Subaru Kimura
Subaru Kimura
Born June 29,[1] 1990[2][3]
Super Mario–related role(s) Voice actor

Subaru Samuel Bartsch[2] (JP: スバル・サミュエル・バーチュ Subaru Samyueru Bāchu), known professionally as Subaru Kimura (JP: 木村 昴 Kimura Subaru) is a German-Japanese actor and voice actor managed by Atomic Monkey.[1] He is known for his voice roles such as Takeshi Goda in Doraemon, Balthus in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Pesci in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, Vice/Kamen Rider Vice in Kamen Rider Revice, Hanamichi Sakuragi in The First Slam Dunk, and Satori Tendō in Haikyu!!.

He is the current Japanese voice actor for 18-Volt and Mr. Sparkles.

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