Cyndi Lauper

Revision as of 10:26, August 28, 2008 by Time Q (talk | contribs) (link to Moscow)


Cynthia Ann Stephanie "Cyndi" Lauper (June 22, 1953 – ) is a famous singer and friend of Captain Lou Albano.


Cyndi's only appearance in the Mario series was in The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! live-action segment "Captain Lou Is Missing". Mario and Luigi, who were just so happening to be listening to Cyndi's very own song Girls Just Want to Have Fun on the radio at Mario Brothers Plumbing, received a report that according to Cyndi Lauper, Captain Lou Albano had gone missing.

Cyndi, who had been passing out fliers around Brooklyn about Captain Lou's disappearnce soon arrived at Mario Brothers Plumbing to tell Mario and Luigi the bad news directly. Cyndi told them that she was supposed to meet Captain Lou for lunch, but all that she found in his place were rubber bands for his beard and a note that read "Dear Cyndi: I'm sorry that I'm not here, but I've gone for good."

Cyndi then formed a world-wide search team with Mario, Luigi, along with several other volunteers in addition to correspondents stationed around the world. After Cyndi read a report from the search team members in Moscow, Luigi told her that Moscow was the last possible place that Captain Lou could've been. Cyndi insisted that they couldn't give up hope, regardless of how serious the situation had gotten. One of the volunteers then presented Cyndi with a message from the President. Upon reading it aloud, Cyndi discovered that the President had called off Operation Lou Search, and decreed Captain Lou missing forever.

After the search team disbanded, Mario and Luigi tried to cheer Cyndi up, but she didn't feel much better. When Cyndi couldn't find any more pizza, Mario told Cyndi that the volunteers had eaten the last of it, and he went out to buy some more. While Mario was gone, Captain Lou entered Mario Brothers Plumbing, wondering about what had happened while he was "missing". When Cyndi showed Captain Lou his note, he realized that he had torn it out wrong, and that the last part should've read "I've gone for good fried chicken. Back in an hour.". Captain Lou stated that afterwards, he got tired of waiting for Cyndi at his house, and followed her fliers to Mario Brothers Plumbing.

Cyndi then introduced Captain Lou to Luigi, who was thrilled to meet him. Cyndi then gave Luigi her thanks, and asked him to say goodbye to Mario for her, as she and Captain Lou left to finally go on their picnic.
