- “Thing is, now the captain gots so big, the BOWL gots too small for him!”
- —Pook, Super Paper Mario
Pook is a young boy, resident of Flipside, from Super Paper Mario. He is fascinated by sea creatures, and wants to be a sailor when he grows up. He hopes to leave Flipside when he grows up and listen to the quiet sounds of the waves at sea, every day. He used to have a pet fish he named Captain Gills that he found somewhere, and kept him in a cup. Captain Gills got too big for the cup so he searched for something bigger to put him in. Merlon generously gave him his Goldfish Bowl but not too long after Mario arrived in need of it. Pook agreed to give him the bowl, only if they would give a new home to Captain Gills. The player then must go stand near the edge of the water to release Pook's goldfish. "Now the fishbowl is empty! That means you can use it as a space helmet!" Pook wished good luck to the Captain in his new life at sea. If Mario talks to Pook before you get to Chapter 4: Outer Space, he will talk about a problem that keeps getting bigger and bigger. This "problem" Pook is speaking of may be Captain Gills, as the fish grows in size every day.
What Pook ignores is that Captain Gills was freed on the B1st floor of Flipside, while he thinks Mario freed him in the ocean. When he grows up, he wishes to meet the Captain again while he is at sea.
Pook's Flopside counterpart is Puck. Pook's enamor with the sea is comparable to Puck's love affair with the sky. Template:BoxTop