Welcome to my user page! I'm fairly new to the wiki so I don't know to add images yet but I'll learn...hopefully. I'm obviously a huge Lemmy Koopa fan and he owns a land which is called Lemmy's Land which is a reason why a reason why I like him.

List of favourite characters (1 best 12 worst)

List of Least Favourite Characters


Random Stuff

  • Mario: Hey, Luigi you're fat! Luigi: Have you looked in the mirror yourself tubby?
  • Bowser should consider firing all Hammer Bros.
  • Wario DOES hate Luigi.

How I Became a Lemmy fan

When I was over at my friends house he was on World 7, Ice Land in Super Mario Bros. 3 and was fighting Lemmy and that ball and mohawk and indian scars looked cool to me so I became a fan of him and then I discovered the website Lemmy's Land and then I became an even bigger fan of him and he is my favourite character in the Mario series.

My wishlist

  1. A DSi (not really to play games but to warp pictures)
  2. Pokemon Sapphire (I had it but lost it)
  3. Metroid Prime (looks fun)
  4. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (again, looks fun)
  5. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (once again, looks fun)
  6. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (looks fun and of course, KOOPALINZ!!!)
  7. Giratina And The Sky Warrior (I have Rise of Darkrai)
  8. Night at the Museum 2 (don't ask >_>)
  9. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (agaaaaaiiin, looks fun)
  10. Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (I can't wait to pwn Sonic characters with Mario characters)
  11. Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (same as above)

My Interests and Hobbies

  • Nintendo video games besides Zelda or Star Fox
  • Computer
  • Reading
  • sports (VERY slightly)
  • going places
  • Lake monsters (Loch Ness Monster, Champ, Ogopogo etc.)

Animation Corner

All the animated GIFs I could find. (I sure hope I'm allowed to put that green smiley and personal images in here...) File:Lemmy4.gif File:Iggy.gif File:Roy4.gif File:Larry4.gif File:Roy.gif File:Larry koopa.gif             File:Coin-mario-yoshi.gif                  File:100px-mushroom.gif File:TotakekeBanana.gif                                     File:Yoshiii.gif       File:Bowser.gif           File:Hungryyoshi.gif           File:Koopalings - Wendy O..gif                 File:Luigirun.gif         File:Yoshi Egg Big.gif File:Kirby is vicous.gif File:PeteyTime.gif File:Ani smb3drybones.gif                 File:VictoryWario.gif                   File:Fork.gif File:Toto.gif File:Mauj.gif File:BowserSmallAni.gif File:100px-Bowser.gif     File:Birdo.gif   File:Birdolol.gif File:W goomba.gif File:Toadlol.gif   File:Hammerbrolol.gif                     File:No one's side.gif     File:Paper Mario Badge 0x0101 Effect.gif File:Bowserlol.gif File:Lakitulol.gif                   File:FrogogStanding.gif File:Goomba.gif   File:LevelupbonusMarioWiki.gif             File:Red.gif File:RedessenceeffectMarioWiki.gif                     File:BelomeMarioWiki.gif File:MegasmilaxMarioWiki.gif         File:Mysticrobin1.gif       File:Bobinbubble.gif     File:Wiki.gif           File:Dodecahedron.gif                               File:Daisy walk.gif   File:RainbowMario.gif   File:Green Koopa Troopa.gif     File:Fawfulmagikoopa.gif     File:Super Mr. Green.gif     File:ShyGuyDance.gif         File:MFLuigi.gif File:Crook.gif File:Cluster2.gif File:Buzzer.gif File:Amanita.gif File:Arachne.gif File:Starslap.gif   File:SMB bowser.gif File:SMBGoomba.gif File:Red Koopa Paratroopa.gif File:Spiny.gif File:Blooper.gif File:SMBPiranha Plant.gif File:NSMB redcoin.gif File:Bean Stalk NSMB.gif                                     File:Purplepikman.gif   File:MarioWalk.gif         File:Firemariowalk.gif   File:Mushroomflowerstar.gif     File:BlizzardMidbus.gif           File:Megaman.gif     File:Bean Stalk NSMB 01.gif           File:CharlesBloquette.gif   File:Chómpcovitz.gif File:Coin Spinning.gif    

My Comments on This Picture


Mario:Uhhh...It's-a me! Mario!

Luigi:That star made me so mad that I'm gonna punch it!

Star:I'm shiny....

Daisy:I believe I can fly...


Wario:I'm rich!!!!!

Boo:Ah! The light! Must flee!

Toad:Come get meh fatso!

Bowser: Gotta give Mario a Ztar....

Donkey Kong:Awwww...I'm not as tall as Bowser...

Big Top:I can't believe Ballyhoo only wears me to cover his bald spot.

MC Ballyhoo: It's a bird! It's a plane! It's an egg-salad sandwich! HAHAHAHA *falls over and dies*

Hammer Bro.:I'm going to hit Donkey Kong with my hammer!

Toadette:AAAAAHHHH!!!!! Chomp's gonna eat me! *bumps into Ballyhoo and falls into Chomp's mouth*

Chain Chomp: From what I hear, Toads taste just like chicken!

Dry Bones: .....

Birdo: I'm hiding my engagement ring behind Dry Bones.

Blooper: Wait a sec. If I'm above water then how can I breathe?

Waluigi: Fly Bob-omb! FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fly Guys: Looks like there's a commotion down there. CALL THE COPS!!!!!!!

Yoshi: I will catch up to Mario eventually!

Meh Games!

Super Mario Bros. This game is awesome but World 8-4... 5/5

Super Mario Bros. 2 HARD HARD HARD!!!!!!!! 2/5

Super Mario Bros. 3 Decent game, but stupid Pipe Land! 3/5

Super Mario World A bit too easy for me... 4/5

Super Mario 64 This game is superlative! And so are the Youtube videos about it. 5/5

Super Smash Bros. Got it off eBay and is pretty good. 3/5

Mario Kart 64 The BEST game in the Mario Kart series! 5/5

Mario Party 2 Pretty for just being the second one. 4/5

Super Mario Sunshine Good game but I HATE Sirena Beach. 4/5

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Best game in the Paper Mario series. 5/5

Paper Mario Gotta love RPGs. 4/5

Super Paper Mario Very good game but I'm not fond of The Overthere. 5/5

Mario Party 6 Best Mario Party game I've played so far. 4/5

Wario World Beaten every detail except one Spriteling. 3/5

Mario Kart Double Dash!! I LOST IT!!!!! *sob* *sob* But it's good! 4/5

Luigi's Mansion Very good! 5/5

Mario Kart Wii Not much better than anything else I've seen. 3/5

Super Mario Galaxy Very good but curse you Spooky Speedster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4/5

Mario Party 8 Hardly ever play it but it's pretty good. 4/5

Super Smash Bros. Brawl MARVELOUS XD!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5/5

Super Smash Bros. Melee Never get tired of it. 4/5

Super Mario 64 DS Not as good as the original. 3/5

New Super Mario Bros. Very, very, very good! 5/5

Mario Kart DS Meh, pretty good I guess. 3/5

Dr. Mario Never play this so I don't really know how to rate it. 0/0

Mario Pinball Land Good game but I don't play it very often. 4/5

Super Mario Strikers I was wondering when Mario was going to play soccer. 3/5



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GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Alright you've reached the bottom. There is nothing here except my sig and a gift. so goodbye. I mean it this time.

File:Lemmy4.gif User:Lemmy Koopa Fan File:Lemmy4.gif

And here's the gift: HI

The Gallery of Bowser Jr.