List of WarioWare Gold microgames

Revision as of 20:50, August 15, 2024 by DandelionSprout (talk | contribs) (→‎Microgames included in WarioWatch: Completed the sorting.)

This page lists all the 316 microgames included in WarioWare Gold. Each microgame falls under a control scheme – "Mash", "Twist", "Touch" or "Blow" – and a genre – "Intro Games", "Sports", "That's Life", "Fantasy", "Nintendo Classics", "Mic", "Pop-Up", or "Anything Goes." Over 80% of the microgames in this game are from previous WarioWare games.

A microgame with an italic font lasts twice as long (16 beats).

Mash League

“You chumps ready to mash some stuff? You'd better be! Find the +Control Pad...and the A Button. You'll need those to squeeze out a win. Not hard enough for you? Some games just use this. Some, just this. Is that too much to handle? Now, then, make like a potato...and MASH!”
Wario, WarioWare Gold

Microgames in this league are played using buttons only. Some games use the  , others the  , and some of them use both. All microgames that use   also support   unless otherwise stated.

Intro Games

Wario's first set of Intro Games introduces the "mash" controls to the player. Wario is featured in all games in some form. All six regular microgames are played before the boss microgame. His intermission stage consists of him sitting on a chair and a jumbotron consisting of a crowd, the Mash League logo, a yellow stage, and yellow speakers. The number of lives is represented by garlic. When the player wins, Wario cheers. If the player loses, Wario falls, the league logo dangles, and the crowd on the jumbotron boos. When the player loses all their lives, Wario's background changes, the jumbotron shuts off, and the speakers blow out. After the player continues during the first playthrough, the background changes back to normal, the jumbotron turns back on and Wario gets back up.


Name Image Origin Description Passing score
Busted!   Mega Microgame$! (I Spy) "Now I'm a spy! Follow me with the searchlight, or I could disappear forever! You wouldn't want that, would you?" 15
Crazy Cars   Mega Microgame$! "Jump over anything that comes your way! I threw a few tricks in there, so pay attention..." 15
Eye Spy   Original "A bunch of wide-eyed Warios are hanging out in the dark. The question is, how many of 'em are there?" 15
No Solicitors   Original "Hey! Who does this guy think he is?! Send him packing!" 30
Super Wario Bros.   Mega Microgame$! "Control a super version of me, and smash those Goombas out of my stomping grounds!" 20
Wario Whirled   Mega Microgame$! "Waaah! I'm spiiiinnng! I'm spiiiinnng! You gotta stop me at the right time!" 15
BOSS: Loot Scoot   Mega Microgame$! (not originally a boss stage) "I need to escape from the cave with that treasure! Luckily, I can blast through walls and enemies with my Wario Attack. It's also a great alternative to jumping." 8


Before "Speed Up" (in any order) After "Speed Up" (in any order) Boss microgame
Crazy Cars Busted! Loot Scoot
No Solicitors Eye Spy
Wario Whirled Super Wario Bros.


"Mash League! Ready to play some Intro Games and mash some buttons? That's what I thought. You're welcome!"

"You cleared my warm-up! Good for you! Of course, these were just Intro Games...a.k.a. easy peasy. Now that you know how to mash, all you gotta do is focus on getting a high score!" (second description)


Jimmy T hosts the Sports set in the Mash League. 14 regular microgames are played before the boss microgame. His intermission stage consists of Amy and Mimi taking pictures of him on their cell phone. The number of lives is represented by battery icons. When the player wins a microgame, Jimmy does a peace sign, Amy and Mimi face the camera with a shot of Jimmy, and the battery icons turns green. When the player loses a microgame, Jimmy's wig falls off, the phone breaks, and the battery icons turn into red empty battery icons while one falls off the screen. When the player loses all their lives, the girls leave and a purple wall appears in the background of the "Game Over" screen. When the player continues during the first playthrough, the girls come back.


Name Image Origin Description Passing score
100 Meter Dash   Original "When the pistol fires, you gotta run! But don't jump the gun, man. How are you gonna win the world record if you get disqualified?" 15
And the Winner is...   Twisted! "Aw, man! It all comes down to this moment. Hold out the finishing tape in front of whoever you think'll win!" 15
Ballroom Basics   Original, resembles Dodge Balls from Mega Microgame$! "To keep things bumpin' on this dance floor, no bumpin' any of the other couples." 10
Big Drip   Twisted! "This boxer's training hard for the future! He never gives up...even if his opponent is a drop of rain, bro!" 15
Body Block   Mega Microgame$! "Use your body to keep this ball bouncin'. And, hey–don't let it fall!" 20
City Surfer   Mega Microgame$! "I just can't wait to see what kinds of groovy tricks you can pull on the skateboard. But don't hit your head, all right?" 15
Close Call   Original "As the umpire of this tennis game, it's your job to determine on which side of the line the ball bounced. And if you see something other than a ball, well then...that's just your imagination!" 15
Diddly Squat   Smooth Moves "Get those legs in dancin' shape by doin' some squats! I promise all your hard work'll pay off in the end!" 25
Extreme Patty-Cake   Smooth Moves "Let's go mano a mano, yo! When your opponent puts out his hands, that's your chance! He's not going down? Then try again!" 15
Getcha Groove On   Mega Microgame$! "Hey, yo! If you wanna dance like a pro, copy that cool cat's move and stick with the rhythm." 10
Goal in One   D.I.Y. "Gettin' past this goalie is all about direction and power. Mess up the timing, and your kick could be as sad as an empty dance floor." 15
Hand Me Down   Smooth Moves "If the anchor can keep up that pace, this race is in the bag! C'mon, man! Pass the baton!" 15
Heads Up   Mega Microgame$! "Man, you gotta catch that ball. Watch out for the glass behind you! No one wants to clean up that mess." 20
High Hoops   Mega Microgame$! "No pressure, man, but this free throw could be the winning shot. Just shoot from the top of your jump, and you'll be cool." 25
Hurry Hurdles   Mega Microgame$! "There's no better way to end the day than jumpin' over hurdles. Once you get the rhythm right, you'll be on a roll." 20
Judo Pro   Original "Press the right combination to throw your opponent and win the match. You gotta move quick, 'cause it's not so groovy when you hit the mat instead." 15
Jumpin' Rope   Mega Microgame$! "Time to jump some rope. Ya dig? Don't get tripped up now." 15
Lift & Shout   Mega Microgame$! "Press the correct button quickly to lift the heavy barbell! Yeah!" 25
Off-Fence   D.I.Y. "Now you gotta move that sword up and down to block an enemy's attack. Well that's not groovy... They're not alone! Look out!" 20
Rugby   Twisted! (Homecoming King) "The game's almost over. This is your one last shot. Catch the ball or the other team wins...and you feel like it's all your fault. Now go long, bro!" 20
BOSS: Punch Out   Mega Microgame$! "First you gotta dodge your opponent's attacks left or right, and then you gotta throw some punches, yo! If one of those dudes starts to flash, that's when you gotta start lookin' out for his special blow." 8


Before "Speed Up" (6 in any order) After first "Speed Up" (5 in any order) After second "Speed Up" (3 in any order) Boss microgame
Ballroom Basics And the Winner is... 100 Meter Dash Punch Out
Body Block Big Drip Close Call
City Surfer Getcha Groove On Goal in One
Diddly Squat Hand Me Down Heads Up
Extreme Patty-Cake Hurry Hurdles Jumpin' Rope
High Hoops Lift & Shout
Judo Pro Rugby


"Heyo! Jimmy T here. You made it to the first stage in the Mash League. Congrats. Know what we should do to celebrate? Take a little stroll around the town. It'd be real groovy. Speaking of groovy, I've got a cool set of Sports games for you to try. Now let's get movin'!"

"Come and hang out with your pal Jimmy T! My kitty sidekick and I are always happy to chill. Why don't you check out my Sports games? Whether you like kickin' a ball or heatin' up the dance floor, you're in for a good time." (second description)

That's Life

Mona hosts the That's Life set in the Mash League. 17 regular microgames are played before the boss microgame. Her intermission stage consists of a fitting room which she peeks out of. The number of lives is represented by coat hangers. When the player wins a microgame, Mona wears a dress. When the player loses a microgame, Mona wears baggy clothes, and a hanger falls. Before each microgame, Joe holds on a piece of clothing for Mona. The color determines the color of the dress or baggy clothes. When a boss is defeated, 21 roses bloom and Mona wears a red flamenco dress and calls it her perfect look. When the player loses all their lives, the curtain closes and Joe leaves. If the player continues during the first playthrough, Joe returns.


Name Image Origin Description Passing score
The Brush Off   Mega Microgame$! "Oh my! Those teeth are all black! Move the toothbrush right and left. Let's make those teeth shine!" 20
Butterfingers   Mega Microgame$! "Catch the toast while it's fresh! Hey! How did someone already get a bite of that one?" 20
Catterwall   Mega Microgame$! "A cat's gone missing! Think you could help me find him?" 20
Cavity Calamity   Mega Microgame$! "Save the helpless tooth-rotting germ by finding it a nice place to hide! Huh... This seems counterintuitive." 20
Chicken Pinch   Mega Microgame$! "Tweezers are great for grabbing this little guy scurrying around!" 15
Dry Eye   Mega Microgame$! "Soothe dry eyes with a well-placed eye drop! It's so satisfying when you get it right... Even robots agree!" 15
Eating Out   Original "This mom keeps her son on his toes by making dinnertime a game. Miss the food, and he might just go to bed hungry!" 15
Electric Groove Fish   Mega Microgame$! "It's a blackout! The only way to restore power to the town is by sending it electricity via that flashy fish in the ocean." 15
Fit for a Frame   Original "Cheese! Capture a picture-perfect moment their friends will cherish forever!" 20
Fries With That?   Mega Microgame$! "Everything tastes better with ketchup! Squeeze the tomatoey goodness onto all the foods." 20
Gold Digger   Mega Microgame$! (recurring microgame; resembles the Game & Wario version) "Noses are meant to be picked! Don't hesitate–stick those fingers right up those nostrils!" 20
I Came, I Saw   Mega Microgame$! "This one's simple. Move the saw back and forth to cut the log! What did I tell you?" 20
Kitty Cover   Mega Microgame$! "Oh no! This adorable kitten's been caught in the rain. Shield it with the umbrella so it doesn't get all soggy." 15
Mole   Game & Wario "Moles are more than dots–they're marks of beauty. Count how many you see!" 15
Nighttime Allergies   Mega Microgame$! "Looks like someone's got the sniffles! You should intervene before the situation gets any stickier." 30
Noodle Cup   Mega Microgame$! "It's simple! Fill the cup...but first correctly guess which pipe will be flowing with water. Now get to it!" 15
Paddle Parade   Mega Microgame$! (Penguin Shuffle) "This cute little duck's just trying to fit in with the others. He doesn't want to ruffle any feathers by bumping into anyone!" 15
Parking Lot Problems   Original "Oh no! I totally forgot where I parked. This is what my car looks like. Let me know if you find it!" 15
Right of Way   Original "Sidewalks can be surprisingly precarious! Watch where you're going, and dodge whatever comes your way." 15
Sloppy Salon   Mega Microgame$! "Give your customers the cut they want! If you go overboard, they won't be too happy." 15
Stalled Out   Twisted! "Nature is calling...and this guy needs a place to relieve himself! Why is the bathroom always packed at times like this?" 15
Tip the Scale   Mega Microgame$! "Which is heavier–the left side or the right? Once you've made your choice, press the corresponding direction." 20
What's the Toadal?   Mega Microgame$! "Use that nifty clicker thing to count how many things hop, whiz or fly by!" 15
Worm Squirm   Mega Microgame$! "Wow! These worms know how to party. But look–one of them is thirsty! Help it find the puddle!'" 15
BOSS: Nail Call   Mega Microgame$! "Pound in the nail from directly above! If you make a mistake, straighten it out by hitting the nail from the other side. And hurry up–the guy holding the nail is kind of impatient." 8


Before "Speed Up" (6 in any order) After first "Speed Up" (6 in any order) After second "Speed Up" (5 in any order) Boss microgame
The Brush Off Cavity Calamity Catterwall Nail Call
Butterfingers Chicken Pinch Dry Eye
Fit for a Frame Electric Groove Fish Eating Out
Gold Digger Fries With That? I Came, I Saw
Kitty Cover Mole Nighttime Allergies
Noodle Cup Parking Lot Problems Paddle Parade
Right of Way Stalled Out What's the Toadal?
Sloppy Salon Worm Squirm
Tip the Scale


"This is Mona! I'm psyched you made it to the second stage of the Mash League! I'm about to head over to Joe's Clothes to find the perfect outfit for my party tonight. Come along and check out the games I put together for you. Their theme is That's Life! C'mon, let's motor!"

"Guess what! My party was a huge success. Plus, I looked amazing! I'm heading back to Joe's Clothes to see if there's anything new for me to try on. While I'm there, you should play some more of my That's Life games. It'll be fabulous!" (second description)


Dribble & Spitz host the Fantasy set in the Mash League. 16 regular microgames are played before the boss microgame. Their intermission stage consists of them driving through space with the score display measured in miles. The number of lives is indicated by hanging Spitz dolls. When the player wins a microgame, the octoblazooka successfully zaps the UFO. If the player loses, the shot misses, and a Spitz doll falls, while Spitz himself panics. When the player encounters the boss, a larger UFO appears and gets defeated if the player wins. When the player loses all their lives, the screen darkens. If the player continues during the first playthrough, the screen flickers back on.


Name Image Origin Description Passing score
Arrow Space   Mega Microgame$! "Ack! You're cornered! Dodge all the arrows! And the falling walls! Stay COOOOOOOOOL!" 20
Classic Clash   Mega Microgame$! (Classic Clash III) "It's our brave hero-Nintenman! Press the correct buttons to put a stop to the monstrous attacker!" 25
Code Buster   Mega Microgame$! "If you wanna keep the adventure goin', do exactly what the commands tell you to do. One mistake and you're done!" 15
Cover Up   Original "Roll the egg toward its mama to warm it up! Aw, shucks. Life is tough for these little guys before they're even born." 15
Crack Down   Mega Microgame$! "Protect that egg of yours by jumpin' at just the right moment. Don't get stuck on shaky ground!" 15
Dungeon Dilemma   Mega Microgame$! (not originally a regular microgame) "Read closely, because there's only one right answer here. And no take backs!" 10
Find My Behind   Mega Microgame$! "Can you tell who you're lookin' at from behind? I'll give you a hint–it's all in the head...and the arms...and probably the legs too." 15
The Frog Flap   Mega Microgame$! (not originally a regular microgame) "That jumpy frog's lookin' for a nice warm bath! Help him hop to a refreshing spot by bouncing on the clouds. But watch out–clouds can't handle more than one hop." 15
Gravitational Pull   Original "Uh-oh! That astronaut's spinning out of control. You gotta save him! Time your rescue attempt perfectly to bring him back to safety." 15
Ground Control   Mega Microgame$! (Paper Plane) "Sail through the skies on something a little more eco-friendly than a space cab. Steer your leaf through the level, and don't let it hit a wall! Let's just say...these walls used to be white." 20
Hover for Cover   Mega Microgame$! "The princess in her bamboo rocket needs help! You gotta use the jets to help her stay afloat and avoid the meteors." 10
Labyrinth   Original "Sure, you're stuck in a dark, dank labyrinth looking for treasure, but at least you got a map!" 15
Long Lost Love   Mega Microgame$! (Maze Daze) "Unite these two lovebirds so they can fly up into space together. You don't want to stand in the way of true love, do ya?" 15
Manic Mechanic   Mega Microgame$! "Build a robot from the bottom up! Move the lower parts to match up with the next piece as it falls. This is high-tech stuff!" 15
Mars Jars   Mega Microgame$! "One man's cup is another man's terrifying martian trap! Don't let the space explorer and his family get caught! It would really ruin their vacation." 15
Munch a Bunch   Mega Microgame$! "I'm pretty sure this strange turtle'll eat anything you put in front of it. The question is can he chomp it all before time runs out?" 25
Picture Perfect   Mega Microgame$! "I hear there's some strange stuff flyin' around here. Take the picture when the subject is fully in the frame to get a good look." 15
RAAAARRRRGGGHH   Mega Microgame$! "Help this monster chase away those annoying villagers. Even bad guys need privacy sometimes!" 15
Rocky Reunion   Twisted! "Well, ain't this tragic? Time and space have kept these two apart. Don't let that rock get in the way just when they're about to reunite!" 20
Stop! Go!   D.I.Y. Showcase "Move forward without the blue alien spotting you. If you can make it to him without being noticed, you win! Believe it or not, this is a pretty popular game with aliens these days." 10
Strength in Numbers   Mega Microgame$! "The war between the octopus and the squid is an intergalactic disaster! Who do you think'll win?" 20
Word Up   Mega Microgame$! "Shoot the ? to make a word! Don't ya wish writing was always this easy?" 20
BOSS: Nose Dive   Twisted! "An extremely sniffly, giant nose-like entity is threatening intergalactic peace yet again! Humanity's fate lies in the cold, lifeless grip of Handroid V! Yikes! Is the news always this scary? I wonder if usin' hand missiles and eye drops would defeat this thing. Chances are his nostrils are his weak point." 8


Before "Speed Up" (5 in any order) After first "Speed Up" (6 in any order) After second "Speed Up" (5 in any order) Boss microgame
Find My Behind Classic Clash Arrow Space Nose Dive
Hover for Cover Dungeon Dilemma Code Buster
Labyrinth The Frog Flap Cover Up
Long Lost Love Ground Control Crack Down
Manic Mechanic Munch a Bunch Gravitational Pull
Mars Jars RAAAARRRRGGGHH Strength in Numbers
Picture Perfect Rocky Reunion Word Up
Stop! Go!


"You made it to the third stage of the Mash League! My business partner, Spitz, and I are about to take a detour into space to drop off a customer. We got a bunch of Fantasy games that'll keep you busy during the drive. You ain't afraid of lasers, are ya?"

"My pal Spitz always says stuff like, "Stay cool, Dribble. Stay cool," but he's got some issues of his own to work on. Lucky for him, video games are a great way to relax. You can always jump in the cab and play some of our Fantasy games." (second description)

Nintendo Classics

5-Volt hosts the Nintendo Classics set in the Mash League. 14 regular microgames are played before the boss microgame. Her intermission stage consists of a workout she is doing with a spatula and a soup spoon. The number of lives is represented by dumbbells. When the player wins a microgame, 5-Volt and Mr. Sparkles hold the spatula in triumph. When the player loses a microgame, 5-Volt falls, Mr. Sparkles gets disappointed, the TV screen glitches, and a dumbbell falls. When the player loses all their lives, Mr. Sparkles and 5-Volt drop their things. If the player continues, 5-Volt grabs her utensils as she gets back up.


Name Image Origin Description Passing score
Balloon Fight   Original "While you pop the balloons that appear as you float along, watch out for lightning. Balloon Fight was released for the NES in 1986." 15
Donkey Kong Country   Original, resembles DK Country from D.I.Y. Showcase "Fire Donkey Kong from the Barrel Cannon, and get all the bananas. Donkey Kong Country was released for the SNES in 1994." 15
Fire Emblem Awakening   Original "Here's what you have to do—move Chrom next to an enemy and Attack. And if there are no enemies, I guess you'll just have to be patient and Wait. Fire Emblem Awakening was released for the Nintendo 3DS in 2013." 20
Game & Watch: Manhole   Original "This street looks a little dangerous! Move the manhole cover so the pedestrians don't fall. Game & Watch: Manhole was released in 1981." 15
Ice Climber   Mega Microgame$! "Jump as high as you can, but be careful of the slippery ice floor! Ice Climber was released for the NES in 1985." 10
Joker Face   D.I.Y., now based on Nintendo playing cards "Pick a card from your opponent's deck. If you pull a joker, you lose! Keep a close eye on your opponent's face--it might just give you a clue to where that sneaky joker is hiding. Playing cards marketed toward young people, with a bigger size and refined design, were released in Japan in 1967." 20
Kid Icarus   Original "That big, round eye is Medusa's weak point! Attack her with Pit's arrows, and defeat her for good. Kid Icarus was released for the NES in 1987." 15
Lefty RX   Original "This RC car turns to the left when you release the button on the remote. Use that movement to make your way to the goal! Lefty RX featured an RC car that always veered left unless you steered it otherwise. It was released in 1972." 15
The Legend of Zelda   Mega Microgame$! "Direct Link to the cave while avoiding the enemies! Though dangerous, you will have to go alone. The Legend of Zelda was released for the NES in 1987." 15
Mario Bros.   Original, resembles Wario Bros. from Mega Microgame$! "Play as Mario, and beat Luigi to the coin! You can even get the coin by hitting the floor beneath it. The Mario Bros. arcade game was released in 1983." 15
Mario Clash   Mega Microgame$! "Throw a shell toward the screen to knock down your enemy! If you're having trouble, remember you need to hit some enemies twice to defeat them. Mario Clash was released for the Virtual Boy in 1995." 20
Ocarina of Time   Smooth Moves "Link has arrived at the Temple of Time! Now he must pull out the Master Sword and continue his adventure. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was released for the Nintendo 64 in 1998." 30
Pinball   Original, resembles Wario Pinball from Mega Microgame$! "Bounce the ball off the left and right flippers so it doesn't fall down the slot. Balls are faster after bouncing around, so be careful! Pinball was released for the NES in 1985." 10
Pushmo   Original "Control Mallo and move him to the flag! The trick is moving deeper into the stage. Make good use of the gadgets! Pushmo was released for the Nintendo 3DS (download only) in 2011. 20
Rhythm Tweezers   Original "Pluck out all the beard hairs that grow on the items that matter how off-putting. Keep it lighthearted but on beat! Rhythm Tengoku was released in Japan for the Game Boy Advance in 2006." 15
Super Mario Kart   Original, resembles F-Zero from Mega Microgame$! "It's Rainbow Road! Steer carefully, or you might just drive off the side...or into a banana or a shell. Super Mario Kart was released for the SNES in 1992." 15
Super Mario Land   Original "Throw a Superball at the perfect moment, and defeat your enemy! Pay attention to how the Superball bounces... Super Mario Land was released for the Game Boy in 1989." 25
Yoshi's Island   Original "Oh no! Baby Mario is floating away! Help Yoshi rescue him! Hold down  , and Yoshi will flutter-jump in the air. Yoshi's Island was released for the SNES in 1995." 20
BOSS: One Hit Wonder   Smooth Moves (not originally a boss stage) "Take a swing, and hit the balls the Ultra Machine tosses your way. Be sure to watch out for that changeup! The Ultra Machine was a batting machine for home use that electronically fired table tennis balls. It was released in Japan in 1968." 8


Before "Speed Up" (3 in any order) After first "Speed Up" (5 in any order) After second "Speed Up" (6 in any order) Boss microgame
Balloon Fight Ice Climber Fire Emblem Awakening One Hit Wonder
Donkey Kong Country Joker Face Game & Watch: Manhole
The Legend of Zelda Lefty RX Kid Icarus
Super Mario Kart Mario Clash Mario Bros.
Ocarina of Time Rhythm Tweezers
Pinball Super Mario Land
Pushmo Yoshi's Island


"You've arrived at the final stage of the Mash League! Good for you! Oh–I'm 5-Volt! Most of the time, I'm chasing after a rambunctious fourth grader, so whenever I get a chance to kick back and unwind, I take it. My games are all inspired by the Nintendo Classics games and toys I played with as a kid. Enjoy!"

"You may have noticed I've been getting pretty buff lately, thanks to my new frying pan! It's great for some light it's nonstick! But if you'd rather play some Nintendo Classics games than work out, that's fine by me!" (second description)

Twist League

“All right, stooges—time to twist some stuff. So watch this. You're going to tilt this thing right and left. Right. Left. RIGHT! LEFT! Only right and left! Got it? Oh yeah. You'll need the A Button too. It's the one with the A on it. Hey! Why aren't you twisting stuff yet?”
Wario, WarioWare Gold

Microgames in this league utilize the system's tilt sensor, and often the   button.

Intro Games

Wario hosts the Intro Games set in the Twist League. All six regular microgames are played before the boss microgame. His intermission stage is the same as his other intro stages, except with the Twist League logo, a blue platform, and blue speakers.


Name Image Origin Description Passing score
Cut to the Chase   Smooth Moves "You know how to clip nails, right? Then do the same thing here. I'm no good at it." 15
Focus Pocus   Twisted! "Look! I got a telescope! Spin the dial to adjust focus. Hey...what IS that?!" 15
Force Feeding   Twisted! "I'm hungry! Pull on my cheeks so the food lands in my mouth! And don't be worried about pulling too hard and hurting me. Worry about FEEDING me!" 15
High Treeson   Mega Microgame$! "I want everything that tree has to offer! Shake it left and right until everything is on the ground!" 20
Pumping Iron   Twisted! "That's not really what I look like, is it? Pump those dumbbells, and get me back to my famous macho condition!" 20
Universal Marionette   Smooth Moves "The sad truth is you'll never be me. But you can be a puppet of me. Just as good, right?" 20
BOSS: Road Wario   Smooth Moves (Driver's Ed) "Steer smoothly so I stay on the road. I can't afford another car!" 8


Before "Speed Up" (in any order) After "Speed Up" (in any order) Boss microgame
Focus Pocus Cut to the Chase Road Wario
High Treeson Force Feeding
Pumping Iron Universal Marionette


"Twist League! With Intro Games! Twisting stuff is fun, that's what I say. And what do you say? Wario is the greatest!"

"You cleared the warm-up! Big whoop. It was just a bunch of Intro Games. If you wanna really master twist controls, try getting a high score in one of these other stages!" (second description)


Ashley & Red host the Fantasy set in the Twist League. 14 regular microgames are played before the boss microgame. Their intermission stage consists of Ashley flying on Red's broom form and encountering swarms of enemies at the same time in a forested area within the demon realms. The number of lives is indicated by skulls. When the player wins a microgame, Ashley defeats the enemies. If the player loses, the spell has no effect and a skull falls. When the player encounters the boss, Ashley encounters Hum Gree and her hair turns white. When the player defeats the boss, Hum Gree retreats. When the player loses all their lives, Ashley & Red fall off-screen. If the player continues during the first playthrough, Ashley & Red will rise out of the forest they fell in.


Name Image Origin Description Passing score
A-maze-ing   Smooth Moves "It's a round maze. Get the ball out of it." 20
Bacon Patrol   Twisted! "Don't let that pig escape, OK? I'm going to need him for something later..." 20
Crescent Roll   Twisted! "Devils don't deserve a seat on the moon. Neither do humans...but we'll give them a pass this time." 15
Doggy Door   Twisted! "This legendary horse flies the skies. Just don't let him get hit by parts of his spaceship. That would be bad." 15
Foiled Again!   Twisted! "Normally this katana can't cut much of anything, but with the power of the wind behind it, it can cut through anything. Well, except bombs." 15
Make Way for Martian   Twisted! "The alien may be here to invade the planet, but you should probably welcome him. It may just save us from an even more dire situation..." 15
Manual Labor   Twisted! "Land animals and sea animals don't mix. Swat the incoming animals into their appropriate environment." 10
A Moment of Reflection   Smooth Moves "Tilt the mirror to shine light on that alien thing in the sky. Huh...the creature seems to be reacting to it..." 20
Monster Chase   Twisted! (Beware of Dog) "Run away from the cute little monster...but don't go too fast. You will regret it." 15
Net Profits   Twisted! "This magic net can catch anything...if you move it the right way." 25
Pipe Puzzle   Twisted! "Spin the underground maze so the rod can pass through. Pay attention to how you spin it. It matters more than you think..." 10
Power Outage   Twisted! "These ruins are...mysterious. Pass the flame, and light all the candles." 20
Road Work   Twisted! "This magic path can move wherever you need it to, so try not to let the frog or the car fall through. You can get rid of that beetle, though. Red hates those things. On second thought..." 15
Safecracker   Twisted! "Use the note to break open the safe, and you'll be rewarded with whatever's inside...whether you want it or not." 20
Shave the World   Twisted! "Who wants all that forest and ocean anyway? Chisel it all away, and you'll have something better--a moon." 20
Space Passage   Twisted! (Air Passage) "It's just a lonely space bubble drifting through the galaxy. Spin the planet so it doesn't pop." 10
Stab in the Dark   Twisted! "Hmm... Ruffians. Swing your sword to drive them off." 15
Stumblebot   Twisted! (not originally a regular microgame) "The walking spell I cast on my doll will stop working if she falls over. Alter the direction of gravity to keep her upright." 10
Tearful Reunion   Smooth Moves "Reunite these two...lovebirds. Avoid the dangerous eye beams if you really want them to be together." 20
Walk This Way   Original "Make the model strut forward one step at a time... I guess people care about fashion on other planets too." 10
BOSS: Crossing Guard   Twisted! "Spin the pulley to make a bridge...There'll be big trouble if you don't drop the bombs..." 8


Before "Speed Up" (6 in any order) After first "Speed Up" (5 in any order) After second "Speed Up" (3 in any order) Boss microgame
Bacon Patrol Foiled Again! A-maze-ing Crossing Guard
Crescent Roll Make Way for Martian Monster Chase
Doggy Door Manual Labor Space Passage
A Moment of Reflection Pipe Puzzle Tearful Reunion
Net Profits Power Outage Walk This Way
Safecracker Road Work
Shave the World Stumblebot
Stab in the Dark


"This is the Twist League! I guess I, Ashley, am in charge of amusing you now. How do you feel about demon summonings? It's not dangerous...usually. Come watch, or just play my Fantasy games. Either way, it's bound to be wicked."

"Looking for Ashley? That's me. If you're interested in learning more about magic, I guess I could let you sit in on my practice again. Of course, you'll have to play my games, which are all about Fantasy. Let's get started... Ready, Red?" (second description)


Dr. Crygor hosts the Sports set in the Twist League. 14 regular microgames are played before the boss microgame. His intermission stage consists of him being chased by Doris 1 in a forest. Mike stands around on the top screen of the Nintendo 3DS. The number of lives is represented by mushrooms. When the player wins a microgame, Doris 1 falls over, flowers appear around Crygor, and Mike dances. When the player loses a microgame, Doris 1 catches up to Crygor and hits his head with her broom, Mike trembles, and one of the mushrooms rots and disappears. When the stage speeds up, the player encounters the boss, and when the stage levels up, Crygor runs faster and Mike looks around. When the player loses all their lives, Doris 1 wrestles Dr. Crygor to the ground. If the player continues during the first playthrough, Crygor throws Doris 1 off of him and the pursuit continues.


Name Image Origin Description Passing score
Armed and Dangerous   Smooth Moves "Challenge a slew of strong opponents to an arm-wrestling contest. It's not about power--speed can also play an important role." 15
Barrel Roll   Twisted! "Steer the plane out of the hangar and through the first gate. Then spend the next few minutes pondering the laws of aerodynamics." 20
Curls and Weigh   Twisted! (Wario Weigh-In) "Stand on the scale and pump those muscles! But don't overdo it, or you might just find yourself in worse shape than when you started." 25
Dodge Ball   Twisted! (Foul Balls) "Tilt your head to dodge the balls! If you succeed, you'll have the respect of everyone in your class!" 15
Fancy Footwork   Twisted! "Juggle the ball between your feet, and don't let it hit the ground! If you're having trouble, try moving your legs a tad earlier." 20
Feel the Burn   Twisted! "Sit-ups are a tried-and-true way to improve your strength. For this game, once you get started, don't stop until you've finished your reps." 25
Heavy Lifting   Twisted! "Muster your strength by pressing the button quickly, and then throw your opponent--inanimate or otherwise--with all your might!" 20
Iron Stomach   Twisted! "An eating competition! What fun! Use your arm to toss the plate's contents into your mouth. Eat it all before time's up, and you'll be a winner... A very stuffed winner." 25
Micro Golf   Twisted! "I believe this game is called "golf." You swing your club toward a ball that you are trying to hit into a hole. Interesting." 15
Ride the Wave   Original "Tilt the surfer's center of gravity left and right so he doesn't lose his balance. This will get more difficult as the wave goes up and down." 20
Self-Defense   Twisted! "This karate master has guarded this spot for 50 years... Assist him in blocking the projectiles headed his way!" 15
Shoot the Fruit   Twisted! "Any fool knows the key element to archery is mental focus. So aim carefully to bring your targets all down at once." 15
Slam Dunk   Twisted! "Keep your eye on the goal, and put that ball through the hoop. This game is a real slam dunk!" 20
Snowboard Slalom   Mega Microgame$! "Lend a hand, and tilt the system to guide the snowboarder to their goal!" 10
Sync or Sink   Twisted! "Cleanly match the movements of the competitors on your left and right. Look closely, and you just might be able to tell when they're about to move!" 10
Top Off   Original "Climbing is more than just an adrenaline-inducing sport. It's a TRENDY adrenaline-inducing sport! Take hold of the colorful rocks, and aim for the top! And try not to look down." 15
Wheel of Whack   Twisted! "To win, you must hit two of the things that pop out of the holes with the oversize hammer provided! Beware of the monkeys--they have been known to fight back with bananas." 15
Wiggle Room   Smooth Moves "What you need to do here is quite simple. Just move your hips back and forth. So nice!" 25
BOSS: Basic Training   Twisted! "Pump the cart, jump the obstacles, and be the first to reach the goal! Gather speed by using big, rhythmic pumps." 8


Before "Speed Up" (4 in any order) After first "Speed Up" (5 in any order) After second "Speed Up" (5 in any order) Boss microgame
Armed and Dangerous Curls and Weigh Barrel Roll Basic Training
Dodge Ball Fancy Footwork Iron Stomach
Feel the Burn Heavy Lifting Ride the Wave
Micro Golf Snowboard Slalom Self-Defense
Wiggle Room Sync or Sink Shoot the Fruit
Top Off Slam Dunk
Wheel of Whack


"You've reached the second stage of the Twist League, so I can only assume you are quite intelligent. I should know–I'm Dr. Crygor! Why not join me and my lovable robot Mike on our research expedition? It'll be very educational. Plus, you'll have a chance to play my Sports games. Lucky you!"

"I ran into a spot of trouble earlier, but it turned into a beautiful reunion. While I wait for either Mike or Doris 1 to volunteer to fetch my mushrooms, why don't you take a gander at my Sports games and let me know what you think? I relish hearing positive feedback." (second description)

Nintendo Classics

18-Volt hosts the Nintendo Classics set in the Twist League. 14 regular microgames are played before the boss microgame. His intermission stage consists of a rap battle between him and 13-Amp with 9-Volt deejaying in the background. The touch screen will depict 18-Volt as a tiger and 13-Amp as a dragon. The number of lives is represented by vinyl records. When the player wins a microgame, 18-Volt triumphs over 13-Amp. When the player loses a microgame, 13-Amp wins that verse against 18-Volt and a record breaks. When the boss is defeated, extra lights shine on 18-Volt and the dragon representing 13-Amp cowers. When the player loses all their lives, 18-Volt faints and 13-Amp does her victory pose. If the player continues during the first playthrough, 18-Volt will rise back onto his feet.


Name Image Origin Description Passing score
Animal Crossing: Wild World   Smooth Moves "Animal Crossing's the best! Fishing in Animal Crossing is even better! Just watch the bobber closely, and when a fish bites, reel it in quick! Animal Crossing: Wild World was released for the Nintendo DS in 2005." 15
Chiritorie   Mega Microgame$!' "Control Chiritorie and collect all the garbage! Wow, Nintendo's library goes deep. The Wireless-Cleaner Chiritorie was a remote-controlled toy vacuum cleaner released in Japan in 1979." 20
Donkey Kong Jr.   Twisted! "Climb up the vines to collect the fruit, but watch out for those not-so-helpful passersby. If you're lucky, you could be the one to free Donkey Kong! Donkey Kong Jr. was released for the NES in 1986." 15
Dr. Mario   Original "Now this is a true classic! Spin the capsule to match the color of the viruses below, and form a row of four! Dr. Mario was released for the NES in 1990." 15
Laser Pointer   Original, resembles Duck Hunt from Twisted! "Aim for the target and fire. You never know what could pop up next! The Light Gun Custom Target was released in 1971. The Light Gun Custom Lion and the Light Gun Custom Gunman were released in 1976." 20
Metroid   Twisted! (Metroid-Morph Ball) "Roll Samus into a Morph Ball, and make it to the missile before time runs out! Isn't she just the coolest?! Metroid was released for the NES in 1987." 10
Metroid-Samus   Twisted!, now based on Super Metroid "Fire the beam from Samus's arm, and drive back the enemy! Super Metroid was released for the SNES in 1994." 15
NES Open Tournament Golf   Twisted! "Line up your shot, and putt. You'll need a hole in one to pull out a win. NES Open Tournament Golf was released for the NES in 1992." 20
Pikmin 2   Smooth Moves "Become Empress Bulblax and squash the Pikmin! They deserve it after killing all those Bulborbs. Pikmin 2 was released for the Nintendo GameCube in 2004." 15
Racing 112   Mega Microgame$! "Move the steering wheel like a pro to avoid your opponent's car! Racing 112 was a home video-game system in which you can play a racing game 112 ways. It was released in 1978." 15
R.O.B. Block Set   Original "Rotate R.O.B. in different directions to move the blocks! Just like the good old days... R.O.B. and the game Stack-Up were released as a set for the NES in 1985." 15
Star Fox   Original "Tilt the Arwing to avoid the obstacles! You can even shoot down enemies while you're at it! Star Fox was released for the SNES in 1993." 20
Super Mario Bros. 3   Twisted! (Super Mario Bros. 3-Lift) "Rotate and move the lift to avoid enemy attacks! Super Mario Bros. 3 was released for the NES in 1990." 15
Super Mario Sunshine   Smooth Moves "Be a good Samaritan! Clean up the graffiti using the F.L.U.D.D. on your back. Super Mario Sunshine was released for the Nintendo GameCube in 2002." 15
Super Mario World   Original, resembles Super Koopa from D.I.Y. Showcase "Whoa! So many coins! Control Cape Mario, and grab as many as you can! Super Mario World was released for the SNES in 1991." 20
Wario Land 3   Original "Wario's trapped in a bubble! Of course he still wants that coin, but watch out for the spikes as you guide him to it! Wario Land 3 was released for the Game Boy Color in 2000." 10
Wii Menu   Original "Tilt the Wii Remote to move the cursor on the TV! Once you find the channel with the ★ next to it, press A Button to select! Change the page by selecting the arrows. The Wii was released in 2006." 20
The Wind Waker   Smooth Moves "Steer the Deku Leaf, and land safely. Try to follow the direction of the wind! The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker was released for the Nintendo GameCube in 2003." 15
BOSS: Super Mario Bros.   Twisted! "This looks a lot like regular Mario, but...there's no B Button dash. Try changing Mario's speed by tilting your system! Super Mario Bros. was released for the NES in 1985." 8


Before "Speed Up" (3 in any order) After first "Speed Up" (6 in any order) After second "Speed Up" (5 in any order) Boss microgame
Racing 112 Chiritorie Animal Crossing: Wild World Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 3 Donkey Kong Jr. Dr. Mario
Super Mario World Laser Pointer Metroid-Samus
The Wind Waker Metroid Pikmin 2
NES Open Tournament Golf R.O.B. Block Set
Super Mario Sunshine Star Fox
Wario Land 3
Wii Menu


"You must be killin' it if you made to the third stage of the Twist League. Now you get to hang with me, 18-Volt. Whaddaya say we find a place to play some games? I've got some Nintendo Classics I think you'll love. I mean, I love 'em. Why wouldn't you?"

" 'Sup, dudes? This is 18-Volt, coming at you live! That rap battle with 13-Amp was a blast. I hope she takes me up on my offer to do it again sometime. Until then, let's polish up those gaming skills. My Nintendo Classics never disappoint!" (second description)

That's Life

Penny hosts the That's Life set in the Twist League. 16 regular microgames are played before the boss microgame. Her intermission stage consists of Dr. Crygor in the top screen and the touchscreen showing Penny's Super-Special Tummy Tonic fighting viruses from the Tonally Transformative Elixir she made. The number of lives is represented by test tubes. When the player wins a microgame, the tonic defeats the viruses. When the player loses a microgame, the viruses destroy the tonic, Dr. Crygor suffers a stomach cramp as Penny rubs his back, and one of the test tube breaks. When the player loses all their lives, Penny watches Dr. Crygor faint, and the viruses show up. When the high scores are shown, Penny shows a peace sign towards the player. If the player continues on the first playthrough, Penny is shocked when Dr. Crygor musters enough strength to get back up, with the viruses showing signs of disbelief on their faces as they rise up.


Name Image Origin Description Passing score
Balancing Act   Twisted! "Move the hand left and right to keep the object from falling. And don't be afraid to add some oomph--some of that stuff looks really heavy!" 15
Cheeky Monkey   Twisted! "I have a hypothesis! There's something hiding in this guy's cheeks. Give 'em a poke to pop it out!" 25
Clean Sweep   Smooth Moves "It's that time of year again. Sweep up all the fallen leaves with the broom." 25
Code Dependency   Smooth Moves "There's a science to everything, including working the register. First find the bar code. Then scan it! Have you noticed this place sells a strange assortment of products?" 15
County Fair   Twisted! "The ferris wheel is packed! If you can find an open spot, climb on it! Don't be shy--single riders may be happy to share a car." 20
Cutting It Close   Twisted! "Shaving doesn't come easily to everyone. Help this guy get a clean shave." 20
Fashion Plate   Twisted! "Follow the instructions, and rotate each object around this pretty lady's face. Aww! Those kittens look so soft and snuggly." 20
Fine Tune   Twisted! "Adjust the angle so it picks up the radio waves clearly! I think this thing's called a radio, but you don't see them around much anymore." 15
Fragile!   Twisted! "Eggs aren't known for their sturdiness, so whatever you do, don't move! Unless, of course, whatever's inside wants out." 30
Get to the Point   Smooth Moves "A dull pencil is a scientist's greatest enemy. Move your hand to sharpen the pencil until its end is extra pointy!" 20
Half Empty   Twisted! "Tilt the beaker to adjust the fluid level until it sits between the two red lines. Let the experiment begin!" 10
Home Haircut   Twisted! "Those braids are just plait adorable! Uh-oh... One side is a bit longer than the other. Give it a trim to make both sides the same length." 15
Kit-tease   Twisted! "Cats love to chase stuff! Swing the toy back and forth, and play with the kitty." 30
Peak-a-boo-boo   Twisted!, originally a Fronk microgame "Remove the bandages from your knee. Now you know it's gonna hurt, so make it quick!" 25
Picky Eater   Twisted! "There are a lot of interesting things on this conveyor belt, but this guy's looking for something to eat. Move the sushi right in front of him so he can dig in!" 20
Round It Out   Original "Polish the ball until its true beauty underneath shines through!" 25
Sew Easy   Twisted! "Rotate the fabric to sew it to the red ribbon. Just don't go outside the red part!" 15
Strike a Chord   Twisted! (Guitar Solo) "Practice makes perfect! Match your fingers to the notes and play a lovely melody on your violin. And remember, this is practice! If you make a mistake, just try again!" 15
Tooth Haste   D.I.Y. "Uh-oh! We're running out of toothpaste. We gotta squeeze out every last drop." 20
Tooth Trouble   Twisted! "Nothing's worse than a toothache! Pull out all the offending teeth to stop the pain." 15
What Goes In...   Twisted! "Guide the food through the digestion process. Isn't the human body a true marvel?!" 15
Wrecking All   Twisted! "Pull back the wrecking ball, and destroy the building in one go! Isn't that so cathartic?" 15
BOSS: Toilet Training   Smooth Moves "The movie's over, and the mad dash to the bathroom has begun! Guide the moviegoers to the correct bathroom based on their needs. If that's too much information for you, then pay attention to the color of their clothing." 8


Before "Speed Up" (4 in any order) After first "Speed Up" (6 in any order) After second "Speed Up" (6 in any order) Boss microgame
Cutting It Close Balancing Act Cheeky Monkey Toilet Training
Home Haircut Clean Sweep Fine Tune
Kit-tease Code Dependency Fragile!
Peek-a-Boo-Boo County Fair Half Empty
Strike a Chord Fashion Plate Picky Eater
What Goes In... Get to the Point Round It Out
Tooth Trouble Sew Easy
Wrecking All Tooth Haste


"Penny here with the final stage of the Twist League! Long time, no see. I've been cooped up in my lab, working on my latest invention. I'm still putting on the final touches, so in the meantime check out these games I made. They're all part of the That's Life theme, and they're all awesome!"

"If all goes well, soon the name Penny will be up in lights! That is, if my grandpa ever forgives me for what I did to his vocal cords... For now, maybe I should stick to making games. My latest batch are the kind that get you thinking, That's Life." (second description)

Touch League

“Ever wonder what this stick thingy is for? You poke the bottom screen with it! Poke, poke, poke, poke. Or just slide it across. Now, get ready to move things and draw stuff. You know, like lines. And if you lose your thingy... Well, then you're just stuck using your finger. We done? Let's not drag this thing out.”
Wario, WarioWare Gold

Microgames in the Touch League are played only with the stylus and the touch screen.

Intro Games

Wario's last set of Intro Games. All six regular microgames are played before the boss microgame. His intermission stage is the same as his other intro stages, except with the Touch League logo, a magenta platform, and magenta speakers.


Name Image Origin Description Passing score
Into the Sunset   Touched! "You wanna survive in this world, you gotta pulverize anything and everything that gets in your way. Pull out those fists and punch!" 20
Loose Change   Touched! "Hey! That change fell out of my coin purse. Pick it up already! And don't put other stuff in there. I can smell fake money from a mile away!" 15
One-Liner   Touched! "Re-create the shape using a single stroke! Pay attention to where you start, or you might not be able to finish." 15
Scratch and Match   Touched! "Scratch off that silver stuff and find ME! This isn't about just bein' good at scratching stuff–you gotta watch the clock too!" 20
Steel Chef   Touched! "Slice everything that flies at you! Or hit it at least. You're about to make some very unusual fruit salad." 25
Thanks a Latte   Original "Looks like this barista put a lot effort into capturing my face perfectly. Too bad! I'm totally gonna ruin it when I stir up this latte." 25
BOSS: Balloon Brigade   D.I.Y. (Fly 'n' Fall) "Uh-oh. Weather's not looking good. Maybe I should land on that cloud there... Pop my balloons for me, will ya? And tap any birds that fly by to get 'em out of my way." 8


Before "Speed Up" (in any order) After "Speed Up" (in any order) Boss microgame
Into the Sunset Loose Change Balloon Brigade
Scratch and Match One-Liner
Steel Chef Thanks a Latte


"Touch League! These Intro Games make touching stuff easy, even if you're not Wario. All right, all right! I'll show you how it's done."

"You cleared the warm-up? Don't know why I'm surprised. It was full of Intro Games! Get a high score using touch controls, and then maybe I'll be impressed." (second description)

That's Life

Kat & Ana host the That's Life set in the Touch League. 16 regular microgames are played before the boss microgame. Their intermission stage consists of them receiving a plate of sushi. The number of lives is represented by cups of tea. When the player wins a microgame, Kat & Ana eat the entire plate. When the player loses a microgame, they get food poisoning and one of the cups of tea breaks and disappears. After beating the boss, Kat & Ana become full. When the player reaches the bonus stage during subsequent playthroughs, Kat & Ana receive a plate of dessert. When the player loses all their lives, both Kat & Ana faint. If the player continues on the first playthrough, Kat & Ana will get back up.


Name Image Origin Description Passing score
Bug Eyed   Touched! "These bugs have a super-useful ninjutsu called camouflage. Find all the camouflaged bugs!" 20
Burning Sensation   Smooth Moves "Light filtered through a magnifying glass can get SUPER hot! Use it to light a match...or even better, pop some corn!" 15
Cheap Thrill   Touched! "Uh oh! This guy's run out of clothes! We gotta help him pick out some new stuff. It'd be easier if he weren't so picky!" 15
Clog It   Touched! "Unroll the roll! Keep going! You're on a roll!" 25
Coin Count   D.I.Y. (Coin Cat) "Pay the amount of money that's displayed on the register. No shopping trip's complete without paying the bill!" 20
Crowded Desktop   Original "We can't see anything on this PC with all those windows open. Let's clean up the desktop!" 15
Going Up   Original "Do the polite thing and press the button for each floor that the other passengers request. As the elevator gets more crowded, it'll get tougher and tougher!" 10
Good Times   Touched! "Spin the minute hand to set the clock to the right time! You can move backward or forward in time, so think about what's faster." 10
Impressionism   Touched! "There's something hidden underneath the paper. Rub the pencil all over the paper to find out what it is!" 15
Off-line   D.I.Y. "It's laundry day! Drop all the clean and dry laundry into the basket." 20
Oh, the Irony   Touched! "Iron out all the wrinkles for a perfectly polished look!" 15
On the Mark   Touched! (Chalk Full) "Nothing's worse than leaving something up on a whiteboard only to have someone erase it when you aren't looking. Be that someone! Erase!" 25
Oral Hijinks   Twisted! "Looks like there's something caught in the teeth! Use the stylus like a toothpick to pull it out slowly." 15
Page Panic   Mega Microgame$! "That gust of wind just made us lose our place! Please help us find the right page–we were just getting to the good part." 15
Right in the Eye   Mega Microgame$! "Why is threading a needle always so stressful?! Maybe we just have shaky hands..." 20
Salad Daze   D.I.Y. "We need someone to help out with the grocery shopping! Memorize the shopping list, and buy what we need." 15
Secret Ingredient   Smooth Moves "Anything can be a seasoning if you grate it small enough!" 20
Sleepy Head   Touched! "This sleepyhead needs to wake up! Make a loud noise or keep the alarm clock going to get them out of bed." 15
Sticking Point   Original "Reply to your friend's message using the perfect sticker! If you choose wrong, your friend might get a little annoyed." 15
Tune Out   Touched! "Follow the piano teacher's instructions, and play the notes in the right order. Think she's scary? So do we..." 15
Up for Grabs   Smooth Moves "Ew... Looks like something super long is coming out of that nose. Give it a yank!" 15
Very Attractive   Touched! "Guide the paper clip swiftly to the goal! And be careful! You don't want the paper clip to get stuck on that magnet in the process! (Don't tell anyone, can move the magnets, too!)" 15
Write On, Dude   Touched! "Try to write the character as it's shown in the example. Be as neat as can be--it's tricky to get it perfectly right!" 15
XYZ!   Smooth Moves "We've got an undone-zipper situation here! There's only one solution--zip it right up!" 20
BOSS: Top Notch   Original "Arrange the toppings like a true pro, using the sample food as your guide! And don't forget to finish things off with a squeeze of ketchup! ...Wait. What?!" 8


Before "Speed Up" (6 in any order) After first "Speed Up" (6 in any order) After second "Speed Up" (4 in any order) Boss microgame
Bug Eyed Burning Sensation Cheap Thrill Top Notch
Clog It Crowded Desktop On the Mark
Coin Count Oh, the Irony Oral Hijinks
Going Up Right in the Eye Page Panic
Good Times Salad Daze Secret Ingredient
Impressionism Sleepy Head XYZ!
Off-line Sticking Point
Very Attractive Tune Out
Write On, Dude Up for Grabs


"This is the first stage of the Touch League. We're Kat and Ana, and we're off to get our ninja learner's permits. To prepare for the test, we designed a whole bunch of games in the That's Life genre. Everyday fun is the best kind, 'cause it's every day!"

"We are back and ready to eat! Nothing makes you hungrier than studying for your ninja learner's permit. Hey, have you checked out our games yet? Their theme is That's Life, so they should be recognizable to you! Have fun!" (second description)

Nintendo Classics

9-Volt hosts the Nintendo Classics set in the Touch League. 14 regular microgames are played before the boss microgame. His intermission stage consists of him and Fronk starring in an RPG game similar to WarioWare: Mega Microgame$! The number of lives is represented by hearts. When the player wins a microgame, 9-Volt holds his sword in triumph and the text box says "You felled the game!" When the player loses a microgame, 9-Volt and Fronk collapse and faint, the screen turns reddish, a heart splits, and the text box says "You took damage!" 9-Volt and Fronk start in a village and proceeds to treacherous environments as the stage progresses. When the player encounters the boss, 9-Volt and Fronk encounter a castle and the text box says "A boss game appears!" Once the boss is defeated, the castle is destroyed. When the player loses all their lives, the text box says "You were defeated!" The "Speed Up", "Boss Encounter", and "Game Over" tunes all receive 8-bit remixes. If the player continues on the first playthrough, 9-Volt and Fronk are revived as an 8-bit fanfare plays. Like in Mega Microgame$! and unlike other characters, there is also a level indicator to indicate the microgame difficulty. The microgame difficulty is also determined by the time of day with Level 1 set in the day, Level 2 set during sunset, and Level 3 set at night. Also, the HUD text turns red on the player's last life.


Name Image Origin Description Passing score
amiibo Tap   Original "Tap the amiibo on the bottom screen of the New Nintendo 3DS. And FYI—not everything that looks like an amiibo is an amiibo, so be sure to check your items closely. Figures or cards that you can link to Nintendo games are called amiibo. They were first released in 2014." 25
Donkey Kong   D.I.Y. Showcase "Not even Mario could dodge this many obstacles! Destroy the barrels and enemies with the Hammer to protect him. The Donkey Kong arcade game was released in 1981." 20
Duck Hunt   D.I.Y. Showcase "I love this game! Just tap on the ducks to hunt 'em down. And don't miss! Duck Hunt and the NES Zapper were both released for the NES in 1985.}}" 15
Excitebike   D.I.Y. "If you wanna get past the obstacles and competitors, you're gonna have to tap 'em out of your way. Protect your bike at all costs! Excitebike was released for the NES in 1985." 15
Hanafuda   Original "This is super old-school! Match the cards to the set—yaku—on the left. Hanafuda is a card game played in Japan since long ago. Nintendo began manufacturing hanafuda cards in 1889." 20
Head Count   D.I.Y., now based on Brain Age "There's something going on at this house! We'll never know what's happening inside, but we will know how many people were invited. Count how many guests are in the house, and write it down. Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! was released for the Nintendo DS in 2006." 10
Joy-Con Slide   Original "Snap the Joy-Con into the correct side of the system. It's so satisfying to hear it click into place... The Nintendo Switch was released in 2017." 25
Love Tester   Original "Check the couple's compatibility with the Love Tester! All they gotta do is grab the round metal thingy with their left hand! Huh. Love seems super easy. The Love Tester, a toy that measured the compatibility of two people, was released in 1969." 20
Mario Paint - Flyswatter   Original, resembles Fly Swatter from D.I.Y. "Use the flyswatter to swat all the flies! Just move the swatter over the flies, and they won't be able to escape. Mario Paint was released for the SNES in 1992." 25
Mii Channel   Original "Switch up the right facial features to make the Mii character look like the model! The Mii Channel was released on the Wii in 2006." 10
Nintendogs   Original "Give the puppy some love, and pet its head! Dogs love getting their belly rubbed, too. Nintendogs was released for the Nintendo DS in 2005." 25
Phantom Hourglass   Original "Hit the red crystal balls with your boomerang! When there are two, you'll have to make a path that'll cross both with one toss. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass was released for the Nintendo DS in 2007." 10
Sounds of Super Mario Bros.   Original "The sounds of Super Mario are so super memorable! Figure out which game elements are associated with the sounds you hear, and put them in the boxes below. It gets tough when the sounds start overlapping! Super Mario Bros. was released for the NES in 1985." 10
Stylus Hunt   Touched! (Pushing Buttons) "Wow! Look at all those Nintendo 3DS systems! It's no big deal, but...I have one of each. The only problem is I always forget where the stylus goes! Nintendo 3DS released in 2011, Nintendo 3DS XL released in 2012, Nintendo 2DS released in 2013, New Nintendo 3DS and New Nintendo 3DS XL released in 2015, and New Nintendo 2DS XL released in 2017." 15
Super Mario Maker   Original "Grab the character and quickly shake it to transform it into something different! Super Mario Maker was released for the Wii U in 2015." 15
Ten Billion Barrel   Original "Twist the barrels until the four balls in the middle are all the same color. Ten Billion Barrel is a barrel-shaped puzzle in which you match up colored balls. It was released in 1980." 20
Tomodachi Life   Original "Pick off all that stuff stuck to the Mii character! Tomodachi Life was released for the Nintendo 3DS in 2014." 25
Wrecking Crew   Original "Find the hidden coins! You may need to tap the stronger walls twice. Look out for Foreman Spike! Wrecking Crew was released for the NES in 1985." 25
BOSS: Clawing for More   Original, resembles the microgame of same name from Touched! "The cats are hungry! Extend and retract the Ultra Hand to sneakily take the fish from the man's pocket! Drive off the crabs that go for the hand by tapping on them! The Ultra Hand was a toy that could grab things away from other people and places...and bring them to you! It was released in 1966." 8


Before "Speed Up" (4 in any order) After first "Speed Up" (5 in any order) After second "Speed Up" (5 in any order) Boss microgame
Donkey Kong Excitebike amiibo Tap Clawing for More
Joy-Con Slide Hanafuda Duck Hunt
Love Tester Mario Paint - Flyswatter Head Count
Mii Channel Sounds of Super Mario Bros. Phantom Hourglass
Nintendogs Super Mario Maker Stylus Hunt
Ten Billion Barrel Tomodachi Life
Wrecking Crew


"I'm 9-Volt, and this is the second stage of the Touch League! I bet it's gonna be way more fun than what I'm doing—studying math. I'd rather be at home with my pet Fronk, or playing the Nintendo Classics games that I made for the tournament. Think of me when you're gaming like a pro!"

"Thanks to math wizard Fronk, math class isn't so scary anymore, but I'm still glad it's over! Now we can have some real fun playing my Nintendo Classics games." (second description)


Young Cricket & Master Mantis host the Sports set in the Touch League. 14 regular microgames are played before the boss microgame. Their intermission stage consists of them riding on a carousel horse and a carriage reveals the next microgame. The number of lives is indicated by horse heads. When the player wins a microgame, they ride with joy. If the player loses, they slip off the carousel and the horse heads show their "death" expressions while one falls off. When the player loses all their lives, Young Cricket & Master Mantis fall off of the carousel. If the player continues on the first playthrough, they will climb back on.


Name Image Origin Description Passing score
Arms Race   Touched! "Help this man do his chin-ups by giving him a leg up. It's not cheating–it's teamwork!" 25
Count 'Em Up   D.I.Y. downloadable microgame "As the judge in this fitness competition, you bear a great responsibility. Watch closely, and select the competitor who achieved the most!" 10
Engine Trouble   Touched! "Spin the propeller, and charge up to max power! Muster all your strength and release to fly off into the great blue yonder." 25
Erosion   Touched! "The hang glider is in peril! Quick–manipulate the terrain to prevent his demise!" 15
Finish Line   Touched! "Starting at the flashing point, create a path for the skier to follow. They have to pass through all the flags and make it to the goal." 20
Flag Waver   D.I.Y. Showcase "This is a trial intended to train your concentration skills. Watch closely, and raise or lower the flags as instructed!" 10
Heat Wave   Touched! (Hot Flash) "That man over there looks overdressed for the weather. You must help him cool down before he sweats through all his layers!" 20
I'm Gonna Hurl   Touched! "One must spin around to build up speed. Once the meter's full, release the hammer in the direction you wish it to go." 15
Local News   Smooth Moves "The secret to a perfect interview is to keep the microphone close to your interviewee's mouth. Oh! And ask fascinating questions." 15
Long Division   Touched! "This game is both elegant and simple–draw a line from edge to edge to divide the sports items into two groups. Don't overthink it. Just focus." 20
Oh, Snap!   Touched! "These two may look tough, but no one is immune to a good dose of tickling." 25
Pass Aggressive   Touched! "Stay alert! This is the home team's only chance to score! Pass the ball to the teammate in white waving his hands." 20
Pass Fail   Original "Try to hit the player in the middle as you pass the ball to your teammates. Do not fear—the ball isn't as hard as it looks." 15
Pit Stop   Original "Work quickly and swap out the tires for new ones! Take note—if the right and left are different sizes, the car won't be able to drive straight." 15
Pumped Poser   D.I.Y. "Match this athlete's post to the one on the left. He's not only strong--he's flexible! Both are important qualities for any type of combat." 15
Rump Roast   Touched! "All right, it's the final straight! Push your horse on, and leave the others in your dust!" 30
Skate Race   Original "No! No one was watching when the players reached the goal. It is up to you to intervene and determine their placement." 15
Stroke of Genius   Touched! "Keep moving those arms until you swim all the way to the goal... But watch out! There's something else in the water, too!" 20
Sweeps Week   Smooth Moves "Curling is a sport like no other. Sweep the ice ahead of your stone to pick up speed and knock your opponent's stone out of the way." 20
Twin Swimmers   Touched! (Perfect Match) "How amazing! There are a lot of twins competing in this swimming event. Can you remember where they are?" 25
BOSS: Pro Bowling   Touched! "To succeed you must get the ball rolling and knock down all the pins. If you're having trouble, do not be concerned! You have four balls to get the job done." 8


Before "Speed Up" (3 in any order) After first "Speed Up" (6 in any order) After second "Speed Up" (5 in any order) Boss microgame
I'm Gonna Hurl Count 'Em Up Arms Race Pro Bowling
Oh, Snap! Engine Trouble Erosion
Pass Aggressive Finish Line Flag Waver
Pit Stop Heat Wave Long Division
Twin Swimmers Local News Rump Roast
Pass Fail Skate Race
Pumped Poser Stroke of Genius
Sweeps Week


"Welcome to the third stage of the Touch League! My name is Cricket, and I suggest you to pay close attention. My mentor, Master Mantis, is about to introduce me to a state-of-the-art training center. I can only imagine what kinds of Sports-themed games we'll encounter while we're there. Let's go!"

"Who knew that such inspiring lessons in training and life could lie within an amusement park? If I get an annual pass, I could be a kung-fu master in no time! For now, I shall continue my training using the Sports games created for this tournament." (second description)


Orbulon hosts the Fantasy set in the Touch League. 16 regular microgames are played before the boss microgame. His intermission stage consists of him looking for pigs to capture at a nearby farm. The number of lives is represented by stars. When the player wins a microgame, Orbulon successfully abducts a pig with his Oinker. When the player loses a microgame, the pig escapes, the Oinker malfunctions, and one of the stars turns gray and falls off the screen. When the player loses all their lives, Orbulon disappears. If the player continues on the first playthrough, Orbulon reappears.


Name Image Origin Description Passing score
Big Bang   Touched! "Watching things explode is a traditional way to celebrate achievement. Tap the fireworks, and enjoy the show!" 20
Birdcicle   Touched! "It is common knowledge that infant penguins can only traverse in straight paths. We cannot let him fall! Move the ice blocks into a safe path for him to use." 15
Breaking Up   D.I.Y. "Tap the panels you don't need to re-create the shape displayed above. Could this reveal a timeless cosmic truth?" 15
Character Development   Touched! "I am currently attempting to improve my Earth-folk language skills. This is my attempt to make spelling fun. And...success!" 20
Crypto Zoo   D.I.Y. Showcase "Tap the panels to create the image of an animal. Allow me to clarify: a recognizable animal." 20
Family Reunion   Original "Ahhh... There is nothing so wholesome as a family sitting down together to stare at a glowing screen. But it appears one of the viewers doesn't belong. We must send them away posthaste!" 25
Fruit Fans   D.I.Y. "I love the fruits! But why must fruit look so much like other things that are not fruit? Please help me find just the fruit." 15
Goin' Loopy   Touched! "Ooh. These creatures will find your fingers so mesmerizing. Circle their eyes and a deep hypnosis will take effect!" 20
Hookin' Up   Touched! "Could this be the "first sight" type of love, or is it only the red thread of fate that connect these two love birdies?" 15
Love Struck   Original, resembles Running of the Bull's-eye from Touched! "Draw back the arrow to set your power, and then let go to send it flying. If you hit your target right in the heart, they might just fall in love...but with whom?" 15
On the Edge   Smooth Moves "You must trace the line and cut out the resulting shape. Eee he he! What a mysterious quest!" 15
Over the Hump   Original, resembles Air Male from Touched! "What is a camel-like creature without a hump? I do not know. I do know you can use this pump to restore this creature to its camel-like shape." 20
Pet Peeved   Touched! "Quickly pet the paws as they emerge from the temple. I wonder what those animals are doing in there." 25
Plant Food   Original, resembles Ramp It Up from Touched! "Mr. Plant seems thirsty. Connect the dots to make a path, and give the moon's tears to Mr. Plant." 20
The Proud, the Fuse   Touched! "The lighting of this bomb involves extending the fuse until it reaches a distant flame. If you run into a wall, our dreams of witnessing an explosive display will be dashed." 15
Separation Anxiety   Touched! "Follow the prompts, and divide items into two groups. Aliens are quite obsessive when it comes to research! This is a true-to-life reenactment of one such expiriment." 15
Sinking Feeling   Touched! "May the road ever rise to meet your vehicle! Should it fall short, you will need to visit a mechanic." 15
Snack Sucker   D.I.Y. "Monsters such as this love to munch on sweet kinds of things. Tap the nonsweets to prevent him from ingesting anything he might dislike." 20
Sneeze, Please!   Touched! "Pranks bring me such delight! Let us take a little piece of paper and tickle these animals with it. If they sneeze, we win the prank!" 15
Spirit Spot   D.I.Y. Showcase "Eek! A ghost walks among us! Perhaps the poltergeist will reveal itself with its reflection in the glass." 25
Stripy Sea   D.I.Y. Showcase "Find the animals hiding within the stripes. If you stare too long, your eyeballs go wobbly." 15
Sure, You Can   Smooth Moves "I believe the ninja is jumping in time with the beat! If you get on the beat too, I predict you will throw your shuriken with a higher degree of accuracy." 20
BOSS: Sneaky Snatcher   Original, based on Fruit from Game & Wario "Oh no! A thief has stolen one of your beloved belongings. Please use the clues in the picture to solve this 40 seconds." 8


Before "Speed Up" (4 in any order) After first "Speed Up" (6 in any order) After second "Speed Up" (6 in any order) Boss microgame
Hookin' Up Big Bang Birdcicle Sneaky Snatcher
Love Struck Family Reunion Breaking Up
Separation Anxiety Fruit Fans Character Development
Snack Sucker On the Edge Crypto Zoo
Spirit Spot Plant Food Goin' Loopy
Sure, You Can The Proud, the Fuse Over the Hump
Sinking Feeling Pet Peeved
Sneeze, Please! Stripy Sea


"Greetings. You've come upon the final stage of the Touch League. I am Orbulon. I am no Earth folk like you, but I still enjoy the savory delights of this planet. Mmm...delights. While they do not satiate hunger, my Fantasy-themed games will surely provide ample amusement."

"Greetings. Earth folk. My name is Orbulon. Alas, no burgers of ham were consumed...but my hammies and I shared a sweet pile of perfectly picked mushrooms. Mmm...fungus. Now enjoy my Fantasy games, though they are quite realistic to those with alien heritage." (second description)

Ultra League

Microgames introduced in this league are played alongside games from the previous sets. In the first two stages, the boss microgames are always played on the highest difficulty level. The themes are as follows:

Dancing Team

The Dancing Team consists of Dr. Crygor, Mona, Penny, Jimmy T, Kat, Ana, Young Cricket, Master Mantis, Mike, and Fronk. Their microgames are incorporated into the bundle along with Mike's and Fronk's. Their intermission stage consists of them on the dance floor as silhouettes on the top screen. The bottom screen displays the silhouette of the next game's developer. The number of lives is represented by disco balls. When the player wins a game, the dance floor is lighted up and the characters celebrate. When the player loses, the characters fall on their backs (current microgame's host included), and a disco ball drops. Boss microgames are automatically on level 3 and cycle in this order: Punch Out, Toilet Training, Top Notch, Nail Call, Basic Training, Pro Bowling.


"Jimmy T is back and ready to par-TAY! Up next we got the Ultra League. Get excited, 'cause we're gonna mix up the controls from the Mash, Twist, and Touch leagues! The Dancing Team's headin' over to Club Joe now with all their Sports and That's Life games... Fronk and Mike are going to be there too, and they got a few surprises up their sleeves. Ooooh yeaaah!"

"Yo! It's Jimmy! Thanks to you, Club Joe is the hottest spot in town. The Dancing Team's there all the time. Come check us out whenever you get a chance. We got all sorts of games, with Sports and That's Life themes. We got Mic and Pop-Up games too! All right..." (second description)

Potluck Gang

The Potluck Gang consists of Dribble, Spitz, 5-Volt, Ashley, Red, 18-Volt, 9-Volt, Orbulon, Mike, and Fronk. Their microgames are incorporated into the bundle along with Mike's and Fronk's. Their intermission stage consists of them playing a card game with a hidden card in the touch screen. The developer of the next game raises their hand when the card appears. The number of lives is represented by kabobs. When the player wins a microgame, everyone in the background cheers, and the card reveals the microgame's host. If the player loses, the screen gets dark, the characters fall on their backs, a kabob burns and drops, and the card reveals a mandrake. Boss microgames are automatically on level 3 and cycle in this order: One Hit Wonder, Crossing Guard, Sneaky Snatcher, Nose Dive, Super Mario Bros., Clawing for More.

The designs of the characters' cards are as follows:

  • Ashley - Purple card with magic patterns
  • 9-Volt - Blue card with + Control Pad patterns
  • Dribble - Red card with tire patterns
  • Orbulon - Pink card with space patterns
  • 5-Volt - Lime-green card with utensil patterns
  • 18-Volt - Yellow card with disc patterns
  • Mike - Orange card with gear patterns
  • Fronk - Green card with square patterns


"Come join me, 5-Volt, for an extra special second stage of the Ultra League! I'm throwing a barbecue, and everyone's going to bring their favorite food. 9-Volt and Fronk have been drooling since yesterday! Join the Potluck Gang for some special games too, including some from the Nintendo Classics and Fantasy genres."

"I'm 5-Volt, and I'd love to invite you to join me, the Potluck Gang, and a sasquatch or two for another barbecue! We've got all sorts of games, from Nintendo Classics to Fantasy themed. I even brought my camera so we can remember this day forever!" (second description)


Mike and Fronk have microgames that are exclusive to the Ultra League. The microgames are:


Mike's microgames are based around blowing on the microphone, like in WarioWare: Touched! They can be unlocked during the Ultra League stages, "Dancing Team" (Grape Aim, Make a Wish, and Thar He Blows) and "Potluck Gang" (Grape Aim, Hit the Gust, and Lung Capacity).

Name Image Origin Description Passing score
Grape Aim   Original, resembles Silent but Deadly from Touched! and I Hate Bananas from Twisted! "Shoot the grapes. With blow darts. Once the grapes are in the target. Blow with all your might." 15
Hit the Gust   Touched! "The mouse in the wind-powered car wants that cheese. Don't overshoot. Or he might get trapped." 25
Lung Capacity   Touched! "Imagine you are a trumpet. Blow one long note. The audience will inexplicably love it." 15
Make a Wish   Original "Blow away. The dandelion fluff. Do not be concerned if you see a butterfly. Just blow." 20
Thar He Blows   Twisted! "Continue to inflate this balloon. Until it pops. If you ran out of air. Take a breath. Recommence blowing." 15


Fronk's microgames are, like in WarioWare: Twisted!, shorter than regular ones (except Tread Carefully). Referred to as Pop-Up microgames, they can be unlocked during "Dancing Team" (Answering Machine, Feed on Fronk, and Vicious Veggies), "Potluck Gang" (The Claw, Fronk Fishing, and Sliding Doors), and "Wario Deluxe" (Tread Carefully).

Name Image Origin Description Control scheme Passing score
Answering Machine   Original "Pick up the phone right away when it rings. The correct phone, that is." "Touch" 25
The Claw   Mega Microgame$! "Stop the crane at just the right spot to pick up a mini Fronk. Aren't they so cute?" "Mash" 20
Feed on Fronk   Twisted! "Spin the dolphin to feed it, and remember, it can eat with only one side of its body. Hold on! It appears I'M the main course?!" "Twist" 15
Fronk Fishing   Twisted! "Want to know what it's like to control gravity? Just tilt your system, and watch what happens to the water's surface." "Twist" 15
Sliding Doors   Original "Let's not overcomplicate things. Slide to open and close the door." "Touch" 25
Tread Carefully   Touched! "Save the mini Fronks from a perilous fate by blowing into the mic, or doing nothing at all!" None
Vicious Veggies   Twisted! "Help me protect Earth from danger with a single punch. I told you I was more than just an apprentice..." "Mash" 20

Anything Goes

These microgames are themed after Wario, and can be unlocked during the last stage of the Ultra League, "Wario Deluxe". All of Wario's introduction microgames are bundled together and automatically on level 2. Much like in Mega Microgame$, the theme of Wario Deluxe's microgames is called Anything Goes. His intermission stage consists of him wearing the pot and floating away on a balloon basket. After 10 rounds are cleared, Wario Deluxe gains electric powers and zaps the screen before each microgame and hides the style hints, but only Wario's introduction microgames are played at this point. After four of these microgames are cleared, Lulu appears to pop most of the balloons with her arrows and start fighting with Wario Deluxe, and the style hints return. The number of lives is represented by gold bars. When the player wins a microgame, the crowd cheers and the screen gets brighter. If Lulu is on screen at the time, she gives two fingers up as well. If the player loses, the screen darkens, the crowd boos, and a gold bar is smashed. If Lulu is on screen at the time, she gets upset. When the boss is defeated, all the balloons pop, except for one which Lulu floats down on, and Wario Deluxe falls as a result. When the player reaches the bonus stage during subsequent playthroughs, Wario Deluxe and Lulu stop fighting and stare at the player with sparkles in Lulu's eyes. When the player completes the bonus stage, Wario Deluxe throws Lulu off of him with his electric powers and flies off in the balloon basket. When the player loses all their lives, a different "Game Over" tune is heard, and Wario Deluxe throws Lulu off of him if she is on-screen at the time. If the player continues on the first playthrough, Wario Deluxe will say “Oh! Don’t know when to quit?”, and Lulu jumps back on Wario if she was on-screen at the time. Unlike his normal counterpart, Wario Deluxe actually wants the player to lose.


Name Image Origin Description Control scheme Passing score
Bedside Manners   Smooth Moves "What's wrong with me? How should I know?! Use your stethoscope, and figure it out." "Touch" 20
Bite Marks   D.I.Y. (House Plant) "The WarioBot is nearly complete! All that's left to do is perfect his bite. Break up the bottom teeth and straighten this out." "Touch" 15
Bug Birdie   Mega Microgame$! "I woke up this morning in bug form! It bothered me at first, but then I realized I could roll these stinky balls into a hole. Worth it." "Mash" 15
Burying the Hatchet   Twisted! "I'm in a good mood today! Usually I can't stand this jerk, but I guess I'll be nice. Heh! Look at me taking the high road! I'm so much better than him..." "Twist" 20
The Crate Escape   Touched! "I want to climb to the top! If you think I'm gonna be the one to stack those blocks, you're nuts. Now get stackin'!" "Touch" 10
Cyclone Kick   Twisted! "Cricket's not the only one who knows kung fu! After one of my roundhouse kicks, these guys in black won't know what hit 'em. Twist strongly, and let 'em have it!" "Twist" 15
Down & Outie   Mega Microgame$ "HEY! Did this shirt shrink in the wash?! I don't want my belly getting chilly! Don't pull it too far down, or you'll owe me a new shirt!" "Mash" 15
Eating Contest   Twisted! "Spin my head so I can eat ALL the watermelon. ALL OF IT!" "Twist" 20
Eject Reject   D.I.Y. downloadable microgame "I got a job in a cake factory! Quality control's not my thing, so tell me when I gotta knock anything that's not a cake off the line. I don't wanna punch a cake! I'm a gentleman, after all." "Mash" 20
Finger Flex   D.I.Y. downloadable microgame "In my version of rock-paper-scissors, it's not cheating to play after seeing the other guy's hand, OK? All that matters is that I win!" "Touch" 15
Flip Out!   Twisted! "Any idiot can be a chef, including me! I just gotta flip the pancakes in the air and catch them with my skillet. Easy, right?" "Mash" 10
Happy Birthday   Twisted! "It's my birthday! I guess I gotta blow out the candles before I can start eating cake. So annoying..." "Twist"
Inch, Worm!   Twisted! "It's an inchworm Wario. Inch him forward to his goal!" "Twist" 25
Mug Shot   Mega Microgame$! "If you think you're so cool, watch this! I'll catch the next drink that slides down the counter." "Mash" 20
On Strike   Touched! "Strike the match against the box to light it. And do it fast if you want it to work! Wait... Now you want to blow it out? Then just blow on it!" "Touch"
Praise or Haze II   Mega Microgame$! "The only thing I love more than money is compliments. But don't let me get a big head, OK? This chip on my shoulder defines me!" "Mash" 15
Roll Model   Smooth Moves "What am I doing in a pipe, eh? None of your business! Just roll me out of the way of those things coming out of the ground, and we're good." "Twist" 20
Scrambled Egg   Touched! "Waaah! I'm spiiinnning...AGAIN! Press against the gear and put a stop to this!" "Touch" 15
Short Fuse   Touched! "Cut the right wire, or this whole place could go BOOM!" "Touch" 15
Tiptoe Titan   Twisted! "Hey! What are those strange, ant-like things down by my feet? Just don't let 'em touch me. Got it?" "Twist" 10
The Wave   Twisted! Stand and squat in time with the people around you to keep the wave goin'. Look how cooperative I'm being! Kinda weird, right?" "Mash" 20
Wario's Adventure   Mega Microgame$! (not originally a regular microgame) "Figure out the controls, and move past all the obstacles. I'll give you one hint, OK? "Red danger, green safe."" "Mash" 10
Wet Your Whistle   Smooth Moves "Ah, I'm thirsty! I don't care whats in this cup –– I'll drink anything that's liquid! But if you let me spill on myself, you'll be sorry!" "Twist" 15
Where's Wario   Touched! "Miss me? All you gotta do is spin the ball and find my face. And yes--that's me, too!" "Touch" 15
BOSS: Wario Dance Company   Original "Time to dance! Watch the dancers' movements, and then do the same thing. You're gonna use all the inputs: Mash, Twist, Touch, Blow...all of 'em! Stick to the beat!" "Mash"


Before "Speed Up" (6 microgames) After first "Speed Up" (4 microgames) When Wario hides the controls (4 microgames) When Lulu attacks Wario (4 microgames) After second "Speed Up" (6 microgames) Boss microgame
Bedside Manners (microgame 3 or 5) Bug Birdie (microgame 9) Busted! (microgame 11, 12, or 14) The Crate Escape (microgame 17) Bite Marks (microgame 19, 21, or 23) Wario Dance Company
Eject Reject (microgame 3 or 5) Cut to the Chase (microgame 7, 8, or 10) Eye Spy (microgame 13) Crazy Cars (microgame 15, 16, or 18) Burying the Hatchet (microgame 19, 21, or 23)
Finger Flex (microgame 3 or 5) Cyclone Kick (microgame 7, 8, or 10) Force Feeding (microgame 11, 12, or 14) Flip Out! (microgame 15, 16, or 18) Down & Outie (microgame 19, 21, or 23)
Focus Pocus (microgame 1, 2, 4, or 6) Eating Contest (microgame 7, 8, or 10) Loose Change (microgame 11, 12, or 14) Happy Birthday (microgame 15, 16, or 18) Scrambled Egg (microgame 20, 22, or 24)
Inch, Worm! (microgame 1, 2, 4, or 6) No Solicitors (microgame 7, 8, or 10) One-Liner (microgame 13) High Treeson (microgame 15, 16, or 18) Tiptoe Titan (microgame 20, 22, or 24)
Into the Sunset (microgame 1, 2, 4, or 6) On Strike (microgame 7, 8, or 10) Steel Chef (microgame 11, 12, or 14) Pumping Iron (microgame 15, 16, or 18) Wario's Adventure (microgame 20, 22, or 24)
Mug Shot (microgame 1, 2, 4, or 6) Praise or Haze II (microgame 9) Universal Marionette (microgame 11, 12, or 14) Roll Model (microgame 15, 16, or 18) The Wave (microgame 19, 21, or 23)
Short Fuse (microgame 1, 2, 4, or 6) Scratch and Match (microgame 7, 8, or 10) Wario Whirled (microgame 11, 12, or 14) Thanks a Latte (microgame 15, 16, or 18)
Super Wario Bros. (microgame 1, 2, 4, or 6) Tread Carefully (microgame 11, 12, or 14) Where's Wario (microgame 17)
Wet Your Whistle (microgame 1, 2, 4, or 6)


"What are YOU doing here?! Are you thinking you could beat ME? THE Wario?! Well, think again. The theme for this last stage is Anything Goes. That's right! You're about to see all kinds of crazy stuff! I'd pay attention if I were you. I'm not gonna make this easy!"

"What's this? Now you want to challenge Wario Deluxe? If you insist... Remember, Anything Goes in this stage. And the crazier I can make this, the better! I hope you like losing." (second description)

Demo microgames

The demo version of WarioWare Gold includes the three intro leagues from the full game, "Mash", "Twist", and "Touch", led by Wario as usual. However, the games in the demo version are collected from the various other leagues. Each of the three main leagues includes 6 microgames, same for the "Ultra" league that mixes all 18 microgames. Below is a list of microgames featured in the demo version, as well as where they appear in the full game:

Mash League Twist League Touch League



Microgames included in WarioWatch

The transition between microgames after winning the previous one.

Microgames that would have 8- or 16-beat time limits in all other modes in the game, have 28-beat time limits in WarioWatch.

Speeds below apply to the Normal WarioWatch modes. In "Close Shave", any standard microgames can be selected at any time whereas boss minigames are never played.

Speed Mash Twist Touch (Ultra only)
Speed 1
Speed 2
Speed 3
BOSS Punch Out (Jimmy T) Basic Training (Dr. Crygor) Pro Bowling (Young Cricket & Master Mantis)

Microgames included in Cruise Controls

The transition between microgames.
Difficulty level 1 (finish in 15-11 mi.)
15 mi. 14 mi. 13 mi. 12 mi. 11 mi.
Chicken Pinch Classic Clash Catterwall And the Winner is... Butterfingers
Gravitational Pull Lift & Shout Code Buster Arrow Space Crazy Cars
High Hoops Labyrinth Cover Up Mug Shot
Jumpin' Rope Long Lost Love Eating Out Picture Perfect
Mars Jars
Right of Way
Difficulty level 2 (finish in 10-6 mi.)
10 mi. 9 mi. 8 mi. 7 mi. 6 mi.
The Brush Off Balloon Fight Cavity Calamity The Claw Ballroom Basics
Diddly Squat The Frog Flap Find My Behind Vicious Veggies Busted!
I Came, I Saw Ice Climber Strength in Numbers The Legend of Zelda
Worm Squirm
Difficulty level 3 (finish in 5-1 mi.)
5 mi. 4 mi. 3 mi. 2 mi. 1 mi.
Big Drip 100 Meter Dash Eject Reject Body Block Dry Eye
City Surfer Munch a Bunch Eye Spy Ground Control Gold Digger
Extreme Patty-Cake Nighttime Allergies Parking Lot Problems Kitty Cover Hand Me Down
Rocky Reunion No Solicitors What's the Toadal? Manic Mechanic Stalled Out
The Wave Paddle Parade
Super Mario Kart


All 8-beat microgames can be picked, but none that are 4-beat, 16-beat or boss levels. This results in approximately 67 microgames being possible to get in Mash and approximately 193 microgames being possible to get in Ultra.


Microgames included in the Misc. console souvenirs

Crazy Cars being played on the Nintendo 3DS souvenir

Three microgames in the Mash League appear in the same hallway as All Mixed Up, except the lion is gray, the room is purple, it does not have a score counter, and it uses the same jingles as Dancing Team.

The microgame modes are started by pressing the power buttons on the souvenirs. For every three microgames played, the modes alternate between adding Speed Up and Level Up. Level Up retains the existing speed in contrast to the Story mode and All Mixed Up. When getting a Game Over, the souvenir will turn itself off. The order of when the microgames are selected is randomized.

The microgames are controlled with the souvenirs' on-screen   button, making them Mash games that are played with Touch controls. The modes cannot be paused with the souvenirs'   buttons or the Pause button of the physical 3DS.

Nintendo 3DS Nintendo 2DS Nintendo 3DS XL New Nintendo 3DS New Nintendo 3DS XL New Nintendo 2DS XL
100 Meter Dash Extreme Patty-Cake Big Drip Chicken Pinch Dry Eye Butterfingers
Crazy Cars Hand Me Down Wario Whirled Gold Digger Eject Reject Crack Down
Mug Shot Munch a Bunch What's the Toadal? Hover for Cover Ocarina of Time Rhythm Tweezers

Alarm Clocks

An Alarm Clock of a microgame host will ring at a specified time, requiring the player to win three microgames of their own. Lulu's Alarm Clock has the same microgames as Wario.