with an email in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)
Attached image (Switch)

Oooo hooo hooo hooo! Long time, no spook! It is I, the spirit from the Excess Express! (GCN)

Ooo hooo hooo hooo! Your inbox is now haunted by me, the spirit you met on the Excess Express! (Switch)

I bet you're wondering how an ethereal being like myself can type an email...well, I actually possessed the train conductor to do it! Ooo hoo hoo hoo hoo! Don't worry, though! He's doing just fine!

I think maybe I'll do my new diary like's convenient, you know? And leaving a record of my afterlife is cool, in a spiritual sense, I mean...

So...good luck with your quest. It's not yet time for you to come over to my side. But whenever you do, I'll welcome you. Ooo hoo hoo hoo hoo! Farewell!

Ghost T., from Room 4

RDM emails

RDM Registration

This issue is received when Mario passes Petalburg after visiting Kroop. It is received along with Frankly's email.

Direct Mail Verification

Dear Mr. MARIO!
Thanks for registering with Rogueport Direct Mail (RDM) service.
Your kind friend MR. FRANKLY, referred you to us.
Our direct mail service will provide you with regular, timely news updates. We hope you enjoy our service!

Published by the Rogueport Restoration Committee

RDM Premiere Issue

This issue is received on Mario's way to The Great Tree after Flurrie joins his party in Chapter 2.

RDM Premiere Issue


Bringing you all the up-to-the-moment news as it happens! We have details of yet another incident at the parlor in west Rogueport. Outraged by the high Pianta prices, Goomfrey (age 30) is suspected of violently shaking the Pianta Changer (age 5), causing the Pianta Changer's alarm to sound, which led to the Pianta Changer ceasing to function for a brief period. The parlor was forced to close down temporarily. The victim was quoted as saying: "I am a machine. No matter how hard I am shook, I feel no pain. End Interview."


Get all the hottest shopping news about all the hottest shopping spots in the world! If Petalburg's your destination, you can't miss the shop that's been the talk of the town for the last 20 years: Niff T.'s shop! The friendly owner has long been thought to be the most eligible bachelor in town, but word is he's secretly in love with the girl at the Inn! The wise and witty shopkeeper had this to say: "You only live once, so enjoy it while you can! Shop now at good old Niff T's shop!"


Interested in cooking but don't know what to cook? Try our chef's delicious suggestions! Today's Yummy Recipe: Fried Shrooms! Just season your mushrooms, sauté them up, and they're ready for the dinner table!


We hope you enjoyed RDM's premiere issue! You can look forward to future editions coming your way soon!

Published by the Rogueport Restoration Committee

RDM Issue 2

This issue is received after Mario retrieves the Yoshi Egg in Chapter 3.

RDM Issue 2
Old Toad Settles Inn!

It's come to light that after settling into life at our inn, Toadsworth (age 60) has been often been spotted in the company of Zess T. (age 55). The notoriously finicky Zess T. surprised all when she was heard saying "What's wrong with spending time with my little Toadle-toes?" The possibilities such a comment opens has our eyes and ears glued to the situation!


Our focus of attention this week? Pungent's Great Tree Shop!

Pungent's easygoing management philosophy is: "Money and girls are fickle, so easy come, easy go, y'know?" He fully understands why his shop isn't busier, too: "We're well hidden, but like any good treasure, we're worth lookin' for!" He even has a special offer for RDM readers: "For the next 15 minutes, I'll give you double shop points!"


Today's Yummy Recipe: Spicy Soup!
Steep a Fire Flower in hot water and...Presto! You're done! The perfect first meal for kids to cook!


We've been working all night to bring you this edition of RDM. Look forward to more hot, hot news in Issue 3, coming soon!

Published by the Rogueport Restoration Committee

RDM Issue 3

This issue is received when Mario leaves the Twilight Shop after the curse.

RDM Issue 3
Noon, Today

The Excess Express ran late for the first time in ten years today as a suspicious incident activated station security measures. Area youth and huge train enthusiast Laki (age 18) was found taking pictures in an employee-only area near the Express and was gang-tackled by local samaritans. "I understand how much people are into trains, but we've got safety and security measures to uphold!" blustered the train engineer. The youth was released with just a warning...this time.


This week we highlight Glitzville Sales Stall!

Though they've never attracted as many customers as the nearby Hot Dog Stand, the proprietor is certain that any day now, people will in fact notice that his shop exists! Early on in our interview, the owner of the nearby Hot Dog Stand cornered our reporter and had this to say: "Who needs Sales Stall! My Hot Dog gives you all you want! Only 10 coins now!" A minor scuffle broke out shortly thereafter, but we're happy to report that no one was seriously injured. Apparently everyone in Glitzville knows how to roll with a punch...


Hey there, rookies! Flex your bendy straws, because today's recipe is for Fresh Juice! Just blend Honey Syrup until you reach a nice, frothy texture and enjoy! Try one in the morning to start your day off right!


We're just getting started, people! Wait until you see the glorious next issue!

Published by the Rogueport Restoration Committee

RDM Issue 4

This issue is received when Mario crosses Rogueport Square after clearing Chapter 5.

RDM Issue 4
Dusk, Today

Goomez (age 40), known for napping in the flowers in the west side park, was found eating flowers and given a stern warning by authorities. Asked for comment, Goomez stated, "Well, I just really, really love flowers, and I was hanging out, and before I knew it, they were in my mouth...I'm so ashamed." Citizens of Rogueport responded with disbelief and grudging support for the strengthening of flower-conservation efforts.


This time, we introduce the Twilight Shop!

Watching the husband and wife proprietors of this shop at work is a heartwarming sight, but don't get on the hubby's bad side! "Don't you go smiling at MY wife!" says the jovially jealous shopkeeper. "I'm hers for life, and your fancy big-city teeth aren't gonna change that!" Well, who could doubt their eternal love? Surely not this reporter. We pressed the shopkeeper for further comment, but regret that his words are unprintable here...But we did learn from the little missus that there will be a double-point sale for all RDM readers! Just show her this screen in the next 15 minutes to double your points on any purchase!


All right, my little rookies, we're on to an intermediate-level recipe today! The dish is a Healthy Salad...Just slice up a Turtley Leaf and a Horsetail, mix them together, and you're done! Great for dieters!


That's all for today! But check your mailbox soon for another exciting issue!

Published by the Rogueport Restoration Committee

RDM Issue 5

This issue is received when Mario passes the dining area on day 2 in the Excess Express.

RDM Issue 5

Local mystic Merluvlee (age 25) was taken to the hospital today, followed quickly by hordes of concerned fans. Luckily, according to a spokesperson for the hospital, Merluvlee suffered from nothing more than a severe case of indigestion caused by a wild binge on eight Mushroom Steaks. The divine diviner exclaimed that her "aura was brimming with the power of steak," but this reporter can't help but wonder why she failed to predict the gastrointestinal adventure in the first place...


This time, let's head to Keelhaul Galleria!

We are proud to toast the entrepreneurial spirit shown by the managerial team who brought free commerce to this deserted island! "I really wanted to do something that had never been done," gushed the unsinkable proprietor and former fight fan. "So call me 'The Invincible Shopmaster' from now on. I'm 100% serious. Print that." We wish him all the success that he can grab with two hands and wrestle to the mat!


Listen up, rookies, because here's another intermediate-level recipe! Today's dish is the single-serving Peach Tart! Take a Peachy Peach, add Cake Mix, stir, and bake! Try that at teatime, rookies...


Thanks for reading the best rag in the land! See you next issue!

Published by the Rogueport Restoration Committee

RDM Issue 6

This issue is received after Mario gets Goldbob's Pass from Goldbob in Poshley Heights in Chapter 7.

RDM Issue 6

An unknown businessman (age 30) was taken into custody today by port authorities as he tried to board the blimp carrying large amounts of a volatile red liquid. After a few tense moments, authorities identified the liquid as a spicy condiment, and the businessman was subsequently released. Our RDM reporters were mystified by the following unsolicited comment: "Buy our new Hot Sauce, folks!"


This week, we have the pleasure of introducing the fabulously luxurious shop on the Excess Express, the Sales Stall!

This unique boutique on the exclusive train of the independently wealthy just reeks of money, but perhaps the idyllic landscapes rushing past will loosen your purse strings! Says the impeccably dressed manager of sales: "Come one, come all, be you rich or not at all, to our lovely Sales Stall!" He then announced a double-point sale for all RDM readers! Just show him this screen in the next 15 minutes to double your points on any purchase!


This is it, rookies! You've finally made it to the big leagues! Today's recipe is an advanced-level one. Today, we'll be making Ink Pasta. Just boil Fresh Pasta until perfectly al dente and mix lightly with Inky Sauce. Perfecto! Get ready for gourmet chow tonight!


Can you believe it, dear readers? The next issue will be our last! Don't miss it!

Published by the Rogueport Restoration Committee

RDM Final Issue!

This issue is received when Mario comes out of the Teleporter in Rogueport Underground after Chapter 7 is cleared.

RDM Issue 7
Special Final Issue

In a shocking series of event today, local authorities report that Zess T. (age 55) delivered a left hook to the jaw of gadabout Flavio (age 25) late this very afternoon. Our investigation has revealed that the cause of the feisty fisticuffs may have been Zess T.'s anger that a shipment of gourmet ingredients spoiled on the dock because Flavio had held up the dock crew with a marathon two-day tale of high-seas adventure. While Flavio is recovering from temporary memory loss, Zess T. has already been approached by a Glitz Pit talent scout, Don Goombatti. "I think the kid's got spunk. We'll take the world by storm!" said Goombatti.


This week we have an explosive exclusive on the shop in Fahr Outpost, Northwinds Mart!

It's so cold there that all of the merchandise is frozen to the counter...Just kidding! The smiling shop manager showed us a fascinating variety of good as the sweet-faced little miss explained, "It's cold out, but I do best to explode inside shop to warm place up, da? So come on it! This place is big, too, folks, so we haven't even seen all of it yet! Come on down and see it for yourself!


This is the final installment of Cooking for Rookies! Just to make sure we leave you with a smile on your face, our last recipe will be for Couple's Cake! Just simmer Spicy Soup for a few minutes, then drop in a Snow Bunny...and presto! Before your very eyes, the mixture will congeal and take the form of a cake! Eat it with someone you love!


This is it, dear readers! The final issue! We here at the RDM office have enjoyed every minute of our hard work to bring you the best news and features! May we meet again...perhaps sooner than you think! (Wink, wink...)

Published by the Rogueport Restoration Committee

"Special Final Issue!" section

In the Japanese, French, German, Italian and Spanish versions of the original Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, the final email features an additional "hidden" section if the player scroll downs for an extended period of timeMedia:ResultRDMS.png. This portion was removed from the English version, despite that the statement alluding to its existence remains, and was restored in the remake.

You found us!

☆Special Final Issue!
RDM hasn't stopped the digital presses yet! Time to cover some secret corners!

☆Secret News Corner!
Urgent news just came across our desks about a certain missing quiz-show host, Chuck Quizmo. We've received insider info that his absence can be blamed on his upcoming show, "HEY, Who's Fibbin'?!" Sadly, the troubled production has kept him too busy to join for this adventure...but this reporter wishes him good luck! It's sure to be a hit when it premieres. See you next time, Chuck—we'll count on it!

☆Secret Cooking Corner
If you're seeking a truly special dish, try adding an item known as "Point Swap"! This will let you flip the intensity of whatever you're cookin' up. Take an item with a low effect, mix it with Point Swap, and...wowie zowie! You've gotta try this!

And now, dear readers, you have truly, finally, and honestly reached the end of our reporting. Thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. Will we ever meet again? As long as newsletter emails remain the dominant form of community reporting, there's always a chance!

In the French translation, Vanna T. is mentioned instead of Chuck Quizmo.

RDM Extra Issue

This email is exclusive to the remake.

RDM Extra Issue

What lies in the Pit of 100 Trials?

Fabeled Creature Spotted!

Early this morning, we recieved a report that a mysterious creature has taken up residence deep within the Pit of 100 Trials, already rumored to be the lair of an evil dragon. According to the eyewitness that spotted it, part of it looked a lot like a certain creature said to be extinct... We call upon our readers to send in any additional information you might have, should you encounter it!

To any brave readers that wish to test their skills in the Pit of 100 Trials: careful preperation is a must! Know our editorial department will be cheering you on! To any good little children who might be reading this: The Pit of 100 Trials is very dangerous! Don't go near it! (But if you do...don't mention this newsletter.)

Published by the Rogueport Restoration Committee

Princess Peach's emails

Peach: I'm OK

This email is received in Petal Meadows after Chapter 1 is cleared.

My Dearest Mario,
I send this letter in the hope that it reaches you safely. I am being held against my will in some strange place. Though I do not know where I am, I remain unharmed and in relative comfort. Those who have captured me seem to be after the map I sent you earlier. They may be hoping to use it to find objects called "Crystal Stars". I do not know what they are planning, but I have a feeling it is not anything positive.
Mario, please collect these Crystal Stars before they do. You must! They are already aware that you have the map, so please be very careful. (GCN)
They may be aware that you have the map, so please be very careful. (Switch)
And please...don't worry about me.
-Princess Peach-

Peach: Be Careful!

This email is received in Boggly Woods after Chapter 2 is cleared.

Dear Mario,
I'm sure you're very concerned about me...but please know I'm fine! I'm actually more worried about you. The fiends who kidnapped me are searching desperately for the Crystal Stars. I'll try to learn what I can about them. I'll email you again if I uncover anything. OK? You must know I miss you. Lately I've dreamt about our days back in the castle. I hope we'll spend carefree days there again soon.
-Princess Peach-

Peach: Fiendish plan!

This email is received in west Rogueport after Chapter 3 is cleared.

Dearest Mario,
I have uncovered something terrible. These things...the X-Nauts...they're planning to take control of the world! It's to that end that they're searching for the Crystal Stars. I still don't know what the Crystal Stars do, but you must try to get them all...I will gather what information I can...
-Princess Peach-

Peach: Evil treasure!

This email is received when Mario leaves the pipe room that leads to Twilight Town after clearing Chapter 4.

My dear Mario,
I have finally learned what the legendary treasure is. It is the spirit of a demon! The X-Nauts plan to revive this thousand-year-old monster and use its power to take over the world! They're collecting the Crystal Stars so they can open the Thousand-Year-Door...they'll find this demon's spirit...but the only thing that can keep it locked away is the Crystal Stars themselves! You must not let them get the Crystal Stars! Please, must put a stop to their horrible plans!
-Princess Peach-

Peach: Good News...

This email is received when Mario returns to Rogueport after clearing Chapter 5.

Dearest Mario,
I have good news! I don't know where I'm being held, but there's an odd computer called TEC here. By cooperating with this TEC, I've managed to obtain some of these fiends' data. TEC is currently analyzing it...and strange as it may sound, I trust him. Once his analysis is done, I should be able to provide you with details of their plans. I'll email you again once I learn more. Be good, OK?

Peach: My location...

This email is received at the Rogueport train station on Mario's way back to Rogueport after Chapter 6 is cleared.

I now know where I'm being held. I'm on the moon. Yes, the moon that floats out in space. And I've learned something even more horrifying. In order to resurrect the monster's spirit, they need my...

Trouble Center Users' emails

Koopook: Hide/Seek

What's up, Koops? After you found me, Koops, I found a nice hiding nook at a place called the Crystal Palace. It's so cold my shell is frosty, but it's a great place for hiding.

Obviously, I don't want anyone to find me, but... The thing is, I DO want people to see how good I am at hiding, You see the bind I'm in?

Anyway, spread the word! Come find the wandering Hide-'n'-Seek Koopa! See ya later... Or not!

Yours, Koopook

Pine T. Jr.: Dad's Job

Hey, you know what? My daddy found a new job! He takes care of Li'l Oinks in Toad Town. He's all recharged now!

I'm still not good at studying, but I'm trying so I can help my daddy!

I don't know what I can do to help Daddy yet, but I'm gonna study lots until I figure something out, OK? Well, see ya!

From, Pine T.

Jolene: Doing well?

Or rather, the Great Gonzales...I realized that I never thanked you for handling my request, so I decided to email you.

I never thought for a moment that you, a former champion, would end up taking care of the wrestling trunks for me.

After you left here, know what Mush said to me? He said, "There are some things that can only be understood by fighting." He's an odd one, Mush. He's actually training now...yes, he's planning a comeback!

You should come by the Glitz Pit if you get some time. You're just the type of star the fans crave, you know?

Take care, Jolene

Prince Mush: Accept my challenge!

This email is exclusive to the remake. Although Mush himself does not have a trouble, the player must receive Jolene's email first before they can receive this one.

Hello, Mario!

This is Mush, Jolene's younger brother and first champion of the Glitz Pit. Remember me?

Thanks for helping me out recently! Still not sure what happened, but I do know that if you and my big sis hadn't saved me, well... I get chills just thinking about it.

Anyway, I was wondering if you heard about my big comeback. I've been pushing all of my limits with the most-punishing training regimen of my entire career.

I'm finally feeling and seeing the results... so it's time for Prince Mush to make a grand return to the ring!

I want you to witness the fruits of my labor, Mario. I asked my sis for help, and she's arranged a special Exhibition Match just for the two of us! New champ versus original champ!

If you accept my challenge, I'll be waiting for you in the Glitz Pit! Prepare for a Prince Mush performance like you've never seen before! (I'm actually not sure that you have seen me battle before, so just believe me when I say...I was good.)

Don't leave me waiting, Great Gonzales!

From, (Prince) Mush


Yes, hello to you.
I am Bub-ulber.

I have been unable to forget the savory Hot Dog taste buds are sweating in anticipation of your next spicy visit.

By the way: have you heard? Dried Bouquets are not flowers that have withered and gone dry. They are actually flowers that have had the clocks of their lives adjusted to tick just a little slower than normal flowers. I hope you will take the time to stop and smell these delicate flowers.

In fact, I would like you to come visit me again with the above-mentioned item. Yours in spiciness.


Eve: Thank You

How are you, Mario? This is Eve from Twilight Town. Remember me?

After a lot of soul-searching, I've found that I'm truly happy.

I may not be able to forget the hard times, or even completely remember then, but I've been thinking things over and I believe that my sad past paves the way to my current happiness. Is that deep?

Anyway, I can't think about that stuff all the time. The kids play all day... then they get hungry and cry and scream, so I'm pretty busy all day, every day.

The kids would love to see you again, so please drop by next time you're in the area!

Fondly yours, Eve

Gob: Throat-bomb!

GCN version:

.................? ...............................! this right? DO I just type or what?...yeah, OK.

So...hey! I was so happy you got me that Honey Candy! My voice came back and everything, but maybe I was a little too jolly...I started shouting and now I lost my voice again. I'm resting now.

So, yeah, there may not be much here in Fahr Outpost, but at least we got snow! Yeah! We have snowbomb fights here! We put tiny Bob-ombs inside our snowballs so that they explode when they hit! It's super dangerous, which makes it super cool! Unfortunately, it also makes it super illegal! Which is pretty lame...but come visit anyway!

Later! Gob

Switch version:

............? ............!
Umm... Is this right? I just type into here? Yeah, OK.

So...hello! I was happy you got me Honey Candy! My voice came back, but maybe I was too jolly... I started shouting and lost voice again. Now I am resting.

So, yes, maybe there is not much here in Fahr Outpost, but least we have snow! Yeah! We have snowbomb fights here! We put tiny Bob-ombs inside of snowballs to make big explosion when they hit! Is super dangerous, which is also making it super cool! Unfortunately, it is also making it super illegal, which is not...great... But come visit anyway!

Later! Gob


These emails are exclusive to the remake and are sent when Mario maxes out a certain amount for collectibles.

Congrats, you cooking connoisseur!

This email is received upon learning every recipe, either by the player cooking them themselves or obtaining them pre-made via troubles, inns, or the Happy Lucky Lottery. The earliest this is possible is after completing Chapter 6 and solving the Ratooey businessman's trouble to gain access to Hot Sauce.


You've learned all of Zess T.'s recipes! Her menu is now complete, so all your meals can be mighty tasty...and mighty mighty too.

As proof of your efforts, we've sent you a special reward—the Cooking Trophy!

Check your Useful Items to admire it yourself...or show it off to friends. You've earned the right to brag.

Congrats, you bearer of badges!

This email is received upon obtaining at least one copy of every badge in the game, excluding the Gold Medal badge. The earliest this is possible (when taking enemy drops in the Pit of 100 Trials into account) is during Chapter 7, upon finding Feeling Fine and Feeling Fine P in the X-Naut Fortress.


You've obtained every single badge! Whether earned or uncovered, purchased or found, the complete collection is now at your fingertips.

As proof of your efforts, we've sent you a special reward—the Badge Trophy!

Check your Useful Items to admire it yourself...or show it off to friends. You've earned the right to brag.

Congrats, you tireless tattler!

This email is received upon filling up the entire Tattle Log. The earliest this is possible is after completing Chapter 8, due to Whacka being a postgame-only encounter.


You've had Goombella tattle on every kind of enemy! Your Tattle Log is now bursting with villainous secrets and juicy bad-guy gossip.

As proof of your efforts, we've sent you a special reward—the Tattle Trophy!

Check your Useful Items to admire it yourself...or show it off to friends. You've earned the right to brag.

Congrats, you comprehensive collector!


You've collected all of the recipes, obtained every badge, and filled up your entire Tattle Log! Wow!

Head on over to Rogueport's main square. A shiny reward is waiting for you!


This email is sent from Goombella to Mario at the end of the game, but it is not found in the Mailbox SP if it is checked later. Mario shares this email with Luigi.

Dear Mario,

What's up? Goombella here! I'm still here working with Professor Frankly. We beat the Shadow Queen, but there's tons of Rogueport lore we still don't get... So, my research with the professor goes on and on.

With the info I gathered with you, we have lots of great leads now, though! Mario... Like I always said, every myth contains a kernel of truth. Speaking of which, know what was in the chest that the professor recovered? You're totally not gonna believe me when I tell you. It's... A secret! Ha ha ha ha ha! But I'll tell you next time I see you.

As part of my research, I did go back to many of the places we visited... And I saw everyone we traveled with, too!

Koops is living peacefully in Petalburg with his dad and Koopie Koo. And, Mario... Guess what Koops wants to do now! He wants to become mayor of Petalburg and live there in peace! Can you imagine? Still, it might just be perfect for him, come to think of it. He's so much more of an adult now than when you left Rogueport! ...Still, I think Koopie Koo pretty much has him wrapped around her little finger!

Flurrie's back on stage in a big way, and the crowds are totally ecstatic. And, the play she's doing right now is the story of our adventure! Yeah! It's called "Paper Mario"! I saw it twice! It was totally the best play ever! And somehow, Doopliss had joined the troupe as an actor! Who saw that coming? His transformation skills are serving him well, but it still kind of creeps me out...

Oh, and little Yoshi? Yeah, he's fighting solo in the Glitz Pit! He says he's getting pretty close to a title match, even! Isn't that just ADORABLE? Oh, yeah, he's calling himself "The Great Gonzales Jr." in the ring, by the way. It's sorta silly, but kinda cute, too, don'tcha think? Oh, and... Wait, I have to get this exactly right or he'll get like, SO mad at me... He, uh, said that he could "totally take you in the ring now, so bring it!" I guess he doesn't change... Isn't that too cute?

Vivian's gone back to hang out with her sisters. Family is important, after all... Now that the Shadow Queen has been defeated, I don't think Beldam's into evil. Oh, and Beldam also promised me she would never be mean to Vivian ever again. Yup, I think the three sirens are going to live peacefully from now on... But you should totally go visit her sometime.

Bobbery goes out to sea every day now with Cortez... I think his soul has healed. I ran into him on Keelhaul Key by accident the other day, which was nice. He was so happy, I thought he was going to blow up on me for a second there. You know... I bet Scarlette is looking down on him and smiling right now. Oh, and I almost forgot... Everyone on Keelhaul Key is well, and they say hello.

Ms. Mowz is still running the badge shop in Rogueport, so she's happy. She comes over to Frankly's sometimes to visit... But, as usual, as soon as she sets foot outside the shop, she turns into a badge-ninja. She said just the other day that she had found some super-rare badge, actually. That's our globe-trotting, mystery-making, flirting, little badge thief, huh?

Oh, yeah... In my travels, I heard a rumor that Lord Crump and Grodus were both still alive. I guess that makes them pretty tenacious baddies, doesn't it, Mario? But they've mellowed a lot, just like Beldam has, and I don't expect more trouble. Plus, I hear Grodus is just a head, which really cuts down on mischief-making.

Speaking of miracle survivals... Guess whose favorite calculator is still computing? He says he really wants to see you and Peach again!

Well, I'm totally rambling at this point, so I guess I'd better wrap it up... I just wanna say, even though things got tough, I'm grateful for our time together. And... There is one thing that kind of weighed on me and I never got to express to you. See, I... Well... Maybe that's best kept a secret.

So, please say hi to Peach for me, OK? 'Til we meet again!

Your friend, Goombella.

The paragraph about Ms. Mowz appears if she joined Mario's party at that time, and Yoshi Kid's name the player gave him is used.


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese メールじゅしんき[?]
Mēru Jushinki
Mail Receiver
Chinese (simplified) 邮件接收机[?]
Yóujiàn Jiēshōu Jī
Mail Receiver
Chinese (traditional) 郵件接收機[?]
Yóujiàn Jiēshōu Jī
Mail Receiver
Dutch Buzzer SP[?] A combination of buzzer, another word for "beeper" or "pager" in Dutch, and "SP" from Gameboy Advance SP
French Récept. mails[?] Reception emails
German Mail-Receiver[?] Mail Receiver
Italian Mail Boy[?] Pun on "Game Boy"
Korean 메일수신기[?]
Meil Susin'gi
Mail Receiver
Spanish Agenda Electrónica[?] Electronic Agenda


  • In the original game, email is stylized as "e-mail", though this was updated in the remake to the more modern "email".