In the Scrapbook for Yoshi's Crafted World, the player can access a list of music tracks where they can listen to music they have heard throughout the game. Most of the level tracks are arrangements of the game's main theme (marked below with an asterisk), although others, such as the boss music, are original pieces. The Scrapbook features a total of 20 tracks, although the credits theme, cutscene music, victory fanfares, the music heard before minigames, and the music heard before and after the Skelesaurus chase are absent. The game's soundtrack was composed by Kazufumi Umeda.
Song title
Plays on the title screen.
World Map
Plays on the map screen. It is an arrangement of "Title." In the game, the song would start off with few instruments, and more would be added as the player defeats the game's bosses, similar to the Yoshi's Island games.