BS Super Mario Collection is a remake of Super Mario All-Stars for the Satellaview, an add-on for the SNES. The Satellaview was only released in Japan, so this is a Japan-only game. The game was released in four installments. As the game played, streamed audio would enhance the gameplay experience with special music and voice acting.
General Differences/Additions
- There are new icons on the map screen: a Fire Flower icon, and a Coin Ship icon, which may have the same function as the original ships, but looks different.
- Toad's House is now just a screen where the player selects the treasure chest, rather than having Mario actually walk to the chest and open it.
- There is a timer in the bottom left of the screen that counts how long the game has been played.
- At the beginning of each world, there is a list of all the levels, and a picture with dialog underneath it.
Installment Info
Dai-1-shuu: Mario transverses a SMB3-like overworld to enter SMB1 worlds. In the meantime voice commentary is supplied by Mario and Yuuki Nae, a Satellaview Radio Personality.
Dai-2-shuu: N/A
Dai-3-shuu: Mario explores levels designed in SMB3 style and with his SMB3 powerups.
Dai-4-shuu: N/A
Release Date Info
Being episodic, BS Super Mario Collection was released on a weekly basis. Info on the four releases; [1]
1997/12/28~1998/01/03 BSスーパーマリオコレクション 第1週 - BS Super Mario Collection 1
1998/01/04~1998/01/10 BSスーパーマリオコレクション 第2週 - BS Super Mario Collection 2
1998/01/11~1998/01/17 BSスーパーマリオコレクション 第3週 - BS Super Mario Collection 3
1998/01/18~1998/01/24 BSスーパーマリオコレクション 第4週 - BS Super Mario Collection 4
The timeframe they initially broadcasted was likely 7PM. The programs may have re-aired a various amount of times, but more indepth schedules are necessary to know exactly how many.
Relevant links
Some video of BS Super Mario Collection Dai-1-shuu's broadcast. This shows some gameplay and the accompanying audio.