List of Shy Guy names in other languages

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The following is a list of names for Shy Guy in other languages.

Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 嘿呵
嘿虎[1] (prior to Mario Kart Tour)
Transliteration of the Japanese name
Chinese (traditional) 嘿呵[?]
Transliteration of the Japanese name
Dutch Shy Guy
Shyguy[12] (Super Mario Bros. 2)
French (NOA) Maskache
Shy Guy (early translations)
Mec Masqué (My Very First Nintendo Game Boy: Super Mario's Adventures)
Pun on masque ("mask") and cache ("hide")
Masked Dude
French (NOE) Maskass
Shyguy (Super Mario Bros. 2 instruction booklet)
Pun on masque ("mask") and possibly casse (French colloquialism meaning "row")
German Shy Guy[?] -
Italian Shyguy[13]
Tipo Timido
Tipo timido[14]
Shy Guy
Shy guy
Korean 헤이호[?]
Derived from the Japanese name
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy[?] -
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito[?] Pun on máscara ("mask") and possibly mosquito
Russian Скромняга[?]
From скромный (skromnyy, "shy") and «-яга» (-yaga, Russian suffix used for creating nouns denoting a possessor of a certain quality)
Spanish (NOA) Shy Guy
Shy guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy[?] -
Shy Guy Block
Language Name Meaning Notes
Italian Blocco Tipo Timido[15] Shy Guy Block

Light-blue Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 浅蓝色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))
Qiǎnlánsè Hēihǔ
Qiǎnlánsè Hēihē
Light-blue Shy Guy
Chinese (traditional) 淺藍嘿呵 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe)
Qiǎnlán Hēihē
淺藍色嘿呵 (Mario Kart Tour)
Qiǎnlánsè Hēihē
Light-blue Shy Guy
Dutch Lichtbl. Shy Guy[?] Light-blue Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache bleu ciel[?] Sky blue Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass bleu ciel[?] Sky blue Shy Guy
German Hellblauer Shy Guy[?] Light blue Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido azzurro[?] Light blue Shy Guy
Korean 하늘색헤이호[?]
Haneulsaeg Heiho
Sky blue Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy azul-claro[?] Light-blue Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Azul-Claro[?] Light-blue Shy Guy
Russian Св.-синий скромняга[?]
Sv.-siniy skromnyaga
Light-blue Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy azul claro (Mario Kart 8)
Shy guy celeste (Mario Kart Tour)
Light-blue Shy Guy
Sky blue Shy Guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy azul claro (Mario Kart 8)
Shy Guy celeste (Mario Kart Tour)
Light-blue Shy Guy
Sky blue Shy Guy

Black Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 黑色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))
Hēisè Hēihǔ
Hēisè Hēihe
Black Shy Guy
Chinese (traditional) 黑色嘿呵[?]
Hēisè Hēihe
Black Shy Guy
Dutch Zwarte Shy Guy[?] Black Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache noir[?] Black Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass noir[?] Black Shy Guy
German Schwarzer Shy Guy[?] Black Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido nero[?] Black Shy Guy
Korean 검정헤이호[?]
Geomjeong Heiho
Black Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy preto[?] Black Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Preto[?] Black Shy Guy
Russian Черный скромняга[?]
Chernyy skromnyaga
Black Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy negro[?] Black Shy Guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy negro[?] Black Shy Guy

Green Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 绿色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))
Lǜsè Hēihǔ
Lǜsè Hēihē
Green Shy Guy
Chinese (traditional) 綠色嘿呵[?]
Lǜsè Hēihē
Green Shy Guy
Dutch Groene Shy Guy[?] Green Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache vert[?] Green Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass vert[?] Green Shy Guy
German Grüner Shy Guy[?] Green Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido verde[?] Green Shy Guy
Korean 초록헤이호[?]
Cholog Heiho
Green Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy verde[?] Green Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Verde[?] Green Shy Guy
Russian Зеленый скромняга
Green Shy Guy[16]

Zelenyy skromnyaga
Green Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy verde[?] Green Shy Guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy verde[?] Green Shy Guy

Yellow Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 黄色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))
Huángsè Hēihǔ
Huángsè Hēihē
Yellow Shy Guy
Chinese (traditional) 黃色嘿呵[?]
Huángsè Hēihē
Yellow Shy Guy
Dutch Gele Shy Guy[?] Yellow Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache jaune[?] Yellow Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass jaune[?] Yellow Shy Guy
German Gelber Shy Guy[?] Yellow Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido giallo[?] Yellow Shy Guy
Korean 노랑헤이호[?]
Nolang Heiho
Yellow Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy amarelo[?] Yellow Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Amarelo[?] Yellow Shy Guy
Russian Желтый скромняга[?]
Zheltyy skromnyaga
Yellow Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy armarillo[?] Yellow Shy Guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy armarillo[?] Yellow Shy Guy

White Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 白色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))
Báisè Hēihǔ
Báisè Hēihe
White Shy Guy
Chinese (traditional) 白色嘿呵[?]
Báisè Hēihe
White Shy Guy
Dutch Witte Shy Guy[?] White Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache blanc[?] White Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass blanc[?] White Shy Guy
German Weißer Shy Guy[?] White Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido bianco[?] White Shy Guy
Korean 하양헤이호[?]
Hayang Heiho
White Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy branco[?] White Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Branco[?] White Shy Guy
Russian Белый скромняга[?]
Belyy skromnyaga
White Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy blanco[?] White Shy Guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy blanco[?] White Shy Guy

Blue Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 蓝色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))
Lánsè Hēihǔ
Lánsè Hēihē
Blue Shy Guy
Chinese (traditional) 藍色嘿呵[?]
Lánsè Hēihē
Blue Shy Guy
Dutch Blauwe Shy Guy[?] Blue Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache bleu[?] Blue Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass bleu[?] Blue Shy Guy
German Blauer Shy Guy[?] Blue Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido blu[?] Blue Shy Guy
Korean 파랑헤이호[?]
Palang Heiho
Blue Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy azul[?] Blue Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Azul[?] Blue Shy Guy
Russian Синий скромняга[?]
Siniy skromnyaga
Blue Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy azul[?] Blue Shy Guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy azul[?] Blue Shy Guy

Pink Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 粉色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))
Fěnsè Hēihǔ
Fěnhóngsè Hēihē
Pink Shy Guy
Chinese (traditional) 粉色嘿呵
Fěnsè Hēihē
Fěnhóngsè Hēihē
Pink Shy Guy
Dutch Roze Shy Guy[?] Pink Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache rose[?] Pink Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass rose[?] Pink Shy Guy
German Rosa Shy Guy[?] Pink Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido rosa[?] Pink Shy Guy
Korean 핑크헤이호[?]
Pingkeu Heiho
Pink Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy rosa[?] Pink Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Rosa[?] Pink Shy Guy
Russian Розовый скромняга[?]
Rozovyy skromnyaga
Pink Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy rosa[?] Pink Shy Guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy rosa[?] Pink Shy Guy

Orange Shy Guy

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 橙色嘿虎 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (international))
Chéngsè Hēihǔ
Chéngsè Hēihe
Orange Shy Guy
Chinese (traditional) 橙色嘿呵[?]
Chéngsè Hēihe
Orange Shy Guy
Dutch Oranje Shy Guy[?] Orange Shy Guy
French (NOA) Maskache orange[?] Orange Shy Guy
French (NOE) Maskass orange[?] Orange Shy Guy
German Oranger Shy Guy[?] Orange Shy Guy
Italian Tipo Timido aranc. (Mario Kart 8)
Tipo Timido arancione (Mario Kart Tour)
Orange Shy Guy
Korean 오렌지헤이호[?]
Olenji Heiho
Orange Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOA) Shy Guy laranja[?] Orange Shy Guy
Portuguese (NOE) Masquito Laranja[?] Orange Shy Guy
Russian Оранжев. скромняга[?]
Oranzhev. skromnyaga
Orange Shy Guy
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy naranja[?] Orange Shy Guy
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy naranja[?] Orange Shy Guy

Shy Guy (Pastry Chef)

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 嘿呵 (糕点师)[?]
Hēihē (Gāodiǎn Shī)
Shy Guy (Pastry Chef)
Chinese (traditional) 嘿呵 (糕點師)[?]
Hēihē (Gāodiǎn Shī)
Shy Guy (Pastry Chef)
French Maskass (pâtissier)[?] Shy Guy (pastry chef)
German Shy Guy (Konditor)[?] Shy Guy (confectioner)
Italian Tipo Timido (pasticciere)[?] Shy Guy (confectioner)
Korean 헤이호(파티시에)[?]
Heiho (Patisie)
Shy Guy (Pastry Chef)
Portuguese Shy Guy (confeiteiro)[?] Shy Guy (confectioner)
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy (pastelero)[?] Shy Guy (confectioner)
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy (Pastelero)[?] Shy Guy (Confectioner)

Shy Guy (Gold)

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese 嘿呵 (金色)[?]
Hēihē (Jīnsè)
Shy Guy (Gold)
French Maskass (or)[?] Shy Guy (gold)
German Shy Guy (Gold)[?] -
Italian Tipo Timido (oro)[?] Shy Guy (gold)
Korean 헤이호(골드)[?]
Heiho (Goldeu)
Shy Guy (Gold)
Portuguese Shy Guy (ouro)[?] Shy Guy (gold)
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy (dorado)[?] Shy Guy (gold)
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy (Dorado)[?] Shy Guy (Gold)

Shy Guy (Ninja)

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese 嘿呵 (忍者)[?]
Hēihē (Rěnzhě)
Shy Guy (Ninja)
French Maskass (ninja)
Maskass ninja[17]
Shy Guy (ninja)
Ninja Shy Guy
German Ninja-Guy[?] -
Italian Tipo Timido (ninja)
Tipo Timido Ninja[18]
Shy Guy (ninja)
Ninja Shy Guy
Korean 헤이호(닌자)[?]
Heiho (Ninja)
Shy Guy (Ninja)
Portuguese Shy Guy (ninja)
Ninja Shy Guy[19]
Russian Ninja Shy Guy[16] -
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy (ninja)
Shy Guy (Ninja)[20]
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy (Ninja)[?] -

Pink Shy Guy (Ninja)

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 粉红色嘿呵 (忍者)[?]
Fěnhóngsè Hēihē (Rěnzhě)
Pink Shy Guy (Ninja)
Chinese (traditional) 粉紅色嘿呵 (忍者)[?]
Fěnhóngsè Hēihē (Rěnzhě)
Pink Shy Guy (Ninja)
French Maskass rose (ninja)[?] Pink Shy Guy (Ninja)
German Rosa-Ninja-Guy[?] Pink-Ninja-Guy
Italian Tipo Timido rosa (ninja)[?] Pink Shy Guy (ninja)
Korean 핑크헤이호(닌자)[?]
Pingkeu Heiho (Ninja)
Pink Shy Guy (Ninja)
Portuguese Shy Guy rosa (ninja)[?] Pink Shy Guy (ninja)
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy rosa (ninja)[?] Pink Shy Guy (ninja)
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy rosa (Ninja)[?] Pink Shy Guy (Ninja)

Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 淺藍色嘿呵 (探险家)[?]
Qiǎnlánsè Hēihē (Tànxiǎnjiā)
Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)
Chinese (traditional) 淺藍色嘿呵 (探險家)[?]
Qiǎnlánsè Hēihē (Tànxiǎnjiā)
Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)
French Maskass bleu ciel (explor.)[?] Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)
German Hellbl. Shy Guy (Abent.)[?] Light-blue Shy Guy (Adventurer)
Italian Tipo Timido azzurro (espl.)[?] Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)
Korean 하늘색헤이호(탐험가)[?]
Haneulsaeg Heiho (Tamheomga)
Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)
Portuguese Shy Guy azul-claro (explorador)[?] Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy celeste (explor.)[?] Light-blue Shy Guy (explorer)
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy celeste (Explor.)[?] Light-blue Shy Guy (Explorer)

Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese (simplified) 黄色嘿呵 (探险家)[?]
Huángsè Hēihē (Tànxiǎnjiā)
Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)
Chinese (traditional) 黃色嘿呵 (探險家)[?]
Huángsè Hēihē (Tànxiǎnjiā)
Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)
French Maskass jaune (explorat.)[?] Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)
German Gelber Shy Guy (Abent.)[?] Yellow Shy Guy (Adventurer)
Italian Tipo Timido giallo (espl.)[?] Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)
Korean 노랑헤이호(탐험가)[?]
Nolang Heiho (Tamheomga)
Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)
Portuguese Shy Guy amarelo (explorador)[?] Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)
Spanish (NOA) Shy guy amarillo (explor.)[?] Yellow Shy Guy (explorer)
Spanish (NOE) Shy Guy amarillo (Explor.)[?] Yellow Shy Guy (Explorer)


  1. ^ From the ending scenes of Super Mario Advance as localized by iQue. Reference: 无敌阿尔宙斯 (August 28, 2013). 神游 超级马力欧2敌人官译 (Official names for iQue Super Mario 2 enemies). Baidu Tieba. Archived February 26, 2017, 16:11:09 UTC from the original via Wayback Machine. Retrieved March 6, 2023.
  2. ^
  3. ^ マリオテニスGC キャラクター紹介. Nintendo of Japan. Retrieved June 24, 2016.
  4. ^ マリオパーティ9:マリオと仲間たち. Nintendo of Japan. Retrieved June 24, 2016.
  5. ^ Template:Media link, though the picture actually depicts a Fly Guy.
  6. ^ マリオカートDS キャラクター&カート. Nintendo of Japan. Retrieved June 24, 2016.
  7. ^ a b Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic instruction booklet. Page 30.
  8. ^ a b c d Super Mario USA instruction booklet. Page 26. Retrieved November 16, 2022.
  9. ^ Perfect Ban Mario Character Daijiten. Page 225.
  10. ^ Mario vs. Donkey Kong Japanese instruction booklet, page 15.
  11. ^
  12. ^ Club Nintendo (Netherlands) Classic. Page 34.
  13. ^ Super Mario Bros. 2 Italian manual, pag. 23
  14. ^ Super Mario Advance European manual, pag. 111
  15. ^ Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem!, in-game help guide
  16. ^ a b Прокатитесь с ниндзя. (Russia). Retrieved September 5, 2023. (Archived February 10, 2022, 21:56:24 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  17. ^ La Saison des ninjas. (France). Retrieved September 28, 2021. (Archived September 26, 2021, 01:30:36 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  18. ^ Preparati al Ninja Tour. (Italy). Retrieved September 28, 2021. (Archived September 26, 2021, 01:18:22 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  19. ^ Prepara‑te para a Ninja Tour. (Portugal). Retrieved September 28, 2021. (Archived September 26, 2021, 01:12:00 UTC via Wayback Machine.)
  20. ^ Prepárate para la temporada ninja. (Mexico). Retrieved September 28, 2021. (Archived September 28, 2021, 21:54:06 UTC via Wayback Machine.)