
“It makes me so mad! We build your houses, your castles. We pave your roads, and still you walk all over us. Do you ever say thank you? No! Well, you're not going to wipe your feet on me! I think I'll crush you just for fun! Do you have a problem with that? Just try to Ground Pound The Whomp King, wimp! Ha!”
Whomp King, Super Mario Galaxy 2

Whomp King is a character in the Mario series. He is the king of all the Whomps. The Whomp King's first appearance was in Super Mario 64 as the boss of the Whomp's Fortress.


Super Mario 64

The Whomp King makes his debut in Super Mario 64. He hates those who don't show respect towards his kind. When he is confronted on top of Whomp's Fortress in Super Mario 64, he makes a short speech, then engages Mario in battle. Like most Whomps, his only attack is to fall face-first in an attempt to crush his opponent. However, this is also his weakness, because in the time it takes him to recover and stand up, the player can Ground Pound his back. After being Ground Pounded three times, the Whomp King will be defeated and the player will receive a Power Star.

Mario Party 3

Whomp King also appeared in Mario Party 3, in the Creepy Cavern. He was lying on the road, and to make him move out of the way, the player would need to give up an item.

Super Mario 64 DS

For the Super Mario 64's remake, Super Mario 64 DS, The Whomp King has suffered slight changes in his appearance. He wears now a golden crown which distinguishes easily from the other Whomps, and his arms and feet look more like they're made of rock. His role is the same as seen in Super Mario 64.

Super Mario Galaxy 2

The Whimps that aid Whomp King during battle in Super Mario Galaxy 2.

In Super Mario Galaxy 2, he appears as a boss in Throwback Galaxy. However, how he is encountered is different from how he was in Super Mario 64. At the top of the fortress, a large Whomp is found. After it is defeated, the entrance door on the ground (emblazoned with Bowser's emblem on it) opens to reveal a pathway to the Whomp King. His fight is similar to his debut fight in Super Mario 64, and he also quotes, nearly word-for-word, his original speeches from the aforementioned game. Along with his sheer size increase and the smaller area which Mario can Ground Pound to damage him, he also has a few new abilities. When he attempts to crush Mario, the attack will create a shockwave when he hits the ground, which will paralyse Mario for a brief moment if he doesn't jump at the correct time. He can also stomp his foot to produce several miniature Whomps called Whimps that chase after Mario. Additionally, Mario can no longer "go through" it when it falls down. If the Whomp King manages to crush Mario, he would lose a life instantly, regardless of how many wedges of life he has left.



  • In Super Mario 64, if the player wall kicks into the Whomp King and jumps away from him before the fight, Whomp King will talk to the player as soon as he/she lands. In this way, players may fall off the arena, in which case Whomp King will talk to the player and will then initiate the fight, only for the battle to end seconds later, since Mario is not allowed to move very far from a boss he is fighting with.
  • As previously mentioned, the dialogue for the Whomp King is almost exactly the same from Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy 2. Although instead of saying, "Just try to pound me, wimp! Ha!", he now says, "Just try to ground-pound the Whomp King! Ha!" He also cries, "Dang it!" just before he disappears.
  • In Super Mario Galaxy 2, if the player fights, but ends up defeated and goes back to him without exiting the galaxy, the Whomp King will say before the battle: "It makes me so mad! We build your houses, your castles, your-- Aargh! I'm tired of this speech!". This is probably a reference to the fact that in Super Mario 64, if one leaves a boss arena and returns, the battle will restart with the boss repeating the entire dialogue.
  • In the Prima Official Game Guide for Super Mario Galaxy 2, the Whomp King is referred to as if he is genderless.
  • In Super Mario Galaxy 2, the Whomp King is the only boss to have dialogue (not including Bowser and Bowser Jr.).

Name in Other Languages

