Hello, readers of The 'Shroom! In collaboration with the Awards Committee, we're once again proud to present the Community Awards Dossier for the Community Awards XVI. Whether you've voted for ten years in a row or this is your first year voting, we ask that you please read the following paragraphs to learn about a few changes to the Community Awards this year.
First, let's briefly cover what hasn't changed. Here, you'll find detailed information on all of the nominees for this year's Community Awards XVI. The Community Awards are a longstanding tradition, organized by the Awards Committee as a part of the community's annual awards ceremonies, which recognize and honor users for their contributions to The 'Shroom and to other areas of the community. The Community Dossier offers information so that readers may refresh their memories of the nominees and their contributions and so that they may cast informed votes. Please read the presented information and follow the suggested links before placing your votes, and, when viewing images, please remember to click them to view them at a larger size.
Now, let's discuss the changes this year. This year, the Community Awards polls will be open for only one week, closing at the end of the 24th of June. As you won't be able to cast weekly votes, you will instead be able to cast up to four votes at once in any given poll. You may cast these votes in any way you please. If you only want to cast one vote on a given poll, or three votes on a given poll, for instance, you are able to do that. Just remember, once you cast your votes, you will not be able to recast them, so make sure you check all the nominees you want to cast a vote for before you submit your votes!
The winners of these polls will be announced in this year's Awards Ceremony on August 11th. We hope to see you there!
This award recognizes the efforts of writers who have regularly contributed sections to The 'Shroom in the past year period, from last June through to this past May. Though some writers have extensive histories with The 'Shroom, their submissions within the past year should be the primary consideration for this award.
First co-wrote Brawl Tactics on Issue XXXII (32), later joining as a regular writer of Brawl Tactics, Sprite of the Month, and Tip of the Month in Issue XXXVI (36).
Currently writes Where in the Marioverse is Carmen Sandiego? in Fun Stuff and Graphic Novel Review/Book Review in Critic Corner.
Has written 485 sections since joining, winning six SOTM awards in this cycle.
Currently writes Trivia in Fun Stuff, What's in a Campaign? in Pipe Plaza, Van Shoeul's House of Ghouls and A Report on the Effectiveness of Power-Ups in Critic Corner, and File City Files in Strategy Wing.
Also co-writes Mushroom Tribune in Fake News and co-writes Overlook Mountain Auction House Presents in the same team.
Has also written News Flush in Fake News, Random Image of the Month and The Devious Workings of Phineas J. Shoe in Palette Swap, The Greatest Quest in Strategy Wing, and has written or co-written multiple volunteer submissions.
Has written 276 sections since joining, winning two SOTM awards in this cycle.
Joined as a writer of Mushroom Kingdom Smackdown on Issue 166.
Currently writes Mushroom Kingdom Smackdown, Dear Waluigi Time, and Consumer Corner in Fake News; Hiding Koopa in Fun Stuff; Waluigi Time Comic and Shmaluigi, Private Investigator in Palette Swap; Community Report in Pipe Plaza; and Shine Get in Strategy Wing.
Has also written numerous editions of News Flush, as well as To Infinity and Beyond and Digging Deeper in Strategy Wing.
Co-writes Overlook Mountain Auction House Presents in Fake News.
Has also written numerous special sections.
Has written 198 sections since joining, winning fourteen SOTM awards in this cycle.
This award aims to acknowledge the writers who put care into making their 'Shroom sections visually appealing and well-crafted, whether through imagery, design, or wiki coding.
This award recognizes the hard work and creativity poured into sections that have not appeared in The 'Shroom within past year, as written by a particular writer. Please note that links to issues prior to issue 100 do not jump directly to the relevant section; scrolling may be required.
This award honors the different teams that are a part of The 'Shroom.
Fake News
Started in the first official 'Shroom release by the now-banned user WarioLoaf (talk) on January 6th, 2007, Fake News was the first of the teams to be founded, designed to allow writers to flex their fiction-writing muscles by making up news stories about upcoming Mario game releases or inventing creative stories surrounding the various characters of the Mario universe. Having survived the long test of time, Fake News continues to be a huge draw for the newsletter. The team is currently headed by Waluigi Time (talk) (who also writes Mushroom Kingdom Smackdown, Consumer Corner, and Dear Waluigi Time), and is sustained by its writers ClawgripFan9001 (talk) (Sport Report), Quizmelon (talk) (TV Tomorrow), Hooded Pitohui (talk) (Mushroom Tribune), Shoey (talk) (Mushroom Tribune and, with Waluigi Time, Overlook Mountain Auction House Presents), and various guest contributors submitting sections such as News Flush. Here is a historical list of Fake News sections.
Fun Stuff
Fun Stuff began in the third issue under the name of Fun Section, founded by the 'Shroom’s director at the time, Plumber (talk), on March 3rd, 2007. Fun Stuff was created to provide interactive games and activities for the community, such as riddles, trivia, or quizzes, eventually growing over time to incorporate visual games such as crosswords and picture matching games. Fun Stuff is currently run by Roserade (talk), and it is supported by its writers BBQ Turtle (talk) (Anagrams), Waluigi Time (talk) (Hiding Koopa), Shoey (talk) (Trivia and Word Search), MarioMorty (talk) (Crossword), WildWario (talk) (Musical Quiz), The Shamancer (talk) (Poetry Puzzle), and FunkyK38 (talk) (Where in the Marioverse is Carmen Sandiego?). Here is a historical list of Fun Stuff sections.
Palette Swap
Originally under the moniker of Art and Music, and later Music and Artwork, before reaching its current name, Palette Swap was created in the 29th issue by the then-current 'Shroom Director Super Mario Bros. (talk) on August 13th, 2009. Palette Swap’s focus is also on the community’s creativity, but with a focus on multimedia such as music and artworks, both official and fan-made. While it was initially simply a showcase of screenshots and artwork from around the Wiki, the past few years have seen more substance added to the team, with commentary, user-created music and fanart, and occasionally artwork competitions. In recent years, Palette Swap has expanded its definition of art, opening the team up to include sections on not just visual art, but forms of art like website design or user-made levels in games. Palette Swap is currently directed by its longtime Director, FunkyK38 (talk), and its current writers are Lakituthequick (talk) (Site Seeing), winstein (talk) (Drawn and Pressed and The ? Panel), Cosmic Cowboy (talk) (StoryCentral), Meta Knight (talk) (Meta's Poem), Casual Koopa (talk) (It's-a Mii!), Waluigi Time (talk) (Waluigi Time Comic and Shmaluigi, Private Investigator), and Magolor04726 (talk) (World of Plight). It also receives support from a number of community members sending in one-off editions of art and short stories. Here is a historical list of Palette Swap sections.
Pipe Plaza
Pipe Plaza actually used to be a separate sector of the Wiki, a portal with the intention of keeping the community up to date on recent events and various aspects of the wiki in need of tidying up or improvement. Due to its considerable inactivity, it was decided via Proposal to add it in to The 'Shroom in the 32nd issue run by Super Mario Bros. (talk), but it didn't get any content until the the next issue, whereupon Marioguy1 (talk) was added as a co-director. Over time, Pipe Plaza has moved from being a statistics hub for the community to being the general factual team of The 'Shroom. Pipe Plaza is currently headed by Zange (talk), and its current writers are PanchamBro (talk) (NIWA News and That NIWA List), the Poll Committee (Poll Committee Discussion), GPM1000 (talk) (Mario Calendar), Shoey (talk) (What's in a Campaign?), Waluigi Time (talk) (Community Report), and Lakituthequick (talk) (Anniversary Announcements [seasonal]). Here is a historical list of Pipe Plaza sections.
Critic Corner
This Team was founded in the 64th issue special by the former Affiliates Manager Crocodile Dippy (talk) on July, 2014. Critic Corner was devised to help reduce the crowding of the main page by pulling all review and opinion sections into a single page. As a result, Critic Corner tends to be the wordiest of the teams. It started the trend for updated team designs due in large part to the coding assistance of 2257 (talk). The team continues to have plentiful sections by many dedicated writers. Critic Corner is run by Anton (talk) (who also writes Anton's Half-Baked Reviews), and its current writers are FunkyK38 (talk) (Book Reviews and Graphic Novel Review), Shoey (talk) (A Report on the Effectiveness of Power-Ups and Van Shoeul's House of Ghouls), and MrConcreteDonkey (talk) ('Shroom FM). In addition, the team welcomes additional one-time reviews from a variety of authors. Here is a historical list of Critic Corner sections.
Strategy Wing
The most recent Team, Strategy Wing was debuted in the 100th Issue by former Director Stooben Rooben (talk) as a place to get together sections related to tips, tricks, hints, cheats, guides, walkthroughs, and more. It provides analytical and instructional sections, instructing readers on how to carry out tasks, providing tips, or doing deep dives into the history of a topic. The past year has seen the team continue to cycle through coverage on a variety of games. Strategy Wing is currently directed by Hooded Pitohui (talk) (who also writes Pitohui's Pokémon Academy and Four Steps for a 3D World), and its current permanent writers are Shoey (talk) (File City Files), Koops (talk) (Koops, Your Emblem is on Fire), Waluigi Time (talk) (Shine Get), and Kinger (talk) (Getting That Payday).
Here is a historical list of Strategy Wing sections.
Featured an edition of The 'Shroom Holiday Scavenger, created by Lakituthequick (talk), in which Mario Kart-style items submitted by readers and illustrated by GBA (talk) were hidden throughout the paper.
This award recognizes some of the many artists in this community, each with unique talents, styles, and media. Please click on the sample images here for a larger view to see the images at their full size. Some GIFs may not work unless they are clicked.
The funniest, most nonsensical, or otherwise memorable entry in our repository of bad jokes and other deleted nonsense.
The BJAODON archive, which can be viewed in full here is a repository which preserves humurous edits made to the Super Mario Wiki, as curated by the wiki's editors. Shorter selections are compiled into articles grouped by category, while some larger selections have their own pages.
In the table below, you will find links to the nominees for these categories, as well as a brief description of what is behind the link. Please click the links and read the entries in full before casting your vote. Unless appearing in quotes, the descriptions are not excerpts from the archive.
This award recognizes Mario Wiki's annual April Fool's jokes.
Mario FPS game (2013)
Focused on the development of a grittier reboot of the mainline Super Mario series, with the creation of an article for a first-person shooter game simply titled Mario. It featured a new spin on classic characters and elements of the franchise.
Began the tradition of annual April Fool's jokes, as well as the inclusion of bizarre (yet real) facts about the Mario franchise on the main page's Did You Know section, which would be used in most subsequent years.
Focused on the Year of Waluigi, celebrating "the most important Nintendo character", accompanied by various Waluigi-themed announcements. Articles were created for Waluigi to Fitness, a personal trainer application for the Wii U, and Waluigi's Warehouse, a Luigi's Mansion-esque game with more horror elements.
An article was created for the upcoming release of a collectors book known as The Book of Kongs, featuring unused material created by Rare during development of the Donkey Kong Country games. This material notably included content on the "Great Ape War", which also received its own article.
An article was created for the development of the Nintendo Cinematic Universe in cooperation with Sony Pictures, a spoof of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with films based on Mario, Pikmin, Super Smash Bros., and Pokémon in the works. The Mario film received an article as well, featuring a reimagining of the events of Super Mario Bros. with Luigi as the main villain, along with promises of other dark and horror elements.
The wiki was changed to the Crash Bandicoot Wiki, complete with changes to its logo and background. An article covering the Crash Bandicoot franchise was also created.
A "New Funky Mode" graphic was added on the main page, which would take readers to the Funky Main Page, themed after Funky Kong. An article was also created for a script for a film loosely based on the Mario Kart series, known as Fit and Funky.
The wiki was changed to "We Are Pink Donkey Kong Jr.", complete with a new logo, referencing the wiki's long-running in-jokes around the pink palette swap of Donkey Kong Jr. from Donkey Kong Jr. Math. The main page implied that this was due to a takeover from Reggie Fils-Aimé himself.
The main page poll focused on which upcoming educational Mario games readers were most excited about, inspired by Pink Donkey Kong Jr.'s origins in a math game.
The 'Shroom was rebranded as "The Simian Sum", featuring new art assets on the main page.
The wiki announced that it would be restructuring to a "free to peruse" business model in 2021, asking readers to pay real money to view content. Badges were added for purchase, with varying humorous effects, including being able to bypass blocks, temporarily take over another user's account, and enabling the fabled Pie Button.
Additionally, an article was created for a datamine that uncovered several Mario Kart Tour costumes from the history of the franchise, including drunk Donkey Kong from Donkey Kong Planet, and Luigi and Wario cosplaying as Sailor Moon characters from the KC Mario manga.
Based on the jokes of Mario dying on March 31st surrounding the end of sale for Super Mario 3D All-Stars, all mentions of Mario were removed from the entire wiki with JavaScript, and the wiki was rebranded simply to the "Super Wiki". Without Mario, a new article was created for the Luigi franchise, with the introduction of "Blue Luigi" as the second player. An article was also created for the upcoming Super Luigi Galaxy 3 game, complete with a custom-made render of Luigi.
The wiki claimed to have received a full plot synopsis of Illumination's Mario film from an attendee of a test screening. A new article was created for the leaked plot, based on tropes from similar movies, which was linked on both the wiki's main page and the page for the film.
The main page poll asked readers which rumored villain they would like to see in the sequel, with various villains from the Mario series, along with Miyamoto, as options.
The wiki temporarily rebranded itself from being a wiki about the Super Mario franchise to being a super Mario Wiki, a superlative collection of information on everyone and everything bearing the name "Mario". An April Fool's article was created for Mario Segale, the real-estate developer who inspired the name of Mario, the videogame character. At the bottom of this article, a navigation template listed many people (and even some objects) named "Mario".
This award recognizes the effort which members of the community have put into writing and giving a unique spin to pre-existing characters (in some cases in altered form) in forum games, roleplays, 'Shroom sections, and other projects. Characters on this award are originally from popular media and given their characterization by members of the community.
Please click on the images to view them at a larger size.
Chaos Arle
Arle Nadja made her debut in Lightning Mafia+, as a young woman living in Chaos Town who took up a job at the local Kellonalds. When Chaos Town was swept into a vortex of chaos, Arle was charged with chaos energy, which continues to imbue her. She recently appeared in Kokomo, joining with a team of girlbosses investigating a murder there.
After moving on from the ghost-busting business, Luigi has started a detective agency. He lacks self-confidence at times and is prone to periods of depression, though he does well enough for himself as a detective. He is assisted by his wife and business partner, Yuri.
Dr. Heinz Basil is an android with a meandering backstory full of misery. He appeared in Nexus of Chaos, where he attempted to sort out his relationship with his (as identified by himself) nemesis, but also began heeding the advice of a mysterious, powerful entity with malicious intentions. He also briefly appeared in Kokomo.
Notable Appearances: Nexus of Chaos, Marioboards Investigations 3: Slay Down in Kokomo
Notes: He combines elements of Dr. Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb (mannerisms, personality, design) with some elements of Lisa Basil from Ace Attorney (outfit coloration and detail). Lisa Basil's ambiguous robotic nature is exaggerated into him being a full android.
Once a downtrodden and ridiculed scientist from the city of St. Canard, Dr. Bushroot turned to crime after an incident that caused him to mutate into a half-plant-hybrid. Plagued by regret, depression, and loneliness ever since, a fateful encounter with the legendary detective Herlock Sholmes aboard the cruise ship S.S. Circinus thrust his life into an unexpected new direction. He currently lives in London with his new best friend and mentor.
Dr. Bushroot was a key character in the narrative of AKGO, surviving through the entire game on the S.S. Circinus and Circitus Island, and through the course of the game became a close partner of Herlock Sholmes.
Notable Appearances: Awards Killing Game: Odyssey, the Mario Boards Mega Brawl
Notes: His portrayal was "close to his original canon counterpart, including his canon backstory, but without the constraints of being in an episodic kids show", so it ended up leaning more into the depressive side of things. Also, this probably goes without saying, but in the original show he does not talk to a kitchen knife that has the spirit of Glenn from Chrono Trigger in it.
ENA is a peculiar woman who ventured aboard the S.S. Cetus in search of her companion Moony. Prone to powerful mood swings and with her emotions intense, she was among those forced into the Killing Game on the ship.
She became close with the ship's captain, Eugene Fairbanks, and ultimately received some of his skills to carry forward after he went down with the ship. She also apprenticed under Invoker, gaining the ability to use magical runes on top of her innate abilities to see and navigate the astral plane.
ENA survived the entire Killing Game, becoming one of those to escape Circitus Island.
A relatively mysterious man who tends to keep his knowledge to himself, Enomoto boarded the S.S. Circinus in pursuit of more information on the Sargasso Vermelha, the red comet streaking through the sky. Formerly in the service of the Japanese Self Defense Forces, he was once a handler for a young woman named Iriya who served as a pilot, fighting against an unclear foe.
He was ultimately trapped in the Killing Game that took place upon the ship, and, while he did make it to Circitus Island, he did not survive. Over the course of the game, possibly because she reminded him of Iriya, he became relatively close with Acedia Blumenthal, doing what he could to protect her.
Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate (TM) is a man of varying age and appearance who possesses no pirating ability whatsoever, yet somehow finds himself counted among the most famed and feared corsairs in the Caribbean. What Guybrush lacks in brawn, skill, knowledge, common sense, and general competence, he makes up for with his uncanny ability to improvise solutions by picking up and combining various mundane objects in his surroundings. Somehow this often ruins someone's life in the process.
In Pirate Mafia, Guybrush helped lead Scallywag Inc (TM) (the mafia team) to victory through trickery and subterfuge.
Notes: He does not wear an anime shirt in the original canon. He was given one because it's very in-character for Guybrush to wear this and think it makes him look fearsome and manly. He's not into anime himself though; his wife bought the shirt for him at a convention because it "suited [him]", which of course he took as "makes me look more pirate-y" and decided to wear it all the time. The character depicted on it is Patty from Tales of Vesperia.
A rogue sailor, Henry Brennan is always out for one thing: survival. Even if that leads him to become a supercharged wrestler instead.
A man of few words, Henry Brennan was always prepared to knock some heads at a sign of trouble. Made it to Circitus Island and there became Brennanman, a super-empowered sailor-wrestler and, in the game's finale, practically a brutal force of nature.
Having set sail aboard the S.S. Circinus, The Great Detective found himself in the midst of a grand, ancient conspiracy. Joined by his new friend and partner Dr. Reginald Bushroot, as well as Enomoto and BBdori, Herlock Sholmes worked to stop Solomon DeMorge's cruel ambitions and discover the secrets of the Maseonic civilization. He ultimately would survive the whole Killing Game and escape Circitus Island.
Herlock Sholmes is a world-famous detective, perhaps not talented when it comes to managing his finances, but in possession of a keen intellect and great reasoning abilities, as exemplified by his Logic and Reasoning Spectacular
Originally appearing in Fate/Grand Order, Koyanskaya is the CEO of the Nine Fox Foundation, the world's premier private military company. She's a character defined by her shifting allegiances, mastery of weaponry, and hatred for humanity.
Koyanskaya participated in the Killing Game on the S.S. Circinus. Though she died on Night 2 to Henry Brennan, her cunning and ruthless disposition made her fearsome, especially when she returned as a vengeful spirit on Circitus Island later in the game.
Notes: Given those qualities, Koyanskaya was a perfect fit for a killing game. A comet also features prominently in her backstory, so AKGO's lore lent itself well to establishing her motivations and building a potential character arc. While she was eliminated too soon for those to come to fruition, playing the role of a chaotic vengeful spirit later in the game suited her just fine.
An entertainer with an unnatural charisma who sought to assist businesses improve their operations in various ways. He boarded the S.S. Circinus and became involved in the Killing Game on the vessel. He was eventually elected captain of the vessel just before its sinking. He made it to Circitus Island, but did not survive.
Became a close friend to Storm DeMorge over the course of the Killing Game, and even took up the role of his mentor and someone Storm admired, setting him on a better course in life. He returned from the dead for the finale, appearing to side with Solomon DeMorge before betraying him.
Oda Nobunaga as she appears in the Fate series, thrown into a world of mysteries here. Acting on advice from Detective Sakomoto, she chain-summoned a unlikely team of girlboss investigators to help solve a case, and now travels with them frequently. Worries about her relevance to the narrative and threatens to burn any case she can't solve to the ground.
After debuting in Lightning Mafia+, she has appeared primarily in the Marioboards Investigations series, with an alternate version of herself in Living Game.
An energetic and lively ghost woman with a penchant for partying, Polly Geist boarded the S.S. Circinus and became trapped in the Killing Game onboard. She stuck alongside her fellow passengers, even battling Mazza Moretti during the ship's sinking, and made it to Circitus Island. There, she managed to become one of the survivors of the Killing Game.
Punished Luigi, formerly known as Luigi (real), is a war-hardened Italian, shunned and left to die by the mafia he formerly served dutifully. Reforged by the battlefield, his motives are unknown. Does he seek revenge? Redemption? Ravioli? We may never know.
Debuting in Lightning Mafia+, Punished Luigi further developed a Metal Gear-flavored, war-hardened personality through World of Plight Mafia and Nexus of Chaos.
A horse with a extraordinary sporting skill, Rainbow Dash emerged on the S.S. Cetus in the midst of a Killing Game at about the time Metal Knucles was dispensed with. She went on to survive not only the Killing Game on the S.S. Cetus, but also on Circitus Island, becoming an extremely close ally of ENA in the process.
Renne is a smug socialite and ex-mafia boss. With the confident superiority of someone who always believes her actions are right, she goes through life with the goal of living it large as comfortably as possible!
After debuting in and claiming victory in Lightning Mafia+, Renne has gone on to appear primarily in the Marioboards Investigations series, as well as appearing elsewhere.
A puppet who narrates the show Mysterious Theater. He narrated the adventures of Sherlock Hemlock, a detective puppet who he was secretly influencing and manipulating through Hemlock's time on the S.S. Cetus and on Circitus Island. On Circitus Island, he revealed his machinations and his true, sinister nature.
This award recognizes original characters created by members of the community and used in forum games, roleplays, 'Shroom sections, and other projects. An original character is one that was created by a community member and prominently appeared in a community project, rather than being a pre-existing character from popular media.
Please click on the images to view them at a larger size.
Acedia Blumenthal
A devout blogger and shipper who was once the biggest fan of the mysterious phantom thief: The Golden Phanto. Prior to the end of Awards Killing Game: Odyssey, her vision was full of the infinitely sprawling stars above, and she could only catch glimpses of fates inscribed therein. She endured much hardship to overcome her ultimate fate, alongside her newfound friends and guardians.
Some kind of a combination between Sou Hiyori and the advanced AI BB, BBdori became trapped in the Killing Game on the S.S. Circinus. She had a habit of annoying Herlock Sholmes, clinging to him and often following him, and possessed supernatural abilities channeled through phones. She managed to make it to Circitus Island, and became one of the survivors of the Killing Game.
The remnants of a cyborg that was once healthily fused to a young woman, though the latter's demise led to a somewhat toxic separation between the two. She spends her days systemically hunting down members of the criminal organisation she blames for her unique condition, using a combination of lethal arms and excessive gaslighting, gatekeeping, and guillotining.
Candice appeared in Kokomo, assisting in the investigations which led to the downfall of Iconic the Ringmaster.
Notable Appearances: Marioboards Investigations 3: Slay Down in Kokomo
Notes: Candice stands for 'Cybernetic Autonomous Nadare Drone for Incinerating the Crimson Eye'. Her real name, as well as her identity before she became a cyborg, are unknown.
Cayde is just a normal girl who loves animals and generally is a happy person. However, some things cause her to be sad and overwhelm her with negative emotion. To help with this, her boyfriend Zerris is always there to guide her through it and make her happy again.
Cayde appears in a wide variety of MightyMario's stories and roleplays, most often accompanied by her boyfriend Zerris.
Appeared as an NPC in Nexus of Chaos, where he had a quest relating to emotional fulfillment. Inspired by Gartic Phone sessions, he hails from the Gartic Wastelands, which make him upset because everything there is very unfunny.
Notes: Has been adapted into a popular emote within the community, titled :plead:
Dooplead appeared only in PMs, so no link can be provided.
Dr. Morgan Pierce
Creator of the infamous "Lazarin", a drug created to bring the dead back to life, as well as the cyborg currently known as "Candice", Dr. Morgan Pierce is a former researcher for the XW Corporation. Having founded her own medical facility by the name of Nadare, she found herself caught in the crossfire between a Killing Game and the sinister Crimson Eye and has now ended up in hiding from the Bureau of Paranormal Investigation, during which time she helped solve a murder case on the island of Kokomo, off the Florida coast.
Former naval tactician turned stalwart captain of the S.S. Cetus, Captain Fairbanks' fateful encounter with a colossal sea beast set him upon a path of doom. His piercing gaze and cranky demeanor are only tolerated by the few, but he sacrificed his life to save the rest of his fellow captives during the events of Awards Killing Game: Odyssey.
An evil hedgehog who wants to cause chaos, Lightning has been in various mafia games, first debuting in Toad Brigade Mafia before appearing in Lighting Mafia+ and Nexus of Chaos. After getting turned into a banana and saving the multiverse in his latest adventure, he has learned nothing of value.
A robotic, mascot-like jackalope designed to host Awards Killing Game: Odyssey. Being built from forbidden technology, MB-K is a near-omnipotent entity, drawing on its ancient programming to ensure the Killing Game must go on, and reining in its captives with otherworldly powers and irritating laughs aplenty.
An eldritch being taking the appearance of a young woman. Despite her frightening origins, she exhibits a chill demeanor and enjoys Taco Bell. After appearing in Lightning Mafia+, she has continued to prominently appear in the Marioboards Investigations series, where she has joined a group of mystery-solving girlbosses.
She's typically quite relaxed, and enjoys what seems unnerving or strange to others. She possesses great powers, though, and will use them if the need arises.
A diabolical Shoe Goomba who works with his poorly treated assistant Rose, working to accomplish various schemes. His appearances typically invoke classic Saturday morning cartoons. He's an evil genius who devises and builds many powerful tools, but his hubris seems to consistently get the better of him.
Has appeared in many areas of the community, regularly appearing in 'Shroom sections and awards presentations.
The third-in-command of the Protectors, often playing a comic relief role. He is the self-proclaimed smartest, fastest, and best-looking member of the group, among many other qualities.
Shmaluigi is a private investigator, typically portrayed with an internal monologue reminiscent of a noir detective. Since first appearing in Rogues in Rogueport Mafia and reappearing in Sheep Mafia, he has expanded into a wide variety of stories and games, and has recently made appearances in Awards presentations, the ongoing Shmaluigi, Private Investigator 'Shroom section, and Awards Killing Game: Odyssey
One of the main antagonists of Awards Killing Game: Odyssey, a dadrock-loving transportation mogul who planned to dominate the magical world after being marooned on an ancient, lost island at a young age. Despite possessing no magical ability of his own, he spearheaded a cult spanning the globe in search of forbidden power. In his twilight years, he orchestrated the events of AKGO to secure his eternal glory, aiming to eliminate all of his potential threats in one fell swoop, but was ultimately thwarted by a cosmic adversary and a group of exhausted castaways.
The S.S. Circinus' pouty, irresponsible first mate who once preferred to demand authority rather than command it. As the son of a nefarious billionaire with not much love to give, he was originally doomed to perish by his father's schemes during the events of Awards Killing Game: Odyssey, before he was spared by his fellow captives. Later, he was shown how to wield his newly forged bonds and become a well-respected leader in his own right, denouncing his name in the process.
A mildly conscious robot assembled from an oven and spare parts, created to provide his father with nourishment and a sturdy new body. In the Scribble series of games, he rules over the Kingdom of Sunset Gold, and later, the entire realm, using his ever-rising power levels to maintain order and balance. He's assisted by the Kingsbournes, four cute mechanical creations that serve as his eyes and ears across the world.
TPG2 appeared prominently in the Scribble Deathmatch of 2021 and the Scribble Showdown of 2022, where, in the latter, he reigned as king. He has also appeared in multiple Awards presentations and 'Shroom sections over time.
Favorite item created for and hidden in the 2022 'Shroom Holiday Scavenger. These items were created and submitted by community members, illustrated by GBA, and worked into a scavenger hunt created by Lakituthequick.
Please click on the images to see them at a larger size.
"Contains all TV schedules for the new Mario Kart racing season, so you never miss a race (unless it's on at the same time as another race or a funeral you have to attend or something). Increases all stats for a short period of time."
Located in the upper right corner of Quizmelon's TV Tomorrow section
"The legendary sword Galaxia, retooled to cut spreadsheets to size. You can hurricane slash with it 3 times to cleave items in two, or spin out opponents."
Hidden in the bottom right corner of the thumbnail for Meta Knight in Northern Verve's All-Time Smash Merit Rankings
"A glass bob-omb containing a horrid mixture produced by the Waluigi Time Cereal Factory. Explodes into a disgusting mess, coating the screens of all caught in its blast with cereal, mayonnaise, ketchup, and onions."
Blending in to the fifth panel of Waluigi Time's "Grinch" Waluigi Time Comic
"Look, a revolver. That's it. That's the item. You can fire bullets ahead or behind you, which can ricochet chaotically. As the name implies, it fires 6 shots!"
Bottom left of the answer reveal box for FunkyK38's Where in the Marioverse is Carmen Sandiego?
"Outside the race they have a fascinating shimmer and swirly effect that can sway opinions, but while racing, can increase your Handling and Traction while significantly decreasing that of those around with orange swirls."
Inside Anton's sleeve in his portrait in Critic Corner
"This orb's interior sparkles with the light of an impossible amount of glittering stars. When used, it surrounds your kart with small shooting stars that fire additional shots when using items like shells."
On top of the button to go to the scavenger hunt from the Main Page, covering a static Item Box decoration
"One of TPG's famous three guns, cloned 3 times. The next 3 projectiles thrown are set on fire, leaving a short trail behind them that causes racers to spin out if hit."
In the bottom right of the Thank You, Ninja Squid! special section page
"Makes 8 Silver Coins appear around the track for you to collect, grabbing them all grants you another Balloon in battle mode. A faint voice in the distance calls out: "Go for it.""
Over top of the rightmost Golden Toad icon for the Golden Toad Award in the End-of-the-Year Awards
"Ooh, fancy new album! What the... hey, there's stickers and cards and other stuff in here too! You can pelt other racers in the face with everything that came in the album by throwing it behind you."
On top of the rightmost Inkipedia logo in PanchamBros' NIWA News
"A strange beaked mask filled with herbs and spices. Despite the name, it provides absolutely no meaningful protection against illness, but does protect against being spun out by non-explosive items for a while."
In the upper right of the PC Election Proposal page
"Lets you fire coins as weak Green Shell projectiles for a few seconds. What better way to spend your money than a really fancy way to spend your money?"
Near the lower left of Kinger's Getting That Payday, above the final image
"A plume of feathers that pins onto the back of your Kart, serving as a one-time shield until it blocks a single Green Shell, Red Shell, or other projectile. As long as it's active, you get a slight increase in top speed when gliding!"
Underneath Hooded Pitohui's talksprite icon in Mushroom Tribune
"It's a hot dog, with mustard and everything on it. Throw it on the track to make whoever picks it up slow down and loaf around eating it for a second."
Located on top of Turboo's head, in silhouette, in the Poll Committee banner in Poll Committee Discussion
"When obtained from an item box, the Rainbow Cloud will fly overhead, granting no bonuses... yet. After ten seconds, you'll be hit by a rainbow, granting you Star power. Be careful though, the cloud transfers to other players who bump into you before the rainbow strikes!"
Located in the upper left corner of the instructions for the scavenger itself, on the scavenger hunt page
"Fresh off his travels in the Salad Kingdom, this little member of the 1% is always willing to offer a handout. Activating Octoberry gives you max coins."
Underneath the picture of Princess Tomato in Shoey's The Greatest Quest
"A play script so boring that when used, it makes anyone nearby fall asleep behind the wheel, causing them to drive forward without any control for several seconds."
"You got boost power! This engine massively increases your speed but makes it harder to control your vehicle. Don't crash!"
Tucked under the lower right corner of the move table in Pitohui's Pokémon Academy
'Shroomy Holiday Cake
Submitted by: The 'Shroom
"A special holiday cake that marks an extraordinary achievement. It's deceptively heavy, and perfect for throwing at other racers. Thank you for a wonderful year! —The 'Shroom"
Revealed on item collection page when all other 22 items are found
This award aims to acknowledge the best group events held by the community and for the community in the past year.
April Fool's Day 2023
Planned and made by the Wiki Staff and Porplemontage (with assistance from the Poll Committee)
Themed around the idea that the wiki had become the super Mario Wiki, a superlative encyclopedia for all people and things with the name "Mario"
The Wiki staff posted an article on Mario Segale, which contained a navigation template at the bottom with links to many, many different people and objects named "Mario"
The Main Page poll asked users what trait they most admired about Mario, but none of the options were in reference to Super Mario, but various real-world people named Mario
The ceremony where users presented the results of votes in the sixteenth Mario Awards celebration.
Consisted of user-made presentations covering the results of the Mario Awards XVI (30 awards), the Fail Awards XIV (15 awards), and the Community Awards XV (15 awards).
Managed by Superchao (Awards Director, Mario Awards host), Hooded Pitohui (Awards Sub-Director, Fail Awards host), and Waluigi Time (Community Awards host)
Included ongoing chat party where users could discuss the award presentations and results.
The first half of the game took place on two cruise ships, the S.S. Circinus and the S.S. Cetus, while the second half took place on Circitus Island
The game lasted several months, and maintained a committed playerbase that put a great deal of effort into their characters and narratives
The game also included a large amount of artwork, much of it made by GBA (talk), TPG (talk), and Mr. Edo (talk), as well as an interactive website and a soundtrack made and managed by Lakituthequick (talk)
A fast-paced elimination-and-deduction game hosted by Revin (talk)
Players were grouped into various small factions (an evolution from the first game) and tasked with eliminating members of the other faction using one of three possible actions per round
Strategy involved determining who had undertaken what actions
A special feature in issue 183 of The 'Shroom, the summer and Super Mario Sunshine-themed special issue
Users were given the chance to design a Blooper, using one of two base templates or a completely originally design, name it, describe it, and sign it up for the Blooper Race
Twenty users' Bloopers were randomly selected to enter, and were divided into four races, with the winner of each race moving onto a championship race
The racers' placements were determined by RNG, and each race featured a familiar location from Isle Delfino as well as commentary from a 'Shroom staff member
The largest freeform roleplay on the Super Mario Boards, created by Cosmic Cowboy
Began with the basic premise of Luigi working at the Mushroom City Car Wash, but has since expanded and now encompasses a huge variety of stories and locations.
Notable characters include Chroma Key (Cosmic Cowboy), Toadette (Toadettefan), Zerris (MightyMario), and the Protectors and the Preservers (Ray Trace)
Rather than just the traditional mafia gameplay, it featured freeform night actions and a map system, building off of the limited freeform system in its prequel game, Lightning Mafia+
It also featured a shop system and a massive number of NPCs, including but not limited to: Dooplead, Jonesy, Bobbi Fulbright, Lightning the Hedgehog, and many Banana Men
At its core, it blended mafia gameplay with a relic hunt, with gathering relics being a goal of equal importance to eliminating the other faction
The framing of the story involved groups of pirates setting out to sea in the search of legendary lost 'Shroom articles, with heavy influences from One Piece
The pirates were split into two factions, the Nakama (town) and the Scallywags (mafia)
The second iteration of the Scribble Awards tournament format, which continued to maintain a focus on letting artists of all skill levels compete over a period of weeks
Participants were paired off during each round, with users voting to choose their favorite of the two pieces put forward by each matchup.
Artwork made for this tournament took the form of "scribbles," which were limited to a 600px or 10cm canvas, three colors (black, white, and a color unique to each participant), and a four-hour time limit.
Users were given an overall theme for the round, and had to organize a time where they could receive their specific prompt (which would begin the four-hour time limit), with both users in a given matchup receiving the same prompt.
Featured a narrative of King TPG2 and his Kinsgbournes facing against a threat to their kingdom
Incorporated Discord prompts (with assistance from LTQ) so that users could receive their prompts from a bot when TPG was unavailable
A special event made for holiday issue 189 of The 'Shroom, which was themed around racing games
Lakituthequick (talk) created the scavenger itself and did the technical work behind it, GBA (talk) created art assists, and Waluigi Time (talk) assisted in hiding the items
Combining the racing theme and holiday theme, hiding spots were marked by Item Boxes from the Mario Kart series dedicated to look like wrapped presents.
Users were invited to submit their own community-themed Mario Kart items and descriptions, with GBA making graphics for the items
This award acknowledges the hard work and dedication of various members of the community. They all are unique in their experiences and what they’ve done, having volunteered their time in all parts of the community in a number of ways. It should be noted that many nominees have expansive lists forged over the years, and while this may be impressive, please consider recent achievements and their greater relative impact today. This is not an exhaustive list of every position and achievement, just the most notable and relevant.
Current Graphic Design Manager of The 'Shroom (Issue 179 - present)
Global Forum Moderator from March 15th, 2023 to present
Strategy Board Local Moderator from January 28th, 2019 to present
Makes the backgrounds and many of the art assets The 'Shroom uses, including the more art-intensive Main Pages of recent special issues (e.g., 183, 189, 195)
Awards Killing Game: Odyssey host
Pioneered the Scribble awards tournament concept
Contributes extensively to many parts of the community, from Awards to the 'Shroom to forum games
Created several pieces of artwork for The 'Shroom, such as backgrounds, banners, and staff portraits, and built the foundation for the paper's current look
Contributed massively to Awards Killing Game: Odyssey, both as a player, with a strong character narrative who posted to help keep the game moving in downtime, and as an artist
Made massive amounts of art for AKGO's midgame and endgame, on top of art made for posts throughout the game
Generally offers seasoned advice in areas from the community ranging from The 'Shroom to awards to forum games
Current Fun Stuff Director of The 'Shroom (Issue 139 - present)
Current Awards Director
Has overseen an effort to make Awards more responsive to community energy levels, to increase creative engagement with the community, and to spread Awards leadership duties
Former Sub-Director of The 'Shroom (January 18, 2020 - January 15, 2022)
Stepped back into Sub-Director role from August 20th, 2022 to January 21st, 2023 as Waluigi Time ascended to Director
Global Moderator on the Super Mario Boards forum from April 5th, 2020 to present
A major behind-the-scenes help with Awards 2022, assisting in ensuring all gaps were filled and management was successful
An active consultant for the Thirteenth Poll Committee
Extensive promoter of community engagement with community projects
Does a massive amount of writing for the paper, writing in almost every team or in every team on a monthly basis, sometimes with multiple sections per team
Regularly reaches out to potential writers and invites them to begin writing
Behind the scenes, is constantly evaluating the paper and offering thoughts on improvements and changes to be made
Former Graphic Design Manager of The 'Shroom (Issue 137 to Issue 178)
Has made numerous pieces of artwork for The 'Shroom
Prolific Awards presenter, having made numerous presentations in a variety of multimedia styles
Backup presenter in multiple Awards ceremonies, making numerous quality presentations in a short span of time
In particular, TPG sacrificed some of his own passion projects to ensure Awards 2022 ran smoothly by making an incredible eight awards in a short span as a backup
Also stepped up as a host in the back half of Awards Killing Game: Odyssey
Hosted Scribble Showdown 2022
In general, played the role of backup for the community in 2022, stepping up wherever holes appeared to help hold the community up
Hey! You made it to the bottom! Congratulations! Thank you for taking the time to read about the accomplishments of our community members and for voting for the Community Awards. Please join us for the ceremonies on August 11th!
Attend, and you may even get treated to images like this, made by current Awards Director, Roserade (talk), for the ceremonies last year! We'll see you there!