Template:Species-infobox Lemguin is a large sharp-billed penguin encountered in the games Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble and Donkey Kong Land III.

In Donkey Kong Country 3, Lemguins are encountered in one level in the game, named Lemguin Lunge, which is located in K3. In this level, Dixie Kong and Kiddy Kong must dodge barrages of Lemguins. These enemies leap from their holes and slide on their bellies, attempting to collide with the Kongs. A Lemguin can simply be defeated by a single jump on it, or by any type of barrel. However, frontal attacks are rendered useless, due to their beaks.

In Donkey Kong Land III, Lemguins are found in two levels, Polar Pitfalls in the area Primate Plains and Tundra Blunda in the area Blackforest Plateau. Here, the attack patterns of Lemguins remain the same and can still be defeated by the same techniques.

Lemguins are the land equivalent of Bazzas and Swoopies, other enemies which possess similar attack patterns to Lemguins.



Names in Other Languages
