
File:Super Mario Maker Link.jpg
Mario wearing the Link costume.

Costume Mario[1] is the form Mario takes after eating a Mystery Mushroom in Super Mario Maker, allowing him to transform into numerous Nintendo and third-party characters and objects. Upon scanning certain amiibo onto the Wii U GamePad's NFC sensor, an 8-bit version of the amiibo character will be unlocked in the level editor, allowing the player to use it any time from then on without having to scan the amiibo again. In addition to amiibo characters, Mario can also transform into certain objects, such as a ? Block. Costumes can also be unlocked through the 100 Mario Challenge mode, including characters which have amiibo unlock conditions. According to Nintendo's website, nearly every confirmed amiibo is compatible, except the Mii Fighters.[2] There are a total of 106 costumes in the game so far, consisting of 100 base costumes[3] and six additional ones. There is a possibility that there could be 99 additional costumes available.[4]

Costume Mario functions the same as Super Mario, but with Small Mario's physical stature (except Mega Yarn Yoshi, Charizard, Mewtwo, Lucario, Greninja, Sonic, Totem Link, Arino KACHO, SUPER MARIO KUN and Necky, who are slightly larger). While Mario wears a costume, he cannot wear any Shell Helmets. In addition to appearance, various sound effects may also be changed to reflect the character, such as the jumping sound effects and "Course Clear" fanfare. The power-up sound effect may also be replaced by a different sound effect from the character's home series. Pokémon series costumes are notable for lacking special sound effects, instead using the standard Super Mario Bros. sounds. Each character has a unique pose if the player presses and holds +Control Pad up. Toad's message after finishing the 10 Mario Challenge and the 100 Mario Challenge also varies depending on the appearance of the player. Mario can only transform into Costume Mario in the Super Mario Bros. style of the game.

The costumes do not follow the graphical limitations of the NES. Most of them are designed to follow the character's official designs, usually using more than 3 colors. Examples include Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad and Dr. Mario from the Mario series, and all the characters from the Star Fox and Fire Emblem series.

Originally, the costumes were known as Mystery Suits[5]; however, the name was dropped in the final version of the game.

List of costumes

# Image Costume Game Compatible amiibo Notes
1 Mystery Mushroom[6] Super Mario Maker N/A Gives Mario a random costume that the player already unlocked.
2 Mario[7] Super Mario Bros. Mario (Super Smash Bros. series)
Mario (Super Mario series)
A recolor of Mario's original Super Mario Bros. sprite that uses his modern colors. Upon grabbing the Mystery Mushroom, the sound effect after exiting a pipe in Tiny-Huge Island and in the opening of Super Mario 64 can be heard. The "Course Clear" tune is replaced by the one heard after obtaining a Power Star in that game. Mario's jumping sound effects are also replaced by Super Mario World's. The death tune is the game over tune from Super Mario 64, and the invincibility tune is replaced with the Wing Mario tune from that same game.[8]

This costume is also used for Big Mario's modern appearance, but it doesn't use any of the costume's unique sound effects, and is able to wear Shell Helmets.

3 Peach[9] Super Mario Bros. Peach (Super Smash Bros. series)
Peach (Super Mario series)
Based on Peach's modern appearance as opposed to her original NES sprite from Super Mario Bros.. Upon touching the Mystery Mushroom, the mushroom pickup sound from Super Mario Bros. 2 will play. The jumping sound, death jingle, and "Course Clear" fanfare are also replaced by their Super Mario Bros. 2 equivalents. Peach also takes out her parasol when she jumps or when pressing  . Upon clearing the 10-Mario Challenge in this suit, Toad will say "Princess Peach?! How did you escape! ..Oh. It's just a costume."
4 Luigi[10] Super Mario Bros. Luigi (Super Smash Bros. series)
Luigi (Super Mario series)
A recolor of his original NES sprite from Super Mario Bros. that uses his modern colors. The "Course Clear" and "lose a life" tunes are replaced by the ones heard after obtaining a boss key and getting a Game Over from Luigi's Mansion, respectively. Upon getting the Mystery Mushroom, Luigi's voice can be heard shouting, "Yeah!"
5 Bowser[11] Super Mario Bros. Bowser (Super Smash Bros. series)
Bowser (Super Mario series)
Based on Bowser's modern design as opposed to his original Super Mario Bros. appearance. When touching a Mystery Mushroom, the player will hear the organ sound that played when Bowser appeared in the final battle in Super Mario World. The "Course Clear" fanfare is also replaced by the full version of said sound. The "lose a life" is the sound used for Bowser being defeated in Super Mario Bros. If the player completes the 10-Mario Challenge while wearing the Bowser costume and watches the end cutscene, Toad will say, "B-B-Bowser? Aaaaghhhh! I thought you'd taken the princess to another castle!" as opposed to, "Mario! It's terrible! Princess Peach has been taken to another castle!"
6 Goomba[12] Super Mario Bros. N/A Has a red coloration similar to that of a Red Paragoomba, possibly to differentiate it from the enemy Goombas. Available from start. Pressing   causes it to be squished.
7 ? Block[13] Super Mario Bros. N/A Resembles a Coin Box. Available from start. Pressing   causes it to change color.
8 Trampoline [13] Super Mario Bros. N/A Available from start. Based on its modern design opposed to its original NES sprite from Super Mario Bros.. The jump sound has changed to the sound when something bounces on a trampoline. Pressing and holding   will turn the Trampoline into its original sprite from Super Mario Bros..
9 Toad[14] Super Mario Bros. Toad (Super Mario series) Based on Toad's modern design as opposed to his original NES sprite from Super Mario Bros., as well as the Pixel Toad from Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. Toad will shout "Here I go!" upon touching the Mystery Mushroom.[7] Upon reaching the end of a castle, the kidnapped Toad will say "Ah, Captain! It's terrible! Princess Peach has been taken to another castle!" to Mario wearing the Toad costume possibly in reference to Captain Toad.
10 Bowser Jr.[15] Super Mario Sunshine Bowser Jr. (Super Smash Bros. series) Bowser Jr. himself has his palette based on Bowser's original sprite in Super Mario Bros. However, he appears in his Junior Clown Car, based on his appearance in Super Smash Bros. His blunder sound is replaced with his "hit" sound from the New Super Mario Bros. games. When swimming, a bubble encloses the clown car.
11 Silver Mario Super Mario Maker Mario - Silver Edition (Super Mario series) A silver palette swap of Mario's modernized Super Mario Bros. sprite. The Gold Mario power-up sound effect from New Super Mario Bros. 2 can be heard when transforming into Silver Mario, and sparkling sound effects are heard while the transformation is active. The Super Star music is also changed to Metal Mario's theme from Super Mario 64.[8]
12 Gold Mario[8] Super Mario Maker Mario - Gold Edition (Super Mario series) A golden palette swap of Mario's modernized Super Mario Bros. sprite. The Gold Mario power-up sound effect from New Super Mario Bros. 2 can be heard when transforming into Gold Mario, and sparkling sound effects are heard while the transformation is active. The Super Star theme is also changed to Metal Mario's theme from Super Mario 64.
13 Builder Mario[16] Super Mario Maker N/A An 8-bit rendition of the attire Mario wears on the boxart and promotional art. Upon transformation, the "Super Mario Maker!" shout from the title screen is heard. In addition, the normal Super Mario Bros. power-up sound is retained, the "course clear" tune is the start-up jingle from Super Mario Maker, and the "lose a life" sound is changed to the Game Over sound from Gnat Attack. Pressing   on the Wii U will make Builder Mario take out a hammer. Builder Mario is unlocked by beating Gnat Attack for the first time.
14 Yoshi[10] Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Yoshi (Super Smash Bros. series)
Yoshi (Super Mario series)
Based on Yoshi's modern design as opposed to his original Super Mario Bros. Deluxe appearance. Upon touching a Mystery Mushroom, the sound effect that plays when climbing on Yoshi's back in Super Mario World can be heard. Yoshi's jumping sounds, the "Course Clear" fanfare and the "lose a life" tune are taken from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.[17] Pressing   causes Yoshi to turn into an egg.
15 Shy Guy Super Mario Bros. 2 N/A Shy Guy's original sprite from Super Mario Bros. 2, with added shading and a yellow belt buckle. The sound for picking up a mushroom in Super Mario Bros. 2 is heard upon transformation. It will turn into a Spear Guy upon pressing   on the Wii U Control Pad.
16 Wario Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 Wario (Super Smash Bros. series) Wario's costume can also be used by tapping the first "M" in the Super Mario Maker logo on the title screen, which turns it into a "W".[18] His sprite has a slight resemblance to the one from the WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! microgame Super Wario Bros.. Sound effects from Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 can be heard, including the "Course Clear" theme.[8]
17 Rosalina & Luma Super Mario Galaxy Rosalina & Luma (Super Smash Bros. series) The power-up sound effect from Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2 will play upon touching the Mystery Mushroom. The "course clear" and "lose a life" jingles are replaced with the "You Got a Star" and "Too Bad" fanfares from the latter game.[7] An 8-bit Luma also appears as part of Rosalina's sprite. Rosalina is the most vocal out of the Mario characters; she exclaims "Here I go!" when transforming, yelps when she jumps, and shouts "Yay!" while holding  .
18 Mario Bros. Mario Mario Bros. N/A Mario's sprite from the NES version of the Mario Bros. arcade game. Upon touching the Mystery Mushroom, the "respawn" sound effect from the NES version will play. When clearing a stage, the "Game Over" theme from Mario Bros. will play. He makes the losing pose when pressing  .
19 Shellcreeper Mario Bros. N/A The Shellcreeper's original sprite from Mario Bros.. It changes color from green to red while dashing, and holding   will make it bare its teeth, like when it comes in contact with Mario or Luigi.
20 Sidestepper Mario Bros. N/A The Sidestepper's original sprite from Mario Bros.. It changes color from red to purple while dashing, and holding   will make it angry.
21 Dr. Mario[19] Dr. Mario Dr. Mario (Super Smash Bros. series) Mario's modernized Super Mario Bros. sprite modified to look like Dr. Mario. Sound effects from the NES version of Dr. Mario will play. When the   is pressed, Dr. Mario pulls out a Megavitamin.
22 Kart Mario[20] Super Mario Kart TBA Mario's original Super Mario Bros. sprite, modified to match his current colors, driving a Standard Kart from Mario Kart 8. Upon touching a Mystery Mushroom, the jingle that plays prior to the start of a race in Super Mario Kart can be heard. The course clear jingle is the race finishing jingle also from Super Mario Kart. A Super Glider also appears when jumping. The Super Star music changes to the version from Super Mario Kart when using this suit.
23 Waluigi [21] Mario Tennis N/A / TBA An original sprite of Waluigi. When the player transforms, the sound of Waluigi laughing is heard, and when the   is pressed, he pulls out his tennis racket. All the other noises are normal Super Mario Bros. sounds.
24 Green Yarn Yoshi [22] Yoshi's Woolly World Green Yarn Yoshi (Yoshi's Woolly World series) When using a Green Yarn Yoshi amiibo, the sound effects are changed to ones from Yoshi's Woolly World, including Yoshi's modern voice and the "Course Clear" fanfare.[23]
25 Pink Yarn Yoshi Yoshi's Woolly World Pink Yarn Yoshi (Yoshi's Woolly World series) When using a Pink Yarn Yoshi amiibo, the sound effects are changed to ones from Yoshi's Woolly World, including Yoshi's modern voice and the "Course Clear" fanfare.
26 Light-Blue Yarn Yoshi Yoshi's Woolly World Light Blue Yarn Yoshi (Yoshi's Woolly World series) When using a Light Blue Yarn Yoshi amiibo, the sound effects are changed to ones from Yoshi's Woolly World, including Yoshi's modern voice and the "Course Clear" fanfare.
27 Mega Yarn Yoshi Yoshi's Woolly World Mega Yarn Yoshi (Yoshi's Woolly World series) Near identical to Green Yarn Yoshi, except slightly bigger.
28 Donkey Kong Jr.[24] Donkey Kong Jr. N/A Donkey Kong Jr.'s original sprite from Donkey Kong Jr.. Sound effects from the game can be heard as well.
29 Donkey Kong[25] Donkey Kong Donkey Kong (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on the modern Donkey Kong rather than that of the original Donkey Kong arcade game. However, this costume uses sound effects from said arcade game for all of its sounds, including the victory fanfare when completing a level and the level start theme when collecting the Mystery Mushroom. Pressing   causes Donkey Kong to give a thumbs up, and the sound for scoring by jumping over a barrel plays.
30 Diddy Kong[7] Donkey Kong Country Diddy Kong (Super Smash Bros. series) Sound effects from Donkey Kong Country can be heard. Pressing   will make him pull at and look at a banana. The victory fanfare is that of clearing a level in Donkey Kong Country, and the same goes for the "lose a life" jingle.
31 Kirby[26] Kirby's Dream Land Kirby (Super Smash Bros. series) Kirby's original full-color sprite from Kirby's Adventure. Upon picking up a Mystery Mushroom, the power-up sound from that game plays. The "Course Clear" fanfare is replaced by the original version of the Kirby dance heard throughout the Kirby series. The jumping sound and "lose a life" tune also come from Kirby's Adventure. When riding a Goomba's Shoe, he adopts a pose similar to when he is riding a giant shoe in Kirby's Return to Dream Land.
32 King Dedede Kirby's Dream Land King Dedede (Super Smash Bros. series) A modification of King Dedede's sprite from Kirby's Adventure, adjusted to match his current colors and Small Mario's height. Upon picking a Mystery Mushroom, the power-up-sound from Kirby's Adventure plays.
33 Meta Knight[7] Kirby's Adventure Meta Knight (Super Smash Bros. series) Meta Knight's original sprite from Kirby's Adventure, though without his sword. Upon picking a Mystery Mushroom, the power-up-sound from Kirby's Adventure plays. When Meta Knight runs at full speed, he runs similarly to how he does in Meta Knightmare from Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land and Kirby Super Star Ultra. Pressing   makes him take out his sword.
34 Pit Kid Icarus Pit (Super Smash Bros. series) A redesign of Pit's sprite from Kid Icarus shrunken down to fit Small Mario's height and recolored to resemble his appearance in Kid Icarus: Uprising. Sound effects are taken from the Famicom Disk System and 3D Classics Kid Icarus.
35 Palutena[8] Kid Icarus Palutena (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Palutena's modern appearance rather than her original NES sprite. Pressing   makes her assume the pose of her Super Smash Bros. artwork.
36 Dark Pit[8] Kid Icarus: Uprising Dark Pit (Super Smash Bros. series) A redesign of Pit's sprite from Kid Icarus shrunken down to fit Small Mario's height and recolored to resemble Dark Pit. When falling in a pit, the Kid Icarus: Uprising rendition of the "lose a life" jingle from Kid Icarus will play.
37 Mega Man Mega Man Mega Man (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Mega Man's original sprite from the NES Mega Man games, but scaled down to fit Small Mario's height. When grabbing the Mystery Mushroom, the sound for starting a stage in Mega Man 2 plays. The "course clear" and "lose a life" sounds are the ones from said game. Pressing   causes him to take out his Mega Buster and the sound for firing a shot is heard. It's notably one of the only sprites outside of the Kirby series to have outlines.
38 Samus[23] Metroid Samus (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Samus's modern design as opposed to her original NES appearance in Metroid, although there are some similarities to her original sprite. When collected, sound effects from the Famicom Disk System version of Metroid will play. Samus also turns into the Morph Ball when running at full speed.
39 Zero Suit Samus Metroid: Zero Mission Zero Suit Samus (Super Smash Bros. series) When collected, the "Item Found" jingle from Metroid: Zero Mission will play.
40 R.O.B. Nintendo Entertainment System R.O.B. / Family Computer Robot R.O.B. (Super Smash Bros. series) Upon touching the Mystery Mushroom, the "Phase Begin" sound effect from Gyromite can be heard. The Japanese version of the game features the Famicom version of R.O.B. while other releases feature the NES version.
41 Marth[10] Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon Marth (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Marth's map sprite from Fire Emblem Fates rather than his original Famicom sprite. Sound effects from the original Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light can be heard, including the level-up jingle.
42 Ike[8] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Ike (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Ike's map sprite from Fire Emblem Fates. Sound effects from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light are used, similar to Marth. Pressing   will make him take out Ragnell and assume his Super Smash Bros. pose.
43 Lucina[8] Fire Emblem: Awakening Lucina (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Lucina's map sprite from Fire Emblem Awakening. Sound effects from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light are used, similar to Marth. Pressing   will make her face the screen and put on her mask.
44 Robin[7] Fire Emblem: Awakening Robin (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Robin's map sprite from Fire Emblem Awakening. Sound effects from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light are used, similar to Marth. Pressing   will make him assume his Super Smash Bros. pose.
45 Pikachu Pokémon Red Version/Blue Version Pikachu (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Pikachu's overworld sprite from the Nintendo DS Pokémon games. The default Super Mario Bros. sounds are used rather than new, Pokémon-themed sounds.
46 Charizard[23] Pokémon Red Version/Blue Version Charizard (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Charizard's overworld sprite from the Nintendo DS Pokémon games. The default Super Mario Bros. sounds are used rather than new, Pokémon-themed sounds.
47 Jigglypuff[23] Pokémon Red Version/Blue Version Jigglypuff (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Jigglypuff's overworld sprite from the Nintendo DS Pokémon games. The default Super Mario Bros. sounds are used rather than new, Pokémon-themed sounds.
48 Mewtwo Pokémon Red Version/Blue Version Mewtwo (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Mewtwo's overworld sprite from the Nintendo DS Pokémon games. The default Super Mario Bros. sounds are used rather than new, Pokémon-themed sounds.
49 Lucario[23] Pokémon Diamond Version/Pearl Version Lucario (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Lucario's overworld sprite from the Nintendo DS Pokémon games. The default Super Mario Bros. sounds are used rather than new, Pokémon-themed sounds.
50 Greninja[23] Pokémon X/Y Greninja (Super Smash Bros. series) The default Super Mario Bros. sounds are used rather than new, Pokémon-themed sounds.
51 Captain Olimar Pikmin Olimar (Super Smash Bros. series) Olimar's voice from Pikmin 2 can be heard, and the "Course Clear" fanfare is replaced by the tune that plays after obtaining an important item in Pikmin 3. If the player presses  , Olimar will blow on his whistle.
52 Pikmin Pikmin N/A Pikmin sound effects can be heard, the "lose a life" tune is replaced by the Pikmin's own death cries, and the "Course Clear" fanfare is replaced by the tune that plays after obtaining an important item in Pikmin 3. Pressing   causes the red and blue Pikmin to mature into flowers. When underwater, all three of them are encased in a bubble.
53 Link[10] The Legend of Zelda Link (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Link's sprite from, and uses sound effects from the Famicom Disk System version of the original The Legend of Zelda, including the fanfare for collecting a piece of the Triforce after clearing a stage. Upon touching the Mystery Mushroom, the original "Item Get" jingle will play. If the player presses  , Link will hold up a Triforce piece. If Link dies, the death theme from the original Legend of Zelda plays.
54 Zelda[7] The Legend of Zelda Zelda (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Zelda's appearance in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess rather than her original NES sprite. Upon touching the Mystery Mushroom, the "Item Get" jingle from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past will play. While holding  , she'll transform into Sheik. When dying, the death tune from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past plays. When clearing a stage, the tune that plays when Link meet Zelda for the first time from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past plays.
55 Ganondorf The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Ganondorf's appearance in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess rather than Ganon's original NES sprite. Upon touching the Mystery Mushroom, his jingle from Ganon's Tower in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past will play. When falling in a pit, the sound effect of a boss being defeated from that game will play. When clearing a stage, the first few notes of the encounter theme when Link comes face-to-face with Ganon in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past plays.
56 Sheik The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Sheik (Super Smash Bros. series) Upon touching the Mystery Mushroom, the "Item Get" jingle from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time will play. While holding  , she'll transform into Zelda and Zelda's Lullaby plays. The death tune is part of her theme song. The stage clear theme is the jingle that's heard when Link meets Zelda for the first time.
57 Tingle The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask N/A Sounds from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask can be heard: The victory jingle is the tune that plays when the player completes certain time-related events in said game, and the death jingle is one of the tunes that can play when failing certain such events.
58 Toon Link The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Toon Link (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Link's appearance from The Wind Waker (large eyes, blond hair, and a greener tunic) to distinguish itself from regular Link. Upon touching the Mystery Mushroom, the "Item Get" jingle from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker will play. Toon Link takes out his Deku Leaf every time he jumps.[7] The death tune is the tune that plays when Link gets caught by Moblins while trying to sneak inside the Forsaken Fortress in The Wind Waker.
59 Shulk[7] Xenoblade Chronicles Shulk (Super Smash Bros. series) Uses Shulk's voice clips from the Japanese version of Xenoblade Chronicles. Pressing   will make him pull out the Monado and face the screen. The "Course Clear" fanfare is replaced by the tune that plays when discovering a Secret Area in Xenoblade Chronicles.
60 Ness EarthBound Ness (Super Smash Bros. series) When acquired, the PSI Healing sound effect from EarthBound plays. Clearing a stage plays the boss battle victory theme, also from EarthBound.[27]When falling in a pit, the sound effect of Ness's party being defeated from that game will play. When   is pressed, the jingle for learning a new technique will play.
61 Lucas Mother 3 Lucas (Super Smash Bros. series) Sound effects from MOTHER 3 can be heard.
62 Inkling Squid Splatoon Inkling Squid (Splatoon series) Based on the sprite from the Squid Jump minigame in Splatoon, and the "Course Clear" fanfare is replaced by the Mission complete fanfare from the single player mode of Splatoon. Pressing   causes him to transform into a green Inkling Boy wielding a Roller.[28]
63 Inkling Boy Splatoon Inkling Boy (Splatoon series) When crouching or swimming underwater, he turns into a blue Inkling Squid, and the "Course Clear" fanfare is replaced by the Mission complete fanfare from the single player mode of Splatoon.
64 Inkling Girl Splatoon Inkling Girl (Splatoon series) When crouching or swimming underwater, she turns into an orange Inkling Squid, and the "Course Clear" fanfare is replaced by the Mission complete fanfare from the single player mode of Splatoon. Pressing   causes her to take out a Splat Charger and pose.
65 Wii Balance Board Wii Fit N/A The Balance Board mainly known for being used to play the Wii Fit games, although this particular one appears as the living character and companion to the player from the series, where the sounds of its footsteps and jumping are taken from. Holding   has it lie flat on the ground while being used by Wii Fit Trainer to perform the Dancer pose.
66 Wii Fit Trainer[10] Wii Fit Wii Fit Trainer (Super Smash Bros. series) Wii Fit Trainer's various poses include the Half-Moon pose while skidding/turning around, and the stretching position while crouching. She will also utter "Up!" or "Phew!" while jumping, as well as "Come on!" while doing a pose by pressing  . When transforming, the sound made when logging into a profile in Wii Fit can be heard. The "lose a life" and "Course Clear" jingles are respectively replaced by the game over and victory themes from certain Balance Games.
67 Chibi-Robo Chibi-Robo Chibi-Robo (Chibi-Robo! series) Upon touching the Mystery Mushroom, the sound effect for putting on a suit in the original Chibi-Robo! plays. Pressing   will make Chibi-Robo pick up his plug. The jumping and landing sound effects are taken directly from the original game. The sound for losing a life is replaced with the jingle that plays when Chibi-Robo runs out of energy. Upon clearing a course, the fanfare for ranking up in the original Chibi-Robo! is heard.
68 Villager[8] Animal Crossing Villager (Super Smash Bros. series) Upon touching a Mystery Mushroom, the sound effect for producing an item such as a net from the Animal Crossing series can be heard. The "lose a life" jingle is replaced with the theme that plays after fainting from being bitten or stung by a tarantula or scorpion in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Pressing   will make him pull out a balloon.
69 Tom Nook Animal Crossing Tom Nook (Animal Crossing figure series)
Tom Nook (Animal Crossing card series)
70 K.K. Slider Animal Crossing K.K. (Animal Crossing figure series)
K.K. (Animal Crossing card series)
Upon touching a Mystery Mushroom, K.K. will play a brief tune. Pressing   will make him sit down on a chair and pull out his guitar, and the death tune is replaced by K.K.'s howl and a guitar twang.
71 Resetti[29] Animal Crossing Resetti (Animal Crossing figure series)
Resetti (Animal Crossing card series)
72 Rover Animal Crossing Rover (Animal Crossing figure series)
73 Timmy and Tommy Animal Crossing Timmy and Tommy (Animal Crossing figure series)
74 Blathers Animal Crossing Blathers (Animal Crossing figure series)
75 Mabel[30] Animal Crossing Mabel (Animal Crossing figure series) Upon transforming, sound effects from the sewing machine in the Able Sisters shop from Animal Crossing can be heard.
76 Kapp'n Animal Crossing Kapp'n (Animal Crossing figure series)
Kapp'n (Animal Crossing card series)
Holding   puts him in his rowboat from Animal Crossing.
77 Celeste Animal Crossing: Wild World Celeste (Animal Crossing figure series)
78 Kicks[31] Animal Crossing: City Folk Kicks (Animal Crossing figure series)
Kicks (Animal Crossing card series)
79 Isabelle (summer outfit)[10] Animal Crossing: New Leaf Isabelle (summer outfit) (Animal Crossing card series) Upon touching a Mystery Mushroom, the sound effect for producing an item such as a net from the Animal Crossing series can be heard. Various other sounds from Animal Crossing: New Leaf can also be heard, including the fanfare for paying off a mortgage after clearing a course.
80 Isabelle (winter outfit) Animal Crossing: New Leaf Isabelle (Animal Crossing figure series)
Isabelle (winter outfit) (Animal Crossing card series)
Upon touching a Mystery Mushroom, the sound effect for producing an item such as a net from the Animal Crossing series can be heard. Various other sounds from Animal Crossing: New Leaf can also be heard, including the fanfare for paying off a mortgage after clearing a course.
81 Digby Animal Crossing: New Leaf Digby (Animal Crossing figure series)
Digby (Animal Crossing card series)
Pressing   will make him put on a yellow raincoat.
82 Cyrus Animal Crossing: New Leaf Cyrus (Animal Crossing figure series)
83 Reese[30] Animal Crossing: New Leaf Reese (Animal Crossing figure series)
Reese (Animal Crossing card series)
84 Lottie Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Lottie (Animal Crossing figure series)
Lottie (Animal Crossing card series)
85 Captain Falcon[7] F-Zero Captain Falcon (Super Smash Bros. series) After grabbing the Mystery Mushroom, the sound effect that plays before starting a race in the original F-Zero can be heard. Pressing   causes him to look at the screen. The standard victory fanfare is replaced with that of the fanfare upon completing a cup from F-Zero, and his death sound is the one that plays when the player's vehicle is destroyed in the game.
86 Mr. Game & Watch Game & Watch Gallery Mr. Game & Watch (Super Smash Bros. series) Pressing   will make Mr. Game & Watch take out his bell. He also takes out a parachute from Parachute after jumping.
87 Sonic Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Sonic's original appearance from the Sega Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog games. The Got Continue tune from the original Sonic the Hedgehog plays upon collecting the Mystery Mushroom. Pressing   will cause Sonic to look up while making the sound for collecting a Ring, the course clear fanfare is taken straight from Sonic the Hedgehog 3, and the "lose a life" tune is the Game Over theme from that same game.
88 Duck Hunt[32] Duck Hunt Duck Hunt (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on the sprites from the original Duck Hunt video game, though scaled down to match Small Mario's proportions. Upon picking a Mystery Mushroom, the perfect score jingle from the original game plays, and the original dog barking sound is heard when jumping. When falling into a pit, the dog's laughter is heard.
89 PAC-MAN PAC-MAN Pac-Man (Super Smash Bros. series) Based on Pac-Man's sprite from the Japanese version of Pac-Land, but without the hat that he wears in said game. Sound effects from the arcade Pac-Man can be heard (including the Intermission Theme for clearing a stage, and the original death jingle for losing a life), and Pac-Man also turns into his original sprite from said game when crouching, swimming, or running.[7] Pressing   causes Pac-Man to hold up a strawberry.
90 Foreman Spike Wrecking Crew N/A Sound effects from Wrecking Crew can be heard.
91 Little Mac[7] Punch-Out!! Little Mac (Super Smash Bros. series) Sound effects from the original Punch-Out!! can be heard, including the bell after touching the Mystery Mushroom. The "Course Clear" fanfare is also replaced with the victory theme from said game, and the "Lose a Life" fanfare is replaced with the theme when Little Mac loses a round.
92 Fox McCloud[7] Star Fox (NTSC)
Starwing (PAL)
Fox (Super Smash Bros. series) Upon touching the Mystery Mushroom, Fox's voice clip from the original Star Fox will play. Pressing   will have General Pepper say "Good Luck" from the original Star Fox. When clearing a level, the "Mission Complete" theme from the original Star Fox plays. If Fox dies, a crashing sound can be heard and a loss of Arwing jingle can be heard; both from the original Star Fox.
93 Falco Lombardi Star Fox (NTSC)
Starwing (PAL)
Falco (Super Smash Bros. series) Upon touching the Mystery Mushroom, Falco's voice clip from the original Star Fox will play. Pressing   will have General Pepper say "Good Luck" from the original Star Fox. When clearing a level, the "Mission Complete" theme from the original Star Fox plays. When dying, a crashing sound can be heard and a loss of Arwing jingle can be heard; both from the original Star Fox.
94 Slippy Toad Star Fox (NTSC)
Starwing (PAL)
N/A An unlockable costume. Upon touching the Mystery Mushroom, Slippy's voice clip from the original Star Fox will play. Pressing   will have General Pepper say "Good Luck" from the original Star Fox. When clearing a level, the "Mission Complete" theme from the original Star Fox plays. When dying, a crashing sound can be heard and a loss of Arwing jingle can be heard; both from the original Star Fox.
95 Peppy Hare[33] Star Fox (NTSC)
Starwing (PAL)
N/A An unlockable costume. Upon touching the Mystery Mushroom, Peppy's voice clip from the original Star Fox will play. Pressing   will have General Pepper say "Good Luck" from the original Star Fox. When clearing a level, the "Mission Complete" theme from the original Star Fox plays. When dying, a crashing sound can be heard and a loss of Arwing jingle can be heard; both from the original Star Fox.
96 Arwing Star Fox Zero N/A Upon touching the Mystery Mushroom, the sound effect when collecting a supply ring in Star Fox Zero will play. Pressing   will have it transform into an Arwing and use General Pepper's "Good Luck" voice clip from Star Fox 64. It also turns into an Arwing while running at high speeds, swimming, or crouching. The death tune is heard when losing a life in Star Fox Zero. When clearing a level, the "Mission Accomplished" theme from Star Fox Zero plays.
97 Mahjong Tile[34] Yakuman Ho-o N/A An unlockable costume. A female Japanese voice can be heard when transforming and pressing  
98 Dr. Lobe[35] Big Brain Academy N/A When transforming, the bells at the beginning of the title theme of Big Brain Academy are heard.
99 Ashley[36] WarioWare: Touched! N/A Ashley says "Hocus Pocus!" when the Mystery Mushroom is grabbed. When climbing or swimming Ashley rides on her broom. The death and stage completion jingles are replaced with those of the Ashley minigame of Game & Wario.
100 Nikki Swapnote (NTSC)
Nintendo Letterbox (PAL)
N/A An 8-bit version of Nikki's redesign seen in Nikki's Travel Quiz and other recent appearances. When transforming and clearing a course, the sound from receiving new notes and the HOME Menu jingle from Swapnote play, respectively.
101 Fighter Fly[37] Mario Bros. N/A When jumping, the Fighter Fly will make the same chirping sound as they did in the original Mario Bros. arcade game. If the player holds  , it will turn into a Freezie. It is unlocked by completing Gnat Attack's hard mode.
102 Totem Link[38] The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes N/A An 8-bit rendition of the three Links of The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (blue, red, and green) stacked up into a totem like in the game. It is unlocked by clearing the Tri Force Heroes Event Course. Their transformation and stage clear sounds are 8-bit renditions of the series' main theme (unique from the other Link's) and the main theme of The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes. Pressing   causes them to pose with various weapons. Crouching will get the Links into a pyramid formation in a similar vein to a triforce.
103 Arino KACHO[39][40] GAMECENTER CX N/A An 8-bit rendition of Shinya Arino, host of GameCenter CX. This costume is unlocked after any one of his three Event Courses are beaten. All of Arino's sounds are clips of his own voice.
104 SUPER MARIO KUN[41][42] CORO CORO COMIC N/A Mario's design from the Super Mario-Kun manga, originally exclusive to Japan. This costume uses the same sound effects as regular Mario, and is unlocked by completing Yukio Sawada's level, SUPER MARIO KUN 25th Anniversary, which was made available as an Event Course on November 6, 2015.
105 Cat Mario[43] Super Mario 3D World N/A An 8-bit rendition of Cat Mario based on Mario's Super Mario Bros. sprite. This costume can be unlocked by completing the "Cat Mario's Course" event course, which was made available to play on November 10, 2015. The transformation sound is the Super Bell transformation from Super Mario 3D World, and the death tune and course clear themes are the corresponding ones from the same game. His running animation has him running on all four legs, and his jumping sound is Mario's jumping voice clip from Super Mario 3D World. Pressing   causes Mario to pose with his paw in the air, making the "claw swipe" sound from Super Mario 3D World.
106 Cat Peach[43] Super Mario 3D World N/A An 8-bit rendition of Cat Peach, based on Mario's sprite from Super Mario Bros. but changed to resemble Peach. This costume can be unlocked by completing the "Cat Peach's Course" event course, which was made available to play on November 10, 2015. The transformation sound is the Super Bell transformation from Super Mario 3D World, and death tune and course clear themes from the same game. Cat Peach's jump sound is the same as from Super Mario 3D World as well. Pressing   causes Peach to pose with her paws up, making the "claw swipe" sound from Super Mario 3D World.
107 Necky[44] Famitsu N/A An 8-bit rendition of Necky, the mascot of the Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu, wearing Mario's outfit. All of the sound effects are unchanged. This costume can be unlocked by clearing the "Yoshi Is Awesome" event course,[45] which was made available to play on November 11, 2015.
108 TBA ??? N/A ???
109 TBA ??? N/A ???
110 TBA ??? N/A ???

Names in other languages



  1. ^ Super Mario Maker will let Amiibo owners play as special Nintendo characters. The Verge. Retrieved July 9, 2015.
  2. ^ [1]
  3. ^ Official Australian Super Mario Maker website. Retrieved September 9, 2015.
  4. ^ https://twitter.com/RandomTBush/status/662142060892438528
  5. ^ Nintendo. (June 18, 2015). Nintendo Treehouse Live @ E3 2015 Day 3 Super Mario Maker. YouTube. Retrieved July 8, 2015.
  6. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yucMTxXnyN0
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m MidwestProfessor. (August 18, 2015). Super Mario Maker #15 - Amiibo Party! Squats, dashes, intros. YouTube. Retrieved August 19, 2015.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWVpFD_A5Rs
  9. ^ Nintendo World Report TV. (June 18, 2015). Super Mario Maker: Pink Parasol Mystery Mushroom (Direct Feed Gameplay). YouTube. Retrieved July 8, 2015.
  10. ^ a b c d e f Nintendo. (June 16, 2015). Nintendo Digital Event @ E3 2015. YouTube. Retrieved July 8, 2015.
  11. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbeOoo3CPosz
  12. ^ [2] Nintendo Minute - Super Mario Maker Facebook Hackathon
  13. ^ a b Nintendo. (June 31, 2015). IGN Plays Live Presents: Super Mario Maker. YouTube. Retrieved July 31, 2015.
  14. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfzDu3P0iYI
  15. ^ [3]
  16. ^ [4], YouTube. Retrieved September 11, 2015.
  17. ^ GameXplain. (June 18, 2015). Super Mario Maker - Yoshi on a Super Mario Bros. Airship (Direct Audio - E3 2015). YouTube. Retrieved July 8, 2015.
  18. ^ GameXplain. (August 18, 2015). Super Mario Maker - 11 Title Screen Secrets (Easter Eggs). YouTube. Retrieved August 18, 2015.
  19. ^ https://youtu.be/jtC3GbI_ybY?t=585
  20. ^ https://youtu.be/nwYznykEXV4?t=1653
  21. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKGGej6lbxg
  22. ^ Pixelkabinett . (August 21, 2015). Super Mario Maker Preview - Metroid U in the editor. YouTube. Retrieved August 21, 2015.
  23. ^ a b c d e f MidwestProfessor. (August 18, 2015). Super Mario Maker #11 - 8 levels, a few Pokemon, and Ashley. YouTube. Retrieved August 18, 2015.
  24. ^ https://youtu.be/jtC3GbI_ybY
  25. ^ http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wiiu/amaj/index.html
  26. ^ SUPER MARIO MAKER SUPPORTS 99 AMIIBO ‘MARIO’ COSTUMES. Vooks. Retrieved July 29, 2015.
  27. ^ https://youtu.be/q9DZCDDo7CY?t=2m15s
  28. ^ MOST OF the Amiibo's in Super Mario Maker
  29. ^ http://www.gonintendo.com/stories/241423-super-mario-maker-another-costume-revealed
  30. ^ a b https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CM56_xdWEAAe1rT.png:large
  31. ^ https://www.reddit.com/r/MarioMaker/comments/3izqfu/one_more_costume_revealed_spoiler_free_title/
  32. ^ https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAACAAADVHkYVxQ-QA
  33. ^ [5]
  34. ^ [6]
  35. ^ [7]
  36. ^ Miiverse post in the Mario Maker media community, Miiverse. (Retrieved August 18. 2015).
  37. ^ Super Mario Maker gives players a new costume for completing Gnat Attack’s hard mode. Nintendo Everything. Retrieved 4 November 2015.
  38. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbnfde9MKcM
  39. ^ http://nintendoeverything.com/gamecenter-cxs-arino-coming-to-super-mario-maker-as-a-costume/
  40. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSnmyyVlW_g
  41. ^ nintendaan. (15 October 2015). Super Mario-kun costume coming to Super Mario Maker. Gonintendo. Retrieved 15 October 2015.
  42. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDgz9Y97_QA
  43. ^ a b GameXplain (November 10, 2015). Cat Mario & Cat Peach Costume Trailers in Super Mario Maker. YouTube. Retrieved November 10, 2015.
  44. ^ http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2015/09/super_mario_maker_dlc_confirmed_famitsus_mascot_necky_the_fox_coming_soon
  45. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUwhOLT05kg

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