Excess Express conductor

Revision as of 23:49, July 26, 2020 by (talk) (There is another tattle for the conductor, according to the tattle guide for PMTTYD I found.)

The title of this article is conjectural; an official name for the article's subject has not been found, so it has been given a fitting title by the editors. If an official name is found, then the article should be moved to its appropriate title.


“Someone's lifted the drawbridge! The train can't leave the station like this!”
Excess Express conductor, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

The Excess Express conductor is a Toad who works on the Excess Express in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. He takes care of the passengers' needs. Unlike other Toads, the conductor sports a black cap with red spots, instead of the usual white cap.


When Mario boards the Excess Express, he reports the sticky, yummy threat to the conductor, who then reports to Pennington, the only detective on board. After Mario gives an autograph of the train engineer to Bub the Bob-omb kid, Mario must talk to the conductor, who reports that he found himself one blanket short when distributing them to the passengers as he had given his own to the last passenger, meaning that one of the passengers came aboard without a ticket. As he won't be able to sleep comfortably without his blanket, he asks Mario to look for the unticketed passenger and get the blanket. Mario has to go to Cabin 004 and use Vivian to hide in the shadows, which makes Ghost T. appear. Mario must ask the ghost for the blanket, but Ghost T. asks Mario to get his diary that is in the baggage car. To get into the baggage car, Mario has to explain the situation to the conductor and ask him to allow entry, which the conductor does as he steps aside. By using Paper Mode to get through two crates, Mario finds a ragged diary; if Mario reads it, he will get an automatic Game Over. After returning the diary to Ghost T., Ghost T. gives Mario the blanket, which Mario gives to the conductor, who rewards him with a Mushroom. Afterward, the conductor tells Mario that he should go to bed for the night.

On the third day, the conductor gets absorbed into a hoard of Smorgs that attack the train. Mario fends off the Smorgs in the baggage car and free the conductor, along with the waitress. After Mario defeats the Smorgs, causing them to blow away in the wind, the conductor expresses his surprise that everything Mario did over the three days aboard the train was to save everybody on board.

Later, Ghost T. possesses him so he can write an e-mail to Mario.


“That's the conductor of the Excess Express. He takes care of passengers' needs. Keeping this train running smoothly is not just the engineer's job, y'know.”
Goombella, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
After being saved from Smorgs
“That's the conductor of the Excess Express. I bet he didn't expect all this today!”
Goombella, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door