Mario Kart DS item probability distributions

Revision as of 23:55, March 8, 2017 by Mister Wu (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 2142406 by Gold Luigi (talk)The order used here is the one found in the file, if you don't like it you have to tell the developers!)

The following tables are used in Mario Kart DS to determine the probability of receiving an item when an Item Box is opened. Even though the karts influence the probability of obtaining each item through their Items statistics, only the tables for one case are stored in the game's files; this case presumably refers to the use of the Standard karts, that have an Items statistics of 66. The probability is coded as percentage multiplied by two. The distributions are presented in the order used in the code.[1]


In the races, the item probability distributions are chosen depending on the rank of the driver when the Item Box is opened.

Grand Prix races

Grand Prix races, drivers controlled by players
Item Rank
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
  45 25 15 5
  55 40 25 20 10
  90 30 15 5
File:FItembox.PNG 35 20 10
  30 40 45 40 35 10
File:Tripletsshrooms.jpg 10 30 55 60 70 30
  10 20 20 10
  10 20 15
File:Thunderbolt - Mario Kart Wii.png 10 20 45
File:Triplegreenshell.jpg 15 25 20 10
  30 15 5
File:Tripleredshell.jpg 5 15 15 5
  10 25 40 25
File:Golden mushroom.PNG 15 35 55
File:Bullet Bill Mario.jpg 10 20 45
  10 15 10 5
File:BooMKDS.jpg 5 10 10 10 5
Unused Item
Grand Prix races, drivers controlled by software
Item Rank
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
  60 25 35 30 30 25 15 10
  15 70 35 30 15
  50 35 25 20 15 15 5
File:FItembox.PNG 35 20 10 5
  10 20 40 40 45 70 70 30
File:Tripletsshrooms.jpg 15 25 35 40 45 55
  10 15 15 10
  10 15 15 15
File:Thunderbolt - Mario Kart Wii.png 25
File:Triplegreenshell.jpg 5 15 10 10 5
  30 15 5
  5 10 20 25
File:Golden mushroom.PNG 5 15 30
File:Bullet Bill Mario.jpg 10 25
  5 10 10 5
File:BooMKDS.jpg 5 10 10 5
Unused Item

VS races

In the case of online VS races, two tables of item probabilitiy distributions are found in the game's code, both of them having the same values. Only one of them will be presented here. It must be noted that those tables have the probabilities coded for 8 players, while in the final game only up to 4 players can participate in an online VS race.

Local VS races, drivers controlled by players
Item Rank
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
  40 30 15 5
  60 45 30 20 10 5
  90 30 15 5
File:FItembox.PNG 35 15 10
  25 35 45 40 35 10
File:Tripletsshrooms.jpg 15 30 55 65 75 25
  5 20 20 15
  10 20 20 10
File:Thunderbolt - Mario Kart Wii.png 35
File:Triplegreenshell.jpg 10 20 15 5
  35 20 5
File:Tripleredshell.jpg 5 15 15 10
  10 30 35 35
File:Golden mushroom.PNG 15 45 60
File:Bullet Bill Mario.jpg 15 45
  5 10 15 10 5
File:BooMKDS.jpg 5 10 10 10 5
Unused Item
Local VS races, drivers controlled by software
Item Rank
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
  80 25 35 30 30 25 15 10
  15 70 35 25 10
  45 30 25 20 15 10 5
File:FItembox.PNG 30 20 15 10 5
  20 35 35 45 65 60 20
File:Tripletsshrooms.jpg 10 25 35 45 55 60
  10 15 15 10 5
  15 20 20 20
File:Thunderbolt - Mario Kart Wii.png 25
File:Triplegreenshell.jpg 5 15 10 5
  30 15 5
  5 10 25 20
File:Golden mushroom.PNG 5 15 30
File:Bullet Bill Mario.jpg 35
  5 10 10 10 5
File:BooMKDS.jpg 5 10 10 5
Unused Item
Online VS races
Item Rank
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
  60 35 30 25 20 5
  50 45 45 40 30 10 10
  100 40 20 10 5
File:FItembox.PNG 30 20 10
  30 40 35 30 20 10
File:Tripletsshrooms.jpg 15 35 40 45 55 60 45
  10 10 15 20 20 10
  10 15 20 15 10
File:Thunderbolt - Mario Kart Wii.png 5 25 30
  5 8 20 30 35
File:Golden mushroom.PNG 2 15 25 40
File:Bullet Bill Mario.jpg 20 30
  5 5 8 10
File:BooMKDS.jpg 5 7 10 5
Unused Item

Special cases

These distributions are used in special cases; as an example, the 8th distribution is used in the special Item Box of DK Pass. The last five distributions do not allow to obtain any item, it is possible that they are not used in the game.

Special cases
Item Distribution
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  1 40 200
  1 1
  200 100
  200 100 9 9
File:Tripletsshrooms.jpg 200 190 100
  200 40
File:Thunderbolt - Mario Kart Wii.png
File:Triplegreenshell.jpg 199 120
  200 90
File:Golden mushroom.PNG
File:Bullet Bill Mario.jpg
Unused Item


In the battles, there are three distributions, the crtieria according to which they are selected are currently not known.

Balloon Battle

Balloon Battles, drivers controlled by players
Item Distribution
1 2 3
  65 35 10
  35 55 80
  45 15
File:FItembox.PNG 25 10
  20 20 2
File:Tripletsshrooms.jpg 10 13
  5 15 10
File:Thunderbolt - Mario Kart Wii.png
File:Triplegreenshell.jpg 15 10
  5 15
File:Tripleredshell.jpg 20
  5 25
File:Golden mushroom.PNG 5
File:Bullet Bill Mario.jpg
  5 10
File:BooMKDS.jpg 15
Unused Item
Balloon Battles, drivers controlled by software
Item Distribution
1 2 3
  95 75 15
  35 55 80
File:FItembox.PNG 15
  25 20 15
File:Tripletsshrooms.jpg 5 10
  10 15 10
File:Thunderbolt - Mario Kart Wii.png
File:Triplegreenshell.jpg 10 20
  5 25
File:Golden mushroom.PNG
File:Bullet Bill Mario.jpg
  10 10
File:BooMKDS.jpg 5 15
Unused Item

Shine Runners

Shine Runners battles, drivers controlled by players
Item Distribution
1 2 3
  60 35 5
  40 60 70
  50 15
File:FItembox.PNG 25 10
  10 10 1
File:Tripletsshrooms.jpg 5 4
  15 20 15
File:Thunderbolt - Mario Kart Wii.png 15
File:Triplegreenshell.jpg 25 10
File:Tripleredshell.jpg 35
File:Golden mushroom.PNG
File:Bullet Bill Mario.jpg
  5 5
File:BooMKDS.jpg 15
Unused Item
Shine Runners battles, drivers controlled by software
Item Distribution
1 2 3
  90 70 10
  40 65 85
  25 5
File:FItembox.PNG 15 5
  20 15 8
File:Tripletsshrooms.jpg 2
  10 20 10
File:Thunderbolt - Mario Kart Wii.png 20
File:Triplegreenshell.jpg 10 20
  5 20
File:Golden mushroom.PNG
File:Bullet Bill Mario.jpg
  5 10
File:BooMKDS.jpg 15
Unused Item

