Patrick Pinney
Born June 30, 1952 (age 72)[?]
Super Mario–related role(s) Portrayed King Koopa in King Koopa's Kool Kartoons

Patrick Cullen Pinney is an American television, film and voice actor best known for voicing Painty the Pirate and singing the theme song in the SpongeBob SquarePants cartoon. He portrayed King Koopa in the live action children's television show King Koopa's Kool Kartoons, taking over the role previously fulfilled by Christopher Collins. It has been said that upon taking over the role, children in the audience would point out and poke fun at the difference in actor, in one instance being referred to an "impostor".[1]


  1. ^ Thomas Game Docs (July 3, 2022). The Mario TV Show that made Parents Angry. YouTube. Retrieved January 3, 2023